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Forum Post: The 'Free Market' is the Collective Will - Democracy NOW ! ! !

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 9:26 a.m. EST by Truthcipher (62)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Our frustration is voiced towards our economic system not because we are happy with our government but because we must do what our government can not or will not do. Our occupation is not against America or the American dream but an affirmation and fulfillment of the American project.

When power is strong and the political process broken it is the peaceful right to assembly that brings about the collective will and fulfills the spirit of democracy. We have looked to our American heroes from the civil rights movement and to non-violent peaceful protest around the world to follow in their example in the name of democracy. 99.9% of the world now believes in the promise of democracy and we wish to fulfill it.

We are called by our true nature as human beings to stand up and declare that we are capable of much more as a human collective. There is more to life then cheap commodities, reality TV and being targets of marketing. We believe in free enterprise and want a return to it. Today, multinational corporations wield power as if they are unchecked forms of government. They are legally obligated to maximize profit and to do so without international regulation or criminal liability. The result of which has been: endless war, a dying echo-system, poisoned food and an over abundance of useless commodities.

As a human activity, economic activity has always been confined by the will of humanity. Economic activity is only natural in that it reflects our collective will. This painful truth was discovered during the abolition of slavery but is vaguely remembered today. It is also reflected in all laws governing private property today. That is the role of democracy and self governance, to reflect the collective will. It is this collective will that creates the natural environment under which the economy operates. The collective will is only functional when it is universal. It is the current lack of a universal collective will that is the fundamental source of all that is unjust. Again, we are standing up in the fulfillment of democracy. We are taking our God given right to implement a democratic universal collective will. The rejuvenation of the natural state will rejuvenate our spirit of free enterprise. We will not destroy this planet for future generations. We will preserve and prosper on it. This is only accomplished by full global democracy. We have been promised democracy for hundreds of years and stand here today ready to collect.

The Human Spirit is one of triumph and achievement. Our best efforts are reflected in those endeavors that are fueled by the true nature of our being, that which cannot be objectified. It is our Love, our Compassion, our Humor and our Charity that define us. Despite Hollywood depictions, human history in the face of tragedy is one in which the human spirit is ignited. The Human Spirit is good and it will triumph in the face of any and all adversity. It is that very essence that calls us here today.

The system is broken but we are not. It is our duty as members of the human race to fight for democracy and our belief that through it, we will realize our natural God given rights as members of the human race. We want Democracy NOW ! ! !

Two suggestions:

  1. We declare to eliminate legal protection of corporations. Simply hold those making corporate decisions criminally liable for their actions.
  2. We declare to pass a 13 year plan for reducing our economic pollution by 33% and 33% every 13 years there after. (In order for this to be successful it must be global. We can not simply pass regulations in one specific country as corporations will simply relocate. This is how they manipulate local policies today and escape the collective will of the people.)



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[-] 1 points by CoExist (178) 13 years ago

The Human Spirit is one of triumph and achievement

[-] 0 points by Perspective (-243) 13 years ago

Your arrogance is astounding.

[-] 0 points by BofL (434) 13 years ago

Comments like this do not serve to enlighten anyone-do not enhance the discussion, and are counterproductive. Anyone in these forums, aside from provocateurs, stands to either learn something or teach something-preferably both in the process of doing one or the other. The act of pointing out arrogance without taking time to explain what you mean is...arrogant. I don't agree with the premise this forum started with either-so I explain my position-and look, we have a decent discussion going that could be instructive to anyone who comes upon it.

[-] 1 points by Truthcipher (62) 13 years ago

I apologize for the tone but had been reading many forums and I attempted to synthesize the sentiments I had read. It was not just me ranting but a culmination of my thoughts regarding all that I had read.

[-] 0 points by BofL (434) 13 years ago

I totally get that. I've had to pull myself back into a whole other mode to deal in here...what's funny is that my response was in regard to the guy with handle "perspective". I wasn't criticizing you for your tone-I was critical of the guy calling you arrogant. You gave it a go. What everyone should do. And then keep learning what's really going on-from the others trying to do same. The format of ows.com is deliberately anti-growth-needlessly confusing, and you should consider who is behind the scenes

[-] -2 points by BofL (434) 13 years ago

Democracy has almost killed the REPUBLIC and it'd be one thing if people were educated enough to have done it on purpose. LEARN the history of what brought us here. Aiming for democracy from this point is asking for the rest of your liberty to be taken from you by force. This is a REPUBLIC. Excellent forum here explains http://occupywallst.org/forum/interesting-read-about-the-constitution-and-corpor/#comment-404866

[-] 1 points by Truthcipher (62) 13 years ago

I understand that we live in a Republic. I also agree that Democracy is a bit ahead of it's time. But to say that democracy has killed the Republic?? Or that Democracy would infringe on freedoms?? As long as their is a constitution to protect certain rights then we prevent the tyranny of the majority and still allow for Democracy.

[-] -2 points by BofL (434) 13 years ago

Democracy in the form we see it is designed to destroy the republic. Republic means "Freedom from things public" libera res publica. Essentially, by giving each voice a claim to every other voice (leaderless) the powers that be (the tyranny of minority) has complete control over the process of balkanizing our republic. Democracy is the tool of corporate communists who are aiming for outright fascism-and the folks on the street (most) don't realize how they are playing right into the final stages outlined in athe Communist Manifesto. There is no tyranny of the majority -impossible in a republic-everyone is free. Step back and look closely . Start here. http://www.gemworld.com/USAVSUS.HTM

[-] 2 points by losthumanity (58) 13 years ago

'"Freedom from things public" libera res publica.'

