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Forum Post: The Democrat haters score another big win, they got TPP passed!

Posted 9 years ago on June 19, 2015, 8:10 a.m. EST by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Vote tally, 190 Republican yea, 28 Democrat yea, 152 Democrat nay, 50 #Republican nay

Yet another issue that would made better if only there were more Democrats in office, if only BW and lugano and mdonelly had not won and done such a great job getting rid of Dems in 2014, in a way they share this win with the 1%, TPP passing is just another thing brought to us by the great trio of , beautifulworld, lugango and mdonelly!




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[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago
[-] 2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

Trump has not "ruled out" an independent run, but I'm still pulling to see Sanders/Warren v Trump/Carson!

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

It's not really like they are dem haters - it's more that they are 1% supporters - so actually - They Are Haters Of The People! - it just works for them to pretend to be against the system in general - and they tip their hand by trying to conflate the dems as being the same as the reps - that way they think that they can hide their support for the 1% - when confronted by real differences between the reps and the dems in office (like the voting breakdown on the TPP) they deny reality and conflate that they are the same - regardless that the voting record puts the lie to their claim.

[-] 2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

They are ego whores who think it's more important that everybody acknowledge how right they are than what actually happens to people. I suspect most of them are rich punks that know absolutely nothing about what real life is like, but the three or four that are on here mean nothing it is what people read when they stop by that matters, if anything does, and anybody who reads a few lines of their crap will see how stupid they are pretty quickly, at the very least this forum is not an recruiting site for their bullshit, not in the end.

[-] -1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

And, you're a bigger idiot.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

As you are a deranged individual - I could care less about your opinion of me.

[-] -1 points by turbocharger (1756) 9 years ago

Ya real deranged.

You dumb old bastards keep putting the same cast of criminals into power to fuck us all.

[-] 2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

what's a matter turbo you worried somebody is going to raise your taxes? your only concern is that the government will take too much of the rich man's money, you would prefer to be fucked by the 1% we all know how much you love the 1%

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

turd-o-charger u drain bammaged individual u. Yes I find her to be quite deranged (anyone who condones crimes against humanity committed by anyone is more than a little deranged don't ya think?). You on the other-hand could claim disability from huffing roofing tar fumes for too many years.

[-] 0 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

Crimes against humanity = The Israeli Occupation of Palestine

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

I have never said that the Israelis were innocent of committing crimes against humanity. I have never said that it was OK for them to commit such crimes. You on the other-hand feel that crimes against humanity that are committed by some are perfectly OK.

[-] -1 points by turbocharger (1756) 9 years ago

Is that why you vote for war criminals?

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Have you ever voted for a presidential candidate?

[-] -1 points by turbocharger (1756) 9 years ago

Stop running from the truth. You openly endorse the worst of society, and then call others names. Its pathetic.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

20th track "(We really really really are not about Direct Democracy)"

As people could tell if only people paid attention to our activities

Lucky for us the people do not and so we can continue with our politi-speak = talking endlessly while saying "really" nothing at all - nothing of any value - see also: endlessly arguing circular "public self defeating" logic, tossing shit, spouting specious aspersions, trying to hide in the light, etc etc etc

Lucky thing that more people don't ask us why:

"Why don't you take over government for the people from within?"

"Seeing as you don't have a national party in place to successfully run your candidates in all 50 states - WHY don't you run your candidates as dems and reps?"

Well we would just have to say (and we do) that the people can't be successful that way. Better we say - if we all stay away - and just protest for government to get better.

We really do not want people to consider a possible winner by doing things like Bernie Sanders and run as a dem for a real chance to win - and have "more" people running on the issues where they can legitimately destroy their opponents in office or also running for office - by pointing out past voting records showing non support for the people - even showing active attacks on the people - or even calling on them to declare a public stance.

Gosh that would ruin our whole "public self defeating" circular do nothing opt out and just protest logic.

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] -1 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Do you notice a trend developing here DK? Anyone that is not a CORRUPT, pardisan Democrat gets lambasted by you. Your views are screwed-up. And the reason why you is here are obvious.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

19th track "(We are not about Democracy)"

As some can plainly see

We feign to support it

While doing our best to get the public not to participate to own it or control it

We spout propaganda while trying to expound that the public is unable to make a difference and so should just protest instead of voting out those working against them - as that would be futile

Thus we get a lot of mileage to argue our meaningless "public self defeating" circular logic arguments - that to make a difference one must opt out

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] -1 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Just because YOU support the trashy Democratic Party does not mean that you know what this revolution is about

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

20th track "(We really really really are not about Direct Democracy)"

As people could tell if only people paid attention to our activities

Lucky for us the people do not and so we can continue with our politi-speak = talking endlessly while saying "really" nothing at all - nothing of any value - see also: endlessly arguing circular "public self defeating" logic, tossing shit, spouting specious aspersions, trying to hide in the light, etc etc etc

Lucky thing that more people don't ask us why:

"Why don't you take over government for the people from within?"

"Seeing as you don't have a national party in place to successfully run your candidates in all 50 states - WHY don't you run your candidates as dems and reps?"

Well we would just have to say (and we do) that the people can't be successful that way. Better we say - if we all stay away - and just protest for government to get better.

We really do not want people to consider a possible winner by doing things like Bernie Sanders and run as a dem for a real chance to win - and have "more" people running on the issues where they can legitimately destroy their opponents in office or also running for office - by pointing out past voting records showing non support for the people - even showing active attacks on the people - or even calling on them to declare a public stance.

Gosh that would ruin our whole "public self defeating" circular do nothing opt out and just protest logic.

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] -1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

Right and the only reason they are backing Bernie Sanders is because he's running as a Democrat. If he held the very same positions and ideals and ran as an Independent, which is what he has been for years, they'd be trashing him and throwing him under a bus.

[-] -1 points by turbocharger (1756) 9 years ago


[-] -1 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Good point bw.

[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

what a beautiful thing to say....

[-] -1 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Don't fall for the 'GoodCop / BadCop' Long Con! Deluded by illusion is .. as deluded by illusion ... does!

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Sucks to be you - Hey Old Goatin? you dry drunk!

You quit drinking too late - your brain has been pickled.

Your Brain being impaired could lend some understanding as to why you support the 1% in your denial of reality.

But I seriously think that you are a supporter of the 1% - and all of your revolutionary rhetoric is just camouflage.


























[-] -1 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

I don't support the 1%. That's why I am not a shilling for the CORRUPT Democrats or Republicans. Both parties have been bought out by BIG money

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

12th track: (Hiding in plain sight) "Also known as trying to hide in the light"

We get really strident with this - when we feel we need to reapply shredded cover

All it requires - is - enough expressed vitriol for the system in general - and many will believe you mean it - while one need not provide any supporting substance.

(part 2)

When the 1st part is not enough we also love to pretend to support protest and things (whatever is handy) - helps to throw off suspicion.

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

2014 led to TPP how many more of these will it take before America starts to vote?

[-] 2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

It's that 5th grade math you have trouble with isn't it you don't understand what 4 to 1 in favor for GOP, and 5 to 1 against for the Dems really means, its just numbers to you too hard to understand, I get that, believe me you don't have to convince anyone how stupid you are, we all see that.

