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Forum Post: The Democrats are talking over our movement-

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 3:13 p.m. EST by unwelcomedguest (0)
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and Why this site won't allow alex jones


Poll Shows Most OWS Supporters Drink Establishment’s Political Kool-aid

        The Alex Jones Channel     Alex Jones Show podcast     Prison Planet TV     Infowars.com Twitter     Alex Jones' Facebook     Infowars store

Kurt Nimmo Infowars.com October 26, 2011 photoIf we can believe the Post, silence is turning into support for establishment Poll Shows Most OWS Supporters Drink Establishment’s Political Kool-aid

        The Alex Jones Channel     Alex Jones Show podcast     Prison Planet TV     Infowars.com Twitter     Alex Jones' Facebook     Infowars store

Kurt Nimmo Infowars.com October 26, 2011 photoIf we can believe the Post, silence is turning into support for establishment Democrats.

More evidence the OWS movement is devolving into a cheering section for establishment Democrats.

A poll conducted by CBS and the New York Times reveals that 43 percent of respondents agree with the aims of the movement, while just 27 percent say they disagree.

“That’s a good start, and if the movement can help turn the 2012 election into a populist uprising against the moneyed classes, it could play right into Democratic hands — particularly at a time when the Democrats need more enthusiasm,” reports the Washington Post.

The Post says the OWS is “very amorphous, and it hasn’t shown much of a political bent” but adds that “the movement does favor Democrats to a significant extent.” It bases this on a Post poll showing that 64% of OWS supporters are either Democrats or lean Democrat.

The poll results show that many Americans are at best politically naïve. Many accept without question the political formulation designed by the elite and practiced largely unchallenged by the duopoly in Washington.

Remarkably, the CBS/NYT poll reveals that while a majority of surveyed voters are “evenly split on whether the administration favors the middle class, the rich or the poor, they were all but unanimous about which class the Republicans favor; 69 percent said Republicans in Congress favor the rich, while just 9 percent said the middle class and 2 percent said the poor,” according to the Post.

In other words, most people, if we are to believe these polls, are delusional. In fact, the present administration is almost identical to the one before it and controlled by the elite. Obama’s administration is dominated by Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and populated with a rotating cast of characters from the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, in other words the crème de la crème of the banksters and their globalist cohorts and coconspirators.



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[-] 3 points by tr289 (916) from Chicago, IL 12 years ago

Alex jones is a conspiracy theorist, don't need him or his rhetoric clouding up the issues.


[-] 1 points by nucleus (3291) 12 years ago

Are you going to let corporate media create your reality?

[-] 1 points by unwelcomedguest (0) 12 years ago

alex jones
alex jones
alex jones
alex jones

[-] 1 points by PowerToThePeople (11) 12 years ago

I agree that the democrats need to stay out of this movement. They and the Republicans feed from the same trough.
