Forum Post: ✭ The Most Important Posting Here. Period. ✭
Posted 12 years ago on Aug. 28, 2012, 3:04 p.m. EST by electron
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Instead of shutting down this forum which is broken beyond repair because of pro-politic shills, we should create a new forum to discuss real Occupy problems and to find intellectual solutions that can lead to real actions on the ground.
This solution should make everyone happy.
The people who want to talk about politics can remain here. Many here find it important to preach to the choir and to try to convince Occupy members to vote for progressive solutions. That seems like a huge waste of time because, obviously, there is no Occupy member that will vote for the republicans. So the likes of VQkag2, DKAtoday, shooz, zendog, and others can continue posting here.
The new forum would have the mandate to create a bridge with Occupy protesters all around the world so that what is discussed can be transformed into real action. There are already forums linked to particular Occupy protesters, but I think it's good to have a main hub that serves to have a bird's eye view of what is going on.
We could invite protesters from various protests and actions to come and speak on the new forum. We could make sure we have proper moderation to stop all discussions that are off topic. Discussions on voting, politics, conspiracy theories, etc... Would be removed. Essentially, we would follow the rules on this website to a T. This is not curbing about free speech, it's about a forum remaining about Occupy.
Personally, I'd rather have a forum with few users that remains on topic and that is well connected to Occupy protests and activities, then to have a forum with many people that is about everything under the sun and which has no connection to the real world Occupy.
Since this site would remain as is, I see no reason not to want this solution. I know many users here crave for a place where they could really contribute to Occupy, and not just write in the wind and then be forgotten. Imagine if what you wrote did have an impact on what was on the ground. Imagine having discussions with real activists doing change in the street. This would be wonderful, because, many people simply can't make it to the streets for various reasons. These people need not be stuck on a site that's been co-opted into politics, these people can serve Occupy's real agenda of fighting a broken system from the outside.
Please forgive my stupid questions. I’m just a newcomer here. If the Occupy Movement is not about raising awareness of the vile, anti-democratic, super-elite masters of mankind, which sounds like a political subject to me, then what is it about?
taking control of our government
It's not going to happen. Believe the Bible.
You are missing the point-
we must change the world WITHOUT getting involved in the political system. OBVIOUSLY !
the tea potty transitioned from protest to politics
and got nothing
the 1920s prohibition movment transitioned from protest to politics
and got nothing
the civil rights movement transitioned from protest to politics
and got nothing
if we don't learn from their failures , how can we get anything done !?!?!?
The civil rights movement got nothing? How do you figure that one?
Please forgive my unbelief. I don't believe that the world can be changed. I believe that the Occupy Movement is obligated to enlighten the world and to reveal the contrast between the vile maxim of the masters of mankind and the genuinely moral principles that civilized people should be following.
the world has been changed. many times - Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead
It is true that the world has changed many times in the past. And the founding fathers of the United States prove that dramatic changes had occurred through the actions of a small group of thoughtful, committed men. However, it is possible that we are now in the last crisis of world history and that it is impossible to recover from it because that is what the book of Revelation predicts.
the founding fathers changed very little - more like a palace coup than a revolution. now the french revolution changed the world - as did the jewish commies who organized the iww, and the 60's - now that changed the world! i don't care much what the book says - neither did jesus it seems
This forum is for Occupy members. Raising awareness here against the republicans is preaching to the choir. It's a waste of time. If you want to raise awareness for the vile, anti-democratic, etc... you have to do it somewhere that matters. Everyone here is already hard left.
This forum should be about activism. It needs to be connected to the protesters on the ground. What we discuss here should have an impact. The intelligent discussions we have should bear fruit. We have to be connected with the results in the street.
Everything I've learned that is relevant to Occupy came from the internet. I haven't learned a thing from the regular media, so to me, public protests don't convey anything.
If you have anything informative to report from a protest on the ground, make a video and post it on youtube.
it's good to get outside and active
public protest does raise awareness
Completely disagree here. Our group in a small conservative community have protested every Friday at the same busy location for the last 9 months. Literally thousands of cars see our signs every week, waiting at the stop lights of a very busy intersection, and learn a little more about what Occupy is about. Support is still strong, from every age and economic strata.
And the most important thing we do is educate the people who might only watch Fox or some other network that rarely reports on Occupy. When they read that the median U.S. income is just $26K, it may be the only honest information about the true state of our economy that they will ever see.
A sign that says, "Median U.S. income is just $26K" isn't worth holding up for 9 months. God wants a deeper message to be proclaimed.
What is God's message?
You could still use this site if you like pro-Obama talk. I'm proposing a new site.
Gee, I think I'll keep using this site and I never talk pro-Obama and probably never will.
You can start up your own forum and you can be the king and you can spew all your ideas over and over at that site. Sound good?
I'm also done talking with the flake that calls himself electron.
Nope. Moderators on the new site would be on a rotation basis. No king like on this site where it's always the same people in charge.
If I know one thing of you is that you are a liar and a manipulator.
Right on.
Kinetica-Electron, looks related...Doubts...
Ah, no, I won't go that path, thank you for the comment, even if it is a little strange that you know the guy while having only 7 points...
You don't favor a system where system admins and moderators are rotated so that no one takes control? You favor a system like this one where a few people are in control of this site forever? If OWS is an anarchist protest for the 99% where everybody can get involved, why is it that their main website (this one) is run by a handful of people that never change. Have you ever worked for a non-profit organization? Their personnel in power positions rotate. They have to. It's democratic.
"The Eye of Sauron : Something New Under the Sun", by Fred Reed :
"Installing Totalitarianism. America is no longer a democracy. People speak of the onrush of the police state. I think that many do not understand how fast it comes, or how thorough it will be."
That should appeal to you and as you end by saying "it's democratic" ...
What would you know about "democratic" exactly ? Do share, please !
ad iudicium ...
Well GPS is already in use I wouldn't figure it would be to far of a stretch for an on-star service to be tracking and storing information., Progressive insurance has the voluntary safe driver discount electronic driving monitor. Sure get your face into a national facial recognition system by giving you discounts when you show up at a store. Yep - 1984 is a little late but it is happening.
Why do you suggest those things of me? I only said you are a liar and a manipulator.
What about if we had a team of moderators on this site that enforced the rules we already had
That would be the best solution.
'T' : As would : , lol.
minima maxima sunt ...
Yes, I think so. I would also think the forum administration might go for it too, as they do not want to be baby-sitting this forum, and getting involved in all the little disputes here. Actually in fairness, this was another person's idea, and i have PMed another guy here about the idea here too. The interpertation of the rules may be a difficult hurdle to get over, and we may have problems again on how we pick the moderators. It would be best to have a democratic proces, but with all the new plants here, and in fairness from both sides...I don't know if that would work. By now though, we all pretty much know where each of us stands... pro-politics, or anti-politics, so we would need an even number of each.
This way, we could still have stimulating discussions, but hopefully without all the nastiness. The trick though would be for everyone not to feel too constained either. Anyway if we want a non-hierchal, more fair equitable world, we should set the example here.
So, 'TrashyLepton' - "The Most Important Posting Here", huh ?! Let us make it so then. "Period" !!!
