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Forum Post: The Little Red Hen

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 12:05 p.m. EST by dreamer001 (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Remember the story of The Little Red Hen. She had an idea and worked hard to achieve her dream. Others had the opportunity to help, but no one wanted to help until the bread was ready to eat. Then, they all wanted to help eat the bread. Hmmmm....does that seem right?

Dream. Work Hard. Achieve.

OWS Agenda: Little Red Hen, give your bread away to everyone else because they want it. They’re mad because you have all of the bread. Sure, you came up with the idea and worked hard at every stage to prepare the ingredients and make the bread, but they don’t think it’s fair that you get the bread. They want to sit back, do nothing and then TAKE, TAKE, TAKE! Does this seem right?

Please rethink your agenda. I don’t understand it. Change it from TAKE. TAKE. TAKE. to DO. WORK HARD. CONTRIBUTE.

Maybe people who are making a certain amount of money, should be given an incentive for at least trying to work and achieve. Instead of people not working or contributing--getting more. Of course, my heart goes out to people who need and appreciate the charity--and are peaceful and grateful. There are people who NEED help and it’s a pleasure to help them. Then there are people who are ANGRY and ENVIOUS and MEAN... TAKERS who feel they are ENTITLED to things because others have more.

99 people screaming at 1 person: Give us some of what you have because you have too much and I want some too?

Why don’t the 99 people put their heads together and come up with some great ideas that will result in productive, peaceful improvements in our world? If you like the idea of a community living and working together, then join forces and help each other--not by yelling at others and taking from others, but by creating something beautiful of your own that you create and achieve through hard work?

Pass out the story of THE LITTLE RED HEN to all of those around you... pass it on...



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[-] 1 points by dreamer001 (1) 12 years ago

I am a part of the 99%. 1% can’t be causing all of the problems of our economy. If it wasn’t for the wealthy people in our area, we would not have hospital wings, museums, scholarships, additions to our university. I am thankful for the high school graduate who started an amazing company that made him incredibly wealthy and that he is a generous person who is giving back to our community. I wish I had the extra money to do the philanthropic things that he does!!! I honor and respect him. He became wealthy by working hard. Very few inherit the world and a silver spoon. I am part of the 99% -- a school teacher-- and my advice is: READ THE LITTLE RED HEN and WORK HARDER, FASTER, and SMARTER to make our world a better place (not by complaining...but by contributing...) I am thankful for the people who build the roads, make the cars, and defend our country. I am thankful for good people who add goodness to the world and work toward peace and love. The OWS agenda sounds angry, mean, hateful, greedy, destructive, and anti-American. It’s hurting our economy and country even more...psychologically killing the hopes and dreams of college kids, high school kids, and younger kids with dreams of a bright future. I don’t want to (or have time to) argue about things like this... I have to work! Just wanted to share my thoughts. Peace to the hard working and good-hearted people in the world who dream of a bright future for ALL of our children!

[-] 1 points by RantCasey (782) from Saginaw, MI 12 years ago

If the banks were so successful and hard working why did they need to be bailed out??? How bout the auto industry. I'm tired of idiotic comments like this the 99% are the ones who build roads make cars, defend our country. The wealthy what do they do all day that is such hard work??? Scheme and steal???