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Forum Post: The National Defense Authorization Act

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 12:53 a.m. EST by DiMiTri (134)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Basically this bill turns the US military on the American people. It eliminates the judicial process. It allows the military to take anyone they like around the world (including US citizens on US soil) to detention camps without any kind of trial or exercising of constitutional rights.




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[-] 3 points by lisa (425) 13 years ago

Some people have woken up, but they have been branded as conspiracy theorists because they saw these things coming little by little over the last ten years. They saw the big picture and did not buy the story that people needed to give up their rights to be safe from terrorists. They did not question anything they were told, when little bits and pieces were uncovered by newsmen with guts and nerve to tell what they found (even risking their lives in war zones to do it) the people by and large just reacted with denial, sticking to believing the official stories. Most of mankind cannot handle too much reality. Those are the people who accept being groped and molested at airports under the premis it will keep them safe.

[-] 2 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago

Thats a big crux of the problem. How do you tell someone, "there's good reason to be paranoid", without appearing paranoid?

[-] 2 points by lisa (425) 13 years ago

You have to start educating them slowly, showing them what has gone on, then when they hear outlandish things, they will know they are within the realm of possibility. I could not believe the things that have gone on when I read Rogue State (William Blum's book). They are all documented, that's when I started looking into our foreign policies. Most Americans are the way I was, they cannot even conceive of those things. It will probably take most Americans many more years before they can even comprehend what happened on that day in September 2001. It unhinges them to confront the truth, because the truth is so convoluted, complicated and evil in some ways. I think I pretty much have it figured out now and it has taken 10 years of reading everything from foreign press, reporters who were killed and disappeared for telling things they learned about. I still have some questions I need answered but I'd have to be in Waziristan to pursue those questions, and even then the answers might not be completely answered. Al Qaida has maintained that they did the attacks; well we know others were involved. Was it that they planned the attacks and our govt. got wind of it and let the attacks happen, intensifying them with the controlled demolition, or is it that Osama works for the US govt. and they were all involved together. I wonder about that because of one of his videos where he described watching the attacks, and he said "I was the most optimistic of them all, I though only the top floors above where the plane hit would burn, I couldn't believe it when the whole building came down". I think he might have just planned to put the planes into the bldg., scare people, knowing it would not be easy to remove a plane from a bldg. that high, so the US would be humiliated when the world saw that. Every day New Yorkers would see a plane sticking out of the buildings. Now if he did everything, including planting the bombs, detonating it, he would not have said he thought only the floors above it would burn, because he would have known the whole thing would come down. We have all read theories that he worked for the US, I saw one report from a foreign paper that said 911 was his last operation, after that he would not do any more for the US because his debt was paid and they would release him from service in return for operations he would do for them. I only read that one article and never saw it again. I read other interviews Osama did where he said the Mujahideen never got any money from the US in the 1980's, yet we sent a lot over there. Where it went, who knows. Many people in his family work for the CIA, perhaps that is why they excommunicated him because he wouldn't work for them. He wanted to do his own thing, his own way. All we know for sure is that he was/is a rebel with a cause.

[-] 2 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago

hmmmm yes. And thats the tip of the iceberg, and only the tip. When you start looking internationally and see the same lies, presented in diferent ways you start being forced to question everything. And "conspiracy theory" (by definition, simply a theory of a group of people agreeing to commit an illegal act), has been under the propaganda wheel as well, and being labeled as such also. When the truth is examined you see that the U.S. government also has a conspiracy theory (a group of ppl agreeing to commit an illegal act). It's really just a case of who's theory is better. Regardless of 9/11. Or the war on terror. Or the war in Iraq. Or russia's impending threats, or peak oil/gas, or the practices of psyops, or the practices of warfare period. When you look at all these things, or even a part of those things, you must question your own humanity. I have found a great resistance in people to look at even the smallest part of an all encompassing problem and I think it's for the above reason. The denial is simply so prevalent. I think one of the things that this movement has realised is that there is no single reason for protest, there are too many to contemplate, and I think that truth is the most concerning of them all...

[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 13 years ago

You are right, all of it does lead to questioning your own humanity and that of others, and the future of the world. One of the best things I have learned came from someone in OWS who said "don't focus on the problem, become solution based". (don't remember who it was), but that perspective is phenomenal. Our approach has been to look for someone to blame, then persecute that person or persons.

