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Forum Post: The Real Issues

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 4:04 p.m. EST by HMSinnott (123)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

So glad to finally see that people have had enough of all this. I hope that we don't fall into the illusion that if we only elect the right people to the right positions, things will change. It's like expecting someone to stay healthy after being exposed in the sick ward.

The problem is that our political and economic system is broken and obsolete. We need basic constitutional reform where we can enact a parliamentary system with proportional representation so that all voices can be heard and we can create coalition governments to govern. This can only happen through a Constitutional Convention called by the states, since congress will never do it.

Our economic system as well is broken. We have given one class of employees in corporations (executives, and CEO's) unlimited power to set bonuses and compensation, and stockholders nowadays are mostly institutional investors that don;t care one iota about the communities the business operate or even our country. We need to decentralize power and create opportunities for entrepreneurs, since we do not oppose success or prosperity, only that it be achieved responsibly and justly. One way to do that is to create groups of people who are now unemployed or underemployed that have symbiotic talents and to fund their start up and to enact a repayment plan that can replenish the funds.



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[-] 1 points by kingearl (141) 12 years ago

Obamas' 2012 Finance Director is the son of BANK OF AMERICAS former CEO.... the guy who got us in this mess!!! Keeping it all in the Family