Forum Post: The FDA's Christmas Present for Factory Farms
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 28, 2011, 11:36 a.m. EST by GirlFriday
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Farm to table.
Indicative of the pattern of the Obama administration as of late. They've made the calculation that leaning right of center, versus sticking to liberal principles, is more likely to get Obama reelected.
I agree.
Hi GirlFriday, This is a problem. Glad to be vegan. Goes on the same list as fracking. The intensity of this kind of crap is increasing. Best Regards, Nevada
Forward environmental change. Your participation can make a difference.
186,696 signatures so far for Bernie Sanders petition as of 10:22am central time 01/19/2012
The petition to save abandoned houses has 16 signatures as of 01/19/2012 10:22am central time. Were just rolling right along.
Here is a place where you can directly address change. Take part, it does not hurt and may very well heal/help. Forward the cause of reform and rebirth.
Sierra Club has some good things to take part in as well. Set-up and ready for you to take part in.
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183,361 signatures so far for Bernie Sanders petition as of 10:15am central time 01/15/2012
The petition to save abandoned houses has 15 signatures. We picked one up at around 9:50pm 01/13/2012. Were just rolling right along.
Here is a place where you can directly address change. Take part, it does not hurt and may very well heal/help. Forward the cause of reform and rebirth.
Sierra Club has some good things to take part in as well. Set-up and ready for you to take part in.
If this doesn't prove that the libertarians need to go and that we absolutely need regulation, then I don't know what would.
Support local farms!
Buy from local farmers markets when you can and make sure the food is really local and from family farms.
The antibiotics and not as bad as the hormones used to up production of milk.
Another serious need for regulation and enforcement = Food futures speculation.
Perhaps if we can get that going ( should be an apparent need for action to all who need to eat ). Well then maybe we can get those same people to get behind the regulation/enforcement of Oil Futures Speculation as well.
This is why we are here this is why you are needed.
Share, circulate, educate, inspire.
DK, I have already seen it. It is one of my favorite documentaries. When my 2 hours is up, I will find another food spec article to post. Or go drum up all of our other ones. :D
Sorry to offend. Just trying to keep the Documentary in view of others who may not have seen it yet. While also supporting good posts as I come across them.
I'm not offended.
I get carried away as it is such an essential central educational program as to what went wrong, how it went wrong, who was involved, what the players did before, during and after.
Why everything else in this economy is so fucked up, and not likely to get better until everyone stands-up and takes action.
There is a central point in which to start and everything that is going wrong can be traced back to that. Government, WallStreet, Banking. Pharma, Oil, Insurance, Food, Drugs, Education, Environment, Clean Energy/Fuel etc. etc.
I agree.
wow. nice post GirlFriday.
Occupy farms
The self regulation big food system should work as well as the self regulating banking systems did. There is no left wing any more there is right and further right and none of them care about us.
Lobby the government. Your voice is a vote. Petitioning is lobbying. The Peoples Lobby. Take part, take action.
Forward environmental change. Your participation can make a difference.
187,506 signatures so far for Bernie Sanders petition as of 9:48am central time 01/20/2012
The petition to save abandoned houses has 16 signatures as of 01/20/2012. Were just rolling right along.
Here is a place where you can directly address change. Take part, it does not hurt and may very well heal/help. Forward the cause of reform and rebirth.
Sierra Club has some good things to take part in as well. Set-up and ready for you to take part in.
Here is a place where you can directly address change. Take part, it does not hurt and may very well heal/help. Forward the cause of reform and rebirth.
Don't forget.
They lobbied Florida and were successful in making it a criminal offense to take a photograph of these types of "farms", even if you are standing on public property.
Talk about libertarian property rights.
They now also own the "rights" to photons that bounce off of it.
Under threat of felony arrest.
Then there are is that.
It's the libertarian dream, er, "nightmare", coming true!!!!!!!!!
If it screws up your immune system?
Try and prove it.
Yep. But, they will deny, deny, deny.
