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Forum Post: The Freedom from Fear.

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 27, 2011, 10:34 p.m. EST by Shock (2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

“Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our necks before emperors. But today we kneel only to truth" -Kahlil Gibran

First off, i want to thank those who brought this movement together and for everyone in the movement it's self. no matter what people say, no matter what they do, the fact remains that the people reading this forum and the people out there protesting (nonviolently) out there in the streets are the forerunners of what looks to be a much greater movement and am excited to see them setting the example and ground work for things to come. no matter what the media says, no matter how they spin it, the truth is easy enough to find, it's out there in the streets.

moving on from this, we all know what lead to this (the various industries that have hijacked our government, the banking industry is only on the top of a very long list) but what we need to remember is why we are here. are we fighting against something? or are we fighting for something? some might ask what is the difference but the devil is in the details.

if we are fighting against something, we are only together as long as thing that we are fighting exists. after of which, we fall apart, we start to bicker, we grow angry, and watch what we hope to accomplish come to naught.

if we are fighting for something, we survive this process. we don't need something to appose because we are independent of it. should it fall apart and crumble, we will be right there, continuing on if nothing ever happened.

and what are we fighting for? the answer is simple enough. we are fighting for the freedom from fear.

The fear of the pinkslips, of putting in years of your life, working your hands to the bone only to be "relieved" before you retire. we are fighting for the freedom from the fear of the knock in the middle of the night before rounding you up to put in a car with no lawyer and no trial. we are fighting from the freedom from the fear of having to depend on unemployment when unemployment get cut and no one is hiring. freedom from worry that your going to suffer the consequence of corporate mismanagement while those responsible are laughing about how they got off scott free. The freedom from the fear that everything in your life is going to be crashing down because you stated your truthful honest opinion about a group on a blog. the freedom from the fear that your now having a lesser quality of life because an industry decided it was in their interest to gamble with their stuff, loose it all, call their friends in Washington to foot their bill and then have Washington demand the taxpayer pay for it all.

but most of all. Freedom from the fear that everything and everyone is hostile and we are alone in our plight in the world.

over the last couple of years, this freedom has been encroached on, violated, and simply dismissed. it's nice to see some people are starting to take it back.



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[-] 1 points by Alex (79) from Rhoon, ZH 12 years ago

What about freedom itself? You don't have freedom, but aspire for freedom from fear? Why not go for the big prize and go for freedom?

[-] 1 points by Shock (2) 12 years ago

because fear is the only obstacle to freedom. they can beat you, they can chain you, and they can even kill you. but unless you fear them, you will never have to obey them.

[-] 1 points by Alex (79) from Rhoon, ZH 12 years ago

Fear is that what impedes you to want freedom. It's a step, but freedom should be the goal.

[-] 1 points by npowell85 (249) from Montana City, Mt 12 years ago

It is definately a sense of community that is missing today. Heres a great speech you all should watch that discusses that very point:


educate yourself, educate you neighbor. enough is enough. for people across the world, it is time to take action

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 12 years ago

This fear is both internal in our minds and real fear outside because of the extremely individualistic culture in America today.

Co-operation is the key to human happiness and fulfillment. http://littleg-ideas.blogspot.com/2011/09/how-to-curtail-greed-in-democracy.html