Forum Post: The Protest Is A Waste Of Time...agree?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 3:40 a.m. EST by realcarrera
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This protest is a huge waste of time. The people protesting should all get together and start being productive instead of wasting their time protesting for nothing. I don't like to say this but no $3 protest is going to change anything in Wall St. The most they can do is get annoying but that's about it. Too many of us folks are living very comfortably with internet, laptops, a/c, transportation, compound interest, good healthy food, lovely colognes...etc. The ones who complain are the ones that aren't at the top. What is the purpose of wasting your time protesting when you can be productive and apport something to society instead?
And trust me, I would revolt too but not at Wall St. but at the Govt. for being such nepotists.
Shouldn't this REALLY be titled:
I'm a sellout why aren't you?
working doesn't make you a sellout. It makes you successful and productive, especially when you work hard enough to get a job giving back to society.
Shouldn't you read the comments and read the opinions of the writer of this post before judgement? Mr. Comedian.
Let me summarize your post
"My life is cushy so I don't give a fuck what is happening to other people."
I have a job, I have cologne, and I'm currently on my lap top watching tv.
You think these people aren't protesting the government? They are. They're just killing two birds with one stone fool. It's called being practical.
I fully support this movement. The job market sucks and corruption is taking it's toll on society.
Is that illegal?
From what I've seen, most of the people here are working, and get involved in activism as well. I think some outsiders just like to come here sometimes, under the mistaken assumption of being "holier then thou", and thinking that they are the only ones who have ever had a job.
And you may be living comfortably for now, but that doesn't mean that you or your children, or your grandchildren will as well, unless you are willing to fight for yourself, and for them, like people here are trying to do.
You know the old saying from Nazi Germany - "first they came for the communists and nobody helped them, then they came for the Jews and nobody helped them, finally, they came for me and..."
And all it may be that "comes for you" is an economy that continues to destroy itself until the US is at the level of some other third world banana republic, in which there are only a vast number of poor, and a tiny fraction of wealthy people. Is that what you want us to allow America to be turned into, by not doing anything about it?
Also, there is the threat of major war if this goes on. As you know, the last time we had a financial crisis of this magnitude, the Great Depression, it resulted in WWII. If that happens again, WWIII will be nuclear, and will probably upset your pleasant life quite a bit.
Think of what its like when you just lose your internet for a while. If you were unlucky enough to survive a nuclear war, all the infrastructure would be gone and you'd be living in the middle ages once again.
sadly even though I agree with the occupy movement and those who see the problems within out own Government and profit from war etc. Protesting isn't going to change anything, it continually gets worse, because the Rich 1% Want it that way. Consider this...what if the founders gathered in groups carrying signs, we would never have won the Revolution, signs won't do the trick. sadly Now for those Prying Eyes of Big Brother, I am in no way shape or form advocating a physical revolution, but should one begin you will find me on the opposition, meanwhile I will sit on the side lines and watch the world go to hell.
Yep - Until the movement has ONE leader with ONE issue it's just noise and ranting by a mob.
Until the noise ranting mob picks up some torches and pitchforks, they'll always be just a noise ranting mob.
Yep - Until the movement has ONE leader with ONE issue it's just noise and ranting by a mob.
Translation: I'm comfy, my life is fine, I ignore things that are systemically wrong because I like stuff and stuff distracts me and I don't have to think about things. So I don't. I don't actually do anything about things I know are wrong and no one else should bother...
Yes, that is the basic translation. Extended version: "I feel personally threatened by the suggestion that my own comfort isn't indicative of the state of the rest of the country."
Quite. Its late, but that is much better. I've been typing all damn day.
Promoting the shit out this...
in different places.
I think about many many many things. I do many many many things...intelligently. Not shamefully. Protesting outside is a thing of the 70's. BOYCOTTING, SELF SUFFICIENCY are more modern forms of protest. Be smart for a second. The same tents and materials used for protesting are probably donated by orgs who bought them at Walmart (or some other capitalist entity). In theory, it benefited Wall St. Therefore, to protest people need to hit Wall St. where it hurts and that is. Stop paying for the mortgages, stop consuming products from chain stores, stop pumping gas, stop wearing brand clothing, stop using cell phones, basically stop doing everything that makes money for Wall St. Example: I'm pretty sure that people there are using their shiny iPhones to post the instant Tweets. iPhones are a produc from a corporation that's publicly traded. That's good for AT&T, TMobile, Verizon and guess who else.....? WALL ST!
