Forum Post: The only solution to the inequality of power and income is EQUALITY of power and income
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 7:26 p.m. EST by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom
from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The only solution to the inequality of power and income is EQUALITY of power and income.
Democracy means "people power". It means power rests with everyone equally. If you are fighting for an equal society, you are fighting for a democratic society.
A PARTIALLY democratic society means you have equal votes and equal treatment under the law.
Your income determines how much power you have. So the only way to have equal power, the only way to have a democratic society, is to guarantee by law equal income for equal work.
If you and I both work hard for 40 hours, doing a job of similar difficulty, doing what we were hired to do, and producing something people were buying in a company that was profitable, we should get paid the same.
How income is allocated should be determined democratically.
And if we democratically determined that jobs that were mentally or physically difficult should get twice the pay as jobs that were not difficult, there is enough income in this country to pay all the difficult jobs, all the jobs in science, computers, engineering, medicine, construction, mining, and farming, $230,000 per year and all the rest of the jobs $115,000 per year.
When every worker is guaranteed a job that pays either $115k or $230k, we would have none of the problems we are protesting today. Society would work well for everyone as a right.
We should replace capitalism - which is a society with concentrating income and power - with democracy - which is a society where power and income are equal.