I'll start with :
Only 'Occupy' ; 'OWS' & The 99% matter here whereas people and monikers come and go. You are a useful idiot. You keep "proposing" & we shall keep 'opposing' ! Forum poster 'bw' has got you down to a tee !! I shall try to follow the excellent example and try to shine what light I can too because that way we get to see your shadow & you for what you are !!!
anguis in herba ...
I haven't noticed any pro-Obama talk. I've only encountered like-minded thinking, advocates of evil, persons that are totally insane, and about two idiots.
Well...what's stopping you? Set it up for pete's sake! Then those who want to follow and be under the trashy/Victor/iApril dictatorship can do so. Setting up such a site shouldn't be a problem for a computer head like you.
How's that lipstick shade of tutti-'fruity' working for you Victor/Victoria? Its a very becoming colour. That crimson red is a little garish....doesn't suit you...but then again...
So you live in the US now, do you? Were abouts....Camden New Jersey? Why all the moving around? Are you on the lamb?
Occupy the TPP!!! Sept. 9th in Leesburg VA
If TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) passes, our freedoms will be in the hands of the Globalist Elite and we'll lose our Sovereignty for good.
How the f#ck did this get so far without us knowing about it???
As the 14th major round of closed-door negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership gets under way in northern Virginia, join Citizens Trade Campaign and our labor, environmental, consumer, public health, family farm and other social justice allies at the TPP: Out of the Shadows! Rally for Good Jobs, Affordable Medicine & a Healthy Environment at 3:00pm on Sunday, September 9 outside the Lansdowne Resort at 44050 Woodridge Parkway in Leesburg. . GET ON THE BUS! Click here to RSVP and reserve seats on free buses to the rally from Washington, DC or sign up to receive info on carpooling options throughout the region.
Tired of the trolls? (User Submitted)
Posted Oct. 20, 2011, 6:25 p.m. EST (1 day ago) by RichardGates (Fort Walton Beach, FL)
don't let these a$$ hats run you off. we need your support. please visit one of these support forums and start networking with folks. this is not about party its about people.
M parents divorced when I was young. My father is from Seattle and my mom from Vancouver. I kept going from one city to the other. Later, my mom moved out east. My father's in Cali now. I have dual citizenship.
Blah blah blah...another trashy story meant to have us running in circles. I'm not getting on that merry-go-round. You can just go chase your tail.
You gotta do better than that for a good will gesture. First name and city...or va-moose!!!
[-] -3 points by electron (-97) 2 hours ago Those people come in and pollute everything. It would work much better if one forum is dedicated to being connected to activism in the streets and doing real Occupy work, and another forum, this one, remains for retired folks who want to talk about Obama. The essential idea with creating a new forum is that we can have a different form of moderation. Instead of moderating nothing like on this forum, we can moderate seriously and keep the discussions on topic. It would be much nicer since there wouldn't be political garbage posts to wade through. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink [-] 1 points by frogmanofborneo (504) from Bronx, NY 0 minutes ago This from the guy who said he is living in Indonesia and who used to blame the members of OWS for getting brutalized by cops
The self-aggrandized nincompoop actually thinks he's going to have it easy, fooling us this time around, but we know his tricks now. ^.~ Thanks for that post!
Just had to say that your comment really made me 'Laugh Out Loud', very loudly indeed !!!
Thanx & :-)
pax ...
nincompoop, nincompoop, nincompoop! Ohhhh the inspiration of cinnamon tea... ^.~
Very catchy tune! I can't believe I've never heard that before!
LOL !!! Thanx !! & here's the insanely foot-tappable dance re-mix of the same song :
Stay Well & stay aware & catch the lyrics :-)
pax, lux et somnus ...
Thank you....I'll listen again tomorrow...sov gott ~.~
arturo posted intelligently in my thread but this thread of yours is incredibly lame. And from what I can see, you have posted very little here so why are you pretending to be a leader?
When did I pretend to be a leader? I don't think OWS should have leaders.
Q : "When did I pretend to be a leader ?" - you ask, lolol & ...
A : When you typed "The Most Important Posting Here. Period" !
ad iudicium ...
Also, fyi :
respice ; adspice ; prospice ...
You're so full of shit it's coming out of your ears.
LOLOL !!! Nothing else for it !! Nice One '54-40' !
pax et lux ...
I think you should consider making New Posts here on how to better help the ows protestors, if that appeals to you, especially aimed at specific OWS sites or locations.
some of your ideas should be looked at better, and people may actually see the usefulness.
Then, seeing exactly what can be done, people will get the idea, and can help out in different ways.
(eventually, there can even be one for each occupy site if it takes off)
lots of occupies, may have actions or need assistance.
I think some of your ideas have merit, even to see there may be people wanting to do that.
and if the shills can't keep their comments off the post, p messaging copy paste to the shill.
and people could see how ows is everywhere
Why are your points so low? This is one of the best posts I have seen on here in a long time.
Because "he's a very naughty boy !" :
verum ex absurdo ...
That's because the forum is co-opted.
Naaah !!! Your pants are on fire again !! You are the wannabe 'co-opter' here !
All that the folk here have to do in order to understand your 'modus operandi' and your 'stuck record witterings', is to use the grey search box below The Orange Donate tab, above 'Best Comments Today' on the forum frontispiece & enter - user:electron - or 'Thrasymaque' or 'sandystirling' or 'Socrate' or 'Any Number of Your Monikers' (I stopped counting at 50!) & see what they get and mull over what they find.
ne quid nimis ...
Yeppers, there's libe(R)tarians all over the place.
They never left.
They just started whining louder about cooption and attacking anything and anyone liberal.
Not a single comment from you, but DK is there.
There's lots more of them too.
You just disrupt and drive those postings lower.
Excellent point.
Please go. Go to your new forum.
You are not VQkag. You are Thrasymaque.
Please. Go away.
I will, when we have a server and round up the users who want to talk about Occupy. Why don't you help so I leave faster? Do you know anyone with server space, a nginx server?
4 U 'TrashyLepton' & Your 'Army of One' : :-)
Good luck with finding your 'New Generation JINX Server' for your legions of followers !!
per ardua ad astra ;-)
I wish I did. I wish I had one, I'd give it to you for nothing.
Wow, I think I love you.
LOL! Please no!
Well he'll just have to get in line....because I think I love you too!! Hahahaha!!! ^.~
LOL! Me you, too.
Pls excuse my cheeky interjection with : ~{~
pax, amor et lux ...
Very nice. <3 And, I think the forum should be left to speak up for itself, not controlled or bullied by a few people.
Eggs Actly !!! Or even "controlled & bullied" by a Cabal of Just One !! LOL !
et fiat lux ...
So funny. Right!!
To you and through you to The 'OWS' Forum : ~*~
pax et lux ...
Spirit. Yes, a lot of people on this forum are spirited. I think it's a good thing.
Frankly, 'bw' - where'd we be without it ?
ad iudicium ...
The short, sweet & succinct (album) version : ~{~
Thanx for the help & the tow in "bumping" and usurping this now reversed and disinfected thread !!!
amantes sunt amentes ...
Thanks. :)
Hehehe !!
Because : ~{~
amor vincit omnia ...
Thank you for that gift. In return...a simple an author named Susan, who's views on politics and religion, I don't share. But her poem speaks to core emotions we all share. Which proves her poem is correct, in that we can find common threads of thought and love in all of humanity. We are...brothers and sisters.
