Forum Post: The state of the world.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 9:55 p.m. EST by EvolveFromGreed
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
People are starting to realise the unfair nature of the world we live in and are rebelling against it. A world of greed will never be sustainable.
The needs to make way for a more fair and equal world where living a happy life isn't dictated by your wage slip.
I always think of the south park episode where the aliens come with the "Space dollars" and how they see that we are not worthy of any interactions with other beings, if that were to happen in this age do any of you think we'd pass the test as a competent species capable of rational thought? I sure think not.
Imagine you were from a planet where your whole species worked together for the betterment of your species and your home planet. Then one day, your planets scientists see life on another planet and decide to go and have a look if they are worth befriending. So your species arrives at earth not knowing anything of greed, dishonesty, false intentions or hostility, would you want to even be associated with a species such as us?
A species that kills its own, a species that continues to harm their home planet even though they know the consequences, a species that is capable of so much good and yet consistently chooses personal gain over development and prosperity, a species that would rather eat an animal into extinction rather that protect the heritage of their world, a species that holds back on technological advances so they can capitalise on profit, a species that looks at skin colour as a determining factor of "race", a species that has the capabilities to free their entire planet from poverty but chooses not to because it would cost money.
Now people have had enough and are standing up and voicing what they see as unfair.
They want change in the way our leaders make decisions, every decision that is going to effect the people should be made by the people, not just because someone has the "Elected power" to do so, being an "Elected official" should only entitle that you are able to speak for the people, it shouldn't entitle you to change what you want and say "Its cool bro, they elected me, they obviously think whatever i do is correct, now hurry up and make the price for a litre of water $10".
They want change in how wealth is distributed, no longer should 1% of our species control the majority of our spending power. Or even change the way wealth is looked at in general, at the moment it is something like this: "Everything has a cost, you get a wage from the company you make money for, and from your wage slip you can work out what combination of food, clothes, tech, land, homes, cars and/or anything beneficial to your life are available to you ". It is insane! It should be something benefiting the people who would rather improve the quality of life for everyone and every life form on your planet not just their own.
In ten thousand years i truly hope we will have outgrown our ignorant ways. In history when looking back through all the era's that our planet has gone through from the Prehistoric to the Bronze age, if looking from a perspective where you aren't blinded by the evils of today i think the name in the text books that you'd find for our era would be "The Carcinogenic Age" due to the way we eat away at our own planet and civilisation with complete negligence. I hope they will be teaching our children about how uncivilised we were in this time, how we made steps to change, how we eventually started to see the errors we've made and how the honest, kind, smart people saw the world for what it was and made steps to improve life for everyone. But i hope most of all that they get a chance to learn how it happened, and for that, it has to happen.
If you see anything in the world that you do not like, or see a world that you wouldn't dare to think what it will be like for your children in the future now is your time to speak. At this moment in time all around the world people are standing up and speaking about what they see as wrong, there is no violence, only solid reasoning. And if as a species we are unable to reason with ourselves then we are truly fucked.
Wow...I feel like I just met my twin..
Lol i put a good few hours of thought into this! I'm glad you feel the same way dude :)
It's kinda sad because I've been thinking this way for such a long time, and have been put down left and right for my way of thinking, that I'm so tired of saying it over and over, and so tired of thinking it's impossible..or that I came to Earth too
You gave me inspiration again. Thank you. I truly appreciate your words, and they are all golden to me. Please don't lose your inspiration. I think that's what people who don't know any better want.
Have you read the Conversations with God trilogy?
Its nice to know my thoughts could have that effect on people, and im glad that other people have similar views. May i ask where you live in the world? I live in england and its very rare to find anyone with the type of reasoning i tend to use on subjects that i find important to benefiting the world.
Nope cant say ive read the Conversations with God trilogy sorry, what are they about?
I live in Miami, FL. Well, I always knew I'd have to go halfway around the world to find someone who thinks like me. Seems like we're in the same conundrum.
It's quite fine. Don't think you need to, anyways, since the whole book reflects your type of perspective :)
I've always thought that human nature was not inherently evil, but that that is just a survival instinct based on Fear. I think all the corruption in the world and the corruption in the human heart stems from pure Fear.
I see :)
Lol its looking like someone has actually copied my brain and put it in the head of an american!