You clearly know nothing about what the corporate state is, how it works or how it is to be addressed. These protests are a statement. Much more than the phony "vote with your dollar" line pushed by the very think tanks and public relations firms on behalf of the very people who brought this country to its knees. Wall Street did not make the tents, or iphones or cell providers, the companies did. They produce actual products. Wall Street investment firms, after winning deregulation and insider appointments for their top boys, sold artificial and theoretical products which they knew would wreak havoc on the economy whilst making handfuls of people very very rich.
They then turn around and continue to buy our government out before we've even had a chance to vote. So enjoy your cars, colognes and nonsense material pleasures if you will and pretend that your private consumer activism will ever have effect. It wont, but if it helps you sleep at night, enjoy.
I don't have fast cars, colognes or any other nonsensical material pleasures. We all apport to capitalism one way or the other indirectly. Unless you build your own house with your own wood and engineer your own paint, make your own brushes, go to the lake and haul water or build your own pipeline with you own PVC made from your self-built factory and self built materials....the list goes on and on. It's inevitable unless we plan on living a feudal lifestyle.
The point is that this is not about "capitalism versus socialism" or any other such reductionist, antiquated nonsense. Its about addressing and correcting the problems brought about by orthodox corporate capitalism and its influences on our government. The fact that your either don't understand it, don't see it, or don't care about it says a lot about your sense of civic virtue, not to mention your basic outlook on the world in general.
So unrealistic. Address what problem!? The system we live, eat and breathe in is the problem. Open your eyes and quit being so systematical. I perfectly understand everything about the system I live in and the only solution is a full fledge revolution against a FAILED SYSTEM. Don't try to be legislative about the process of change. Unfortunately, more people are for the system than those who aren't.
I'm obviously not going to explain EXACTLY want I mean when I say system. Since my expectation is that everyone reading my words perfectly understands what is the true nature of the problem. It isn't about addressing problems it's about addressing the link that brought upon these problems you speak of. The government and Wall St. are brother and sister. The politicians will not surrender their comfortable positions of power due to "their hands being tied." That is always the story. We've been voting for people who claim to bring us change and it only gets worse. Doesn't that ring a bell?
If corporate goods can help us conquer them, I'm fine with using them.
You're not the first to make the hippie comparison, but such generalizations aren't indicative of anything but a prejudice of the speaker.
Boycotting is great if you can get enough people to do it, which has been tried. This more physical movement started because people got tired of waiting for armchair activism to work.
You are correct. Protesting without real action does nothing. I can hear them laughing in their offices on Wall Street. We're all in for the screw, and its only a matter of time before we little folk all loose our lap tops, internet, cushy heater (its winter time), comfy car, organic food, and all that other fun good life stuff.
The real problem is the politicos in charge are not listening.
Its time to bring out the torches and pitchforks. Then maybe some might start listening. It we can't even do that, then we truly are all collectively screwed.
Politicos arent listening yet. We will make them listen with this plan.
With all respect, but it looks like just more paper work to me.
There already is a time tested proven method for dealing with these sorts of things; torches and pitchforks. If we as a people don't have the balls for that, then hey we deserve what we are getting from the ruling junta.
I completely get the mad as hell part.
We have the right to remain silent and be poisoned in food, water, air
Or droned
Check out this company out of Oregon; "Domestic Drone Countermeasures." It sells technology which individuals can buy which neutralizes any drones which might be flying overhead (or so they say.)
I wouldn't spend money on that yet
Department of Homeland Security within the United States to keep an eye on “we the people.”
On the heels of the “Occupy” protests, the Seattle police department became one of the first 50 agencies in the country to be granted permission from the federal government to start using drones. After a Public Safety, Civil Rights and Technology Committee hearing in Seattle (held the night of Feb 7), where residents raised concern over the Seattle Police Departments attempt to use surveillance drones, the program was successfully killed.