Every communication is a love letter,
Every word is an open invitation,
To greet life with openness,
To accept diversity in its full spectrum,
To allow differences of opinion to expand awareness,
As a garden resplendent with seasonal blooms,
Our nature understands the plumes of life’s bouquet are secret signatures sending messages of love,
Fertilizing our inner growth with wellbeing,
As the earth spins and orbits,
A universal love that is a given.
Harmony is the love that serves all others,
Beauty is the inner love that sees your uniqueness of expression,
Friendship is the love of trust that leaves deep impressions,
Family are the branches of love from the tree of life,
Compassion is the love that sees myself as you,
Charity is the love that gives you a hand up so you may stand up,
Nonviolence is the love that never harms another,
Peace is the love that allows the invisible hand of creation,
For peace rests beneath our conflicted thoughts,
And universal love is unity that knows no separation in thought, word or deed,
As true love is the truth that sets you free.
World peace is a peace-full world that is loving what is,
Emerging from the ashes of misunderstanding,
Walking in harmony with our true nature,
Offering blessings to all crossing the path,
Orchestras of perfection singing love songs,
Allowing love to find its natural well-spring,
As well-being springs from underground waters of feeling,
Inspired by the source of love itself,
Loving itself naturally,
As the pond of life’s reflection,
Smiles upon the face of all creation,
Sending love letters home to our friends, family, strangers, comm-unity and world,
That home is where the heart is,
And everyone is welcome home,
To a world that loves without condition.
This one is much more sophisticated, and I just love it. Written in 1939, but if you didn't know that before you read it, you'd think it current.
I was born in Sweden and spent my childhood there. If you're familiar with Swedish film at'll know it has a penchant for the morose....and I'm drawn to the beauty of that reality at times. The poem has a great back story to it.
Auden's Love Poem for Humanity
That was/is simply beautiful. Thank-you & for the links too. Further, I heard the following on the radio in the car today as it had been translated into the Scots dialect, 'Doric' as part of the first bible in that language (& no, I ain't a believer in Abrahamic Macho Monotheistic Mumbo-Jumbo, lol) :
The poem you linked had the same effect on me actually and it made me "happy to be alive" - must be one of those days, lol. Thus a gift for a gift on this of all threads (lolol) :
Please catch the lyrics and stay well ; stay aware ; be at peace & 'hej hej min kare syster' :-)
pax, amor et lux ...
Thank you again kind sir! Yes...we molded a thread that started rather ugly into a work of art ~ hej hej min kare bror
You're very welcome & I see that there is a new 'dog' around ... or is it the same old one ? LOL !
I just re-read Auden's poem & it made me all smiley inside - again. Thanx ~{:-)
pax, amor et lux ...
Stop Stalking Her 'dog-boy' or I may do the same to you ! Geddit ?!! 'Errant 'Ahrendt' Errand Boy' !!!
caveat ....
Oh, for sure.
They light up my life, those illuminati guys.
Tongue in cheek response.
The innuendo here is enough to write several novels about.
I'm so boring, with only one persona from the word go.
Ditto :-) Et a toi, 'Proteus' mon ami : ; ''1<3' ; ~*~
amor et lux ...
The birds eye view, is actually here, you just don't comment in those threads.
Nor do you start those kinds of threads.
You seem far to content to attack other posters instead.
Tyranny is your way, and that way sucks.
Show me one single posting that has anything to do with Occupy. One post that talks about something in the news section of this site, that talks about action on the ground, etc... There are basically none.
My suggestion should make you happy since you could keep this forum for your political babble, and there would be another one for those who really want to talk about a protest. Surely, you can't be against the idea of getting ride of people like me and Odin who want to talk about Occupy problems instead of turning this site into an Obama campaign.
I say make a tab apart and leave the rest as it is, but you won't accept that, so it is evident your agenda is different that what you want us to believe it is.
The problem with a tab is that the people who are registered here could also post there. Having a separate site permits a different type of moderation. People like VQkag2 here, but on the new site his type of material would not be acceptable and he would thus be banned. Like I said, this site stays so you're happy. It changes nothing for you, except that I would be gone. That should make you happy no?
Then make a new site and leave this one alone, yes that would make me happy
That's exactly what I suggest in my posting. First, we have to gather up those who care about Occupy. Find a server, etc...
"First, we have to gather up those who care about Occupy" that phrase is manipulative, not everybody who care about OWS would follow you, in fact, probably only one person would, because what you want are anarchists as followers, not people "caring about OWS"
Those who follow, follow. Those that prefer to talk about Obama stay here. It's that simple. Anyone could sign up to the new forum. People could use both. It's just that the new forum would enforce the rules that this one has to a T. It would be a forum with moderation, as opposed to a junkyard like here.
OMG !!! LOL !! Hubris, much ?! & .
timendi causa est nescire ...
Typo; you left out "self"
As in The most self-important posting, yada yada....
Brilliantly precise, concise and succinct !!!
ad iudicium ...
I'm glad this is a forum where I don't need to look behind my back
wottying my posts and deleted and That I am in trouble because
"I was off topic"
This forum is getting to overtaken by grounders (people involved on the ground speaking to one another but are forgetting there is a whole world out here counting and relying on you to see a larger picture) I believe the media is tracking this site would be nice if it looked less like a text and more like a movement - so how about a little less weirdo personal communication and more larger picture movement - I don't want to watch the Occupy Big brother reality show and hear all about your intimate relations - really? It's not about you and you know who you are - you can't imagine what these threads look like to the bright eyed bleary world who is counting on this movement to take us forward not to take us into your click - that should be done privately through emails - and it's clogging up the forum see the link below - really? I actually want to hear about my fellow 99 and their lives - you're all beginning to bore me - release the forum please - you've been occupying it for far too long - and you could use a break - we'll take some of it from here clearly you are tired and have lost the ability to see clearly, you have stamina for sure, but everyone needs a rest.
This forum is pointless and any points made here are pointless until we succeed - money out of the political process. period. All the issues that stem from this are leaks in the dam - until you fix the dam - it's pointless to address the leaks.
You single me out because I don't put with lies, your sexist slurs, your hurtful childish pranks, your anti progressive rants! You say repeatedly we should let the pro republican trolls alone. I say this betrays your partisanship. You give them a pass because you agree with them. I suppose you will allow on your new elite forum? But you have made it clear that no pro progressives allowed. hmmmmm?
Why aren't you imverybored anymore? How about making a new character, imveryboring.
Why don't you stick to the substance? Answer the question, instead of using distractions to avoid that you excuse pro repub trolls and attack pro progressive comments.
Are the repubs gonna be allowed on your pure forum? Then it would be you and the repubs because you ain't gonna get any supporters here!
Why aren't you imverybored anymore? How about making a new character, imveryboring.
Because I'm not like you that's why.
Why don't you stick to the substance? Answer the question, instead of using distractions to avoid that you excuse pro repub trolls and attack pro progressive comments.
Are the repubs gonna be allowed on your pure forum? Then it would be you and the repubs because you ain't gonna get any supporters here!
Why aren't you imverybored anymore? How about making a new character, imveryboring.
Why don't you stick to the substance? Answer the question, instead of using distractions to avoid that you excuse pro repub trolls and attack pro progressive comments.
Are the repubs gonna be allowed on your pure forum? Then it would be you and the repubs because you ain't gonna get any supporters here!
