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Forum Post: The Elites are mockng you all!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 1:38 a.m. EST by heresthething (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I heard that someone once said, that "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
I applaud what the Occupy Movement is starting here, because it certainly beats sitting on your hands and doing nothing... but if anyone here honestly thinks that these Corporate Elitest fucks, and their puppet-on-a-stick Politician bitches can be negotiated with, or somehow we can all change the "system" through peaceful protests or marches, or by occupying public places, sadly, you are mistaken. Sorry Folks....writing your Congressman or Women ain't gonna do shit. The Elites are mocking you all! They call you stupid stoned uneducated and weak! The Elites will never, I repeat, never relinquish control or power over the financial and political stranglehold they enjoy...the only thing these pukes will ever respect or fear, is bloodshed.

I'm not trying to start shit, just making a simple, sad observation. Talk is cheap Folks...enough talk.



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[-] 1 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago

Actually, no. Even thought you're trying to incite something, I'm gonna post this because what I see is, rather than mocking, they are a bit fearful and definitely keeping a finger on the pulse of this thing:

Quote from A. Sorkin, NY Times reporter:

I had gone down to Zuccotti Park to see the activist movement firsthand after getting a call from the chief executive of a major bank last week, before nearly 700 people were arrested over the weekend during a demonstration on the Brooklyn Bridge. “Is this Occupy Wall Street thing a big deal?” the C.E.O. asked me. I didn’t have an answer. “We’re trying to figure out how much we should be worried about all of this,” he continued, clearly concerned. “Is this going to turn into a personal safety problem?”

[-] 1 points by savethe99 (33) 13 years ago

There is no question that bombs, bullets and lots of blood will cause some change. So ... you are right. And you are right that the Corporate elitists are not going to make any changes just because we are marching in the streets. But we think that mass occupation of the White House and Congress has a better chance of getting us somewhere. The politicians can patronize us as long as we are freezing our butts off in Liberty, but they'll have to deal with us if we are camping on their front lawns. .................. ......................... ............................ http://www.savethe99.com/

[-] 1 points by owstag (508) 13 years ago

Well, you can certainly expect a visit from the FBI, and quite deservedly so, you sick fuck.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

You're right. That's why this worldwide spontaneous burst of anger and resistance to the corruption of the elite a total waste of energy and time, EXCEPT... it's a beginning that is growing in numbers and power everyday: It is polarizing people so they are being forced to make a choice between whom they support; it's bringing out into the open all the social, political issues which politicians have ignored and are continuing to ignore and giving ordinary people a platform and a place to voice their dissent and be heard. It's creating a new social order of solidarity between man y many classes of people who before, never talked to each other and never got together with each other. It's REVERSING the anti-social trend of gizmo-computer-internet generation of freaks who relate better to their machines than to human beings; it's created a movement that is international in scope... the last time that happened was when the Bolsheviks came to power in Russia and THEN what happened?... It's created a social bonding of goodwill between many people because they are all on the same side cooperating with each other intelligently and humanely and discovering in amazement that there are a lot more decent people in the world than they ever imagined; it's redefining human society and it's redefining the values that people have... it's making people think about important issues, it;s sparking dialogue and debate and conversations which would have never happened otherwise... There's a lot of good positive energy out there waiting to be harnessed and used in a constructive way: not in a destructive way and people are actively working and talking and trying to find solutions and ways to change the status quo. It's much too early to tell where is is going but one thing is for sure. People who are inactive and negative like you are, will give up without a struggle; and people who are positive and stand up for what they believe in will fight against inequity and corruption.

[-] 0 points by anonymouse (154) 13 years ago

The elitists rely upon the 99%, which is a grave weakness.

Suggest launching campaign aimed at persuading their closest servants eg; bank employees, police & other public servants, mainstream media employees, various corporate employees etc to join the cause.

No one advocates violence. A game of chess is winnable without the taking a single piece.

The violence we've been seeing from the police only serves to strengthen the movement. Use it to our advantage.

Most of all need to keep a positive,'can do' outlook. No one ever won anything with a defeatist attitude