Who will deny it? Only a fool! 4 miles down the road from me is a strictly organic beef operation that raises the best from 300 to 1200 pound slaughter weight. Why would I buy broken down dairy cattle injected with crap at the grocery store?
I kill and eat wild game, I fish clean waters (which by the way are becoming harder to find) and I can taste the difference of hormone'd and medicated meats, with one bite. Can you?
Why don't people grow their own food and raise their own meat? Only fools depend on money motivated humans for their own healthy existences.
Oh that's right, people with your mindset are likely opposed to people like me shooting a big buck with my assault rifle. I also love high tech fishing line and razor sharp Gamakatsu or Owens hooks.
"Why don't people grow their own food and raise their own meat? "
Are you joking? Not everyone even has a patch of earth to grow a small garden let alone raise their own meat....
You live in a dream world.
Then stay in your rat infested concrete jungles where the managing of even the temperature inside your own domicile has you at the mercy of those who will never allow you off your knees.
Just a bit of reality for you, this isn't 1860. You have a nice day there buckaroo!
I'm not the one crying about people poisoning my food and unable to take care of myself. Somehow, I'd be willing to wager my existence is much further removed from 1860 than yours.
I wasn't whining about anything.... It's your arrogance that annoys me.
Excellent, effectiveness is a virtue.
With all the time you spend hunting and gathering, and then posting here 10 hours a day.
You must be truly magical.
Efficient and amicable/generous enough that there is seldom a shortage of many extra hands. Your rebuttal is quite weak and lacking substance while being loaded with presumption.
You should pay more attention to what you type.
You should prove one shred of honor and courage by falling on your flea market purchased chinese or pakistan made sword.
Sorry, I have a disabled wife to care for.
Republicans have made that care more difficult and expensive, than it should be.
I think you should demonstrate the same "honor", you request of me.
Though a little more honesty would go long way too.
Well simple, silly fucktwit, patronize only democratic Doctors.
Glad I can be of help doing your thinking for you.
I kinda thought the whole honesty thing would be very difficult for you.
I was correct.
It's probably harder for you than giving up lame insults.
In response to this garbage,
"It's the libertarian dream, er, "nightmare", coming true!!!!!!!!!
If it screws up your immune system?
Try and prove it. "
The truth hurts, doesn't it.
That is the libertarian "nightmare".
Indeed, for stupid, incapable and defenseless people unable to take care of themselves while being unwilling to actively voice their opinions in the matters going on in their own state, instead of having DC criminals do it for you, so when it goes bad, you have something to cry about, forever.
Go live in a gulch then.
All alone.
It's been said, "hell is other people".
Sounds like your zietgiest.
Everyone, except you, must be inept.
Don't worry about where I live, it's not amongst cry baby bitches like you.
shooz, he's right, do what he commands.
Joined Dec. 27, 2011
Shut up Frog.
"I kill and eat wild game, I fish clean waters (which by the way are becoming harder to find) and I can taste the difference of hormone'd and medicated meats"
There is a big difference, meat, fish, eggs, poultry, raw milk, raw honey, organic veggies, local grown vs.
store it used to be on par or ok to get out of season veggies, then all of the hormones, antibiotics - totally different taste.
Some people don't like "gamey" I think that is the way it always tasted before the corn feed took over, I would rather call it earthy, the crap they tout is crap.
It is getting MUCH harder to find clean waters, and you never know what the fish are picking up....It is probably still better than the crap injected at the "factories"
Agreed, and a good soaking/marinating, in milk, of even poorly cleaned wild meat, will result in in being quite tasty.
I generally prefer not to eat bottom feeding fish. 4 hours round trip, including prep time, seldom results in my bringing back less than 35 pounds, 70 on a good day, of fully dressed white meat and top water feeding game fish. I live quite far inland.
LM bass, various trout, and smaller sunfish/crappe perch, in quantity if desperate / surviving in woods.