Of course not. Electron, also known as Thrasymaque, is a tyrant and an internet bully.
Yes he should be very happy with his many personalities, the pro repub trolls he says we should leave alone, and only pure, right thinking people all the same on their Stepford Forum!
Too funny, really. He never attacks right wingers. Has never once in all the many months that he's been pestering this forum. Says something, don't you think?
It really does. And to actually say "well we should just leave republican trolls alone because OWS would never vote repub" is so obvious.
I mean people get on my because I level that accusation fairly easily but this guy is just a joke. I hope he really does go but I don't see it.
He doesn't want to do anything but what he does. Attack pro dem/progressive users here and provide cover for repubs.!
Whew sorry. started ranting there.
We need to stay united even if we don't agree about everything. Everyone is on their own journey of understanding and we need to respect that. In the end, we are all on the same side, the right side. All this arguing amongst ourselves does us no good unless we are respectful and we learn from each other. Everyone should just comment on the threads that interest them. If you're interested in politics, comment on those threads. If not, don't. It's really not that complicated. The posts here run the gamut and there is something for everyone.
Seems reasonable.. I agree. I am interested in all of it. They should comment when they want to. And stop complaining. their like spoiled 10 yr olds.
No one listens to right wingers in Occupy, so it's useless to attack them. It's better to ignore them. The problem with dem shills is that they fool some people.
Whereas ultimately, you fool no one !!!
Thus also consider ; "25 Cutting Edge Firms Funded By The CIA" :
"It's no secret the Central Intelligence Agency has an investment firm that funds startups that could have a big impact for the Agency. If there is a company out there doing intelligence research, it's likely that In-Q-Tel, the CIA's personal investor, either looked them up or made a cheque out to them."
I'm sure that you'll have something intelligent to contribute on this matter.
multum in parvo ...
have you looked at the NYCGA tab at the top of this page ?
Yes, I go there sometimes. But, it's specifically for NYC. I'm talking about a hub forum that unites all the Occupy forums. This was the intention behind this one, but, unfortunately, it has since been co-opted by the dem shills.
e, all the Occupy sites attract everyone.... that's what 99% means... it's up to us to see all views... whether ill meaning or not... and learn from them... and learn how to change them... if we can't change them... them maybe we need to look at our own opinions and see if they are truly representative of truth ... ;) I've learned a LOT here... I welcome the chaos ;)
You can remain here. No problem. Both sites can have different goals. Those that want to love Obama come here, those that want to participate in Occupy and be linked with protesters on the ground can go on the new site.
I don't LUV Obama.... I'm pissed at a LOT that he is allowing... especially the continuous war support.... but I do like him a LOT better than the potential alternative... I'ld much rather see an Independent like Sanders or Warren in place.... but at this time that is not realistic.... I also do believe that in the blue states... we should send Obama a msg... that we ARE pissed... but in the close swing states... we should be more cautious .... further I believe this might truly be this last two party polictically controlled election.... Direct Democracy is coming soon
You can talk about all these political issues on this site. That's what it's here for. The new site would be about Occupy. When you're tired of talking about Obama and Romney, you could come on the new Occupy site.
ok.... but it does get lonely ... on the top
If you prefer bottom's up, just look for the right partner. There's all kind of people at Occupy. Those that play it safe, and those that put from the rough.
Consider that most citizens in The USA, actually need to work for themselves or by selling their labour, knowledge and expertise or work for others in order to pay their bills, take care of their obligations and finance their lifestyles. Thus from this perspective, stripped of hubris, conceits and affectations - most people are 'Working Class' .. irrespective of what they do or how much they earn !!!
Perhaps there is now - more than ever, The Most Urgent need for a political party to Truly Represent 'Labour' - as opposed to the situation now where both sides of the 'faux dichotomy of Republocrat / Demoblican', only ever really represents "Capital". Past November '2012's 'Presidential Selection', it is now high time for a real "American Labour Party" and / or Real Independents !!
What are The American 99% going to do about it ? Well just for a start, they had better soon get to Educating ; Agitating & Organising 'PDQ' .. IF a better tomorrow for all is to be won ! & .
per aspera ad astra ...
All the Occupy sites are linked together on the "InfoTent" tab. What is so hard to understand about that?
It's not the same has having a forum as a hub. The InfoTent is just a directory. It links you to one forum or another. I'd like a forum where a protester in Chicago can discuss his ideas with a protester in NYC. And, people like me and others who can't always join protests can help them by asking them what they need, etc...
Don't worry, this site would remain for the pro-Obama crowd such as yourself. The new site would only be for those who want to participate directly with Occupy and be connected with the protesters on the ground from across the country.
Actually, I think this site will remain for pro-Occupy people such as myself. People like you, who want to destroy Occupy can discuss their ideas with themselves through their many other monikers on some other site and you can be the King with the most points and vote yourself up daily.
LOL. Reminds me of Me, Myself and Irene. Thanks for the morning giggles, BW.
What is it you think is stopping them from doing that?
I watched trolls beat them out in the early days.
Perhaps that's why they never came back.
Activists such as jart and zoe and other Occupy protesters detest all forms of government. They left because this site became Pro Obama site.
Again, you can keep this Obama site, there would only be a new forum. This should make you happy for I will be gone.
They weren't here that much then either. Agnosticnixie probably more than the others.
Like I said though, the other occupies that tried to use this forum for contact and support were mercilessly trolled the fuck away, and no admin came to help and there was even less in the way of moderation than there is now.
In fact it was the progressives that at least tried to chase off the trolls and give the modicum of advice that they could.
what is progressive supposed to mean?
It's a term left wingers adapted when being called a liberal was turned into an insult by the likes of Limbaugh.
Now they are threatened every day by the likes of Beck.
No, the people who chased off the protesters were the soft dem shills such as yourself who were against the black bloc tactics of property destruction. Jart even made a posting asking why all of you guys were scared of the black bloc.
You callin' me a liar??!!!
Do you really think you are going to tell me I didn't see what I saw?
I watched that shit happen.. I saw it!!!!
Now I know you're full of it. Because that thread by jart was relatively recent.
There was an absolute ton of right wing trolls here, no doubt about it, shooz. Justhefacts, Aries, slammersworld, smartcapitalist, laralittletree, farleymowat, to name a very few. There were hundreds more.
If there has been hundreds, there have been thousands.
I really did see Occupies elsewhere in the World attempt to use this site for contact and support. There was none.
That's why I never did buy that crap threshy always tried to sell about the forum being designed for that purpose.
None was ever offered.
"Against the black bloc tactics of property destruction"
Interesting, I personally have nothing against some tactics of destruction.
You got other points like that?
Too bad you weren't here when all the dem shills freaked out about that and chased away all the anarchists.
I defended black bloc. I will not attack young people who have "had enough" like you did.
Mmmm, It is not because I believe some destruction to be appropriate that I believe anarchy to be the way. But, yes, since there are only anarchists seeing things that way, I can't hate them. Remember my post where I mentioned that I had the attitude of an anarchist as a young man?
Just a secret between you and me, i always like it when the black block bash things around a bit...
If things persist in this track without a new option under development in the near future, then yes, I will encourage widespread destruction to stop this reality.