Boeing, Democrats Kill Anti-Drone Bill In Washington State
Soon to be a booming black-market business?
Oh, this is over the counter. Totally legit. At least for right now.
Uh huh
BTW - must be real prime stuff if they have not been shut down already.
The flaw in your argument is that there have been so many who haven't been at the top for years now, but for some reason, the people have decided that "Enough is Enough". Do you not believe that the TEA party had an impact? Did you tell them that they were a $3 movement and that they should pack it in and bury their heads in the sand? I don't think so, because I can only imagine that your words of wisdom would have indeed caused them to drop their signs and move right back into their mother's living room to go back into the stupor you're suggestion we return to. If this movement is so inconsequential, why are you wasting your time writing in this forum?
I cannot support your cause!! I will NOT march with you... Not until you target the real culprits. A cash-addicted Congress who bows to big business and lawyers. Wouldn't it be nice if those gentlemen in Washington had the same pension and healthcare benefits as us. Let's get rid of the career politicians and make way for some patriots. It is THEN, me and 10,000,000 more will come march with you.
The efficacy of protest. I struggle to answer the same question...OK we're making lots of what? While OWS knows that in our current system, officials need to be elected to effect change, they also know that something fundamental has got to change. They don't feel that they are being listened to and so a public display of a better process sends a much clearer message to elected officials. You can see this in the way the general assembly of OWS is run, delegating responsibilities and making decisions on how to spend the donated money only after there is a consensus. Also, by getting out and "participating" in Democracy during a time when there is not an election, it is also sending a message that there are objections to the notion that the vote is the only way to show political intent. (coupled with the fact that the vote is wasted since there are no good options). As for the's clearly symbolic that it's occurring at the location(s) which are the places where "money talks".
It's about more than's about a lifestyle choice. Today, Americans from all walks of life are having their very livelihoods threatened. Coming out to live as one feels they should is a way of saying "I will not go gentle into that good night!". It's a more drastic form of protest of the type akin to what Thoreau did in "Walden". To make a statement with intent, bodily presence and to put so much on the line just by being a part of something which holds a promise for tomorrow is in and of itself a noble and pure action. Contrary to popular opinion, this movement is not nebulous or disorganized in its intent. It is pure and crystalline in that these citizens know that they want something very different from what they currently have. They want to have a say in the decision making process which affects them and all else around them. And they are pure in their intent that they will not be dismissed simply because they hold a different viewpoint.
No, it most definately is not. Please, do not lose hope. Take a moment to support the occupation movement and its artists, it is worth it.
Obviously got your attention.....and mine.
unemployment left me with so much time to waste
I agree - barking up the wrong tree. Corporations (Wall Street) aren't even supposed to report to citizens (other than they're shareholders). At least in theory our government is supposed to report to "We the People". It should be OC (Occupy Congress)
I agree that protesting -- alone -- has limits to its effectiveness, which is why what we most immediately need is a comprehensive strategy, and related candidate, that implements all our demands at the same time, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management System of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves. Consequently, I have posted a 1-page Summary of the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:
if you want to be 1 of 100,000 people needed to support a Presidential Candidate – such as myself or another you'd like to draft – at in support of the above bank-focused platform.
How we be productive if the actions of a few prevent us from fulfilling our purpose?
The protests have already awakened the world. As they go on, people realize this isn't a joke. So yeah, the protest does have a point. Without the protest, you probably wouldn't be here.
And yeah, the protest really is about DC. The protestors are actually smart and know that wall st is a symbolic location.
How about some symbolic torches and pitchforks at the next symbolic protest?
Vehemently Disagree. This protest is the productive manifestation of what this country needs: A group of younger generation individuals providing fresh arguments about why the system is fundamentally unfair. This movement is still in its infancy. If we do things right, this movement will change the way America operates.
Middle-aged executives don't care about young people protesting. It's brave, radical, cool...and (unfortunately) a joke (to them).
Their salaries are huge (thanks to our system) and that's all they care about.
Although that is true, politicians can be made to care. Collective action, like these occupations, can lead to a change in the political process. Wall street won't change itself. The government has to be forced to change wall street.
