Forum Post: The seed for the next republiclan / fox conspiracy
Posted 12 years ago on June 28, 2012, 5:12 p.m. EST by bensdad
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In scalia's dissent today, he referred t o Ginsberg's "dissent" eight times.
As if her "concurrent" decision was a dissent!
Does this mean that it originally WAS written as a dissent -
Lets see -
did Obama promise Roberts' wife an ambassadorship ?
a job at $1,000,000 / year ?
was a horse's head put in someone's bed ?
or just another "article 2 / take away your guns" conspiracy ?
fox - boehner - issa - ryan -
come on boys - what can you come up with ?
glad the court could at least say tax
Follow the money. All roads in DC end at teh money.
People tend to forget that the slime in the SCOTUS was appointed SLIMEBALLS!!