Destruction of personal property has no point. How woud you feel if I was unhappy about your neighborhood where you lived and for protest I burned your house down and destroyed all that you have? And just case, government property is really our personal property, so it is the same thing. destruction just creates hardship for all and is a senseless waste of resources. I noticed how you prefer others to do your bidding.
Sorry, I didn't mean personal property, but I have no problem with some violence expressions, I know it is worthless debating this, but a few broken windows or overturned cars resulting from revolt or protest will never make me sad, sorry.
As for the rest, If this system is to continue as it is, then I believe it will lead to humanity's death from loss of potential. That's a personal opinion, but If need be, then I'm ready to advocate destruction to stop this reality, even if i'll always prefer to do it strategically.
To your reply below. Tell me where you protest so I can film it and give it to the property owner and let them perform some protest on you. Your reply is pathetic and your attitude is why no one is joining the movement and why they are tuning you out. Violent Headlines gets you nothing.
Ah, as long as it is not your car or window. Violence will only incite more violence. Non-violent protest is the only option, and the most effective. Remember that this protest, while claiming to represent the 99%, is but a fraction of that. Effective protest requires a "drawing in", not a "turning off".
I totally disagree but too bad.
Now you are going too far. You opposed black bloc. You proclaimed that OW activists were seeking beatings from the police. You lying piece of debris.
"electron" says he's here to promote unity and he has done that! Thrashy under the monicker "electron" signed onto this forum on August 26 and has already racked up a minus score big time:
+] -6 points by electron (-489) 21 hours ago Our goal here is not to divide, but to unite in a common direction This is where you are wrong. The dem shills are here to divide. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink
He's united quite a few people around here but sadly the unity relates to him which is his real goal.
As much as I would like to see this forum link to the streets; having lively discussions is not so bad.
The problems occur when people start their name baiting...cursing out, and...constant promotion of parties, canidates, or political ideologies
If we had separate forums, would I be able to go to the other forum, and pay VQkag2 a visit once in a while? ;-)
Two separate forums, where everyone is getting along, high fiving each other? I don't know........
I do know though if we want this forum to have the relevance that we would like it to have.......something has gotta 'give'
Otherwise we will continue to be the forum that very few people in this movement read. That is not a slap, it's just fact
This forum is the place where many of us, for the first time, including me, were able to put it all together on what has been going on in this country. To a big degree, it was an epiphany for me, and a very sobering one at that
I thank all the contributors here....., even the ones who I have been battling with....., who have taught me so much
This forum must continue to be that great place of teaching, and learning
Going forward though, this forum cannot devolve into the shallow depths of partisan politics
Rather it must evolve into a place where co-ordinated acitvism with grass-roots movements can occur
It is only THEN that this forum will reach its potential, and have the relevance that it deserves
High five dude! What street activism are you suggesting!? What grass roots action are you pushing?
Let's hear it! Anything?
C'mon you gotta be more than just attacking people with different opinions.
I'll put up a thread later today, or tomorrow. In the meantime you should think about extricating yourself from the sewers of partisan politics
I ain't in no sewer. I'm fighting the good fight for the 99% like I been doin all my life!
"dontchu remember I toldja' I'm a soldier in the war on poverty?"
Freedom of speech.! Diversity of ideas,!
Yes Pvt., ....very good, just remember when you choose the path of partisan politics, you are most likely going to end up in a ditch filled with excrement
Lets replace conservatives with progressives while we at the same time build a new system from the ground up, horizontally, with real direct democracy!
OK...fine, but this site is a revolutionary one, hence it is not the place for this
We cannot be both an educating, reaching out, recalcitrant, resistance movement.... and a place where we are promoting partisan politics, without damaging the former
For the umpteenth time VQkag...this is not about left vs. right....rather this is about right vs. wrong,...and what has been going on in this country for the past thirty plus years is terribly wrong
When we are able to honestly present our movement like this to the unaware, we will then be able to reach people who are even right of center on the political spectrum
We need those people to succeed
Unless you are promoting ripping off the curtain at the voting booth...which i would not suggest.... voting itself has proven to be a lesson in futility
You're fighting an unwinnable mental disorder here called Cognitive Dissonance.
Yes, i can see that. Two comments going from plus 6 to 0, within minutes of the shills noticing
What is going on in this forum is also a microcosm of what has caused our political process to break down
I can't but help but conjure up a picture of two old dudes arguing over partisan politics, heatedly at the barber shop, with their faces turning red, and the veins popping out of their necks lol
All while the corrupt elite figure out ways to continue to screw us even more
It's false and not honest to oppose voting with activism. Not logical. Not true. I know that VQkag2 , me, and others who realize that it is important to defeat the fascist electoral party are supporters of activism. There is no contradiction. In fact if you can wipe the sleep from your eyes you'll see they are the combination that is necessary.
ps- the ageist stuff is not appropriate.
I think you should consider making New Posts here on how to better help the ows protestors, if that appeals to you, especially aimed at specific OWS sites or locations.
some of your ideas should be looked at better, and people may actually see the usefulness.
Then, seeing exactly what can be done, people will get the idea, and can help out in different ways.
(eventually, there can even be one for each occupy site if it takes off)
lots of occupies, may have actions or need assistance.
I think some of your ideas have merit, even to see there may be people wanting to do that.
and if the shills can't keep their comments off the post, p messaging copy paste to the shill.
and people could see how ows is everywhere
Thanks gsw. That sounds like sage advice.
"ps-the ageist stuff is not appropiate." No, but it is more acceptable if it comes from a grandpa
if you say so...
The really sad thing is VQ and Zen and others agree with many Occupy views. We need their support as well. But because they are so deep in the partisan rut, they can't see the whole picture. They need to climb out of that rut and then take an honest and impartial look at where they have been standing for the last 30 years.
yeah you are so much smarter than us. Then why can you do nothing except insult us? "rut"? "can't see the whole picture"? Whaaaat?
We see the whole picture and know that we gotta use all of our paints. We can't create a painting with just blue and green.
WE NEED ALL APPROACHS. OWS supports change within and without the system. We are stronger together. We recognize the corruption our system suffers under.
We want to to take it back. With the right protest movement and the power of the ballot we CAN do it.
We support you. You insult us as not seeing the whole picture.
There is a wide gap between Zen, and VQkag. One is acting from conscience, the other one has an agenda that is not conducive to our success. The former, despite our differences, I respect, the latter......
But the last 30 years has been the rise of the right wing, tinkle down era.
Isn't that enough proof for you that it IS the conservative agenda we are fighting against. They created these problems.!
My opinion is one where I recognize the reality of the last 30 years. Why should I give them a pass, or give them cover by saying Oh well the other guys are the same! That seems kinda ignorant. I mean the other side IS fucked up! But because they caved in and supported the conservative agenda.
Of course WE are fucked up as much for allowing the conservative agenda to succeed without protesting!. Now we are! So we can stand against the conservative agenda and propose a progressive agenda to serve the 99%.
It's not what you are trying to do that is bad, it is where you are trying to do it is where the problem lies.
