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Forum Post: The libertarians, Ron Paul, and "small government" fundamentalists should send their kids to private elementary schools!

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 12:13 p.m. EST by leftistperson (95)
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Why the "libertarians", Ron Paul, and all the "small government" fundamentalists don't send their kids to paid private elementary schools?

Why they insist in sending their kids to free public elementary schools, provided by the evil big government? Isn't that communism?

If they claim that free higher education is "communism", they should not accept free elementary schools.

The should just send their kids to private elementary schools, and pay for it.



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[-] 2 points by leftistperson (95) 12 years ago

Don't you think it's fair?

[-] 2 points by leftistperson (95) 12 years ago

Are free Elementary schools a sign of communism in America?

[-] 0 points by ForTheWinnebago (143) 12 years ago

"According to the National Center for Education Statistics, state and local funding accounts for approximately 93 percent of education expenditures.

What’s the source of these funds? In most states, it’s sales and income taxes (both corporate and personal). But on a local level, these funds usually come from property taxes, which are set by the school board, local officials or citizens"

Regardless of your political philosophy, in an American community, you will be paying sales tax, income tax, and property taxes. So, no, they are not "free" and they, by and large, are not funded by "the evil big government," rather they are primarily funded through taxes levied on consumption and property ownership, essentially your existence in the community itself.

Who claims higher education is "communism?" I think, if anything, many small government advocates correctly point out that there is no evidence supporting increased government spending with an increase in educational quality.