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Forum Post: The Right of Freedom..!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 2:51 a.m. EST by MarcKnight (8)
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Written by: Marcus D. Knight

While freedom is a right given under the law of God and Creation, it is not a right always given freely by humankind. There will always be those who spiritual essence and very being become engulfed by the gluttony of power and wealth. These individuals will seek to obtain their power and wealth by any means, focusing primarily on the fear, servitude and ignorance of others.

For the questions you must ask yourself; Am I a slave to my own fears, and are these fears so great, that I will stand by and do nothing; allowing myself to become enslaved to those who seek to control my very existence? Shall I let them enslave and poison my family with their sadistic, self-centered ideals? Or, will I stand with conviction, suppressing my fears and hesitations; defending the virtues of goodness, of what is right; protecting those who cannot or will not out of fear speak for themselves, defending the freedoms and rights we all hold so dear?

It is better die free, fighting for what is right, for our beliefs, for the fundamental rights of all human beings. Giving our life, our death a purpose, a meaning that we can be proud of and content with; then to give up our freedom, in order to inevitably die as slaves, in servitude, groveling to the whims and perversions of the select few. Thereby giving one’s life, no purpose, no real meaning whatsoever.



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