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Forum Post: The instinct to gather and store in order to survive is inherent. The desire to expel your waste on a gold plated toilet seat is not. Greed has grown into a worldwide epidemic because people like Buffet, Gates, Winfrey, Branson, and virtually every public

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 6:08 a.m. EST by ModestCapitalist (2342)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The instinct to gather and store in order to survive is inherent. The desire to expel your waste on a gold plated toilet seat is not. Greed has grown into a worldwide epidemic because people like Buffet, Gates, Winfrey, Branson, and virtually every public figure on the planet keep raising the standard of 'success' and feed us one bogus promise to save the world after another with no regard whatsoever for the growing concentration of wealth or its effect on social and economic stability. It's gone too far. This will be our downfall. Not one of us will live to see a true recovery.



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[-] 3 points by ModestCapitalist (2342) 13 years ago

The rich and famous do not want to be seen as 'pigs' or go down in history as 'villains'. They want to be seen as 'heros' and go down in history as 'humanitarians'. The market for their product has become global. The fan base has become global. Therefore, the 'humanitarian' effort and 'good will' PR machine has gone global.  These 'humanitarian' efforts and 'good deeds' are not chosen to address the greatest need or injustice. They are chosen almost exclusively to appeal to the largest demographic for their respective commercial products. The largest fan base.  Efficiency or effect is of little or no concern. Its all about PR, marketing, image, and fame.

This is why the rich and famous have all taken up 'philanthropy' or 'good will' around the world. This is why so many have 'schools' or 'foundations' in their name. This is why so many play golf or appear on a TV game show for 'charity'. This is why so many sign motorcycles, other merchandise, or auction off their own 'personal effects' for 'charity'. This is why so many have TV shows with a 'charitable' gimmick. This is why so many arrange photo ops with wounded veterans, firefighters, or sick children. This is why so many have adopted children from around the world (Which they always pay others to care for full time. The hired professionals are sworn by legal contract to confidentiality. Not allowed to discuss or appear in public with the children they care for. Those 'photo' and 'interview' opportunities are reserved exclusively for the rich and famous 'adoptive' parents.). This is why every 'humanitarian' effort and 'good deed' is plastered all over the media worldwide. Its not about 'humanity' or 'good will'. Its all about marketing, image, fame, and PROFIT. This is why we are so often reminded of their respective 'good deeds' or 'humanitarian' efforts shortly before or after the release of their latest commercial product. 

Charitywatch.org and Charitynavigator.org are both non-profit charity watchdogs. Of all the well rated charities (about 1500) only three are closely affiliated with celebrities. Michael J Fox (not the primary donor), Tiger Woods (not the primary donor), and Bill Clinton (not the primary donor). That's three well rated celebrity foundations out of 1500. In general, celebrity foundations run like crap because they blow half the money on private jet rides, five star accommodations, and PR crews.

The fans have been terribly misled. For example:

Virtually every penny 'donated' by Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to date has come from repeated sales of baby photos. With each sale, the baby money goes to the 'Jolie-Pitt' foundation. A foundation which has never done anything but shelter funds. The 'donation' is immediately publicized worldwide.     

When Jolie or Pitt have a new movie to promote, a portion is then donated from their own 'foundation' to a legitimate charity. This leaves their ignorant fans under the impression that 'another' donation has been made. When in fact, its the same baby money being transferred again and again. Another portion is blown on private jet rides, super-exclusive accommodations, photo ops, and PR crap. This saves Jolie and Pitt millions in travel/stay expenses and their respective studios tens of millions in advertising. It's all very calculated. 

Of course, Jolie and Pitt could simply endorse any of the 1500 most efficient and effective charities. Of course, the baby money would go much further and do far more good if it were donated to such charities to begin with. 

But that would be too boring. 

The 'Make it Right' Foundation took in over $12,000,000 the first year alone. Tens of millions overall. Brad Pitt has never been the primary donor, planner, or designer. He is a figurehead and salesman with a position on the board of advisors. Nothing more. Still, he has been showered with glorious praise by fellow celebrities and media outlets around the world. Again, the fans have been terribly misled. 

In order to move into a 'green' home, the innocent victims of Katrina are required to provide a property deed, meet a number of financial requirements, and pay an average of $75,000 UP FRONT. The difference is offered in cheap loans or on occasion (according to the website) forgiven. To date, only a few dozen former home owners have qualified. 