Considering just some of the facts:
That very few of us here could name a handful of politicians who are for the people's interests
That voting has gotten us nowhere in the the last thirty plus years
That both parties answer to special big monied interests...not ours
Well considering all that, it would be safe to say, a new course of action, completely AUTONOMOUS from the old ineffective actions, and groups.... ie. voting, and petitioning members of government for redress of grievances is NEEDED
We...OCCUPY WALL STREET are that new course of action, and we will be successful as long as we stay away from the sewer of partisan politics
Yet on this very website is a call for people to contact officials to try to change their actions: ia the Coalition to March on Wall Street South
The Coalition to March on Wall Street South condemns the arrest earlier this afternoon of 4 undocumented people in Tennessee. Two of the people arrested — Maria Huerta and Alejandro Guizar — were riders on the No Papers No Fear bus. The other two arrested — Marciela Lou and Frances Ashley — are from Knoxville, TN. The four performed a civil disobedience action with a banner that says “No Papers No Fear” outside the Sheriff’s office.
The No Papers No Fear bus left Phoenix, Arizona on July 29 and has been traveling across the country to arrive in Charlotte in time for actions before and during the Democratic National Convention. They are scheduled to arrive in Charlotte on Saturday, September 1 and will be speaking around 8pm at the Festivaliberacion at Area 15 (514 E. 15th St). They will also be speaking and organizing a No Papers No Fear contingent in the March on Wall Street South on Sunday, September 2 at 11am at Frazier Park.
The Coalition to March on Wall Street South calls for the immediate release of the 4 people arrested today. We urge all those who stand for justice to sign and circulate the petition demanding their release, to call Sherriff Jones at 865-971-3901 to demand that the four not be turned over to ICE, to make a donation to the bail fund, and to take action to support the No Papers No Fears riders.
See here for more information, to donate to their bail fund, and find out how to help get them released! signed "Occupy Wall Street"
We will only be successful if we engage the political process. I see a post here where OWS is engaging the political issue of Immigration.
That isn't politcs?
It isn't politics if we say it isn't politics. Cripes I know and you know that no interaction among people is non political.
That is my point. This struggle "not to be political" is immature and a fantasy.
Our problems stem from politics. The solutions will be political, The existing political system can't be ignored if we want to change it. Any person to person interaction IS by definition politics. We can't pretend these facts do not exist.
I'm afraid that upper middle class artsy kids can ignore whatever they want to ignore. I remember when i was 20 and wasn't even well off or artsy but I thought I knew it all.
You're right. I'll be 50 in 5 months I think I know enough to judge how to protest and pressure the system. And I support their street activism. We can't succeed without the growing progressive protests of OWS.
It is their tunnel vision that prevents them from supporting political engagement.
They need this approach also. We need each other.
Just for the record Shubel, I was a blue-collar worker who along with my wife at the time was able to put two of my three daughters through university (as in paid for). Had my other enlightened daughter decided to go, we would have also done our darndest to pay for her under-graduate schooling too.
Those were the days. Can't do that on a blue collar wage now. Things have moved so far right since the days when the New Deal was the baseline of domestic policy and consensus.
The Maid has not changed his ways - he has no plan of action. He is against Direct Democracy. He should stick to supporting street protests and leave others alone to do their own thing to support OWS and the People.
He should be BIG TIME in support of Street Protest such as :
You're right. I took a detour to poke him again. I'm weak.
I attached that link. It IS street protests. And guess what? one party supports them and one doesn't. Politics, & political issues cannot be ignored.
It is not what we are talking about, and you know it
You are returning to your disingenuous tactics of obsufucation, and misrepresentation to lead this noble movement into your, selfish, not so noble cause of promoting partisan politics here
Did you call the other shills in, to turn my two thoughtful, plus 6 karma point comments into a 0, or was it all at your FINGER-TIPS?! lol
I can see from the somewhat contrite sincere comments that we both shared with each other last night
And NOW being well rested, and perhaps having consulted with your people
That you are now ready to embark back on your intensive partisan politic, campaign
I'm ready too
We disagree. I know we can't pretend, or ignore the current corrupt political system. You keep fighting to get me to do just that.
The stakes are too high to let right wing wackos take any more power. I support your efforts on the street, by going to the street myself. You don't support my efforts.
Thats our problem. Be supportive & positive. Not negative.
There is nothing negative about my not wanting this movement to get mired down in the pit-falls of partisan politics.
In fact in my opinion, which is shared by the majority of people in the streets, it shows a better understanding of how we got here, and what we have to avoid moving forward....namely partisan politics
The FACT, no slam that most people who are active in the streets with educating, and/or taking part in direct actions, do not read this forum is a sign of their good health, and positive nature.
We have the chance to turn that around, to have this forum become relevant,
But not if we use this place to promote partisan politics
The vast majority of people who support OWS at the rallies that tally in the 10's of thousands are Left leaning dem voters, And they WILL be voting for Dems.
We cannot pretend their is no election, Because we will be serving the 1% and turning over more power to the conservatives who created all our problems.
Like most people here, I too am a progressive, although i do not like being labeled
But that is not what our discussion is about, is it?
More purposeful obsufucation VQkag to obscure the reasons for your four month intensive campaign to derail this movemnt,
And/or channel the energies within it to your particular self-serving organization
First Zen...let's get one thing straight, depite what you might have heard around here about me, I am not the one who gives piss tests to see if you are 'pure' enough to be in OWS. Gee, i wouldn't want that job for all the 'tea in China,'.... 'cepting of course if..... never That is no one's job.
Most of the folks I have met in OWS, and all of the folks I know in the affinity group Occupy Town Square, which I have been a member of since early this year, are really nice people, regular folks even, really! We all have political backgounds, and I would imagine that some are still active in party politics, although I have never discussed it with them. That's fine, that involvement is good for short-term relief, it really is, and I can understand it even more where people are not near dynamic Occupy movements, as it is the second best thing, aside perhaps from ALL resistance, and reaching out, in that case. It's the proselytizing for parties, or canidates within the OWS tent....well that's where the problem lies, and i have not seen it at OWS events, with the exception of a couple of Ron Paul signs at Zuccotti last fall.
There are more discussions going on about a whole range of subjects than either of us know about. I like many people here was feeling a bit down this winter when this movement seemed to be fading, but then I went to the big GA gathering this spring in Central Park. I was amazed, I really was at all that had obviously been going on this past winter. The positive energy was incredible. I walked around in awe, and looked at all the displays laid out on the grass, and then listened to their determined speeches. I asked one group of people why they were there with anti-profiling of Muslims' literature, as they clearly did not look like Muslims to me. They told me they were there for their Muslim neighbors in Queens. I started to tear up.
This movement is not going to die. We do have to realize though that it is not our generation that will be leading it. That does not mean that we are not an integral part of this noble struggle though. We just ALL have to figure out where we fit in best, and leave our egos behind. That is what I see everyone in Occupy doing, and that is what I do too.
There is much to be angry about. That sense of outrage has been missing in this country for a long time. Unlike this forum though, that anger that I see in NYC is directed at the rotten system, not at each other. Here, while we are cursing each other out, down-voting each other with multiple pseudonyms, and figuring out clever little ways to denigrate each other......there in NYC there is a strong feeling of comradely, and community. YES in that big city, a feeling of community, imagine that! People calling each other to make sure they got home alright after taking part in a direct action....people getting the names of people arrested, and arranging the NLG's arrival...sharing their food....buying pitchers of beer, and celebrating someone who was released from jail for following his conscience. It goes on, and on, and the feeling of friendship with people that you hardly know grows quick. Because we all know... that we are involved in a noble struggle that will affect generations to come. We also know, it will not be easy....but what I see is beautiful, it really is.