Loosest definition ever.

res publica. Things public. Libera was your wishful editorial.

'A republic is a form of government in which the people, or some significant portion of them, have supreme control over the government and where offices of state are elected or chosen by elected people. In modern times, a common simplified definition of a republic is a government where the head of state is not a monarch. The word republic is derived from the Latin phrase res publica, which can be translated as "a public affair", and often used to describe a state using this form of government.'

The rest is just a reactionary rant of pathetic proportions.

[-] -2 points by BofL (434) 13 years ago

"Wishful"and "pathetic", "rant"...your response is reactionary-your "logic" is mostly absent. And I disagree entirely with your definition pulled from the air. You have avoided a thoughtful response, adding nothing. The guy writing the initial forum post hasn't learned yet-is trying out the words. less invective-more teaching. Or the movement is just a waste. Everyone knows it's fucked up-we need to stop bitching at each other.

[-] 1 points by Truthcipher (62) 13 years ago

I understand the theoretical point but do we not now live in a fascist state? Free trade is dead and replaced with global monopolies. Most of these corporations have larger GNPs then the countries they operate in and they have only infringed on the people's freedoms by polluting their air, controlling their lives and leading to increased poverty. Development around the world failed miserably, it never brought the education and health improvements that were promised.

Communism (at least in how it has historically manifested) is large centralized control and so I think the concept of democracy is anti-communist. In fact the large global multinationals are the epitome of large centralized power and are more communist/fascist in nature then free enterprises. One example: 3D Televisions. No demand from the consumer for these as most are still paying for their HD sets but yet they still decided to resurrect a 1970s technology and market it to the consumer. That is not supply + demand, that is top down, centralized control over production.

[-] 0 points by BofL (434) 13 years ago

I see the perspective from which you are looking at it. Consider this. Development in 3rd world countries "our" involvement there-has never been the point. You assume someone ever had humanitarian intentions. This has always been imperialism. Yes-we have fascism cloaked as democracy -a kinder gentler fascism. Military rule isn't far away if we can't look past the framework they set up to confuse us and make us fight amongs ourselves. Really-check the link And try to see where we came from (history you and I were taught is BOGUS). Democracy as used today pushes us farther from a republic. Liberty is my goal-not more central regulation and federal involvement -which is all for the benefit of the 1% no matter what special interest is ostensibly cited. It's all about say one thing, do another -with them.

[-] 1 points by Truthcipher (62) 13 years ago

I agree completely + I did check it out. Just because Democracy has been perverted + misused does not mean that it itself is a bad concept. I would agree that we are not yet at a stage in which we could actually implement it and so yeah a republic is probably still the best form to use.

This post was actually the 2nd half of what I wrote but the forum said the whole thing was too long to post. I think you bring up some good points as to why Democracy may still be a bit out of reach.

My main points:

  1. The idea of capitalism as a natural condition is false. We the people have always defined what is acceptable. i.e. slavery, property rights + prohibition.

  2. The protection of the earth is essential. We can not destroy our life support system. If our methods of production do not change we will all perish.

  3. Regulations do not hurt profit if they are universal. Capitalism can still be saved but only if there exists some mechanism to enact global regulations: wages, environmental, etc. . . If ALL have to operate according to the same rules then this will not hurt profit as regulations simply become the 'natural state.' Because this does not exist today, corporations can manipulate local policies to create unfair comparative advantages (the race to the bottom).

  4. Strict global environmental regulations will spur new localized production and create much needed jobs. Global environmental regulations will also help dismantle the current powers that be through economic activity.

[-] 0 points by BofL (434) 13 years ago

I'm just trying to imagine how you implement such a situation-given that we have what we have (no control of the money) and point 4 doesn't jive with what I see in reality-environmentalism as preached and as then used to regulate -is, like democracy of today-the biggest players rig legislation, cut deals, buy credits, whatever -circumvent t the intent of the regs/laws and you get less true competiton, more monopoly, and yes, worse enviro outcome. Happens every time. But, let's say all you wrote is spot on. How do you implement this dream? It is good to imagine no boundaries-but wanting something outside the context of an understanding of how we achieve a new condition-derives from not really understanding the patience and discipline that was employed by our enemy to put us in the current situation. This is 500 years of unbroken power consolidation. Covertly, cunningly, and conspiratorially -by elite secret organizations. That gemworld link contains enough info to keep you busy for days. Once you really have a grasp of that. Please endeavor to read this one... http://www.supremelaw.org/fedzone11/htm/preface.htm. BECAUSE this is a rare individual, a federal witness/attorney who has patiently studied how to crack the fraud so YOU can assert and defend your rights. Until EACH individual arms himself/herself with the knowledge and power of the laws that are already in place (ALREADY IN PLACE) the whle exercise in trying to imagine how we rewire the law is a counterproductive measure. THEY spent the last 200 years trying to erode and BURY what was beautifully installed and meant to last. Just look at what is already there. You don't yet get it. I promise you. And I truly hope you will study it and make the leap. YOU are sovereign! Teach it to others. HAPPY THANKSGIVING