Forum Post: The Supreme Court Forces Corruption on Montana! My God!
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 21, 2012, 1:23 p.m. EST by HitGirl
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Montanas Supreme Court, in a courageous and patriotic decision, upheld the Corrupt Practices Act, a 99 year old State law that banned corporate spending on elections. Two days ago the US Supreme Court issued a stay of the Montana Supreme Court's December 30, 2011 decision.The US Supreme Court's stay order means that, for the first time in 100 years, corporations may make unlimited expenditures to buy politicians in the state's elections.
There will be a Flash Rally at the Supreme Court Thursday February 23rd.
The more who show up the better.
The Citizens United decision was the most toxic, corrupt, backwards decision the Supreme Court ever issued. Crooks in government put crooks in our Supreme Court to pass laws giving our country to the crooks! This cannot stand!
Hi HitGirl, Good post. Best Regards, Nevada
More proof (not that more was needed) that the Federal government doesn't give a f**k about the Constitution.
Because of Bush's Supreme Court appointments??
I hope OWS is represented there.
We need a constitutional amendment limiting campaign contributions by individuals and banning the Corrupt Practice of corporate campaign contributions. Non-profit organizations should not be allowed to comment on individual candidates and should have to list all donors if they make pronouncements in the public media about political issues.
Maybe we should find our next Supreme Court justice in Montana.
All good ideas!
The democrats will gain more seats on that decision.
I don't hear Republicans complaining or introducing legislation.
Dr Paul and his states rights mantra supports Montana. Many on this site equate this with racism. What say they now?
The good doctor has a point. This is what Ron Paul politics is all about!!!
Has he actually weighed in? What about his views on Citizens United decision?
Dunno. Citizens was a SCOTUS ruling, not a legislative action.
If you still believe any branch of the US government will somehow miraculously deliver the American people from their taskmasters, you might as well believe in the tooth fairy leaving money under your pillow.
The government, as it is, will only make matters worse.
The US is a big place and not everybody is as cynical as you. The courage and resolve of the Montana Supreme Court gives me great hope. They are part of the government too, aren't they? Are you one of those fools that think the private sector should be allowed to run roughshod over America?
As to your first question, yes. As to your second question, aside from the insults you cast so freely, no.
Well, I'm glad to hear it.