The government (officials) directly benefit from Wall St. and unless we kick the Wall St. allies out of the political system in our government, then there is little reason to protest (especially in Wall St.).
The politicians make money out of passing bills for their comrades in NYC. They obviously don't receive a check but they are definitely being motivated by something green.
I understand what you are saying, but one thing corporations cannot supply to politicians: VOTES. More important than money for politicians, is that they get re-elected. If you vote the right politicians out of office, then you send the other politicians a message that enough is enough: and they listen.
Here, you are correct.
Protests are not meant to FORCE change by coercion. They are meant to change the political and social atmosphere. Protests - whether on Wall St., or in DC - will not directly force the hands of Congress or banks. But they will awaken the people to an idea they already know: that Something is Wrong. And the more people who are aware - even if they do not join the protests physically - the more the government and the market will have to respond.
Respond by doing what?! Newsflash, a few people protesting in the streets isn't making a dent in the way Wall St. and the government function. Protesting is cool and radical but not extreme enough.
Newsflash: the Tea Party has already changed the way government functions in just over two years. If they were smart enough to focus their efforts on systemic change rather than just clamoring for retrograde policy, we'd be in deep shit and swimming. Do you people not understand how shockingly quick that is? Is that the new timetable for political change? The Civil Rights movement took over a decade. Women's suffrage took two years just to get the states to ratify Congress' amendment.
Not "extreme" enough? It's like kids playing at government. I understand that there are people who just aren't cut out for this kind of thing, who take life in 30 minute bites and can't chew any longer than that, but I really hope the vast majority of Occupy isn't like that. I hope at least some of them are looking to commit to the work.
the big wig already made up their minds already..Protesting is good but the people in power is doing what they want to do ...unless there is an change with-in the power structure there is little protesting will get done ...
You seem not to understand the principle behind a protest.
The purpose is letting the world know that there is something wrong. This in turn creates discussion, which in turn make people think And thinking is the only hope for democracy.
Again. The vote of a fool have as much weight as the vote of the informed. When there are more fools than informed, the result of democracy is foolishness. Only by having a majority that understand the problems of the country a wise election can take place.
An election isn't going to change anything. CAPITALISM IS THE PROBLEM. "Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit, usually in competitive markets. (Wikipedia)"
As long as there is a boss, there will always be disparity.
Why then take the time to post on a forum devoted to the protests?
Methinks you protesteth too much.
"What is the purpose of wasting your time protesting when you can be productive and apport something to society instead?"
If what you mean with that is getting a job and earning money to have a nice life than I must say that this has nothing to do with being productive. Because a big part of the jobs exists just for making money and not for producing any value for the society. I am a computer engineer and since and in the 5+ years since I made my degree nothing I have worked for did make any sense in terms of "be productive and apport something to society instead". My first job was in advertising business "selling clicks in the internet" and the second job is about producing software for the banking business, which itself is only about shifting virtual values around and leeching money for nothing.
So the protest is anything but a waste of time. A waste of time is what most of the working people are doing the whole day! Did you ask yourself the question what you are contributing to the society with your work?
I happen to have a meaningful job educating the impoverished youth in my struggling city. Maybe if people focus on educating themselves and not sleeping in the streets at a festival/protest they would also have meaningful jobs that contribute to a better world and society.
By being productive I intend to say. Learn how to do something productive for society. Money is not productivity, but the progress of society as a whole is. Protesting is not productive in these ages. It is worthless unless there are guns and deaths involved. Unless they really believe in those ideals and are willing to shed their lives like the people in Libya.
The problem is, we've become too lazy as a society. No one wants to learn how to harvest food in order to feed themselves, no one wants to do the hard work. Therefore we only have two choices really...and those are: 1) We adapt to the system and exploit it's fruits legally or illegally until the system collapses upon itself or 2) EVERYONE fights for the benefit of 99% of the population...with our lives as collateral to send a strong message to the people who are ruining the lives of the majority.
That's it. There's no "50% suffer and 50% don't suffer." Either the majority suffers, or the majority benefits.
"It is worthless unless there are guns and deaths involved."