Even an event like 911, so many was to look at it. Osama wanted worldwide jihad and worldwide conversion to Islam, the oil barrons wanted to go to Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Libya, Sudan and appropriate that oil, those are the real issues. Sheikh Yamani, an oil expert from Saudi Arabia said OPEC underestimated the oil reserves in the Middle East back in the 1980's and al lthe oil people know that, so many countries are vying for the reserves that are left so their countries do not run out of oil, a question of survival. It does not justify the murder of millions of people in these wars.

Who gets to decide who lives and dies and who receives the resources to live in a world with too many people and too little resources. Nobody wants to look at the entire problem, who is effected by it, and ways it can be resolved without genocide, or wars.

[-] 3 points by DiMiTri (134) 13 years ago

Good post loveandrespect! I totally agree

Fear is the mindkiller. Love is the only way and it will prevail. I have no doubt

[-] 3 points by DoodlesWeaver (64) 13 years ago

It is actually an "Amendment" to the bill that is in question here.

I am against this amendment. It goes against everything that this country represents.

Whenever John McCain colludes with a liberal Democrat like Carl Levin, there can never be any other outcome other than the people of this country loosing freedom and liberties.

Every single time McCain works in conjunction with a major Democrat on legislation, the people of this country are deprived of more freedom and liberty.

[-] 2 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

It makes one shudder to think what may have happened had he become President.

[-] 3 points by LoveAndRespect (106) 13 years ago

THANK YOU !!! I was wondering why nothing was posted yet about this...people of the earth, wake up!

Also, we must realize that not all of the police and local politicians will not all go along with a massive encampment...the gov't is always trying different things to see what would work or be tolerated to control us (like all the LSD experiments for attempted mind-control - which backfired). The key is to not give in to fear -> I'm not saying be ignorant, I'm saying be aware, be mindful, be compassionate, be strong, be true to yourself, be good to your neighbor, be inspired, be free, be creative, be grateful.

[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 13 years ago

They are activating the FEMA camps as we speak. AlexJones did a segment 12.6.11 about this, with proof, documents etc. They wouldn't be activating them (staffing them) unless they were going to put people in them. Halliburton built them and will probably make money off them when people are in them. Civilian work camps (the documents are there describing the civilian workforce). So you work in a concentration camp, get paid 25 cents per hour which you can use to buy stuff at the commissary that one of the US contractors (could be Halliburton) will own. They also will sell whatever things you make at the camp, they plan to have furniture be built there etc. The will have effectively in-sourced Walmart. You will work for 25 cents per hr. making goods they can sell to Walmart or other stores cutting the Chinese out of the deals. The degradation of America knows no limits.

[-] 1 points by LoveAndRespect (106) 13 years ago

Not the future I'm embracing :-) Nothing is written in stone...look to the future with wide wonder, embrace the endless possibilities.

[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 13 years ago

There are 312 million people in this country, they need to wake up to what is happening before it is too late. We have the manpower, but the mindpower is being occupied with other things.

[-] 1 points by LoveAndRespect (106) 13 years ago

the universe is fractal. we are all reflections of each other...microcosms of the macrocosm...everything you see is part of your consciousness, part of you...you cannot control the external, only the internal, but this is the deepest and most profound way to effect the external. transform the fear, anger and desire within you into love and creativity...and trust that enough of us will do that for us to reach a tipping point. it is inevitable and predicted by every wisdom tradition.

in love & solidarity

[-] 2 points by HitGirl (2263) 13 years ago

Let's hope Obama vetoes this attack on the American people.

[-] 1 points by DiMiTri (134) 13 years ago

I honestly think its past that point and that he's basically a puppet.. but heres to hoping

[-] 1 points by Windsofchange (1044) 13 years ago

God help us if this bill becomes a law. Here is the latest info on in (it is in the house right now and it may go to Obama this week) http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h112-1540

I have been posting about this bill for sometime now. Those two sections in the bill (section 1031-1032) are completely Fascist. What bothers me is why aren't there people out in droves protesting on Capitol Hill and the White House over this. I wish this movement went down there.

If our constitutional rights go, it will end this movement. For the sake, of this movement and others, we really should be in D.C. protesting like we never protested before.

[-] 1 points by Alexman8711 (23) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Is there a loop in those sections that says a citizen or lawful resident can't be taken into custody unless they are suspected of being terrorists?

[-] 1 points by jomojo (562) 13 years ago

Once again: Freedom my ass. Bureaucrats and their judge appointments are forging a new constitution, to protect us from justice.