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

The ratios are only for show and your continued befuddlement, dork! The, 'Corporate Donkey / Corporate Elephant' has you mesmerised again factsrfukt - and nothing I'll ever say will get through the 'Delusion of Democracy' - that you have been sold your whole life - but it won't stop me trying, for the sake of others! + http://occupywallst.org/forum/the-democrat-haters-score-another-big-they-got-tpp/#comment-1061983

[-] 2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

ratios are for show? you really are an idiot that can't do simple math aren't you? one of the main reasons the 1% continue to get away with the shit they do is because simpletons like you can't understand the difference between 4 to 1 in favor and 5 to 1 against so they keep doing the same stupid shit and let the GOP win, the dumb and dumber strategy of change, duh math is hard

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Please do keep lathering up in you faux frothy outrage .. or go try to work out what I said to you here:


Fk u & your math when the end outcome is a paRDisan enabled''Corporations Win + The 99% Lose''!

[-] 2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

I know if you bother to do the math you might be compelled to do something then where would you be? But yeah it is because lazy fools refuse to do a little math that we keep getting screwed by the 1%.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

It does it's own math - where 1+1 can equate to 0 or to infinity depending on what "it" wants it to mean at the time.

[-] 2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

These political want-2-bees are the worst, they are so full of themselves they can't even see what is actually happening in the world. They dream of this perfect political party as if such a thing could exist though I must say the GOP is almost perfectly evil. BradB recently expressed his desire to "draw from both parties" WTF? why does OWS need to "draw from a political party? why the hell would OWS care? the only people who need to "draw from a party" is someone trying to build one, OWS is about change not building political parties, and change will come when we run the damn GOP from office!

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

People are leaving the republican party in droves - because they have given up on the party ever representing them. These individuals do not take umbrage at the fact that we call those in office rethuglicans - they left the party for this very reason - THEY KNOW that those in office are thugs - that is why they (regular working folk) are leaving the party.

People leaving the party is another reason that the rethuglican party is trying so hard to remove voting rights and are gerrymandering districts to try to retain a majority.

[-] 2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

Younger people have stopped joining the GOP as well, I think they can be exposed, after all how does any Republican answer the question about GOP policies being designed to make the rich richer? even now they speak of "lowering the rate and broadening the base" which of course means lowering the tax rate on the wealthiest payers and reducing the amount one needs to earn in order to have to pay taxes, making those at the very bottom of the income who don't have to pay income tax now so that they do, so the GOP answer to wealth inequality is to reduce tax on the rich and raise tax on the working poor.

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

So, tell me - exactly just which bit of ''Corporate Donkey" ... have you been unable to understand?


[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

What part of TPP passed in spite of a 5 to 1 vote against it by the Dems, which you hate, because of the 4 to 1 support from the GOP, which you love!

You and your GOP buddies got TPP passed, DO the MATH!

[-] 1 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Would it (and a whole lot more besides) have passed WITHOUT support from BOTH paRDies?

It is a very simple question (But A Core Truth) really - you 'binary-blinded', reductionist half-wit!

Stick to pushing Bernie Sanders BUT try not to tar him with a too close relationship with DNC!

Now how about you try tio get a handle on this: http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/30978-movement-builders-should-listen-to-bernie-sanders-focus-on-mass-action-not-candidates + see what BS has said.

[-] 2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

The core truth is that the GOP overwhelmingly supported the TPP. The core truth is YOU elect the GOP.

Therefore the core truth is the TPP would not have passed without YOUR support.

I know math is hard for a half wit like you, but you supported the side that was 4 to 1 for TPP, I oppose them.

I suppose you may wish things were not as they are, but if wishing is all your about why not wish away the wealth inequality, because doing something about it seems out of your capacity to understand.

As far as your question about both parties, if we had kill the GOP in 2014 TPP would not have passed, that is true enough, that's why I push for that exact thing. I suppose you would say it not have passed had we killed the Dems, but that is not true given the Dems were 5 to 1 against, the question is why do you spend so much time attacking the group that was 5 to 1 against and none attacking the ones that were 4 to 1 in favor, you really don't give a damn about anything but your shitty political party.

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Would TPP (and a whole lot more besides) have passed WITHOUT support from BOTH paRDies? Also: http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/30978-movement-builders-should-listen-to-bernie-sanders-focus-on-mass-action-not-candidates You can not imagine that people oppose Corporate DNC crap from The Left and are still fixated on Greens and 2000 BvG! So, what do you know about Bush & Gore family origins?

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

TPP and a whole lot more were blocked (but couldn't be defeated for lack of a certain sufficient majority to do so = not enough dems in office) until after the 2014 election when the rethuglicans gained "the majority that they needed" to push Fast Track and TAA and Keystone (and so much more) forward.

Here celebrate some more on your rethuglican victories:

Jon Stewart Slams Conservatives and SCOTUS for Letting Big Business Win Again

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Remember the nearly three months at the beginning of his first Administration, that Obama had with working majorities in both houses - when he did precisely, zip! + Do you believe that I have anything whatsoever to do with any ''rethuglican'', lol?! Is frf allowed to answer the replies made to him or must posters now pass through your gate-keeping and vetting here?

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

TPP and a whole lot more were blocked (but couldn't be defeated for lack of a certain sufficient majority to do so = not enough dems in office) until after the 2014 election when the rethuglicans gained "the majority that they needed" to push Fast Track and TAA and Keystone (and so much more) forward.

The Obama administration - NEVER had a sufficient majority to nullify the rethuglicans obstructions.

You have a love of rethuglicans if only by your refusal to do anything to get them out of office.

But I suspect much worse of you as you continue to falsely conflate the dems in office as being the same as the rethuglicans in office.

You refuse to present hard evidence (voting records) to support your BULLSHIT.

And all you ever do is try to get people to opt-out of the political process - thereby granting the 1% free reign to continue to acquire full control.










[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

So do you want to convince that there really isn't a difference between Al Gore and W Bush? Bullshit!

So you tell me could W Bush have won the White House without Nader support? It took BOTH parties the Greens and the GOP to beat Gore.

Again I know math is hard but there really is a big difference between 4 to 1 in favor and 5 to 1 against, but I understand seeing differences is not something you do.

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Your neurotic apoplexy on this matter is very well know here - so shove it up where your head generally dwells! You are not interested in ''democracy'' - or the arguments that The 99% need to hear and make, as you are ONLY interested in your limited ''Corporate Donkey over Corporate Elephant'' psycho-drama!

You are a geriatric amnesiac to boot because you keep forgetting (or refusing to think about), a fact that is NOT fun .. that Al Gore both won the 2000 Election AND then refused to fight for that fact because he was more worried about the appearance of''democracy''(actually demoCRAZY deMOCKERYcy)than with The 99%. You're a parDisan shill IF u refuse to acknowledge that - or ANY, criticism of Gore & the DNC.

[-] 2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

You are the apologist for the GOP, you say they are not so bad compared to the Ds, you think the people should do nothing and just let the 1% make all decisions, you refuse to accept the reality that five million people threw their votes into a trash can because they were lied to by Nader who claimed he could see no difference between Al Gore and W Bush. The fact is W Bush won the WH because of Nader and the Greens and forgetting that fact is the most dangerous thing Americans can do, it plays directly into the hands of the 1%.

Of course you don't give a damn about any of that because you don't give a damn about what happens.

You keep saying Gore refused to fight, what do you think he should have done after the Supreme Court ruled? Taken the White House by force?

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

No, I am NOT an ''apologist for the GP'' ; I do not ''say they are not so bad compared to Ds'' ; I do NOT think people should do nothing and just let the 1% make all decisions'' and finally just shutTFup about Nader already .. because ''The fact is'' ... Gore clearly refused to demand an instant recount in Florida!

You are - as ever, trapped in a false analysis about BvG, 2000 and in your reductionist, binary blinded lies about people here who won't/don't - differentiate (dy/dx) too much between ''Corporate Donkey and Corporate Elephant'' here.You also need to get that in a Duopoly, Banksters don't give a fck who wins!

