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Forum Post: The Scenario Of Martyrdom

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 12:03 a.m. EST by 1111observer1111 (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

To begin with Id like to say that I am against violent or illegal action by any protester. The purpose of this article is mearly as an observation and speculation on the part of past and potential events The shooting of the Iraq war veteran in Oakland has generated an outcry from the locality in which it took place. The veteran who was left in a near death state and labeled as one in "critical condition" and was later on confirmed as receiving a fractured skull and swelling of the brain. This incident taking place as protesters enmassed in an attempt to continue their protests was brought on by police trying to break up the group. Reports have indicated that the injury was caused by a gas canister that struck the veteran who had managed to serve two tours of duty in the desert wastelands of iraq yet only received severe injury when he arrived back in the so called "security" of the U.S. Now while all this took place and was reported in several media sources and asforsaid causing an uproar among those who witnessed the incident but the truth remains that it apparently was not enough to create a martyr significant enough to trigger a massive event. This movement is modeled after the arab spring movement which all stemed from a man who purposefully placed himself on fire for all to see and hear. He allowed himself to become a martyr in exchange for his own life. This movement, which was created from a seemingly unimportant event has spread form section to section in the middle east and even to the U.S as these protests are proof positive of. As abhorant as it may sound after considering this and past events it would seem that the only suitable martyr that would elicit a significant enough uproar from this country would be nothing less then the death of a child by an attacking police officer. If such an event in which case the child of a protesting occupyer was shot and killed as police attempted to break up occupyers then i believe this may in fact be one of the only incidents that could create any significant result in the way of motivating average americans to be in favor of the movement while directing them against police and the system in general. The conclusion of such an event would appear to be the deciding push that would do severe damage tot the current system and would bring the true majority of country together in order to legitamently change it to the desighn of the occupy movement. Again this is simply a musing on events that have taken place and is only a potential result of a potential incident as violence on both ends seem to be intensifying the longer the movement drags out.



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