Forum Post: The Fruits of Keynesianism
Posted 11 years ago on April 5, 2013, 11:47 a.m. EST by Nationwide
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In the five and half years it has taken for the S&P 500 to set a new high, “Real median family income growth has dropped 8 percent, and the number of full-time middle class jobs, 6 percent. The real net worth of the ‘bottom’ 90 percent has dropped by one-fourth. The number of food stamp and disability aid recipients has more than doubled to 59 million, about one in five Americans.”
Thanks to the great recession that Bush/repubs and (their base) corp 1% oligarchs created when they mugged the taxpayer for $1T under threat of stopping any lending.
Thats what happens when you allow corps to do whatever they want.
It's 2013, you can't keep blaming Bush for your woes. Nice try. Your arguments are falling on unemployed deaf ears.
I'm unemployed. And I know we are still dealing with the ramifications of the largest economic downturn in 75 years.
I don't engage in covering up forthose criminal fucks the crashed the world economy, or the fucks who have slowed the recovery by obstructing every jobs bill proposed.
You like to play pretend and cover for those responsible? That's your misfortune.
I don't play dat shit.
If you’re unemployed does it really matter whether Bush or Obama is to blame? I mean you still don’t have a job whoever is to blame. My advice is to move where the jobs are. North Dakota or Texas for instance.
No! Jobs can be created anywhere. I live in NYC anywhere else is a downgrade for me.
What is important regarding 'blame' is what policy destroyed the economy and which is best for job creation the name of the con artist culprit is less important outside the context of the policy.
You do realize how arrogant it sounds to say anywhere but NYC is a downgrade don’t you? If you need a job go where the jobs are.
Focus on getting a job. Blaming whoever for the failing economy is secondary.
I meant to say it was a downgrade for me. I believe we should all be proud of where we live.
I suppose NYC is a downgrade for those who love where they live.
I'll stay in NY. Y'know what they say "if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere".
Don't you love NYC too?
I don’t have anything against NYC. When I worked for The Pacific Stock Exchange in San Francisco in the eighties I visited the NYSE a number of times. Didn’t seem too bad, just crowded like all large cities.
But I’m a country boy and finally left San Francisco. I’m not a fan of any large city, and have vowed to never live in a city again. That’s just me. To each his own I guess.
But it seems odd that you rather be unemployed than go where there are jobs. Must not be in too bad shape yet.
I planned for unemployment 20 years ago when I realized the corps had me by the balls, and outsourcing would always impede job advancement/security.
So I am able to stay in the greatest city in the world because I planned.
But I'm lookin for work, had interview today.
But enough about me. Do you support Keynesian stimulus like you should.
I don’t know anything about Keynesian economics. I had to look it up before to know what it was. So I don’t know if I’m for it or not. Remember, I’m an old country boy. Doesn’t take much to confuse me.
Oh well, maybe another thread would be more to your liking.
Perhaps you should start a country boy thread.
Your unemployed? Stop lying. You have rental houses and financial assets, youve already said that.
Man you are full of shit.
If you are unemployed and have been sitting your ass on here 24/7 for the last year then it serves you right.
I left the work force 8 years ago to raise my daughter, Your description of my finances and how I spend my time is blatantly false.
Let's stick to the thread topic.
Keynesian stimulus approach works, Libertarian austerity destroys jobs.
What's your trade?
Job bills don't work. We have spent many billions on them and created bankrupt solar companies while one entrepreneur has made us energy independent.
Overleverage is not caused by one person but many people.
Nice use of language.
More than 90% of our greentech investments have been successful.
Jobs bills absolutely work.
I'm in technology.
If you are in technology, how are you unemployed? They are hiring.
If greentech has been successful, why is employment in the sector declining, why are the solar companies declaring bankruptcies.
Wacko ideas will get us nowhere.
Solar is declining (& bankruptcies up) because republican obstruction is letting Chinese & German solar corps supplant American solar industry.
My personal situation is inappropriate subject to discuss.
You brought up your personal situation not me.
Sorry, Chinese solar manufacturers are not doing well either.
It was a very bad trade and that is the point.
Your ideas are out of the mainstream and radical. People know that the government cannot create jobs.
Insurance company.
R U an Agent?
Even if not - it is funny that you would choose to represent a corpoRATion.
Does make sense though - considering your anti-people stance.
Corporations are owned by people so why should I be embarrassed. You obviously then have never employed someone in your life? Great help you have been to the economy. I get it, you are just a taker and have never produced anything. Seems to be a common theme around here.
I have made all of my employers - better off - they however have not returned the effort.
Not surprising that U would shit on the worker.
So exactly my point, you received a wage for working. If you didn't like the wage, why take the job.
But that is all you did. You put nothing else at risk and employed nobody else. Without the employers, how are we going to produce food and goods? It's not magic.
Hey - Shit for brains.