If I ''didn't give a damn''about the US, I & others would not be here these last nearly 4years. U just can't see that to be for a Real Democracy in the U$A outside Financial Tyranny and Oligarchy; it really does require seeing past your paRDisan fixations. Finally, try to see: http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/shock-news-a-princeton-study-revealed-that-america-is-an-oligarchy - for small insights into the Real Situation.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

8th track: (False flag) "We tear down the dems and even independent socialists who are forced to run as a dem in order to have a chance to compete - but you will not hear us go after any rethuglican no matter how actively evil they are - the furthest we will generally go - is to conflate the dems with the rethuglicans - does it make you wonder?"

Because you know we're all about them Dems,

'Bout them Dems, not Rethuglicans

we're all about them Dems, 'bout them Dems, not Rethuglicans

we're all about them Dems, 'bout them Dems, not Rethuglicans

we're all about them Dems, 'bout them Dems, not Rethuglicans


Because you know we're all about them Dems,

'Bout them Dems, not Rethuglicans

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)


[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Odin and his opt-out cronies all spew - Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah something shiny Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah duopoly Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah ain't got nothing to back my stance Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah dance dance dance change the subject Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Obama sucks so all dems suck as well Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah got no facts to back my stance Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah try to wrap ourselves in the ows flag Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah overwhelming opposite votes of dem and reps are bipartisan Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah.............................................

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

I actually have more respect for a cockroach - u clueless cockroach! Hmmm, now how does that work?!

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Odin and his opt-out cronies all spew - Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah something shiny Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah duopoly Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah ain't got nothing to back my stance Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah dance dance dance change the subject Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Obama sucks so all dems suck as well Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah got no facts to back my stance Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah try to wrap ourselves in the ows flag Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah overwhelming opposite votes of dem and reps are bipartisan Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah.............................................opt-out......................

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

You can't wait until all but you and frf have ''opted out'' of this once vibrant forum due to boredom, right?

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

15th track "(things that we really really really hate)"

For example - when our tactics get thrown back in our face or any other payback we get from others. (whine whine piss and moan - it's not fair - only we can be nasty to others)

We complain - but - it is more than just a little lame - because truth be told - bottom line - at the best - we are being - hypocritical.

But damn we hate it after all of these years to have our tinkle/stinkle team tactics made moot.

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

The ''thing you really really hate" is Resistance To Your Tyranny, right?

Keep copy/pasting your crap. It says zip about anyone other than you!

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

15th track "(things that we really really really hate)"

For example - when our tactics get thrown back in our face or any other payback we get from others. (whine whine piss and moan - it's not fair - only we can be nasty to others)

We complain - but - it is more than just a little lame - because truth be told - bottom line - at the best - we are being - hypocritical.

But damn we hate it after all of these years to have our tinkle/stinkle team tactics made moot.

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)





[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

You wanna have a case? Present the actual voting records (senatorial and congressional) - show us the voting breakdown - then perhaps you could clearly show how much the same the members of the two parties are.

So far all your rhetoric - is - just that - rhetoric.

Put up or Shut Up.

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Was that reply to you? Spamming is against Forum-Rules, right? As is trolling too, right? Pffffft + Lol!


[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

You wanna have a case? Present the actual voting records (senatorial and congressional) - show us the voting breakdown - then perhaps you could clearly show how much the same the members of the two parties are.

So far all your rhetoric - is - just that - rhetoric.

Put up or Shut Up

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

You're exhibiting all the symptoms of mental illness or breakdown. Have you considered getting help?


[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

You wanna have a case? Present the actual voting records (senatorial and congressional) - show us the voting breakdown - then perhaps you could clearly show how much the same the members of the two parties are.

So far all your rhetoric - is - just that - rhetoric.

Put up or Shut Up

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

You're clearly not well but there's only so much that can be done for you. Have you got any ideas about Greece? http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/31596-imf-and-germany-are-hell-bent-on-finishing-off-even-a-moderate-left-in-greece Are you some kind of 'Anti-Leftist' btw? IF so, that'd speak volumes - and loudly!

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

You wanna have a case? Present the actual voting records (senatorial and congressional) - show us the voting breakdown - then perhaps you could clearly show how much the same the members of the two parties are.

So far all your rhetoric - is - just that - rhetoric.

Put up or Shut Up

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

BTW - the vote shown in this post? The one you call bipartisan. Is more of an example of being diametrically opposed.

You wanna have a case? Present the actual voting records (senatorial and congressional) - show us the voting breakdown - then perhaps you could clearly show how much the same the members of the two parties are.

So far all your rhetoric - is - just that - rhetoric.

Put up or Shut Up

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Was the vote you refer to passed with Repugnant AND Democrat support - or not? That's Bi-Partisan!

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

[EDIT] [EDIT] A true bipartisan vote would look more like = 0 yeas or 0 nays

EDIT-> As you seem to be so confused the following is an example of diametric opposition = 190 Republican yea, 152 Democrat nay

This vote you call bipartisan. Is more of an example of being diametrically opposed.

EDIT EDIT -> It is funny how you see 190 Republican yea, 28 Democrat yea as being equal.

You wanna have a case? Present the actual voting records (senatorial and congressional) - show us the voting breakdown - then perhaps you could clearly show how much the same the members of the two parties are.

So far all your rhetoric - is - just that - rhetoric.

Put up or Shut Up









[-] 0 points by windyacres (1197) 9 years ago

He reports these numbers, and he should already know the fact that, "enough", Democrats were going to vote to pass the bill. Just enough in the Senate to prevent a filibuster.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

NOTE: Blue dogs = republican with a D behind their name. Fun fact Blue Dogs are generally found in red states.

A true bipartisan vote would look more like = 0 yeas or 0 nays

As you seem to be so confused the following is an example of diametric opposition = 190 Republican yea, 152 Democrat nay

This vote you call bipartisan. Is more of an example of being diametrically opposed.

It is funny how you see 190 Republican yea, 28 Democrat yea as being equal (duopoly).

You wanna have a case? Present the actual voting records (senatorial and congressional) - show us the voting breakdown - then perhaps you could clearly show how much the same the members of the two parties are.

So far all your rhetoric - is - just that - rhetoric.

Put up or Shut Up

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

BINGO! And would or could this ... http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/31620-the-us-and-war-poverty-drugs-afghanistan-iraq-terror-or-how-to-make-war-on-everything .. happen without bi-paRDisan support? Some argue that America needs a Third Party but in truth a True Second Party would be a great start!

[-] 0 points by turbocharger (1756) 9 years ago

So by that reasoning you were a supporter of GATT and the Chinese slave labor racket being that more Dems voted for that than Republicans?

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

post the vote let's take a look, till then congrats on your win, glad to see you belive going back a few years to look at things is worthwhile like studying the 2000 election and how W Bush got the WH

[-] 0 points by turbocharger (1756) 9 years ago

Google is not your enemy. If you don't know the results of these major pieces of legislation then once again, you are only showing you are basically still in the JVs while Im playing pro and dunkin on fools.

I don't run my mouth on stuff I don't know about. I know the political landscape here, spent a lot of time DOING stuff. You....the next time wander into the Dem headquarters in AZ will be the first. Couch potato qbs, gotta love em.

Enjoy your evening. Drink some wine, get out the heating pad, and enjoy the ignorance of denial from being played your entire life.

[-] 2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

I do know the results of the TPP vote, it is you who wish to discuss the others, but of course you want someone else to do the work, you are so busy running your mouth about stuff you don't know anything about, actually doing something would scare the shit ouit of you.