Easy are Rock Fish or Hybrids which grow well over 70 pounds when land locked. Ya gotta be surgically accurate to remove that red meat down both sides. They make fantastic grilled steaks and are very clean once prepped well. Alligator gar is amazing too and easy to clean since it has no bones in it's muscle mass. Very clean and tastes like shark.
You must be further south of me...never had the gator, Rock Fish or hybrids. Our fresh water lakes up here are limited. Salt water striped bass and cod are all I go for in this area. Lots of shellfish in many shoreline areas, all you need is permit.
Alligator gar are actually pre-historic fish and located quite far north. I love shell fish and catfish, but, I don't trust what they eat. Rock fish or Hybrids are pretty much the same striped bass, that end up land locked and grow huge.
The water estuary near me is polluted with PCBs, so I have to go to cape cod to get stripers.
The stripers were pretty much gone, the EPA has dredged for years and cleaned things up so they say. I know there are some that have returned and there are language barrier/immigrants that fish and eat the fish.
I know that the harbor and estuary have improved, but I wouldn't trust things for at least 50 years. The pollution discharge ceased in 1976, Aerovox and Cornell Dubiler Electric were fined , CDE has closed, Aerovox is using alternative oils in transformers and capacitors - most of this is done overseas, and they distribute.
Those in favor of moar deregulation. Why would you?
Farm to table.
Why would I give a shit if you kill and eat wild game?
Are you a carnivore, omnivore or vegan?
Good girl. Do you have firearms and know how to clean dead animals for eating?
Why would you give a shit if there are farmers lacking scruples out there doing for you what you could, and should, very well be doing for yourself?
Oh, many would have to move out of the cesspools of the ratshit infested corrupt mega-cities they choose foolishly to inhabit to do much more than hydroponic gardening. Oh fucking well.
However, I still do not see The People being powerless over this situation as most can choose to take care of themselves and deny the big money machines their patronage.
Easy? Of course not!
Better than choosing to knowingly poison yourself and your family?
Have you ever read any of the contracts that many farmers sign with the big Corporate Food Machine in America?
Since the SSAA of 1992 and all it's international agreements is a simple read for you, you likely should delve into to a few of them with some hands on understanding of the actual operations.
yes, the contracts. The ones that force the farmers into continuous debt.
It is called food justice and there are more people that are becoming aware of it and more people actively pursuing it. It is only a matter of time before we can nail big agra which is multinational. That is something that people are actively engaged in. Simply because it is something that people can do now.
Now what I can tell you, without a doubt, farmers are not forced into signing any of it. What they are seeking and pitched, is the idea of having a 1 million dollar plus credit history and are not much different than most all other humans, afflicted with perversely predispositions for material wealth instead of fitting survival for themselves as well as humanity.
I suspected your perspective on it would be slanted and prejudicially biased. I'll give you this, most farmers who signed up for the greed machine, had no idea what they were signing because they are not reasonably minded people capable of critical free thinking..... don't scurry too far down that slope painting them as victims.
People like them shouldn't even have voting rights.
Well, now that I've considered your words with honest introspection, I'm either burning my voting card or giving it to you to vote for me.
Impersonator! While mimicry is considered by some as a from of flattery. It should be noted that you are trying to stand in another user's shoes. Your actions are more than suspect. Represent yourself as yourself. Your arguments might even carry some weight that way.
I will never ever vote for Ron Paul.
Refuse to upgrade. Hence, food justice. Many farmers have stated that they are willing to alter course if the people demand it.
People like you shouldn't have voting rights.
Make up your mind or maybe eat some whoremoan injected chicken tits.
Trust these greedy Koch Suckers to do the right thing IF enough people want it. How Shirley Temple can you be?
We are already doing it. That must really piss you off. We already have farms to buy from. We can visit the farms, we can ask questions, and we can purchase from them.
Why would it piss me off when I already started by explaining I've done this since forever? Congrats, you woke up and got smarter. I need to give you a series of special Dr FWW rabies shots. It won't hurt too much and will entail some procedures you may find unorthodox.
