Forum Post: The OWS Handbook.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 2:06 p.m. EST by Occupy1Percent
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Please read this book. It should become the bible for OWS. The author explicitly calls out those responsible for America's financial crisis and offers a 12-step process to get us back on the right track. Here is the link to get from Amazon.
Book defines TARP as Taxpayers Accosted, Raped, & Pillaged. Classic.
Shear genius. I give this book high marks.
That's the 1. Started the movement.
Believe it.
One of the only books to truly give an unbiased timeline of events and solutions to our financial turmoil. #wildfire
Very true and very accurate. have read.
Lets catapult this book to bestseller status! It will force others to read and get our message out. It really is one of the best yet.
I'm with you jmc. Am trying my best to get the word out.
You think the Author will share his wealth once you make his book a best seller?
I saw the author on MSNBC in January. He does not make a penny from this book. He is donating all proceeds to charity. So Yes I believe he is sharing the wealth.
is he is donating the proceeds to charity, then all he's probably interested in is covering his costs.
If true, then he should make the book available for free on the internet.
The more folks who read the book sooner rather than later, online and free, then the quicket changes will take place, right..??
8 bucks is pretty close to free. look at is as getting a free book and donating $8 to charity right?
Ah, that was before you all decided to make him a best seller. But I'm not here to rain on your delusions. By all means make Mr. Srote rich and help that corporate greed monger Amazon in the process.
baffled is probably right. too bad the author doesn't just send all profits to baffled so he can upgrade his tent. this guy wrote a book that we all could benefit from reading. lets contact the author and see if he will agree to give his profits to baffled instead of charity and maybe amazon will kick in a share too.
He should have called this book The Party is Over. The democratic party, the republican party and the high dollar rock star parties the CEO's had with our bailout money. Even buying Super Bowl commercials to promote their products with our cash. Hoodlums.
U can say that again. PUNKS is what they are.
i hear u. party is over!!!!!!
Our own party has just begun.
(510) 238-3141 Call Oakland Mayor Jean Quan and express your thoughts
510-777-3333 Call Oakland Chief of Police Howard Jordan and express your thoughts.
It's after 6pm. Free speech can only occur between 10am and 6pm.
Free speech is allowed 24/7. The right to camp out and shout obscenities is limited to the hours of 10AM to 6PM.
Thanks- I'm trying to read as much as possible about lobbying and our recession in order to brainstorm solutions and point out the old immoralities.
This book is an underground phenom. It has gotten very little press due to the connections it makes between politicians, lobbyists, and CEOs. They have done a great job of keeping this book fairly quiet. I am certain #occupywallstreet will give it the traction and notoriety it deserves.
saw the author on MSNBC back in January. He does not make a penny from this book. He is donating all proceeds to charity.
will do. although, this will help to:
Thank you for the link. Will take a look.
Heading home after a long day's work to #occupymybed
We should March to Citigroup with 6000 copies of this book along with the 6000 letters. They started it all with their lobbyists in bed with our politicians.
Citigroup and Traveler's
Make a difference or make room for those who will.
THE SOLUTION PERIOD. It started the movement and is destined to peacefully end it.
FYI I refer to this book as the BIBLE.
The author is a taxpaying American fed up with the system. I say we elevate this book to the top of the charts.
This should be the #occupywallstreet bible for shizzle. Great read!
Take on the Higher education bubble, student loan bubble, GoldmanSachs, and the federal Reserve all at the same time. Occupy the Art Institutes on Nov 5 in solidarity with south Florida.
I believe this will be the book to change America. It just needs enough exposure to reach the tipping point. Pass along so we can make this happen!
Agreed! Great book, well worth reading if you haven't already.
Let's roll!! Get this book and march with me to Congress!
OWS needs a clear statement of the problem(s) and the solutions proposed. I believe the main problem is lack of employment. Please see Under-employment at
This is only the beginning. I read this last night and am ready to REVOLT. Who's with me?
STRIKE.STRIKE.STRIKE. Strike 3 Wall Street! Your gig is up, this book exposes you for the scumbags you are!
Read this book. It will motivate you to STRIKE Nov. 2!!
I have been here since the beginning and believe this book played a major role in getting our movement off the ground. I encourage all to read this.
This Book Rocks!!!! Rock on!
On the right track with this one. It wont become a besteller though because no corporate backing.
This Forum SUCKS.
Your movement is a bunch of unorganized hoodlums without jobs. Get off your ass and get a job, you're causing unwanted traffic and killing the grass.