How do like that Bernie Sanders, I'd say some tax raises are in our future, isn't that GREAT!

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

20th track "(We really really really are not about Direct Democracy)"

As people could tell if only people paid attention to our activities

Lucky for us the people do not and so we can continue with our politi-speak = talking endlessly while saying "really" nothing at all - nothing of any value - see also: endlessly arguing circular "public self defeating" logic, tossing shit, spouting specious aspersions, trying to hide in the light, etc etc etc

Lucky thing that more people don't ask us why:

"Why don't you take over government for the people from within?"

"Seeing as you don't have a national party in place to successfully run your candidates in all 50 states - WHY don't you run your candidates as dems and reps?"

Well we would just have to say (and we do) that the people can't be successful that way. Better we say - if we all stay away - and just protest for government to get better.

We really do not want people to consider a possible winner by doing things like Bernie Sanders and run as a dem for a real chance to win - and have "more" people running on the issues where they can legitimately destroy their opponents in office or also running for office - by pointing out past voting records showing non support for the people - even showing active attacks on the people - or even calling on them to declare a public stance.

Gosh that would ruin our whole "public self defeating" circular do nothing opt out and just protest logic.

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 9 years ago

DOD calls all its targets terrorist to make for easy disposal

[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

lucky you got them clean hands, too bad about the TPP fast track passing but hey look how clean your hands are, no wait they're not that clean after all if so many Dems didn't lose in 2014 fast track would not have passed but hey at least in your mind your hands are clean

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

with bi-paRDisan Support btw.!

Vote tally,

190 Republican yea, 28 Democrat yea,

152 Democrat nay, 50 #Republican nay

You are as dumb as a box of rocks if you can look at that vote and continue to conflate that the dems are the same as the reps

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Would TPP ''Fast Track'' have passed ... WITHOUT Democrat support?! NO!! Keep falling for your deeply programmed "Corporate Donkey / Corporate Elephant" illusion and Democracy Delusion - but don't send me any more BS PMs! Finally, try to get your duopoly fixated head around the things that are important http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/31521-killing-a-nation-with-euphemisms-tpp-eats-medicare-edition !!

[-] 2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

R's were 5 to 1 in favor Ds were 4 to 1 against, you want to be King so 100% have to do just as you say.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

That pompous ass won't speak to the overwhelming difference of membership of the yea and nay votes as to who belongs to which party. He would carry on with the same reality denying conflation that both parties were the same even if there had only been one dem (blue dog = red in actuality) in the senate or congress that had voted for TPP.

He lies because he hopes others will not look at the actual facts and turn around to call him a blatant liar and 1% supporter.

[-] 2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

I remember when one of them outright admitted he like to see the GOP win because he wanted things to get so bad people would turn to him? for guidance that's how egotistical these people are they think all the suffering will be worthwhile if only it drives people to listen to them. That was "flip" he quit posting shortly after that, of course I put up a post so people could understand his reasoning.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

It's truly sad when one can present HARD FACTS like the voting record that clearly shows the difference between those in office with an R behind their name as to those with a D behind their name - and these mutts continue with their crap of both being the same. Their stance has no relationship to reality.

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

Thier stance is based on the dream of building their own power structure, what they what more than anything is their own political party, Brad recently referred to "drawing from both parties" they are shell shocked Greens perplexed that people actually remember 2000 and how the Greens put W Bush in the White House.

They are driven by their egos, they are so certain that it can only work their way they really don't care what is actually happening they care only for their dreams of power.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Nah - they don't want anything to do with a third party - when they talk third party (a rare event) - it is all smoke and mirrors - they have no intention of building a 3rd party.

They do what they do - they do their best to get people to opt-out.

[-] 2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

some like turbo no doubt support the 1% and opt-out is all they want, I'm not sure they are all supporters of the 1%, I think some of them are just stupid

[-] 0 points by turbocharger (1756) 9 years ago

Actually we are more politically active than you are, in a multitude in ways, and simply don't go down the same path that your generation has led us down. Clearly your path sucks.

With that being said, do you support Varaufakis? Do you find someone like him to be a refreshing change of pace from the usual stick-up-the-ass politicians?

You will NEVER get something like that with Democrats or Republicans. They are clubs, and they are very old clubs.

This is obvious to most. Its only that last 20% of the population that holding on still.

Let go. It can get a lot better if you do.

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

The only thing you are worried about is if your friends in the 1% will have to pay higher taxes. That is why you come here to discourage people from taking action, places where people vote, they have health care and education and jobs that pay enough to provide for your needs, but all that would upset your pals in the 1% so you come up with bullshit reasons not to vote.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

So far "You" are working to "vote in" NOTHING (nothing good for the people that is).

So . . . . PUT UP or SHUT UP.

Where is "your" political movement here in the USA ?

You (if you have a political movement) never provide anything from your political action group.

[-] 1 points by turbocharger (1756) 9 years ago

Well I'm not going to get into my resume again for the 100th time for obvious reasons, but I will say that the last Move to Amend event I helped organize - you know, that group you claim to love so much?- got some humorous laughs when the topic of Democrats comes up.

You realize its basically all Green Party members running that, right?

If you are looking for a network of individuals who are politically active, I suggest you check out the Green Shadow Cabinet.

Also, Immortal Technique and Madea Benjamin just endorsed Jill Stein.

There's lots going on in America right now, you just dont know about it cuz you aint in the know bro.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

You (if you have a political movement) never provide anything from your political action group.

So . . . . PUT UP or SHUT UP.

Because it seems that you have an endless amount of time for spewing empty rhetoric.


[-] 1 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Would TTIP have passed without Dems? Or NAFTA? Or Wall Street Bailouts? Or the Drone Wars? The very nature of a Democracy ''Delusion or Illusion'' ... is that you are convinced that it is real - get it? NO! Of course you fkn don't! D&R don't have to be and can't afford to be - exactly ''the same''... for the sham of Corporate Co-opted and Controlled Duopoly to work ... its fkn Mindkilling Mesmerising Magic on you!

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

Your answer to 'duopoly" is to elect more GOP so more shit like TPP can have 4 to 1 support instead of the 5 to 1 opposition but there I go again with all that hard math, I know it makes your head hurt.

[-] 1 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Nope. Wrong again! Now how about you go get your beer spout and/or laughing gear around this:


My''answer'' is the same as ever; to help plant OWS seeds & wait for a 100,000 to flowers bloom!

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

Sure but what should the adults be doing in the mean time?

You are always trying to run away from every discussion always sending out links somewhere else, what's the matter you got no actual answers?

[-] 1 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

You say ''sure'', but with NO comprehension or conviction because you never see past the next election. You don't set the parameters of debate here - indeed in fact - you want very little debate at all if it brings us to question what the ''Corporate Donkeys' have been up to, so here let me remind you of an example: --- http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/31781-eric-holder-returns-to-wall-street-tied-law-firm-after-years-of-refusing-to-jail-bankers -I get your enthusiasm for Bernie and good luck with pushing him in Arizona too.

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

What more links? What a surprise!

Go ahead let's have a debate, tell me why do you feel it is OK to let the GOP win? That is really the main disagreement between us I say it is NOT OK to let the GOP win no matter what must be done to stop it, you say supporting Dems to do it is not acceptable, let's debate the subject. If you're not afraid.

You are trapped in perpetual whine mode because you refuse to take action.