People work so that they can have a roof over their head food on the table.
If the only work available is substandard - as far as fair treatment to the employee/worker - it still means that the worker needs to try to make a living - whether they are treated fair or not.
Nothing says that we have to allow abusive employers practices.
So, stop working for somebody else and go out and start a corporation so you can produce goods and give your employees a living wage. One note of caution however, you will be sued by your employees for harassment using that language. Anger problems?
I calls em as I sees em.
And you jump up and down waving your hands to get the designation.
The first thing that I thought of was that ZZ top song.
Hmmmm - ZZ T ??
I missed that connection.
Happy to provide a chuckle though. {:-])
Govt is probaly the largest single employer! Are you kidding?
And I'm only suggesting that the govt invest in creating private sector jobs through infrastructure projects, and green energy conversion.
That'll do it.
We don't need green energy conversion. The radical Obama and his henchmen were completely against the new technologies and now within a matter of years we have energy independence which will mean manufacturing.. Government can't make those decisions as they don't know how to pick correctly. Obama was a ward captain and now you want him to make multi- million dollar investments? Yeah, that makes sense.
Multi trillion. We absolutely need green energy conversion. How are we gonna stop polluting otherwise
Don't remind me. He has already made some doozy mistakes.
Green energy is not ready, not even close. As he has paid off his buddies entrepreneurs have made us energy independent. He is so radical that he can't even see it and allow the Xl pipeline. The ironic thing is we won't even need it.
The keystone pipeline just makes it easier to burn the dirtiest oil on the planet. It is self destructive to continue burning fossil fuel.
I get it you hate Pres Obama and you just want to bash him. I'm not really interested in that meaningless game.
My biggest problem with the Pres is his compromising with & caving in to conservatives.
In any event we have made some progress on renewables and we are poised to make much more.
That is the right thing if we areto stop polluting.
Government spending is as high as it was in WWIi, near the top. No I don't support it because government spending is a dollar not spent by the public. There is no confidence in this administration and people are protecting their assets.
We don't have a spending problem. We've cut spending in the last 4 years more than any admin in recent history. And we have slowed govt growth morethan any admin in recent history as well.
The problem is a revenue deficit. We have the lowest revenue income in decades. Time to raise taxes on the wealthy, Time to cut corp welfare, and the defense budget.
That money can be used to cut taxes on the working class,and to create jobs, and raise wages.
Can't debate the facts so you just resort to the old I hate Obama routine. I'm probably a racist too.
So you don't care about the average person and getting them a job. All you care about is your interests. Typical response. That's why we have the lowest job participation rate since the Carter years
Wasting your time here, NW.
It's a bot. Very limited Obama response bot.
Still lamenting Bush are you. Spending is a silly statistic? Boy are you naive. You just explained yourself well. You and your President are both inexperienced.
You're suggesting my concern for my interests (ending pollution, compromising w/ conservatives, greentech jobs) is "why we have the lowest job participation rate since the Carter years"
That's funny.
How do you feel about some keynesian stimulus to create infrastructure & greentech jobs.?
Spending as a percent of GDP is at near historical high so I don't know how you can say there is no spending problem. You just got your tax increase and you still have your slow economy. Ironically, it was your boys who tried to avoid the taxes a la Gore and Costco.
Meaningless statistic when we are still in your Bush created great recession and struggling to strengthen the recovery in the face of your treasonous repub party obstruction.
As soon as your traitorous repubs get out of the way and allow jobs proposals to pass the GDP will grow andyour silly statistic disappears.
Growth is the answer. Repubs have to stop sabotaging the recovery.
Government spending hasn't worked. Unemployment is to high. Yes you own it.
We haven't used much govt spending at all to stimulate the economy.
But yes I support real stimulus ($2T) to jumpstart job creation.
Don't you?
Where do you get that more than 90% figure from?
From the record. Why cause it doesn't match up with your republican talking points?
What record would that be? G N' R Lies? Big Boi's "Vicious Lies and Dangerous Rumors"? A Beautiful Lie by 30 Seconds to Mars? There are a lot of records out there, you need to be specific. Some guy told me isn't enough (unless you are Harry Reid)
Please, the record of the stimulus spending is available to all.
I know it isn't what you want to hear, but it is the truth.
Help a brother out and shoot me a link. I'll believe it, but I just need something official.
No problem.
Cant wait. And we'll define successful as anything North of these guys:
Evergreen has been up & down for years unrelated to stimulus. More likely related to the weak unpredictable commitment of republicans who delay and obstruct the tax incentive program.
They would be fine if we took the fossil fuel subsidies and transfered to rebewable energy.
I see you haven't provided a link for your outlandish claims. Just insults.....the usual for you.
Your ID is a blatant attempt at childish offensiveness.
As I recall Betsy came up with that particular insult.
I'm getting a link for the freakzilla