Forum Post: [DELETED]
Posted 12 years ago on May 16, 2012, 8:12 p.m. EST by anonymous
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 12 years ago on May 16, 2012, 8:12 p.m. EST by anonymous
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
These are excellent suggestions and perhaps could be actioned relatively quickly as no new scripts would have to be written, 'de-gliched / trouble shot / test run' (my terms!) - as only existing functions would have to be 'un-intalled / switched off'.
The effect of simply starting new threads though could easily clog up the forum (imho) and in the current situation perhaps only you could use this method.
nil desperandum ...
Yeah no I don't see starting a new post every time I want to say something that won't get collapsed as a viable option- you have to wait like three hours between Posts.
I hope the forum considers and likes my suggestion on this Post.
It has been suggested to me that this post might be shadow banned.
Why do I mention this?
Well I do not want anyone who notices the fact to get possibly unnecessarily upset.
If this post is shadow banned - my thought is that it may be so visitors (not contributors) would not see the mess and be repulsed from staying to look around.
I am happy for now to let this continue no questions asked as - it does not matter - you already know about this post and the attacks going on.
Let them address the issue. It should become apparent when the attacks have been stopped.
In the meantime I would suggest that maybe U might want to e-mail the site if you have any concerns.
Someone with extra names poked you and got a response. Now more are doing it and getting exactly what they want. Look at all the time being wasted talking about up and down votes and karma points.
You have a problem with the concept of this Post?
To end the effectiveness of outside attackers trying to screw with the forum?
I mean YOU don't have to comment here and neither does anyone else.
Plenty of Good Posts out there to participate on.
Unless of course the attackers don't like the Post.
Then you end up with something that looks like this Post.
Scroll up and down - notice all of the collapsed comments/threads?
This is happening throughout the forum right now unabated because the vote down feature will collapse a comment.
Turn off the collapse feature for the general user and restrict it's use to the moderators. Attack effectiveness gone - comments are still open and available to the forum public. Shit posts and comments would still be subject to forum enforcement.
I have no problem, i just made a simple comment, and comment when and where I feel like it. I see what frustrates you, but I assume you've already emailed the moderators about the problem.
Yep - so far no response - I am hoping that they are taking it under advisement and are trying to decide what they want to do about it.
In the mean time I will hang out here.
For the most part.
Whoever it was may have gotten bored, this comment has made it 8 hours and only gotten knocked down by one vote.
Problem has been solved.
Didn't you notice my little weight problem?
DKAtoday (8675309)
God I'm so tired - I can barely move.
Can anyone spare a Big Mac or six?
Good idea.
Hey Nevada1 - thanks for your support. Please feel free to share this post as you so generously share petitions and great direct action opportunities.
You are absolutely one of the best. There are so many good people here.
I am blessed with the company I keep here.
Correction I am blessed in the good company that has accepted me.
Hi DKA, You are welcome. Please realize that with all that is going on now, you are winning, not losing.
OH I don't care for myself - I care about the forum and all of you. It sucks seeing your good contributions getting hidden by a collapsing vote or worse removed if troll droppings are edited out taking comments with it.
But thank you for your kind thought.
If you care about the others and not yourself, drop your ego and stop posting.
Fuck you. This is my post and it serves a purpose. I hurt no one Else's posts by continuing to comment here. So eat shit and bark at the moon. No fucking blind marcher is going to take away my right to participate.
You harm no one.... in the same way that my right to not purchase health insurance harms no one.
nor my right not to buy guns
I'm glad we agree... of course you have the right to not purchase a firearm, when did I imply you didn't?
Until you need medical treatment then it costs those who have insurance.
Who is the back rider there?
Don't give me care. Let me opt-out. Why did you assume I will want care? And when did I call you or anyone a back rider?
Hey carry a living will that says dump me on the curb I refuse treatment. Have it tattooed on your forehead with instructions on how to locate your living will for confirmation. Provide a phone number to your lawyer or appointed advocate. Have it registered with the medical community. Then don't pay for insurance. But be prepared to pay up for missing premiums if you do get treated.
when I can stop buying the things i don't want, like other countries, and other people's freedom because they like to have fun
Health care is a human right, NOT a product. Go move to Iran if you hate your own body that much.
Look it up. I and others have dealt with the subject before - have fun do some re-search.
SFB - and yes - U - R
If the insurance industry was converted to run as not for profit. Things would get a lot less expensive.
If the Health Care Industry was made not for profit. Things would get a lot less expensive there.
