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Forum Post: The only legal system that can work for our world is the system that respects, protects & serves the human and the earth

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 8:03 a.m. EST by Alan (8)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

We tried all kind of systems from extreme right to extreme left and the result is a bankrupt world, a dying earth and billions of victims all around us. Money and the system were always more important than the human and his earth and that is exactly the problem.

Without true human rights and our human values including justice, caring and love, there is no system and no solution.

We and our governments know and agree to the correct system for us. We all brag about goodness and how good we are. We all say that we love our country, all the people and our earth. We all are prepared to give our life for our country and for the good things we believe in. Our governments claim that our system is caring with all our human rights are respected. It seems we all say that our system is a system of love, caring, justice and goodness yet we all instead are doing the opposite; we worship money and we are its slaves and the slaves of all its crimes; our work and power is continuously hurting the humans and our earth.

Our only system is as simple as to work as little as possible so that we can enjoy the world. This means to cooperate (not compete) to produce in the most efficient way and the best quality only the things that we need with a lot of food armed with, love, full employment and the latest technologies including robots. We can easily use robots to do most of our work so that we have time to enjoy our lives

This means to be rich and happy on a peaceful and healthy earth where pain, fear and suffering are things of the past; together we can do it now. We have all the intelligence, resources and power needed to do this; we only lack the necessary wisdom & the political will.



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[-] 1 points by phoenix60 (26) 12 years ago

I'd agree on the theory here, the practical application is a whole lot more difficult. Society as we know it is so large scale it is totally incomprehensible. Those who have the tools and the overview are masters at the moment, my own perspective is that society needs to be downscaled to a local economy level, as far as practically possible. This will also mean sacrifices and liberating ourselves from the media and advertising spin.