The 'Make it Right' foundation was never intended to help the lower income residents of New Orleans reclaim anything lost in Katrina. In fact, 'Make it Right' is part of a calculated effort to rebuild the Lower Ninth Ward without them. Part of a calculated effort to raise property values in the area by displacing the poor. They are by design, excluded. Unable to qualify.   Of course, Brad Pitt could have simply endorsed 'Habitat For Humanity'. A well known, proven, and efficient home building operation. Of course, the tens of millions in funding would have gone MUCH further. 

But that would be too boring.   Big name celebrities have no desire to make the world a better place. 

Their primary goal is to appear as if they do.

It's a sham. Good will has become big business.

[-] 2 points by dingy58 (172) 13 years ago

Great post. Indeed the "fans" are fed more political entertainment bullshit every day. Obama's recent Country Music Concert comes to mind. Brad Pitt is an asshole. I used to live in NOLA, and it's disgusting how they all have conspired to keep the 52% African American citizens from returning to their beloved city.

[-] 2 points by dingy58 (172) 13 years ago

Greed has become THE religion. The message is if you don't work until death to buy more and more, you are a low-life. I hate that Black Friday bullshit....spend spend spend.....how? It is estimated that over 20% of people are still paying for last years orgy of consumption. It's disgusting to see people trample others for the right to own an X-Box.

[-] 2 points by ModestCapitalist (2342) 13 years ago

We were all born with a natural instinct to gather and store for survival. A natural instinct to care for family and community. This is human nature. 

When modern society was formed, we began to sell out our natural instincts. Survival turned into survival with a little more elbow room. Then survival with a little more elbow room and a nice view. Then survival with a little more elbow room, a nice view, and something pretty to hang around our neck.

Fast forward a few thousand years. With the industrial revolution, came mechanized transportation, modern housing, air conditioning, and television.

We had become somewhat spoiled. Somewhat motivated. Still relatively down to Earth. Still modest enough to appreciate one another, care for one another, and work towards a common goal.

Along the way, the potential for increased personal wealth became more and more intoxicating. Now, the vast overwhelming majority want to be rich. They want it so badly, they are willing to sell out basic morality to attain it. They WILL sell out basic morality if given the opportunity.

How can I be so sure? That's easy. Human nature plus years of corrupt influence plus opportunity.

Mother Nature did not plan for modern society. She did not plan for extreme personal wealth. Once attained, we become fully intoxicated. We simply can not process the concept without being corrupted by it. Without compromising our basic morality.

Extreme personal wealth is the single greatest corrupt influence of modern society. With every 'zero' on the paycheck, our basic instincts to care for family and community are compromised.

Those of you who still aren't convinced, consider this: 

If God himself gave you the power to end poverty, bring about world peace, and take a bonus of $100,000,000 for yourself, would you do it?

If God himself gave you the power to end poverty, bring about world peace, OR take a bonus of $100,000,000 for yourself, which would you choose?

Which would the vast overwhelming majority choose?

Why are the richest men and women in the world so incredibly determined to get even richer?

How did the world's wealth become so incredibly concentrated?

Why is the concept of a partial redistribution for the good of all so incredibly divisive and controversial?

How is it that virtually every developed nation in the world has become riddled with fear, instability, and rising debt?

How have so many world leaders and those affiliated become even richer as their own economies falter?   

The answer is greed. An obsessive desire for extreme personal wealth.  It's become a worldwide epidemic. Smashing through moral character like a runaway train.   

Not only is the greatest concentration of wealth in world history the single greatest underlying cause of economic instability. The very concept of extreme personal wealth is the most intoxicating and corrupt influence in the history of mankind.   There will be no recovery. The train won't stop until the track runs out. 

Greed kills. It will be our downfall.

[-] 1 points by dingy58 (172) 13 years ago

Greed is the new religion. After the foreclosures and bankruptcy we realized what a gift it is to live without a mortgage.