I am a believer of the message in this book. An underground breakout by an average American fed up with the corruption in our system.
The storm clouds are gathering, the sky darkening. We are prepared to launch a peaceful revolution and WILL SUCCEED. Failure is not an option.
the people's handbook. f#@k the government.
This is the book to change America. If everyone in the movement would read this we can overcome our struggles.
FINALLY! A REAL book by someone with zero ties to the establishment! Wildfire: The Legislation That Ignited the Great Recession is a real find! This book calls out all scumbag CEOs and politicians responsible for America's collapse.
The only way to truly effect change is to educate!
End it NOW! everyone should read this book and take heed!!
I agree wholeheartedly with this author. He lists a 12-step process to take back America!!
I read through this book and truly BELIEVE in it.
Everybody should read this, it explains everything.
the NEW CHARTER! Please read this, it will help further our movement!
Loved it. 2 thumbs up!!
I took to this book quickly and it reads fast (took me 3 hours). I would highly recommend.
just bought the kindle version last night. We should rally behind this book!
Keep OWS alive. This book has made its way to the front lines of #OccupyOakland.
We have to spread the word. This book does just that, please read.
Read this before its too late......
Time to restructure the movement around this book.
Lots of chatter about this one. lets do it 4 the cause.
Wall Street execs read it and weep.
What is your plan of attack? Get book to frontlines of a movement where nobody is educated enough to read? Nice plan.
What is it going to take to get this movement to the next level. We need to get copies of this book distributed to the movement as soon as possible.
I agree.Great book!
Elevate This Book Now.
I'm a BELIEVER.This book will change America!
Keep the rally alive! The handbook is alive and well.
I found a revolution in this book!!!!
time to make the changes necessary to change the republic.
Thank U.
Buy Now. Educate yourself. Then Re Occupy.
We need to rally around the words in this book. Lets kick this movement into overdrive.
Don't Let me Fall.
I guess Im just here 4 the ride. Are we gonna change the world or just pretend?
If the shoe fits wear it. This book could be a handbook to the WORLD. It was just a dream, just a moment ago.
Gaza Strip was getting bombed Obama didn't do sh#!.
I really think the war on terror is a bunch of BS. Just a poor excuse for you to use up all your bullets.
Handbook of the people.
I am in favor of approving this as our handbook. All in favor say ayyh,
Who makes the rules? Who will fixit? Tell me of your travels. On your way to heaven? Can I tag along can I take that journey??
You want 2 b one of them? Hey Mr. Rager tell me where your going tell me where your heading. Tell me where your going tell us where your headed.
You aint never seen versace sofas. The Rolex is faceless, I'm young rich and tasteless.
i got a plan, runaway as fast as you can.
move along now. Nothing to see here.
the snakes gonna sliver soon.
I have been active here since the very beginning, and since the very beginning I have been trying to make some core points. These points clearly have not been digested or fully understood by the mob, and so I'm going to try to make a further attempt here again.
For these reasons, I beg of you to please immediately join me on the wiki. We need to have all of these details and all of these ideas put together in an organized fashion, rather than posted in a long scrawl which will never be read.
pedal to the medal
Do not force us to cause a revolution. We will. It may start peaceful but we have to protect ourselves.
Lets do it. 6000copies of this book to our corrupted congressmen. whos with me?
Saw this dude on my local newscast in st. louie. He's the real deal, he's not looking for money, he's looking for a revolution!
Best book ever. Tell me like it iz and I will make my own decision.
BUY THIS. Then f@#k the establishment.
You cant have a handbook for a movement that has an illiteracy rate of 99%. Maybe its a picture book.
We have several legal options. We cannot back down now we must prevail for the good of America.
What do you all think of occupying a large vessel and setting sail to Peoples Republic of China?
It is time for change. Follow me.
All I C is strange clouds.
Its time they get the message. We need to let them know we are all in and will not relent.
It was just a dream, just a moment ago. What goes up must come down, but don't let me fall.
the movement has arrived and now has direction. The 12 steps outlined in the book must be implemented.
limbaugh is a racist. glenn beck is a racist.
Spread the word!
2 much hate in OWS. not 2 stereotype but does anyone in tent city have a job. oh wait, if they had a job they would b considered evil capitalists. right. stay in the streets and rally behind your leaderless cult. What a useless group of folks.
anybody think the movement is overrated and full of laziness....