Just trust me and lie down with your clothing removed.
Wrong girl. We have been pushing this for a very long time. :D
They'll just "invest" in the drug companies, in an attempt to also profit off any potential cure.
If there is one.
The FDA , what do food and drugs have to do with each other? You hit the nail on the head here, regualte Food, food additives, preservatives, etc and approve the drugs to treat the conditions they cause.
All diseases caused by toxin overload, and lead to cellular oxidation, leads to faulty cell proliferation = cancer.
Cancer is not a disease, it is a signal in thebody something is wrong. When the system cannot keep up,
I cured my own leukemia, no chemotherapy (I would rather take my chances without the poisons and radiations) by eliminating all toxic food intake, (processed/preserved/industrialized) eating close to nature, avoiding as much as store bought crap, and drinking distilled water no tap..
It was like I never had anything wrong. I suffered with bruising and weight loss for a few months, went in and they told me I needed chemo right away. I refused, and said if this is my time so be it. I went home and researched all I could find out. Two weeks goes by GONE. It came back once after consuming energy drinks (it is the sodium benzoate by the way, turns to benzene)
Years ago I had a stomach problem, and went through many tests.
They could find nothing.
I removed onions from my diet and the problem went away.
It reminds of that old FiresignTheater bit.
"Beat the Reaper".
After speaking with a doc who practiced homeopthic medicine, she said that at any given time a cancer can develop, and be gone without notice- With many people they find out they have it, then the stress makes it worse as they focus and worry about it..
Part of healing is in the mind, I embraced, and did what I felt would work, and said screw it. In my case, any drink or food product with sodium/potassium benzoate pulls me back into being sick. Apparently my body does not like that. I detoxed, went with distilled water, eat as close to nature and and all set. I would rather have these socknesses and warnings to know what is poison.
Many people don't know whay they have heartburn, colitis, skin disorders it is all the crap in the food.
There really isn't, stop ingesting their garbage. Simple unless you truly are so very dependent on US Corporate Government as you two truly seem bent on having everyone be.
But we are dependent on the government for more than you seem to want to acknowledge. For example, physical protection from invading countries or the ability of the government to break up monopolies.
I won't even validate this with a logical rebuttal. Stay on topic.
Fine I withdraw the last part. Any ideas now?
Sure, I clearly stated how I live, in regards to this topic. Take some of your stock money, or sell that globally compromised slave labor made new car of yours, and gear up to do the same.
They keep running articles that kids are taken to the doctor too much and now the antibiotics don't work. Then it was showing up in the water because people were throwing their antibiotics down the toilet. It is in the food supply.
Yet, they continue to say that it is all your fault for going to see a doctor. It is a circle jerk.
A libertarian circle jerk.
Look at how they have poisoned this forum.
Right, stupid libertarians, not numb minded dems or repubs, poison everyone's water by flushing Rx crap down the toilets. You two are bonerfried braintrusts.
It is the deregulation factor. You are being deliberately obtuse.
If you have been in business, small business, the last ten years, you would see your regulations and BS paperwork going through the roof.
Deregulate the top dawgs, and regulate the shit out of the little guy- thats their motto. And thats why whatever city you go to, its the same shit.
No, I agree, every toilet in America should have three federal regulators doing around the clock dootie.
There is a city in the Carolinas that had to ban sink disposals, because they would flush all the grease and fat down the drain, until it clogged up the cities drainage system.
Some folks, just don't read the directions.
Exterminate people like you who cannot think for themselves and demand bigger, more intrusive government. Oh wait, that's already in the works and I wasn't supposed to say anything. Disregard.
Was that meant to be an honest response?
It failed.
Really? Thanks for being candid enough to admit your inability to comprehend simple facts.
You didn't post any.
Too busy chasing the flies buzzin' "round your bull shit?
Now, your just fucking stupid.
You are losing your touch.
Actually, I'm a certified fucking genius and know exactly where to touch, with what, how and why. I have nailed stupid a few times and have chosen to abstain due to reasons of osmosis probability.