So what is the difference between this dynamic movement in NY, and this forum? For 1., it is the age difference. It took me a while to accept the fact that this movement was going to be led by the young, not us. 2. It is the geographic difference, and not being near active Occupy movements, and hence in some cases, not really having a full understanding of what this movement is about, and how it is being prosecuted in a clear very determined, yet friendly way. But by far, and away the reason that this forum is so unlike what I see in NYC, is because of all the hacks, and shills on here. They do a real disservice to this movement, especially to the people who are really making huge sacrifices for the cause, and since I know some of the latter personally, it pisses me off to no end.
I've offered my suggestions on how to improve this forum so that it connects with the streets more, but no bites yet. Until we do though, we will not be reaching the potential that we should be striving for.
I can't help but smile while I type this. But if you were to meet some of the people that i know personally in OTS, or OWS, you may find that you have more in common than you think. Despite the image that VQ wanted the readers here to conjure up of me being a well-off guy in the 'burbs picking on a kid who grew up poor in the projects, that is definitely not the case. I do kinda wish the former were true though. lol Anyway, the point is, if they accepted me, you should have 'clear sailing', as I can be a little rough around the edges too. ;-)
OK sorry for misunderstanding you. To tell you the the truth, i had forgotten the thread that I was on, and being in the defensive mode that I am, I came to the wrong conclusion with you.
Occupy in my opinion has to walk a fine line. It has to maintain its revolutionary roots.....its defiance, while at the same time being inclusive to all people who believe we need systemic change. We cannot afford to have 'groups' that are tied into the dem party, and needless to say the repubs either being 'a part of Occupy'. We must remain autonomous, but yes some of the 'people' (like you, right?) in those organizations want the same thing we do....a sea change in the way our political, and financial institutions are run....and yes they should be welcomed into our ranks, as I was, and they should vote for whomever they choose. But they gotta leave all their political dogma home.
The problem is that 'political dogma', in the form of campaigning here is not being left behind. Rather, it has taken over much of this forum. Fortunately, it has not made an in-road that I have seen with the people in the streets, who are not only protesting, but who are also reaching out, and educating people.
I feel extremely fortunate that i live close enough to NYC to be able to go up there once a week to be with, and witness the determination of these mostly young people. So perhaps, that is why I have a different outlook, than some of the people on this forum.
There is though a 'concerted effort' here to squash people who do not want to see partisan politics here, and it is indicative in their efforts to co-opt this struggle... as witnessed by two of my thoughtful comments that were in the 'best comments' earlier today, with 6 points each, then within minutes, they were at 0.
Serious as a motherfucking heart attack boss. Protests and voting will get us through this. We are stronger together. If we don't hang together we will surely hang apart!
No one is an island. There are strength in numbers. United we stand, divided we fall.
If you ain't behind me! You're in my fuckin way!
Off with their f*cking heads?
I am behind all forms of resistance to this corrupt system with the exception of making this defiant movement election central
Your four month super-intensive campaign is designed specifcally to do just that
You throw in your supposed 'street prowess'......add in a few rah....rah...rahs.... for validation in your attempt to derail, and/or co-opt this movement into a docile, manageble one
No, I will never accept that
It is better to have fewer people here who are altruistic to the cause, than it is to have many, that are here for the wrong reasons
This is not the roll that I had thought i would be playing on this forum, but as i understood the importance of not having this movement being co-opted by the likes of, it is the role that I will play for the foreseeable future
You got that boss!
We think differently Zen about VQkag, and the reasons for those differences are more varied than i care to repeat on here again
There are many other people here who feel the same about partisan poltics as i do here. Few though who are as determined as I am not to see this struggle not go up in smoke
And as you have pointed out in a previous comment on this forum there are many, many more people in the streets who are like-minded to me
Does this in itself make me right, and you/him wrong? of course not
Or does it mean that those people who agree with me are right? again
So from that, for you to suggest that I/we have inflated egos, and are fools....well that might indicate a logical fallicy on your part
On a side note: I will never forget the time when after Odin was banned, you refused to join in on VQkag's......the man of Peace, and Solidarity........ vicious disparaging of me, Odin. It was a sign of class, and I thank you for it
We need those bleeding, sweating, & crying kids on the streets! We cannot achieve the changes we want/they want without them.
And they need us!
They just don't know it. And we do!
"They just don't know it. And we do."
So the generations that are most responsible for why we are at this shitty point in our history,
And had nothing to do with the advent of this movement
NOW.... knows best!
Come on can't be fuc-ing serious lol
All my efforts are in serving the 99%. All yours appear to be in attacking and attempting to silence anyone who disagrees with you, or anyone you deem not pure enough!
Freedom of Speech, expression, assembly, conscious. Diversity of views is our strength. "from many, One"
There is no attempt on my part to silence you, as i realize that you have ........
Very simply, I will answer your four month, and counting, very aggressive agenda to turn this into a campaign
That is a slap in the face to all the people in OWS who sacrifice so much of their blood, sweat, and tears
"altruistic to the 'cause"? that doesn't make sense. Sorry.
Good luck to you in all you good efforts
It does makes sense
No reason to apologize
I know that, and your sentiments are not sincere..boss
Oh yeah, almost forgot, I'm at plus 73, time for you and your buddies to get to work lol
I would have to agrer there is way to many pro obama comments on this site.It sucks that if you dare point out unpleasent facts you are automatically tagged as conservative. The funniest was whenbensdad posted obama's top 20 accomplishments he started making references such as if you believe increationism don't bother responding to him. It's like they think if you are angry at obama then of course you are conservitive. To be fair VQkag2 didn't attack me asa conservative. What I would like to see is the people who support obama realize the precedenthe is setting.
1) On Dec 31st obama signed into law the ndaa which gives the military the right to indefinately detain us citizens on us soil. 2) The murder of us citizens suspected of terrorism without benefit of trial. Sec of Justice Eric Holder's response to this is that due process guaranteed to us citizens under the constitution is not the same thing as judicial process. 3) It is within obama's power to pardon Bradley Manning but he didn't try to protect a brave soldier who proved the government was lying about civilians killed in Iraq. How do any of these make you think obama gives a shit about our constitution. At least if a repub did these things the left would freak out instead of selling our country out to a smooth talking liar.
[-] -3 points by electron (-97) 2 hours ago Those people come in and pollute everything. It would work much better if one forum is dedicated to being connected to activism in the streets and doing real Occupy work, and another forum, this one, remains for retired folks who want to talk about Obama. The essential idea with creating a new forum is that we can have a different form of moderation. Instead of moderating nothing like on this forum, we can moderate seriously and keep the discussions on topic. It would be much nicer since there wouldn't be political garbage posts to wade through. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink [-] 1 points by frogmanofborneo (504) from Bronx, NY 0 minutes ago This from the guy who said he is living in Indonesia and who used to blame the members of OWS for getting brutalized by cops
um try working people - in their thirties (narrow short sighted much?)
Do you have the $$$ to front another website? If you do, just go for it.
Actually, the discussions necessary to overcome the present political regimes here in the U.S.A. are not the type of discussions anyone can post up onto a website. (think of Code Pink " how about coming over for tea.") So, the most you'll ever get on a site is political goobldegook.