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

WhyTF have you - yes, YOU personally ... allowed a Repugnant War-Mongering Scumbag like John McCain to be returned as Senator for Arizona? HowTF do you think that that is ''OK''? How dare you comment here on this forum while that bastard is still YOUR Senator?! So fyi .. a ''link'' to help YOU fight your local fight against that Reptile : http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article37442.htm Voting Dem is like wiping your ass - NOT a subject of polite conversation at a dinner party but what option does a Left/Liberal/Progressive person have? BUT is that enough? So what's OWS about frf?

EDIT: Re. below; NO you dimwit, I DON'T ''support McCain'' and his fkn B-S Party will NEVER be for The 99%! You accuse others of allowing Repugnants to win but - why have YOU allowed McCain in?! OR - is it that it's not really your fault that Turkeys Vote For Thanksgiving due to lies & propaganda? Thus, perhaps desist in trying to disseminate 'lies & propaganda' about others who aren't paRDisan!

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

I vote for whoever has the best chance of beating McCain every time he runs, and I've done other things to help whoever had the best chance of beating him, you on the other hand support McCain by attacking those best positioned to beat him, even from where you are you attack his enemies and give Mccain aid. But you never attack his party.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

19th track "(We are not about Democracy)"

As some can plainly see

We feign to support it

While doing our best to get the public not to participate to own it or control it

We spout propaganda while trying to expound that the public is unable to make a difference and so should just protest instead of voting out those working against them - as that would be futile

Thus we get a lot of mileage to argue our meaningless "public self defeating" circular logic arguments - that to make a difference one must opt out

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Run along now, you inveterate shill - enough attention for you already! Do go for a walk occasionally!


EDIT: Re. below - truth is, you don't see shit and by allowing DKhead to join himself at your hip, you'll sink with his leaky ship! http://occupywallst.org/forum/the-democrat-haters-score-another-big-they-got-tpp/#comment-1062694 Looks like you two DO come as a pair. My bad before for thinking otherwise!!

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

ah I see how you debate.....

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

22nd track "(Don't ask for facts)"

Don't ask for facts - because we will not give them!

Facts work against our BULLSHIT.

So...............Only ever expect to get from us = a change of subject or just plain empty rhetoric.

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

You wanna have a case? Present the actual voting records (senatorial and congressional) - show us the voting breakdown - then perhaps you could clearly show how much the same the members of the two parties are.

So far all your rhetoric - is - just that - rhetoric.

Put up or Shut Up.

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Thanks for your original response + fyi .. http://occupywallst.org/forum/the-democrat-haters-score-another-big-they-got-tpp/#comment-1062014 Go see if you can possibly get your head around that.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

You wanna have a case? Present the actual voting records (senatorial and congressional) - show us the voting breakdown - then perhaps you could clearly show how much the same the members of the two parties are.

So far all your rhetoric - is - just that - rhetoric.

Put up or Shut Up

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

When BOTH sides of the crooked, corporate co-opted and controlled coin, come out in support to pass bills like TPP/TTIP etc. - then you have a Duopoly - whether you can accept it or not! WTFU and ASAP!

Consider this: http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/31630-on-the-news-with-thom-hartmann-senators-vote-for-fast-track-on-trade-deals-and-more & ask yourself IF 'Bad Cop' could do his work without 'Good Cop'?

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

21st track "(All we have is rhetoric)"

We hope that that is enough to get you to agree to do nothing.

OH - but we don't mind if while taking no action to take control of government in a legal manner - that you go out and legally protest how shitty things are and get beaten up and arrested (illegally) by the cops.

If you protest often enough while taking no political action to take control of government - we fully expect that martial law could be called down upon you.

But HEY - that's OK with Us - because we are all about supporting the 1%er status-quo. How better can we protect that then by getting you all to do nothing in the political arena in your state or for your federal representation.

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)









[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

I saw that you referred to someone as a "pompous ass..", and thought you were talking about me, or one of the MANY other posters who know what this revolution is about. My mistake. Feel free to go on denigrating the person on here that speaks so well for our struggle, or anyone else who is NOT a supporter of your CORRUPT DEMOCRATIC PARTY. That is the style of a political hack, right?l

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

10th track: (Tossing Shit)

As We have nothing to back-up our stated positions (opt-out fiction = public self defeating) - We will do our best to throw it back on ( put a lie on) any who would ask for details of our non-existent action plans (Ya know......those who put the lie to our bullshit - "who shine the light on our bullshit").

The putdown we use on others is simple - and with it in play - we then retreat - to our constant tactic of providing nothing while saying much (politi-speak = talking endlessly while saying "really" nothing at all - nothing of any value - see also: endlessly arguing circular "public self defeating" logic).

Tossing shit - we love it.

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Politically speaking, at this point in time, nothing is more "..self defeating" than voting for anyone in the CORRUPT two parties. You may view that as .."Tossing Shit", or "bullshit", but I would not. YOUR DEMOCRATIC CORRUPT President is living proof of that futility. Is this The Change We Could Believe In, that you expected?

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago


BTW - I think you meant to say democrat. As democrat is a party affiliation and democratic refers to a process.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

BTW - no one is disputing that Oh-bummer is a sell-out - that is old news.

Further - Bernie is not Oh-bummer - neither are all of the dems in the senate and in the congress that have voted against the TPP.

So - what else ya got?

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Your attempt at detaching yourself from YOUR CORRUPT, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT, and wanting us to view him as an abberation to the rotten party itself, and unlike the majority of his colleagues in Congress is disingenuous. He is one of the many criminal elite that permeate both parties. But I do realize that you have to take the tactic of distancing yourself from Obama and his complicitors in order to advance your coopting agenda. Typical hack stuff...

BTW, the word I used, "Democratic" was used correctly. I do realize though that the the CORRUPT DEMOCRATIC Party does not operate in a real Democratic way, unless of course that you factor in their real constituents, BIG money!

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Your continued attempts to tie me hip to hip to the sell-out Oh-bummer is quite pathetic - I have been denouncing his actions for years now.

His support for the TPP has made moot anything that he ever forwarded in support for the people (like the ACA).

It is quite clear by your history here on this site - that - you are not for democracy - everything you do supports the 1%. You offer nothing that would forward a direct democracy of the people.

You just use revolutionary rhetoric to try to hide your diseased support of the 1%.

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

I will not let you distance yourself from YOUR CORRUPT DEMOCRATIC President.. Obama is of the same CORRUPT ilk as the other CORRUPT DEMOCRATS that you want us to vote for. Both Hillary and Sanders had the chance to speak out strongly against Fast Track and influence the outcome, and they didn't. They should have both been fuming, and they weren't.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Sanders had the chance to speak out strongly against Fast Track and influence the outcome, and they didn't.

You are so full of shit.

Bernie Sanders Goes After Hillary on TPP: ‘You Can’t Not Have

[SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS: THE TRANS-PACIFIC … www.sanders.senate.gov/download/the-trans-pacific-trade-tpp...

SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS: THE TRANS-PACIFIC TRADE (TPP) AGREEMENT MUST BE DEFEATED!! The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a disastrous trade agreement …

The TPP Must Be Defeated | Sen. Bernie Sanders www.huffingtonpost.com/rep-bernie-sanders/the-tpp-must-be-defeated...

May 21, 2015 · Congress is now debating fast track legislation that will pave the way for the disastrous Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) unfettered free trade agreement.]

Videos of bernie sanders on tpp

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

There would be little reason for debate with you if you were not hacking for the CORRUPT Democrats on an Occupy forum.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

20th track "(We really really really are not about Direct Democracy)"

As people could tell if only people paid attention to our activities

Lucky for us the people do not and so we can continue with our politi-speak = talking endlessly while saying "really" nothing at all - nothing of any value - see also: endlessly arguing circular "public self defeating" logic, tossing shit, spouting specious aspersions, trying to hide in the light, etc etc etc

Lucky thing that more people don't ask us why:

"Why don't you take over government for the people from within?"

