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Forum Post: The idea that big government is bad, is corporate media brainwashing.

Posted 12 years ago on March 17, 2012, 8:51 p.m. EST by FriendlyObserverB (1871)
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Big government is the corporate capitalists worst enemy, and is slandered all the time because corporate knows the people have the true power if they only knew.



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[-] 2 points by zoom6000 (430) from St Petersburg, FL 12 years ago

They been telling people for over 50 years that socialism it means communism

[-] 3 points by FriendlyObserverB (1871) 12 years ago

Brainwashing lies to protect their own tyranny interests.

[-] 2 points by pewestlake (947) from Brooklyn, NY 12 years ago

The idea of "big government" at all is corporatist media propaganda. Of course the government is big. It's a big, complicated country that also happens to double as "leader of the free world," whether we want it to or not. The size of government is a distraction. The impact of government is what matters.

Whether or not it's effective at doing the people's work is the main issue and corporatists want to change the conversation because an effective government would keep their corruption and criminal behavior in line a whole helluva lot more than the version we have now, stunted after 30-plus years of conservatives dismantling everything they could get their hands on. No wonder conservatives think government is incompetent, it IS whenever they're in charge.

[-] 1 points by shield (222) 12 years ago

It's true that the "size" of government is a distraction. The powers that government is authorized to exercise is the real issue. When government is authorized to exercise powers not possessed by the people who are to be governed there is a problem. The question arises: "Who authorized the exercise of such power?"

[-] 0 points by IminTexas (33) from La Marque, TX 12 years ago

Big government kind of limits the peoples' power too you know.


[-] 0 points by SteveKJR (-497) 12 years ago

So, let me see if I have this right.

Big government is the corporate capitalists worst enemy - meaing that big government can take riches away from corporations - right?

Big government is slandered all the time - is big government slandered by the people or corporations? Not sure about this question.

Corporate knows the people have the true power if they only knew.

Only knew what? Not sure about this question either.

Need some help in deciphering this one also

[-] 0 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

the electric lines under the grass roots ?

[-] 0 points by SteveKJR (-497) 12 years ago

Or was it the "electric lines" overhead that's the problem - you know EMF.

[-] -2 points by GumbyDamnit (36) 12 years ago

You're absolutely right! Everyone should be on the government payroll and as it is now, government is much too miniscule and frail to be effective.

We all need much more government! How else would we know what to do, how and when?

[-] -3 points by BlackSun (275) from Agua León, BC 12 years ago

So big government, of the people, is the answer.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

big government gets big projects done like aqueducts and roads and power plants

[-] -3 points by BlackSun (275) from Agua León, BC 12 years ago

Do you really think it ends with infrastructure?

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

ofcourse not

I've lived without electricity before

[-] -1 points by BlackSun (275) from Agua León, BC 12 years ago

Good answer . Stick to your masters script. Filth.

[-] 0 points by FriendlyObserverB (1871) 12 years ago


[-] -1 points by BlackSun (275) from Agua León, BC 12 years ago

Thank you. Finally one of you things is being honest. Keep working toward your totalitarian goal.

[-] 1 points by FriendlyObserverB (1871) 12 years ago

In a totalitarian government the people have no power. I do not advocate totalitarianism, but just the opposite.

[-] 1 points by Mowat (164) 12 years ago

You know how a fortune-teller makes people believe him? He tells one truth among a 100 lies.

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