Wow! That´s tough. How do you get such an opinion?
Yes, there were victims in lybia and most likely there will be lives lost in the process of changing our system. But I´m convinced that it is not impossible to bring change without waiting for the total collapse of the system. The only question is if enough people see the problems and have the will to do something.
I am also convinced that there are people who WANT to know/learn how to grow food. And there are people who know how to give them the tools to grow enough food for all of us and who want to develop and produce those tools. We just have to do it. The possibilities are there today.
No one wants to risk his life for killing terrorists in Afghanistan, that´s why your military developed remote controlled drones to do the job. The same is possible for growing and harvesting food and for most other tasks that noone wants to do.
We could have a heaven on earth if we would use our knowledge and technology to improve our lives - the life of every single man on earth, not just of a handful.
Newsflash: The protest is in Washington too. And 150 other cities around the country. It's everywhere. Including Texas, Idaho, and even Hawaii. People everywhere are sick of a government run by the rich, for the rich.
realcarrera - Support your people. You say the protest is a waste of time - Well you are protesting against the protestors right now. Which seems to me not only like an even bigger waste of time, but also that you are siding with the oppressors. If you have better ideas to bring about change then say it and start doing them right now. Otherwise, don't criticize myself and the people like me who are getting up and actually doing something - risking being beaten and pepper sprayed to stand up for what is right.
I tend to think that the protests themselves aren't going to change a lot. I honestly don't see anything changing until we really hit them where it hurts; their wallets. I DO feel this is a good START, and a good way to work out EXACTLY what all we want. once we have this figured out, time for a general strike. all non essential workers just stop working and shut down the economy. we issue our demands (such as an end to corporate personhood, abolishment of the federal reserve system, a fair tax code, healthcare options that cover all Americans, etc...) and make it unequivocally clear we will not go back to work until ALL our demands are met.
we would not be having this discussions san protests
Then you guys better get marching to Washington and stop wasting your time in Liberty Sq. I'm serious. See if you can start telling people to rally if you guys really want something to change. This isn't Egypt or Lybia where the world is going to stop moving over protest but it will definitely bring more attention. Because you guys know that people watching the news are thinking you guys are just doing this for attention? No one is taking you guys seriously much less Wall St. I respect your courage to protest but Wall St. Is too comfortable in their offices and luxury condos to actually give a shit about any of you.
Most protests start with people not taking it seriously. That shouldn't worry anyone. The movement is gradually growing. These things take time. Expecting a protest to be obviously "working" immediately is just silly.
occupy protests across USA (and a few in Canada too) this thing IS growing!
It isn't about it working immediately. It's about people not going to freeze their butts off in the cold protesting to Wall St. when their kids are hungry and they need to pay their rent and their bills. Be realistic man. More people have responsibilities than those that don't. We live in a system and stuff ain't free unfortunately.
From what I have seen the majority of people protesting are students and not people with starving children. I happen to work in a field where I am closely working with parents of starving children who are at their jobs, not protesting. If the purpose of the protests is to represent those people who cannot support their family despite trying to work, then great! If it is something to do for lazy twenty-somethings looking for a reason not to go to school or work than bllllagggh.
Stuff is free under the right circumstances. Stop living a modern life filled with conveniences. Go back to the old days when you had to grow your own food, raise animals for your needs and wants, barter / trade with your neighbors, become self-reliant because ultimately it is up to you to make sure you are taken care of. Don't take welfare / handouts from anyone. Fetch your own water. Build your own shelter. Sew your own clothes. Aren't there any decent hippy farm communes anymore?
I hear there's one popping up on Wall Street:)
Even in the framework you suggested, the protest does have a fairly outsize effect. We don't need everyone who feels the way we do to go live on a mattress in Zucotti Park. Hell, I'm posting this from the Walker Memorial Building at MIT (where I'm currently enrolled and plan to stay). The thing is that those who are actually physically involved in the protest serve as a centrifuge of ideas and policies and a focal point of communication for sympathizers who might never have otherwise compared notes and developed a common agenda. The protesters themselves may not tip the country's politics in their favor, but if this gets big enough I guarantee you us sympathizers will.