Oh, your certified all right. Certifiably in-fucking-sane.
You type that like it's a bad thing and not one of the nearly infinite reasons you are abso-fucking-lutely crazy about me.
Yet another lame, shallow, misinformed insult.
It's getting to be a habit.
Ask your doctor, ( Not Dr. P.) if Paxil is right for you.
I'd rather show dolts like you magic tricks. You are really quite the moron.
Yeah, Paxil would be right for you.
Mayonnaise, left open and at room temperature, for 24 hours, slathered all over sandwich stuffs your helpless depended punk self buys, would be right for you.
I hate mayo.
You first.
You can get some, made in China, from Wallworld.
I have some organic, un-mutated and genetically perfect mayo for you, on tap. However, it won't turn to arsenic after being left our for hours, so, your requisition request in proper triplicate form, is DENIED.
Good point.
Whatever you left wingers do, never accept responsibility for your own choices, AS IF you, and all, are forced to eat corporate poison in the form of their food or drugs.
I am so sick of that line. I think I could puke. where are ya? I'd like ta powerhurl right in your face.
Never mind about the scumbags who attempted to change labeling around organic - loosing up the definition of what it is, so that industrial food products could be sold under the organic label and at a higher price . . .
never mind about the deregulationist scum accepting any responsibility for the way the economy has turned out, or the network news,
never mind the way the legal system abets corporate abrogation of responsibility with its very design, or the fact that we won't see any repelican scum held accountable for waterboarding as a matter of policy let alone any bankers who have engaged in fraud . . .
that's right -
never mind all that -
it's the lefties . . .
But you use a form of that line often when talking right wing rhetoric.
All guilty of everything you talk come from both sides of the aisle and I find it equally sickening that you types seem conveniently oblivious to it.
Grow and kill your own dude! Why trust these power mongers when you know none of them give two shits about you or yours?
Senator Bernie Sanders - Gulf War Syndrome
He didn't have to stand up on that issue - and even the local press was still engaged in a bit of spin as late as 2002 - six years after Congressional Hearings had settled the matter. Six years. You would think they could at least do a little research, eh?
He didn't have to, but he did, and he took flack for it.
Ok, he's almost as much of an Independent as Ron PauI.
lawn raul is a repelican -
one who wants to close FEMA
he's just nuts.
All states have their own statewide versions of FEMA. Do you have a point or do you truly love the high cost of inefficient multiply duplicitous bureaucracies in our current government, many of which are indeed unconstitutional?
Is FEMA unconstitutional? I hadn't heard that.
Vermont got hit by some serious flooding this year. FEMA stepped up and helped out both towns and individuals with costs of recovery.
It worked fine before that long dark season of bushite and it seems to work fine again.
I don't understand why some insist that government not provide for the people in time of emergency - it seems like a perfectly reasonable function of government to me.
And if everyone didn't pay into the Federal government so much and FEMA didn't exist, what would happen in response to such emergencies? A better funded local VEMA would have done nothing?
I agree in some states, inhabited by larger numbers of sorry people, that could end up being the case, but, in many others, the help would be quicker and more efficient.
Yes he is, and the libTs have a hard time accepting that.
All they have to do is listen to the guy.
he's a whack job
Let alone read up on his history.
Heaven forbid, they accept the facts of what cutting funding to the agencies he wants to eliminate have brought us already.
Sickness, injury and death.
We aren't. In fact, that is why are pushing farm to table.
I'm sure in-between some catchy street lingo my limited plain English vocabulary denies me, and context of this thread, I could almost cipher whatever you thought you are trying to convey without a hipster douche bag translator.
Short of that happening, why don't you explain what it is you appear trying to express.
my firewall just bloked threat from thanks to you fridaygirl troll
They aren't a site that has those kinds of problems. You must be real scared that the truth is getting out, aren't you timir?
maybe you was right. it is probably something else =) pop out window or something. sorry