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Forum Post: The Reign of Wall Street & Big Banking...!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 3:03 a.m. EST by MarcKnight (8)
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Written by; Marcus D. Knight

Tyranny did not die in the American Revolution; it is an ongoing battle that will never end until we the people decide to end its reign. In order to stamp out tyranny we must stomp out the ideals of greed in society and in ourselves. We must regulate our governments; limit the terms of reign of our political and judicial representatives. Destroy the essence of Wall Street’s power to manipulate the value of currencies and commodities; hindering its ability to maneuver its representatives into positions of governmental power within our governments. We must place Wall Street in its proper place as a legalized form of gambling, the world’s largest casino enterprise. Then, we must remove the power of the Federal Reserve from the hands of the world banks to end this reign of economical tyranny which keeps being enforced upon us like a plague. While the banks profit off our suffering and discreetly impress their wishes politically to create new forms of unified world currencies and markets, in order so that they may have the financial controlling power over all nations. We the people are the ones who are made to suffer and die.

Wall Street and the Federal Reserve promote the concept of Global Trade; while this is a nice concept in theory, it is not a practical one. While the World Banks and Wall Street rake in a large portions of wealth from this mystical concept. It is the people of the various nations involved in global trade that suffer. America has lost her industrial and manufacturing base, leaving her stripped and bleeding. Her economy has been raped and her people were misled into a fantasy idealistic belief of never ending growth and prosperity, which never really actually existed in the first place, except on paper. It was all built on an illusions promoted by Wall Street, Federal Reserve Banks, and those with powerful political influence with the primary goal to increase their wealth and political or social standings.



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