Leader lead, sympathizers sympathize, protestors protest and revolutionaries revolt. Each one without connections to each other. THe only connection is The leader and the revolutionaries.
You're suggesting that the people protesting have children and other responsibilities they're neglecting? What's your evidence of that?
Also it's actually been warm in NYC in recent days.
If you're suggesting people shouldn't go out and protest if they have kids, there are actually a lot of people who bring their kids along. They're welcome too.
Better folk than you have come along trying to blame the protesters for shirking personal responsibility in favor of pointing at external factors. If you'd like to go through it again please proceed.
Listen. Before You say anything else. I'm at the bottom of the food chain too. But I'm not dreaming like you guys are. I'm being realistic. It's "mad cool" to revolt and protest against the system. "heck yeah!" but no one is going to give a damn about some peaceful protestors. You guys need to intimidate this system. Once I see that then maybe I'll join too. It's too safe, too loving, to peaceful. Not enough havoc and chaos to actually call for attention. Again, I'm at THE BOTTOM OF THE CHAIN, so please ask before you assume anything. In the post I mentioned "us" as in America. Or aren't we America?
"It's 'mad cool' to revolt and protest against the system. 'heck yeah!'"
Another baseless generalization. You're suggesting we're out there just 'cause it's fun. Your evidence is nothing but your own preconception; an assumption. You know what they say about people who assume, right?
The intimidation comes from the numbers, and the numbers are growing because of the in-person protests. The numbers make noise and allow us to unite in doing other things, like move money out of large financial institutions that fund campaigns and so forth.
If you don't want to help the numbers til they're already large enough to satisfy your minimum for a "successful" movement, that's fine. We'll hold our breath for you.
My friend I am not against you nor against the cause of this protest (which is abstract).
Every ideal is very beautiful and inspiring in theory but in practice it is incalculable. Why is it incalculable? Because many inconsequential factors must be considered. The only real solution to this situation is to collapse the system entirely from the inside out, we all suffer for a number of years to due to the turbulence in our nation's economy and then we slowly rebuild a new society with a stronger sense of morality. This will not be easy to endure, yet, it is the only real solution to collapse a nation that has strived on capitalism since "The Wealth Of Nations."
Don't dream man, think, act.
You're dreaming.
Boycotts have been tried. The practical thing to do is try something else, not plod along and keep doing the same things that keep failing.
Who is the leader? Appoint a leader please and you'll see this protest take a radical turn. Trust me.
One voice. One mission. One Leader...and a mass amount of people behind him or her. That's a revolution. Not an angry mob of broken spirits.
People with broken spirits don't gather for protests.
Leaders are great if you can find the right one, sometimes. We're doing fine so far without one, with the exception of attracting people who demand some concise slogan to rally behind. Maybe that'll happen, maybe it won't. I'm fine if it doesn't.
How about personal hygiene? How about respecting the laws that prohibit people from camping out in the parks? Or littering? Or shitting on police cars? A good hose down is needed here. Perhaps one that is blended with soap to relieve the troubled nostrils of all that have to bear the stench of filthy hippies.
The hippie generalization never gets old.
I agree.
...and you're a moron.
Coming from the likes of you that is a self-qualified assessment.
I'm basing my assessment on your baseless generalization. You're basing yours on... your baseless generalization. Ergo you're a moron. Don't feel too bad, there are lots of you who like to show up and be morons.
Aw you're just sweet on me. That's what happens to you hippy types. You see a person who has a job, and a place of their own, someone who bathes regularly and get to thinkin' you can worm your way into our lives with your lovey dovey talk. Such a bad girl.
I've got a job, food, shelter, health insurance, a family, and a nice microwave oven. You angry loners trolling for attention need to realize that love is just around the corner -- you just need to go out and find it.
Ah then you have all the luxuries of a modern milk maid. Angry? Moi? Who's the one that is marching all over people's property and threatening to take over the country if they don't get their own way? That is the gist of things right now. Raise your fist high in solidarity for the communist empire. All Hail Obama, emperor!
"threatening to take over the country if they don't get their own way"
Most any protest could be obscured that way, if one were so inclined to put it down. You'll have to do better than that.