I completely agree on how everything is a survival instinct brought on by fear. Constantly in the press and media all you see is rich people living happily and comfortable, while you see people who live in relative poverty shown to be in the struggle, Most of the mainstream rap over here is complete and utter rubbish and promotes nothing but sex, alcohol and money, even though the majority of the underground music speaks sense, the media constantly promotes anything that can be taxed, and due to them having the more money it is really hard to change public opinion cos they can do pretty much anything. If you are constantly shown these images of happy people with money and you know nothing of propaganda in the media surely your next train of thought would be to get some money, cos everyone wants to be happy right? And being poor isnt an option when everything costs money, its one big scare tactic if you ask me.
But obviously any money you make is also money for the government so i can see why it gets promoted constantly. Like even on popular reality T.V shows like X-Factor they ask the auditionees what job they have, i sit there thinking is that relevant to the quality of their singing?
Sometimes I think all of us who think alike should just make our own country -_-
Lol, same goes for you, Englishman!
You just described one way that the "1%" ensures that humanity is closely observed, regulated, and controlled. They want us subservient, speaking in hushed tones behind closed doors whenever we want to speak our heart, and scared to even step close to the "line".
I just sit here thinking, "Is this the world I'm supposed to be proud of?"
Sometimes i wonder if i was even meant to be born on this planet LUL
Me, too! Like my reincarnation hade a brain fart and I was sent to Earth instead of some other Highly Evolved Society. :(
But then I remind myself of the times as a child where I felt like I was being prepared for something important. And I remind myself that people on Earth like you and me might be here, right now, for an ulterior reason. Something beyond us. Until the time is appropriate.
I wish :D For now, we have sci-fi
Anyway its 4 in the morning, bed time i suppose! Nice talking with you :)
And books. Lol.
Hell yeah! Recharging the battery for which to fight The Man. Gnight. It was great talking with you as well. :D
Dude! you totally dismantled the theory of evolution in several wordy paragraphs. Darwin is turning in his grave. If the devouring of the 99% was natural, the OWS wouldn't be preaching Marxism as the new and improved and refined socialism, packaged in a swell house called Venus.
A little knowledge can be ever so enlightening.
Remember, scarcity is the mother of creativity.
People say that its not possible to live in a different way, but the native American Indians who were massacred and labelled savages, are a prime example of a peaceful non-violent people who lived for an age in what would be considered today as de-centeralized anarchist communities. They cherished their elders, their children and the earth we live on, and understood the interconnection of all things. To think that another way is not possible is a myth created by the men who invaded your country and took the land from its people. The wisdom and strength of those people is astonishing.
I agree with you in spirit but Native American tribes were in territorial wars with each other long before the "crackers" showed up their shores...
Exactly, past civilisations have succeeded, and yet even with the science and smarts we have now are unable to achieve such results?
Why not look to other living species for a model of how humans should behave fairly and copy that behavior? It would be easy to communicate to everyone what they'd need to do to make the world fair. Who ever heard of unfair or greedy animals or plants -- isn't it only humans who are that way? We have so many role models and they're all natural. Which one(s) should we mimic?
Exactly, any bet if you find a civilization out there more advanced than ours they would most likely be symbiotic with their planet, Once humanity steps over the threshold where we give as much or more back to the planet than we take from it then we can truly take a step forward as a species
You are correct it is an unfair world, laws and government have attempted to make it better but one thing you don't seem to understand; people are not basically good, they are basically evil. Without some sort of moral perspective without boundaries, many people will do whatever. As an example, a two year old was hit by two trucks in a city in southern china. Both of the trucks just kept going leaving the little girl bleeding on the side of the road. While she lay there, 18 people walked or biked by looking at her but none stopping to help. This was all caught on a security camera. Life, has become cheap, people are hard and uncaring.
