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Forum Post: The only legal system is the system that respects the human & the earth

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 2:56 a.m. EST by Alan (8)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

our votes, taxes, work and even silence are empowering an evil system that makes money more important than us; this is stupidity, incitement to crime , slavery and huge crime; "our" system is exploiting and killing us and our earth. Your vote and money are killing people through injustice : dehumanization, unlimited greed, unemployment, bankruptcy, poverty, hunger, incitement to crime, a gambling economy, the gambling industry, insecurity, depression, discrimination, pollution, wastage of resources, occupations, wars, terrorism and all the illnesses and pollution that come with all these crimes

The only legal system that can work for our world is the system that respects, protects & serves the human, the earth and the universe and that has the interest of all these as the only aim of all its laws. Life (including our children & earth) is precious and nothing is more important than it, not even "the country", "economy or money", power, politicians, "democracy" or any political system. This system can only be built on our human values including love because only these values can take care of life; this system is goodness. All the other systems are evil and only are killing the human and his earth. A child can understand this. I wonder why our "philosophers" and "thinkers" missed or ignored this fact. I think they all failed to understand the simple fact that goodness is for all and evil is also for all; they all thought that they can win with injustice and an evil system.



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[-] 1 points by bashan (3) 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by bashan (3) 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by bashan (3) 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by RP2012 (86) 12 years ago

Alan, they didn't miss these facts. They had thousands of years of history to learn from. Our Founding Fathers were geniuses, much like Einstein. They understood how govts work and how things get out of control. They worked to prevent that but, those who would work to usurp our Constitution and the ideologies that work have been at this game for centuries, even prior to the forming of the U.S.

Currently, we have a country/world that is mostly ignorant or indoctrinated in to a belief system that all can be corrected if we just collectively contribute what we have in to the pot. Problem is, you have to have faith in those who watch over and guard the pot. And as more is taken and the pot gets bigger, the stakes get higher, and we feel like we are going to solve more problems by giving our money to the govt and expecting them to fix things. How can you trust a politician? You can't!

Now, you talked about voting. The best method of voting I've ever seen is not with a ballot but, with your money! That's right, if you believe in environmentally friendly products then buy from those companies. If enough people believe like you then eventually the "evil" companies will be out of business or be insignificant. If you wanna talk about wasted resources, you can't expect the govt to be a good conservator of them. If people wanna gamble let them, just not with the assurance that they'll get a bailout. Then they will think twice about gambling.

We have built up a society of fences, hedges, and safety nets and people have come to expect a fairly painless experience. Well, the rude awakening is coming.

You have some good ideas but, I would implore you to look at the root causes of our current situation instead of trying to put a band-aid on it.

[-] 1 points by Alan (8) 12 years ago

Without true human rights and our human values including justice, caring and love, there is no system and no solution. We tried all kind of systems from extreme right to extreme left and the result is a dying earth and billion of victims all around us

[-] 1 points by RP2012 (86) 12 years ago

Alan, I'm glad to see you really do care about this country and you're starting to realize the truth about the left/right paradigm. You are absolutely right about the earth and billions of victims. I think you're on your way to realizing some great truths!

I encourage you to watch some videos that have helped me when I was sort of in the same point in my thought process. Here are a few:






[-] 1 points by mwagshol (120) from Seattle, WA 12 years ago

This is a great concept, but I wonder how it can be translated into a single actionable item that this movement can begin behind- a victory for the people, the earth, and the universe through goodness and human love...

I'm really trying to come up with something, have you thought of anything?

[-] 1 points by Alan (8) 12 years ago

We and our governments know and agree to the correct system for us. We all brag about goodness and how good we are. We all say that we love our country, all the people and our earth. We all are prepared to give our life for our country and for the good things we believe in. Our governments claim that our system is caring with all our human rights are respected. It seems we all say that our system is a system of love, caring, justice and goodness yet we all instead are doing the opposite; we worship money and we are its slaves and the slaves of all its crimes; our work and power is continuously hurting the humans and our earth.

Our only system is as simple as love ; it is to work as little as possible so that we can enjoy the world. This means to cooperate to produce in the most efficient way and the best quality only the things that we need with a lot of food armed with, love, full employment and the latest technologies including robots. We can easily use robots to do most of our work so that we have time to enjoy our lives

This means to be rich and happy on a peaceful and healthy earth where pain, fear and suffering are things of the past; together we can do it now. We have all the intelligence, resources and power needed to do this; we only lack the necessary wisdom & the political will.

[-] 1 points by RP2012 (86) 12 years ago

Alan, the world you speak of is a fantasy world. I wish life was simple but, it is not. There will always be evil, always be cheating, always be favoritism. We can work to minimize these things but, no amount of legislation can insure that the world is a fair, loving place.

And you know who the DEVIL is? The man or woman who will come and tell you that he will bring you all of things you just asked for. He will tell you what you want to hear.

Look, no matter what system of governance is devised, there will always be crooked people who will weave their way in to positions of power. They will use that power to gain an advantage or give advantages to some and not others and, they will do it so cunningly as to make you believe its for the betterment of the people.

The only solution is to minimize govt. and let free markets decided who lives and dies so to speak. If you like environmentally friendly technologies or companies, than give your votes, your dollars to these companies. Companies like Patagonia, etc.

Don't be naive like I used to be.

[-] 1 points by mwagshol (120) from Seattle, WA 12 years ago

You are oversimplifying things as well... People at the bottom don't have enough money to use it as a vote. This is why we need to get beyond this competition and at least find some way to give all people a chance to be respected and heard. We need to ponder what it is that unites us all.. Can you think of anything? Surely we are all human- we share passions, desires, emotions, fears, confusions, lies, truths. Can we at least just start by agreeing on that?

[-] 1 points by RP2012 (86) 12 years ago

I agree that as humans we can all connect on certain levels.

However, instead of poor people giving their money over to the govt in the form of taxes, why don't they band together and use some of that money instead to support causes or companies they believe in.

I too believe all people should have a chance to be respected and heard but, I realize the world doesn't work that way. You can't change the laws of nature. You have to work with them. Competition is natural. Remember, these same collectivists who preach equality, etc. are the very same people who want to prevent us from pulling ourselves out of the mire of life. They say they will make the world a better place if we vote for them but, they make the world a better place for themselves and their cronies, and whatever crumbs are left they might give it to us, for those who are left. Also, they believe in Darwinian evolution, so their worldview is that they are on top, we are on bottom, and they are the fittest, and we are the weak.

I might not have much but, what I do have I try to spend at businesses I agree with. As for the rest, try using what you do have (your brain, social networks, ability to influence, etc) so you can help turn the tide to make this world a better place. Money isn't everything. You have talents, we all do.