And yes, you are angry. We're angry too, but you're also sad and lonely. Very sad. I'm so sorry your life turned out this way.
aww shucks you always was a sweet talker. Goin' out of yer way to make sure that others feel as badly as you do with those flowery lips of yours.
Kisses and gonorrhea
One of us entered the dealings of a group in order to provoke its members. That's what one does when they seek to spread their own depression around. And it sure wasn't me.
I really hope things get better for you. I really do.
"And trust me, I would revolt too .. but at the Govt. for being such nepotists."
That's basically what we're doing, only we're attacking those who are the source of the nepotism. You can't be a nepotist unless you've gotten something from someone.
It's funny how you end a rant against the protest with a statement that basically says you believe in it but we're just doing it in the wrong place. That's been said before, and I say if you believe that, more power to you -- go protest in Washington. It'll inevitably end up there, too.
I just don't think that people are fully acquainted with the notion that 2005 to 2007 were bubble years that will never come back again whether or not we have a free market system or a socialist system, and its got nothing to do with laziness. The next few years should change the minds of a lot of people.
obvious troll is obvious.
to get serious requires a few things they don't have. like chat admins who aren't ego serving propaganda tools, a wiki, 1001 sub forums, an actual game plan, a straight up political platform... you know.. basic organizational things sane people do BEFORE protesting.. like figure out a diplomacy and logic centered metaprocess to give their chatadmins so that they don't really just drive out even more people than the trolls. Adminatrolla. trollaAdmin. Whats the difference to somebody whos got the truth facing a propaganda tool abusing admin powers to push their agenda? how can you prevent such a thing? Metaprocess. did i mention metaprocess? and science diplomacy science psychology science sociology and all those textbooks to read B4 protesting?
you can't have capitalism without a free(SLAVE) market. but you can have a free market without capitalism. And thats strangely the only way it CAN work.
Marketing 101 was fascinating. I admit thats a lot less than a bachelors but its sure more than enough to see whats really going on given the other things I know. Capitalism is not the problem since it does not exist. corporate oligarchy is the problem. capitalism has never been tried. I am a democracy guy. in order for real democracy to function a free market system is required. Thats not capitalism. thats a free market system. there is a subtle difference there which most people would miss. I will again repeat. Neither capitalism nor marxism nor communism nor socialism has ever existed. All of those governments were oligarchy pretending to be something as a con scam. Telling that simple truth gets one banned out of the Chat by either a capitalist or a socialist whos pissed you just said their pet ideology isn't real. It isn't. anybody who thinks that it is is accidentally playing for team corporate oligarchy as a tool. the ONLY system worth talking about is DEMOCRACY. how democracy HANDLES a FREE MARKET system is dynamic and interesting and NOT capitalism.
o. yes. no. yes. what? making change is not reliant on changing the money system one tenth as much as it is on changing the informational ecology. Going to a gold standard as an idea is a proof of ignorance, not a solution. Really the end game is we evolve out of money. To do that we evolve first new currencies and new economic strategies. this leads to economic singularity in about 50 years. If everyone is a millionaire how much you get depends on exactly the material valuation of that money. Which is to say that by the time money becomes obsolete everyone will live like the current millionaire. Tangible items to other tangible items? the real economy is about ideas, change the ideas and everything changes. the problem with the tangible economy is it does not change; its a static reality. you can't make a meaningful gold standard with only enough gold to represent on millionth of the economy. You can make a purely imaginal money system work; but it has to be subject to moral and ethical laws. This is about pinning down those moral and ethical laws and implementing them in new currencies; not trying to imagine a control freak impossible non solution because of the simplicity with which you go about thinking over the problem.
once again. there has never been a socialist or capitalist economy. in all instances such nations were oligarchies. using a mask and a con scam and telling their dupes and pwns that they were something other than oligarchy. the big hump to get over is that the USA oligarchy and the Soviet oligarchy are in on this lie against the rest of us TOGETHER. Neither of them was ever anything other than an oligarchy. both claimed some other system in order to have US fight over the ideals of THAT system while they secretly shafted us all playing a completely different game.