"Seeing as you don't have a national party in place to successfully run your candidates in all 50 states - WHY don't you run your candidates as dems and reps?"

Well we would just have to say (and we do) that the people can't be successful that way. Better we say - if we all stay away - and just protest for government to get better.

We really do not want people to consider a possible winner by doing things like Bernie Sanders and run as a dem for a real chance to win - and have "more" people running on the issues where they can legitimately destroy their opponents in office or also running for office - by pointing out past voting records showing non support for the people - even showing active attacks on the people - or even calling on them to declare a public stance.

Gosh that would ruin our whole "public self defeating" circular do nothing opt out and just protest logic.

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

I'm not the one hacking for the CORRUPT DEMOCRATIC PARTY....YOU ARE!! Sanders should have denounced Hillary VEHEMENTLY for her lack of coming out against Fast Track very early on!! He has no conviction! And he could have given a Fillibuster that could have influenced the outcome. But he did NOT! Instead he just gave stupid people like you the faux belief the broken political system, which is a charade, works. He sold out for political expediency, just like YOUR CORRUPT President did.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

You HACK/SHILL for the 1%

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

16th track "(When we conflate the dems with the rethuglicans)"

We are doing our best to prevent legitimate debate.

As - we can't have people considering matters like:

Who supports access to Health care for all

Who attacks and denies Health care for all


Who supports raising taxes on the wealthy

Who attacks raising taxes on the wealthy


Who supports expanding Social Security

Who attacks Social Security


Who promotes environmental standards and protective restrictions

Who attacks environmental standards and protective restrictions

I mean if we do not shut this stuff down it becomes pretty easy to see that we really can't conflate the dems as being exactly the same as the rethuglicans.

We need to support our meaningless "public self defeating" circular logic arguments - that to gain participatory democracy and control of government - that the people need to opt out.

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 9 years ago

in other news, KPBS strung 3 terror attacks round the world

so as not to mention daily US airstrikes

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

16th track "(When we conflate the dems with the rethuglicans)"

We are doing our best to prevent legitimate debate.

As - we can't have people considering matters like:

Who supports access to Health care for all

Who attacks and denies Health care for all


Who supports raising taxes on the wealthy

Who attacks raising taxes on the wealthy


Who supports expanding Social Security

Who attacks Social Security


Who promotes environmental standards and protective restrictions

Who attacks environmental standards and protective restrictions

I mean if we do not shut this stuff down it becomes pretty easy to see that we really can't conflate the dems as being exactly the same as the rethuglicans.

We need to support our meaningless "public self defeating" circular logic arguments - that to gain participatory democracy and control of government - that the people need to opt out.

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

16th track "(When we conflate the dems with the rethuglicans)"

We are doing our best to prevent legitimate debate.

As - we can't have people considering matters like:

Who supports access to Health care for all

Who attacks and denies Health care for all


Who supports raising taxes on the wealthy

Who attacks raising taxes on the wealthy


Who supports expanding Social Security

Who attacks Social Security


Who promotes environmental standards and protective restrictions

Who attacks environmental standards and protective restrictions

I mean if we do not shut this stuff down it becomes pretty easy to see that we really can't conflate the dems as being exactly the same as the rethuglicans.

We need to support our meaningless "public self defeating" circular logic arguments - that to gain participatory democracy and control of government - that the people need to opt out.

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

TPP and TTIP would NOT be close to being passed On The Hill .. without bi-paRDisan support! You and Danny Deluded below do need to Face That! Otherwise you're complicit in the defense of something that hurts American and The Global 99% and is part of The Global Corporatocracy Agenda - as advocated by Oligarchs, Bankers and Corporations. STOP being so fkn mesmerised by .. The Good Cop / Bad Cop of 'Corporate Donkey v Corporate Elephant' - as neither have The 99%'s real abiding interests at heart.

You're a loyal 99% Dem - but the DNC and Dem Pols On The Hill .. have, do and will continue to ... sell you and The American 99% - OUT! That is what OWS Fully Got and some still here, still do get! Join Us Comrade and fight for The 99% .. NOT for the delusions and illusions of Duopoly! The Two Factions BUT One Corporate Pro-WAR+Empire and Banker Regime ... needs to be highlighted and opposed by us all!

Fight for what FDR fought for ... NOT for what Bill -'Corporatist' Clinton (NAFTA, Social Security attacker etc.) or that Obama (TPP/TTIP - No Wall St. Prosecutions, etc.) .. The OWS 99% Struggle will continue irrespective of our squabbles and ... there is more than one road towards a better tomorrow for The 99%.

Take Inspiration from - http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/31526-iceland-s-success-story + Solidarity?

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

You see that is a big reason we are in this mess Americans aren't good at math, i blame the schools, but for those who mastered fifth grade math they at least will easily see that 5 to 1 against is damn good the GOP had a 4 to 1 in favor, people who understand math know this is a very large difference idiots who want to lie for their own twisted sick reasons ignore the facts and pretend that math doesn't matter and so the GOP and 1% win.

You don't seem to be very good at english either, I suppose you really are as stupid as you appear to be.

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Would TTIP have passed without Dems? Or NAFTA? Or Wall Street Bailouts? Or the Drone Wars? The very nature of a Democracy ''Delusion or Illusion'' ... is that you are convinced that it is real - get it? NO! Of course you fkn don't! LOL + :-( Your addiction to ''The System'' that is prevalent is noted .. yet again!

[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

I know it's the math that tripping you up 4 to 1 in favor and 5 to 1 against is just so hard for you to understand.

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

WTF is it about, 'the ratios being superficial and irrelevant' to THE FACT that it was passed bi-partisan and across the aisle' - that you don't understand? OH YEAH, I remember now ... 'Corporate Donkey' = Democrap = You = Good & 'Corporate Elephant' = Repugnants = RWNJs = Not You! Got that now, so thanks.That's the ritual genuflection to demoCRAZY Duopoly deMOCKERYcy over with and now what?

So, have people in ''the nation'' woken up - to their self-interest, yet? Who is telling ''the truth about the GOP'' to them, other than a Corporate owned MSM? Are Americans - and especially white Americans, receptive to the 'GOP is Evil' message?Or are they just too busy allowing themselves to be scared and manipulated into blaming everyone that isn't exactly like themselves? Is The Democratic Party, offering The99% an analysis of this or a critique of how to change things for the better so as to inspire the kids?

I won't have wasted my time on you - again IF I link to this - http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/31662-how-ecuador-transitioned-from-20th-century-neoliberalism-to-21st-century-socialism - & ask u to read it!

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

I know math is hard, but 4 to 1 in favor of TPP for the Rs and 5 to 1 against for the Ds, anybody who opposes the TPP would have to be stupid not to oppose the GOP.

You should listen to the part where Thom Hartmann says if Bernie has a Democratic Congress he could become another FDR.


[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Yep. Just keep sucking ''Corporate Donkey'' cock - because you know - that IS what you are all about. Wtf kind of ''Democratic Congress''? WhereTF are people like BS? Eg.Dennis Kucinich - gone! Cynthia McKinney - gone! Both gerrymandered out by The DNC + fyi - http://occupywallst.org/forum/at-minute-38-this-film-explains-rich-people-are-ri/#comment-1062321 Good BS has given you hope. Push it in AZ.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Odin and his opt-out cronies all spew - Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah something shiny Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah duopoly Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah ain't got nothing to back my stance Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah dance dance dance change the subject Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Obama sucks so all dems suck as well Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah got no facts to back my stance Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah.............................................