[demand elections be national and state holidays
The best way to avoid Democratic shills co opting this forum is to not engage them. As long as the people who wish to stay on topic use a little self control, the shills will tire of talking to themselves and either leave or change their topics to what interests the members.
Feed a shill, he comes back for more. Starve a shill and he never returns.
The shills worm their way into threads that have little to do with politics, and start their shit there too. I have trouble leaving an argument with them having the last word, or jab.
Yeah it's tough to not reply sometimes, but the result is worth it. The shills get weaker as you get stronger.
The dem shills that operate here are retired old dudes. They posts incessantly, that's why they have huge scores. DKAtoday is up at 16000+ That's because he has posted thousands upon thousands of times. Every day he is here 10 hours posting non stop. You can't just ignore that. It sucks. We really need a new forum. It's the only way. We need to have the power to moderate these shills away. VQkag2 alone is destroying this forum with upwards of 400 Pro Obama comments a day.
Let's try direct democracy here. The members should decide what is acceptable by choosing to engage or not to engage in partisan discussions. I've already stopped replying to partisan posts and it does work fairly well. Our goal here is not to divide, but to unite in a common direction. If we can't convince the people here to unite, how will we be able to do it in the streets?
Geesh, you make too much sense.
Hey I'm from California. We do have limited direct democracy (Anarchy) there but most people don't realize it. With the number of pro anarchists here, it should be such an obvious solution.
There are almost no pro-anarchists on this forum. Most people here are pro-Obama.
Naaah, 'TrashyTron', 'bw' said it all just below and elsewhere & consider :
Extreme "Blow Back", d'you think ?!
e tenebris ...
That is complete and total b.s.
Succinct, precise and clearly and demonstrably true. I really do think that you just might have made "The Most Important Posting Here. Period" ! LOL !!
ad iudicium ...
It might be interesting to take a poll and find out.
You want to unite against the dem shills? And you seek the help of Electron. Maybe you don't know the horrible hurtful prank he pulled on one of us? Or maybe you support it? You don't seem to object to all the name calling he spews. Did you see his personal attacks against me?. Others?. This is the kind of person you want on the forum?. But not Dem supporters. Your friend also said we should leave the republican trolls alone. Do you support that.?
This is where you are wrong. The dem shills are here to divide.
Divide what from who, or who from what.
Or was it who from who, or what from what? \ If you were anymore vague we could write ghost stories about you.
It's funny, every time I write the words dem shill you jump into the conversation like a jack in the box.
"The Emperor Has No Clothes", by Paul Balles :
"How would you like to live under someone's boot ? That's not a reference to a brute for a husband or a bitch for a bride. It's a question motivated by the behaviour of the mindless louts who enjoy holding sacrificial lambs as hostages and killing those who complain."
Recognising any leitmotivs here ?
ad iudicium ...
What's even funnier, is you never responding to important questions, just continuing your very own brand of shilling.
One of the reason I'm doing that is because you claim to threshy, and threshy never used that term.
That would make you a phoney, and I don't like that.
So I will continue to ask you the harder questions.
And I will laugh, when you babble some more bullshit, and bullshit is the only thing you have in common with threshy..
They genuinely believe that the other party will be to the extreme detriment of the country. My brother who hates Romney, hates Obama even more, so he grudgingly supports Romney. Just like the people here, but the mirror image.
What both sides need to learn is that together, both parties have become a detriment to this country. Both accept immoral contributions, both make immoral legislation, and both wage immoral wars.
The disagreements here are a microcosm of what is happening in the street. If we can iron out our differences here, we can do the same out there.
Both parties are allowed to practise insider trading, which is major league criminality in any other western nation.
Make that your platform for reform. Find out when it became legal to gamble on a "sure thing" and pretend to be doing a service for your country.
So true. The fact that it's still legal shows the level of morality among our representatives. They have no problem passing a law prohibiting every kind of theft, but leave themselves loopholes so their theft is unharmed.
It's the reason why perpetual war is inevitable for the US.
These people don't care about Americans dying and being maimed for life. They care about their profit margin only.
It's mandatory to declare financial interests in any company or corporation in Australia's parliament. If you get caught lying about it, you end up in gaol, and hefty fines to pay.
"Orwell's 1984 Solution to Criminalize War : “If There was Hope, it must Lie in the Proles”,
by Prof. James F. Tracy :
qui tacet consentire ...
I'm here to unite people, especially those who act out of fear instead of reason. What about you?
I love this post... it's all so peckaliscious... perspicacity informs... the pecking order is the norm, ah yes. And Amen, and Ah "no" to them... who should dare to bare, the genuine are rare.... in a forum such as this there is no perfect pair; "partisan" persists in the splitting (and spitting) of the hair... Well, hear here, and there.
Touche to this and touche to that... tit for tat, a vote to rat-a-tat-'that'... were but the voice of one the beck and call of all, who would be here... who would be here... who would be here?
I think it somewhat big headed of you to label this as the "most important" posting here...
It is, but you came here and read it. It's a way to fly above all the pro-Obama garbage. My postings always get many comments. It's a question of advertizing. Even the people who claim to hate me read my posts and bump them.
Cool 'T' & you can help "advertise" this :
"The Program" : The filmmaker Laura Poitras profiles William Binney, a 32-year veteran of the National Security Agency who helped design a top-secret program he says is broadly collecting Americans’ personal data.Mr. Binney described details about 'Stellar Wind', the N.S.A.’s top-secret domestic spying program begun after 9/11."
I can do "bump" too as this is a very important matter but of course, you'll claim not, lol.
DARE Y'all To Watch It (8.5mins) - Comments optional ~{:-)
fiat lux ...
I see America as ceding nationalism to a psychological decline...
I don't care one iota for the Leftist monologue here. And I'm definitely no fan of Obama but I think your forum has been commandeered by those possessed of a personal political agenda.
I like it. Maybe a separate tab for 'Direct Action/Protest Ideas Forum' something like that. Using the same formatting. Just a different page. Would that be difficult to program for? Seems like it would be pretty simple but I'm not a programmer. Activists could use it to share ideas, what works, what doesn't work, what's been successful and not. Brainstorm new ideas for Direct Actions with people from all over the place.
Nah, a tab is not enough. The political shills who are here to disrupt this forum would simply go there and post. We need a site where guys like VQkag2 can't pollute the space with his childish nonsense.
The software for this forum is open-source. I like it a lot. We would just need an nginx server, then it could be installed. We pick a few good mods and we're good to go.
But keeping it on the same website in a separate tab could get the posters talking together a bit. The nonactivists could interact a bit more with the activists stuff. The new tab/website would have to be very well moderated is all.
It could work if there are two databases. So, a user would have to register to both. In that way, we could ban a democrat shill in the serious forum, but he could still come here and post about Obama all day. We just need a way to keep the retired Obama lovers who have too much time on their hands away from a serious Occupy discussion.
So a person could have the same username in both places. He would have to sign in to each forum tab separately. And the mods would have the ability to ban him in one place while still having access to post in the other. So it would be necessary to have a separate database for that? Is that a big deal?
It's not that much of a big deal. They could just install this forum twice on this site.
"Michael Franti : "Music Gives Us New Energy and a Stronger Sense of Purpose",
As for you 'TrashyTron', 'divide and rule', is your 'm.o.', no ?!
nosce te ipsum ...