If there was a cap on executive pay packages as well as on Board members. The money earned in revenue from sales or service would have to flow back into the company or out to taxes.
Limit the greed and it's subsequent effects.
Apparently you don't care about other people. Like I said, Iran suits you well. Or Sierra Leone?
Life is worth more than some stupid paper that you "earned." You're not better than anyone else just because of what you do or how "hard" you think you work. All humans are equal.
I don't want anybody to work for anyone's health. Healthcare should be completely free for all, not-for-profit, and funded through taxes instead of forcing people to work their asses off to afford the plans that they have now. No one should have to work to have basic care. Forcing people to work just so that they will be cared for when they get cancer is slavery.
Right now I have decent health care, but if I lose my job through a lay-off suddenly I lose my "right" to be healthy, because I won't be able to afford my medication. Seniors on Social Security surely will DIE if they don't get their meds from a health plan, yet people like Romney want to cut spending on things like this because I guess he cares more about some paper than other human beings.
The point is: Money isn't everything.
So if all humans are equal (and they ARE) why don't they all have equal right to be healthy? Apparently only some humans are "worthy" of health.
Checking to see if I see this thread on the front page or not.
Checking for a shadow ban?
Im starting to think its possible that some of these trolls are actually some of the mods here. I find it weird how some of the comments that get dragged down aren't just troll comments but comments that ask genuine questions about this movement that some of the powers that be don't want discussed.
Very convenient for the mods to be completely gone when all of this is going on...
Send in a request for information. Every one is wondering what is going on - everyone except the attacker (S).
Use the sites report abuse E-mail address.
Please email when people are breaking the rules.
If you keep starting a new thread, they can't bot you.....:)
Well I can only do 1 new post every three hours and the time constraint between commenting makes me about as slow as a turtle wading through molasses in January in the north woods. I always see so many comments by others and wonder am I the only restricted one? After about two comments on a fresh start then the system will tell me to wait 1 minute before I can make my next comment. Sometimes it seems others have a three times output to me.
I have that 1 minute issue sometimes myself.
What happens if you say something really "right" wingish?
Perhaps a go teabaggers post would get them to lay off?
If you have the stomach for it.
Compromise my values ?????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
SHOOZ - how could You - i...I...I am So Hurt. {;-[.....
same here
Hey your reply's are getting harder and harder to find here as they get buried in the collapsed threads.
Just pick up a conversation where you left off. In the Posts comment box instead of hitting reply.
I know it's a pain but until this collapse attack ends - what can ya do?
Just make a new account.
NO. I am who I am.
Not some sick multi-character user/abuser.
Best an Worst would put a damper on it.
Huh? sorry. Was that in reference to scoring or ..???
if there were a "best" and "worst" comment list, then when the trolls attack they would be putting people at the top of a list where they would be seen this defeats the trolls, but the collasping thing was something I thought was my computer, that is problem
Well I appreciate the thought of a worst comment board. Counter balance the Best comment Board. It might also make people wonder why a comment is on the Worst comment board. Kind of like shit comments showing up on the Best comment board.
Have you considered sending in this suggestion? Perhaps ask what they are doing right now? I have already had someone tell me that they were going to leave this forum if this is not addressed. I asked them not to as we have had a lot of good people driven away and I feel that this is an important Communications Hub. I asked if they would instead express this determination to leave and why to the site and ask for a response. Hopefully the site will ask this individual to stay.
Please email when people are breaking the rules.
thanks, my guess would be based on how quickly they were banning people the other day they are on this and it be worked out soon, maybe "moles" I suppect that's the case, been good up till now sort of thing, but yeah that's my ideal exactly, the point is to keep you from being read, so if they put up the "most attacked" people would want to know why and the whole thing works against them,
I can see that.
Good thimkin. {:-])
You're letting your pride in a score or desire to have everyone read your comment distract you. The down vote is a mosquito bite, just leave it alone. The more you dwell on it the worse it seems.
Many of the down votes are obviously simple personal attacks, comments like "good job" or "i agree totally" are getting down voted for no reason other then someone has a grudge against an individual name. Voting past -4 or even -5 is just an insult trying to hurt your total.
I could care less about my score. Starting at -4 a comment collapses along with any reply that has been made to that comment.
No big deal when it is a random thing - but this is being done to whole posts now.
Have a look see:
Yes I noticed. I noticed it first when someone posted maybe a week ago about a name getting down voted within half an hour. Since then the problem has grown worse.
You've probably notified the moderators already, I suppose it would help if everyone was encouraged to email them your suggested reforms.