Probably ought to read this while sitting in your tent doing nothing.
occupy is getting a bad rap. maybe this book is the answer.
never heard of this. I will try it.
i concur.
If you want to know what LEGAL options we in OWS have please read this article With this strategy we can begin to effect change. We have a Voice OWS now lets use it!!! The world is watching
caffeine is the reason.
new sigtarp quarterly report to congress just released.
Eliminate the influence of lobbyists on our politicians and you solve the problem.
shut the system down
More pain inside of my brain than the eyes of a little girl inside of a plane aimed at the world trade, standin' on Ronnies grave screamin' at the sky the clouds gather its Clyde Mathers and Bonnie Jade.
I'm heading to Amazon to check this out.
Cool book.
Good read and could easily be the voice of our movement.
Sorry, but what is the premise of this book? is it something like Palast's "the best democracy money can buy"?
I really hope OWS can move toward a concise focus directed at the root of so many 99%'s grievances - money in politics. I'm advocating the single demand of prohibiting private spending on public campaigns. I think this issue will have the most wide reaching impact, gain the broadest support, and will allow the 99% to participate meaningfully as both candidates and voters. Right now I can only think of two ways to get there and
Another good book for after we get our democracy back, or before is Parecon by Michael Albert
I would recommend to all.
THE OWS Handbook for sure.
This is a must read. Picked it up last month. Keep the movement alive!!
I'm all in.
does it speak of monies squandered on war?
read it.
They think they crazy but they aint crazy, lets face it.
occupy this.
Don't make me come over there.
Leave me alone, let me be. Occupy a blender.
You guys are too funny. Goofy ass movement. Go home.
make it count.
That's right the party is over!
I will have to check this out, especially if it is rumored to have started OWS.
Thanks for the link. I have not read but will now.
it is time for us to unite and this book tells it like it is. occupy wall street and abandon the Senate
I confer. Good read.
I am an advocate and can endorse this book. It stares down the crooks that took us to the cleaners.
This author is from St. Louis. I heard him a while back on the radio. he seemed to make a lot of sense. I will read the book after seeing the posts on the blog.
I read on a flight from Tampa to STL. Just came across in airport bookstore and thought I'd take a peak. Glad I did.
Now I know how it all happened.Greed. good book, I recommend it.
Not sure why but I was amazed when I read what is going on behind our backs. Exposed. Finally the truth about what caused our demise. At least this book also gives solutions not just states problems.
this fellow is onto something here. i read his work and thought there was hope for America after all. keep the dream alive.
Who has not read this book? Its short, sweet, and rt 2 the point.
No question. This is one of the sparks that ignited #occupywallstreet.
The corporate world wants to keep this book and it's contents quiet. This movement will assure us that will not happen.
I say we all send a copy of this to our congressmen and women. If they know how to read they will learn a thing or two. #peacefulriot
I will have to check this one out. It appears to be one of the catalysts for #occupywallstreet. I'm hearing rumblings around camp.
Take me to the dance.
Good book. Not sure if it started the movement though.
Its high time we load up all of the CEOs and send them on a slow boat to China with a copy of this book in hand. They stand to learn a lot.
Destined to be the most influential book of it's time. It will be the hanbook not just for OWS but for America. #endgreed
It already has an underground cult-like following. The author was an architect until the recession cost him his job. He then wrote the book exposing the pinheads responsible for him and 14 million others losing their jobs. It will eventually get the credit its due for starting the movement.
@checkb4wreck I heard the same thing, there is a lot of chatter on the front lines about this starting OWS. I read it and believe it is right on target. Now more people need to do the same.
This BIBLE rips down the curtain and exposes all the scumbags responsible for America's economic calamity. We need more average American's writing books and fewer executives and bankers.
I heard this was the book that started it all as well. Calling out the politicians and bankers in bed with one another to repeal Glass-Steagall. The merger of Citicorp and Travelers was just the beginning.
I think this book started the OWS movement. It was released on 1.11.11 and has been making underground waves ever since.
Wall Street execs and politicians are rightfully bashed over their noodle in this book and rightfully so. Greed, corruption, and immorality is destroying our country.
Congress & Wall Street read this and weep. The party is officially over. We will no longer fund your reckless, irresponsible, and immoral behavior. You should be ashamed of yourselves. This guy hit the nail on the head with this one. #spreadtheword
@kestrel The author of this book does not make a penny from the book. He donates all royalties to
Don't you just love the capitalism in the anti-capitalism campaign!