[-] 1 points by jomojo (562) 13 years ago

That's entertainment. The news that our public servants have extraordinary opportunities to profit from their positions has surfaced. They have full legal rights to use insider trader information that would jail any other professional. If Martha Stewart had been a member of Congress she could have laughed at her crime. The history of greed in America is clearly seen in the mansions of the robber barons that are now popular tourist destinations. Why would anyone want to spend that much time and money to build those castles of wealth and art? How else could you expect royalty to accept your invitation to dinner? Our public servants from their lowly hometowns seem to want to rub elbows with these kind of people, and therefore they must become rich, and DC is the place to become a rich politician. They might even let you touch their hand in an election year. (shudder)

[-] 1 points by nullapars (10) from Sacramento, CA 13 years ago

We need a common demand, something simple that United We Stand for. We should call for a constitutional convention to change the way we choose our leaders and that makes it ILLEGAL TO GIVE MONEY TO POLITICIANS PERIOD. Take the money out of the system and we take away the weapon the rich have used to hijack our system and cause this mess. This is the way for the 99% to take back our government. The elected officials will never do it so we must. It's a simple message that is easy to understand and hard to be against. TAKE THE MONEY OUT OF POLITICS make all forms of campaign contributions and political donations illegal. A specific message the media has to cover because everyone is demanding it. Right now the message is unspecific and that is going to kill the movement. No other single change could solve so many of our problems. Anything short of this wont work. Imagine how things would be if this were accomplished. I also think we need to get rid of the electoral college and implement term limits for everyone in congress. More info at http://uws1.weebly.com/

[-] 2 points by ModestCapitalist (2342) 13 years ago

I agree with your points regarding campaign finance reform. I'm all for it. But I won't call for it in place of a call to fight the concept of extreme personal wealth. Only in addition to. If that makes me part of an unspecific movement, so be it.

[-] 1 points by ModestCapitalist (2342) 13 years ago

Two examples of rotten disgusting immoral behavior involving five very well known filthy disgusting rich multi-hundred-millionaire fake humanitarian celebrity pigs.

 The ugly truth about the housing market, Countrywide, predatory lending, and the endorsements of Oprah Winfrey, Ellen Degeneres, and Dr Phil. Ch'Ching!

The first subprime loans were issued in 1994. It was a gimmick to sell more homes, artificially inflate the market, sell more homes at higher profits, foreclose on those who could not pay when the ARM rates readjusted, take their homes leaving them with nothing to show for their payments, resell the homes at a higher profit and so on. It was a cruel and calculated plan to sell more homes and artificially inflate the market. Those loans were incredibly profitable for well over a decade before the house of cards finally collapsed. In the meantime, bankers got richer along with the richest one percent who made off with higher dividends. It was a sham.

The biggest player in the game was Countrywide. Endorsed by Oprah Winfrey, Ellen Degeneres, and Dr Phil. If you have their shows from '04' to '06' on tape, watch them again. All three were paid millions specifically to endorse Countrywide by name. The biggest subprime player in the game. They issued more ARM loans than anyone else. Foreclosing on those who could not make their monthy payments when the rates suddenly went through the roof. It was a cruel and calculated plan to sell more homes, artificially inflate the market, foreclose, and resell for a higher profit. The sham worked like a charm for 12 years before the house of cards finally fell in.

At this approximate time, the worthless paper was sold to unsuspecting investors.

Oprah, Ellen, and Dr Phil were paid millions for their endorsements. Ch'Ching!

They have always had their ignorant love-sick fans eating right out of their hands. This alone is irresponsible. But to stand there and tell their ignorant love-sick fans to run out and get a loan from the biggest rat in the industry. That's just sick. 

These three pigs are not naive little uninformed twits like Paris Hilton. They are educated, informed, and extremely savvy mass media juggernauts. They knew damn well about predatory lending. It was a common phrase by then. Still, they stood there and endorsed the biggest subprime rat in the industry. They did so with a big fat FAKE smile on their face. Unfortunately, public figures are not legally required to be straight with their ignorant fans.

But they God damn well should be.

Bono is no humanitarian. In fact, he made millions from a shady deal with Live Nation in which other investors were made to subsidize his multi-million dollar stock options regardless of market value. The stock tanked, Bono unloaded, and those 'other' investors did in fact take giant losses in part, so the filthy disgusting rich multi-hundred-millionaire 'humanitarian' Bono would not have to. 


Just another rotten immoral disgusting trick perpetrated in the name of greed.

Madonna secured a similar deal with Live Nation. 

I've said it many times and I will say it many more. 

There is no such thing as a multi-millionaire humanitarian.