Yes I used their abuse e-mail contact address.
Please email when people are breaking the rules.
It would be helpful - no doubt to contact the forum moderators. But don't feel constrained to suggest my suggestions. Just ask them to look into it and get back to you and the whole forum about it.
Damn DKA, I ain't shit, they got you for 1500 in a day, something is broke as hell, well they can fix it or not, like everything, way beyond me.
Yeah - it would be so easy to fix too. Just turn off the collapse comment feature - leave that to moderators who want to collapse a comment.
I could care less about my Karma score. But the assholes are collapsing whole posts. Not the Post itself but every thread in them.
Take a look at my unite in common cause post. All collapsed.
they fear that people will read what we write, it's like sending a letter to my editor like they print anything that might make people rethink wealth, well at least they can't keep us from posting at least not yet,
Hang Tough.
you too, every little bit, seems I recall reading somewhere something like “one person standing alone in the desert telling the truth is more powerful than all the armies of the world”
(hope it don't get down to one)
Fortunately we are not alone or out in the desert. {:-])
Support good people on the forum. It is another type of community after all.
People Hang Tough!!!!!!!!!!
well actually I am in the desert, and in Arizona you can feel pretty alone sometimes...:- D,
Thank God your right, and good things grow
AhHahhaha.......yes a difference in perspective....I on the other hand live in the land of 10,000+ humidifiers ( lakes and ponds and such ).
Yes GOOD things do "still" GROW.
Forward the movements against corruption greed and crime.
I hear all the children are above average too.
Oooooo sore subject.
Get injected hormones and steroids and all the other fatten up the food animals quicker additives out of our food chain.
Steroids and such have been shown to cause cancers and other health issue in pro athletes - and are banned. Should we not ban the substances from our food chain?
sorry, look I'm just a fan of the show, I think it's a great comment on life, never been to place it wasn't so
No problem - I love the changing seasons. I also love visiting the Mountains from time ti time....I have not yet spent any time in a desert environment. Drove through the bad lands - was a bout the closest I have been to such an environment.
I've been through there, billion year old rocks, something about old things...
I know - exposure to the ages. I get that feeling up in the mountains - looking out over miles and miles watching clouds float by below - a storm in the distance and the immense mass of rock you are standing on. Nothing like it that feeling.
When is the last time anyone saw a moderator?
I find it funny how my thread that has absolutely nothing to do with trolling but asks important questions, gets shadow banned.
But threads that are started by the real trolls are always there for the world to see.
I have heard the term shadow ban before. But I do not know what that means.
I know that there are those attacking the forum that want good questions to go away and so they down vote until the comment collapses. They will do this with out making a comment in reply ( silent down vote ) to the comment they don't like in the hopes that it will go unnoticed.
I also note that anyone trashing an official site "news post" will have their comment deleted. That editing I can't argue with as it is the sites news post and "not" an open target for attacks.
Yeah I didn't know what it was until someone (intentionally or unintentionally) explained it to me.
Basically I had a thread but because the owner of the site or a mod didn't like that my thread was getting so much attention because of a question I asked they caused the thread to not be viewable while not signed in. As if it doesn't exist. Trying to limit the amount of people that see it.
It was a pretty cheap and shameful thing to do.
But like I said I find it funny how they have time to try to suppress my thread yet whats being taken place in this thread with the trolls downvoting everything is completely allowed.
I like the suggestions you laid out. Common sense stuff. But I also do think we need to find a way to talk about this without giving the trolls so much attention. They love this stuff. And until the powers that be get off their ass unfortunately this is going to continue.
That's why I would be happy if the abuse/attacks remained here but they are not. Still I seem to be a major target so let the lightning strike here more frequently then elsewhere.
BTW - because of the nature of the attacks and the collapsing threads - it is getting difficult to find your replies - feel free to use the Post comment box up top of this mess rather then hit reply.
Don't feed the trolls and they will flee.
What ever.
Why don't you make a post on the subject !?!
Perhaps a lot of people just don't agree with you.
All of a sudden ?! How does that happen ?!! If folk don't like your stuff - it's usually from the get go !!!
ad iudicium ...
Yep - that must be it.
Thank you so much.
Hmmm....Maybe a new deodorant or mouth wash.
Nope. It's just some lazy brained asshole using a bot, because he lost an argument or two.
I'd like to learn how to use bots and post visuals here too.
and ?????????
and duh
bot voting stills hit the pop corner
which could also measured by response
yeah like in ten minutes who knew so many were on here at 3 AM? WOW!!!!