Just like you I hope people will not be so ignorant, that this is an evil society. Why don't we start by halting the murder of over a million babies every year; remembering what God said long ago: "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land" 2 Chronicles 7:14
I am around people that think like you every day of my life and i disagree. IMO people are a product of their environment, having not lived in china i cannot comment on their situation but the way i'd look at that situation is, say you see a relatively clever creature that isnt human, say a monkey (Cannot use humans as an example because every human has felt some sort of government/higher authority in their life in some way) and they walk past a dead monkey baby just as they did you your example, a monkey wouldn't walk on, they would look to see what was wrong. Now say humans were to take a liking to how monkeys tasted and started implementing monkey harvesting farms much like how chickens are processed now, after a few generations of living in these conditions the monkeys wouldn't see death as something that is out of the ordinary because it would be all they know. Im not saying that death is all chinese people know but they must all know/feel something when they see a dying child and choose not to respond, but if oppression was all they knew and reacting to the child would only gain them problems and/or hassle from authorities, especially if the 14th person walking past had just seen 13 other people not react, being the first to witness a crime without any evidence is might lead you to be a suspect in china. Again im not sure how it works in that country. Im sure i have read something on this subject from a sociologist, look on google for an answer from a professional :)
Well you didn't quite get what I was trying to say but we can talk about chicken farms. Just because, I am a farmer. I grow pasture raised chicken, pork, beef and rabbit. My customers are mostly resturants. My chicken sells for $5.95/lb whole and I raise about 20,000 chickens each year. My birds are raised by hand go from brooders to the field at about 4 weeks. They have very little fat and actually taste like chicken. They are processed at 9 or 10 weeks, if I loose half a percent I am looking at what is going wrong. There is Tyson processor right down the road. He raises 80,000 every 8 weeks he processes his chickens at 7 weeks and after a week of cleaning starts over again with a new batch. His acceptable loss is 10%, 8000 birds almost half of what I produce every year.
Now, his product and mine are being sold at a local store. Mine will cost the consumer $8.95/lb his will be .$99/lb which one do you think sells more. I gurantee mine have no growth hormone or antibiotics, there is nothing I can do except keep going and know that someday his way of farming will emplode on itself, while mine provides good food at a price for myself and my family can live.
What you are trying to do is get people to spend $8.95 instead of $.99. It won't happen. Some will make that choice but it is still their choice.
Nice try.
Please expand on your comment
Instead of promoting hate, "Love thy enemy".
Did I promote hate?
"Why don't we start by halting the murder of over a million babies every year" That is definitely grounds for 'hate', but to continue to do that which we are fighting against is not gonna make it better...neither is treating people like lepers because of how evil they act. just confirms their belief in the evil-naturedness of humanity and doesnt give them an incentive to change that which they believe to be "ingrained" in them.
How is stopping the murder of the innocent hate? When someone is evil society does what it can to protect the innocent. There have been monsters throughout history who have killed thousands in order to protect their power such as Mao, Stalin, Che, etc. When confronted with evil I will, as I believe you will protect what is most important to me. My four children, three son-in-laws, three grandchildren and my wife of 30 years.
Show me any example of an animal doing something beyond serving itself. Only one I know of is man who is taught how to live within a society and makes choices to do "the right thing". More and more people are growing up without being taught their responsibilities within a community.
An example, yesterday my 17yo son and I were coming out of a store. There was an older couple in front of us with two 50/lb bags of cat food. As we walked out in to the parking lot my son went over to the woman and asked it he could help them load the heavy bags. That is not a natural response, it is learned and he made the choice that it was the right thing to do and makes me proud to sat that's my boy!
Sorry, I misread "halt" for "hate". Sorry to have wasted your time. That's my fail.
Well, I believe if the child can grow up with the wise elders of a community and be taught their life lessons through those older minds (notice how I said wise, not educated) then that's a good start. The problem is our child-bearers are forced to be our child-raisers. They are not even fully matured yet and they are being forced to take care of a life.
Thought just in! Why aren't any of these protests anywhere near the front page on youtube? Corporate bias?
This site called me a jerk and said i couldnt upload all of my thoughts, only what you see here :(
Original text:
of life for everyone and every life form on your planet not just their own.
all encompassing statements can be awkward
perhaps a transition by relationship of the environment humans live in
I believe that the move to renewable energies is a start! The sun provides more energy than we will ever need, once enough solar panels are put down it will diminish our dependance on oil. And oil is responsibly for the majority of murders worldwide so that's a start tbh.
maybe later
blankets of algae across the oceans could harvest the sun light
life grows exponentially so these island Lilly pads will spread themselfs
this algae could be used for food and fuel
Any combination of renewable energies to move away from burning fossil fuels is a help in the right direction.