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Do you regard this OWS Forum as yours? Is this place now just a huge vomitorium - just for you?

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Odin and his opt-out cronies all spew - Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah something shiny Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah duopoly Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah ain't got nothing to back my stance Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah dance dance dance change the subject Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Obama sucks so all dems suck as well Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah got no facts to back my stance Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah try to wrap ourselves in the ows flag Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah overwhelming opposite votes of dem and reps are bipartisan Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah.............................................opt-out......................







[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

It must really tear your heart out to see the diametrically opposed votes. Really puts your claim that both parties are the same - straight into the crapper.

And all you can say is - "no it isn't it's bipartisan - if there were only one dem and the rest all reps - it would still be bipartisan."

You are such a sad sack of shit!

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Why do we have YOUR Democratic President pushing so hard for the TPP? Why weren't there any great people advances when the Democrats controlled the House, the Senate and the Presidency? We continued to slide down hill then too. Hey how bout YOUR former Democratic President who had the Glass Steagall act repealed? It was Wall Street money that was most responsible for getting YOUR President elected. Both parties STINK!

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Please - your crap about the sell out president is so fucking old - and you try to condemn the whole democratic party just off of that one asshole.

SHIT FOR BRAINS - Show me a vote where the majority of the dems are voting against the peoples best interest.

Should be a snap for you - Hey?

You have already been shown a few votes where the majority of the reps have voted against the people and that the dems voted for the people.


[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

I see that you are continuing to spew your parDisan bullshit. Are you still trying to convince people that you are with Occupy too... Or have you admitted working for the DNC or HS? ...lol

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

SHIT FOR BRAINS - Show me a vote where the majority of the dems are voting against the peoples best interest.

Should be a snap for you - Hey?

You have already been shown a few votes where the majority of the reps have voted against the people and that the dems voted for the people.


[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

This DNC-DKAt stooge thinks he can just spew at anyone he likes - without consequences. WRONG!


[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

I've told you before, you don't know what ''diametrically opposed'' means ... so now run along and do go yap at someone else's heels bleating for attention will you - you querulous, binary-blinded, abrasive oaf.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

diametrical [dahy-uh-me-tri-kuh l]

Word Origin

adjective 1. of, relating to, or along a diameter. 2. in direct opposition; being at opposite extremes; complete: diametrical opposites; a diametrical difference.

Number 2 points to the extreme difference in the vote =

190 Republican yea, 28 Democrat yea,

152 Democrat nay, 50 #Republican nay

That's a pretty opposite result.

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

You realise that "pretty" is the clear qualifier, that undermines and negates your argument, right? Nope - of course you fkn Don't in your Deep, Dark parDisan Desperation to Differentiate 'Corporate Donkey and Corporate Elephant'! What is the common Denominator there, huh? Dork!

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

10th track: (Tossing Shit)

As We have nothing to back-up our stated positions (opt-out fiction = public self defeating) - We will do our best to throw it back on ( put a lie on) any who would ask for details of our non-existent action plans (Ya know......those who put the lie to our bullshit - "who shine the light on our bullshit").

The putdown we use on others is simple - and with it in play - we then retreat - to our constant tactic of providing nothing while saying much (politi-speak = talking endlessly while saying "really" nothing at all - nothing of any value - see also: endlessly arguing circular "public self defeating" logic).

Tossing shit - we love it.

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)








[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

And all you can say is - "no it isn't it's bipartisan - if there were only one dem and the rest all reps - it would still be bipartisan."

You are such a sad sack of shit!

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Your ''one dem'' is hyperbolic, hypothetical - ''rhetoric'', employed to try to deny the reality staring you in the fkn face. You 'Don't Know Anything today', because you were clueless yesterday and so you'll know fuck all tomorrow - so good luck with that. You're a boar; a bore and a bore but go snuffle for truffles here http://occupywallst.org/forum/the-democrat-haters-score-another-big-they-got-tpp/#comment-1062215 ;-)

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Hey - SHIT FOR BRAINS - Show me a vote where the majority of the dems are voting against the peoples best interest.

Should be a snap for you - Hey?








[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Bisect a circle - the dividing line is called the diameter of the circle (prior to this operation - a circle has no sides) - now put a no at one end of the dividing line and a yes at the other end - what you now have is a diagram diametric opposition.

Is any of this getting through that rock you have for a head?

Bisect a circle = create to halves out of one circle.

Is any of this sinking in?

Can you grasp the concept?

Don't bother answering - as you can not grasp or accept reality.









[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Bisect a circle - you end up with two halves - mark one half yes the other half no - put the vote tally on the corresponding sides = you end up with a picture of the yeas and the nays on opposite sides = diametrically opposed.

Do a couple of dems agree with the reps? Do a couple of reps agree with the dems? Yep - so shows the vote breakdown. So there is a very minor bipartisan vote going both ways. But that does not make it a bipartisan vote.

A true Bipartisan vote would have a majority of each party or at least half of each party in agreement.

But you are happy with calling bipartisan - when the overwhelming majority of both parties disagree.

Your stance is what I expect to hear from Fux Spews and other corp(se)oRAT scripted talking heads.







[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

You are dumber than a box of rocks - you have nothing but your empty rhetoric to support your position.

Your position amounts to = it is what it is because I say that that is what it is










[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

You wanna have a case? Present the actual voting records (senatorial and congressional) - show us the voting breakdown - then perhaps you could clearly show how much the same the members of the two parties are.

So far all your rhetoric - is - just that - rhetoric.

Put up or Shut Up.

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Do you deny that Banks and Corporations control Politics and Media in the U$A?! Your efforts to get me and others to "shut up" have led where btw? Being a stooge for the Democratic Party is NOT very OWS!

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

You wanna have a case? Present the actual voting records (senatorial and congressional) - show us the voting breakdown - then perhaps you could clearly show how much the same the members of the two parties are.

So far all your rhetoric - is - just that - rhetoric.

Put up or Shut Up.

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

So you reckon that anyone who is NOT a CORRUPT Democrat is "..Hiding in plain sight....[?????]"... lol. That's warped! Why do you support YOUR Corrupt Democratic President.. ?!? Do you think that he was an abberation, and that YOUR Corrupt Democrats will save us?

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

You can't do it can you. You can't even come up with one fact.

You wanna have a case? Present the actual voting records (senatorial and congressional) - show us the voting breakdown - then perhaps you could clearly show how much the same the members of the two parties are.

So far all your rhetoric - is - just that - rhetoric.

Put up or Shut Up.


[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

The case has been made on this OWS Forum and on these threads - extensively and exhaustingly and OWS got the Fundamentals of Duopoly, way before this forum was instituted. Your ingrained propensity for squabbling, precludes any reasonable debate and you will NOT be convinced of ANY case , because you're totally addicted to your half of The Binary. No matter how 'Liberal/Progressive' you may purport to be to family and friends in Minnesota - you're just another conservative reactionary here and thus part of the problem to be overcome.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

You wanna have a case? Present the actual voting records (senatorial and congressional) - show us the voting breakdown - then perhaps you could clearly show how much the same the members of the two parties are.

So far all your rhetoric - is - just that - rhetoric.

Put up or Shut Up

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Both parties have sold out. YOUR corrupt, Democratic President is a prime example of that. Why are you tied at the hip with the CORRUPT Democrats, and Obama especially?

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

You wanna have a case? Present the actual voting records (senatorial and congressional) - show us the voting breakdown - then perhaps you could clearly show how much the same the members of the two parties are.

