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Forum Post: The movement's survival

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 10:36 a.m. EST by Spade2 (478)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

OWS needs centralized leadership, or it will fail, history shows us this. It would be very sad for a movent with legitimate ideas, large support, and huge potential to die because they lack leadership. Right now, many occupiers are divided because they don't have definite goals and it's giving the 1% the advantage. For the movement to achieve actual change and get Americans out of poverty and corporations out of our politics, they need to centralize their leadership, clearly define their goals, and filter out the counterproductive anarchists and Marxists. The longer they stay this way, the longer Wall St will go unpunished for it's crimes against the 99%.



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[-] 2 points by breakingcode (137) from Newport, KY 12 years ago

See the thread called "Forum Post: So much of what's here is contrary to the actual movement...sigh "

It covers this in detail.