So far all your rhetoric - is - just that - rhetoric.

Put up or Shut Up

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

that's GREAT for getting to the details !!!

Or is that just another form of Moderation ???

looks like something from the Koch Handbook ... or the FoxNews Handbook ...

just repeat it over and over again ... eventually they will believe it !!!

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

The breadth and width of your intelligence is breathtaking and very boring! Stop ruining this forum dolt.


[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

You wanna have a case? Present the actual voting records (senatorial and congressional) - show us the voting breakdown - then perhaps you could clearly show how much the same the members of the two parties are.

So far all your rhetoric - is - just that - rhetoric.

Put up or Shut Up









[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Well said...

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

In case you missed it = the vote shown in this post? The one you call bipartisan. Is more of an example of being diametrically opposed.

You wanna have a case? Present the actual voting records (senatorial and congressional) - show us the voting breakdown - then perhaps you could clearly show how much the same the members of the two parties are.

So far all your rhetoric - is - just that - rhetoric.

Put up or Shut Up

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Thanks. We've no option but to forge on regardless of any & all provocations. Solidarity to you & yours.

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

I have nothing but respect for people who refuse to sell out to the CORRUPT two party system.

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Re. ''the CORRUPT'' - http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/31696-what-chris-christie-didn-t-say-at-his-campaign-kickoff ... this greedy, corrupt steaming sack of shit, needs to be exposed at every turn too.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

12th track: (Hiding in plain sight) "Also known as trying to hide in the light"

We get really strident with this - when we feel we need to reapply shredded cover

All it requires - is - enough expressed vitriol for the system in general - and many will believe you mean it - while one need not provide any supporting substance.

(part 2)

When the 1st part is not enough we also love to pretend to support protest and things (whatever is handy) - helps to throw off suspicion.

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

From having done a fair bit of traveling to different parts of the country, and from having conversed with people form all walks of life, it is easy to conclude that many people know that we are in a crisis. However, even knowing that, people just feel helpless to bring about real change. What worked in the past, doesn't now. Gradually activism has begun to take root even in the more remote regions of the country. And those activist groups are forming alliances to strengthen their message as they realize that there is strength in numbers, and also in knowing that the perpetrator is the same.

[-] 0 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

''Gradually activism has begun to take root even in the more remote regions of the country. ... And those activist groups are forming alliances to strengthen their message as they realize that there is strength in numbers...'' Yes - and that is where the key seeding role of OWS, Kshama Sawant etc. has its greatest strength and effect. Furthermore...

Q : ''With movements like those to raise the minimum wage or win paid sick leave, the national narrative has moved away from Washington DC toward local lawmaking. Work like MRNY's that utilizes local lawmaking is on the rise. However, there are significant efforts by state legislatures to preempt these movements. How can these movements work together to counter preemption?

A 1/2 : ''We have to keep fighting and winning on all levels. When we have enough people in the streets demanding that their cities protect and respect them, then there will be a real backlash against the state governments that squash those city-level efforts. We have to build that kind of momentum and back-and-forth conversation between cities and states.

A 2/2 : ''The Fight for $15 nationally, and coalitions across states like New York, are working together in lock-step to ensure that state legislatures respond to working people's demands and raise the minimum wage. In New York, members of grassroots organizations around the state are mobilizing together to pressure Albany to raise the statewide minimum wage and allow localities to raise their wages even higher. Ultimately, we are fighting for a speedy path to $15 per hour, indexation, and the ability to join a union. As Governor Cuomo's May 6th announcement to convene a fast food worker wage board showed, the momentum is on our side. We are winning concrete victories, and we are going to keep working to achieve our broader goal.''

From: http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/31698-working-class-movement-fights-for-local-authority

Solidarity in compassion through struggle.

[-] 0 points by windyacres (1197) 9 years ago

Forge on. Solidarity to you.

[-] 2 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

"A New Mode of Warfare - Greece's Debt Crisis and the Crashing Markets" by Prof. Michael Hudson - http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article42274.htm We MUST all stand in Solidarity with Greek 99% at this very difficult but extremely critical time. Solidarity In Struggle to you and yours windyacres.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

If there were fewer rethuglicans in office would it have passed? 2014 gave em the majority that they needed.

Yes you are dumber than a box of rocks when you try to conflate the two as being the same.

But you are a 1% supporter only trying to hide in plain sight as a revolutionary - so you will deny reality as stridently as all of those rethuglican climate change deniers.










[-] -1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

You're an idiot and this post is idiotic. Myself (bw), lugano and mdonnelly couldn't possibly be more against TPP than any Democrat out there because we are far to the left of the Democrats you idiot! You just prove yourself over and over again to be the biggest idiot going and you have no understanding of what Occupy stands for and I have no fucking idea why you are allowed to moderate these forum boards. It's beyond pathetic.

[-] 2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

You can say whatever you want to, but your actions tell who you are, and you are a supporter of the GOP you help elect them and you are responsible for their actions. The GOP supported TPP by a 4 to 1 margin, the Dems opposed 5 to 1, but do you post 4 to 1 against the GOP and 5 to 1 in favor of Dems? No! You attack the Dems and support those who attack them at all times you won a huge victory in 2014 defeating many Dems and without your huge win TPP would not have passed so it is your victory that you share with your beloved GOP.

You may support ideas of the left, you may be so stupid that you just help the 1% out of pure stupidity but it matters not why you help them only that you do.


[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

hey!!! I'm insulted now ... I'm far left too !!! :)

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

but you wouldn't want to upset any gun toting, confederate flag waving redneck would you you? yeah you're a real lefty alright....you are a partisan GOP loving hack Brad we've been through this....

[-] -1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

You are, as are most people who post here. Which is why these two idiots have isolated themselves and go after everyone else here. Only problem is that they have moderation power for some pathetic reason.

[-] 0 points by turbocharger (1756) 9 years ago

Thats the million dollar question.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Which only you and your gang of idiots are to stupid to figure out.

You are the failure of protest (that is if you were ever real protestors at all)

The idea is to get people who represent the people into office as a very potent majority to make the changes that need to happen.

You and your fellow idiots however (again if not out-rightly supporting the 1%) are bound and determined to do nothing to take government for the people.

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

:) I know bw ... jus being funny !

[-] -1 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

I caugh your humor... lol. I hate to burst your bubble, but from my POV, anyone who wants justice is not a radical left-ist. Rather the criminal path that both parties have taken on is what's radical.

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

ya .. I can see that view md :)

but I see it a little different ... and I'm not really awake enough to give this just commentary ... but... I see two opposing policy thoughts here ...

one side ... believes in increasing monetary wealth .... for the entire world ... simply by increasing the supply of money ... regardless of how that affects the local populations ...

the other side ... believes that we have the responsibility to help & take care of the local populations ... regardless of how that affects the money supply ....

the problems with both sides of thinking are enormous ... but in a quick view...

simply increasing money supply w/o increasing social health (well-being) along side with it ... devalues the monetary wealth potential .... pollutes the world... promotes war ... etc..


simply focusing on social wealth issues .. w/o supporting the world wide monetary growth (money supply) ... along side with it .. also devalues the monetary wealth potential .... starves the world ... promotes war ... etc...

imo... the "far extreme left" ... as well as the "far extreme right" see this ... and might imo ... be able to reach full circle ....

imo... the answers lay ... in realizing that there really are more than one type of wealth ..

the simplest ones ...being monetary wealth ... and social wealth ... they go hand and hand ... they need each-other ...

if we can work together ... and stop hating the other side/s ... we can double our economic growth overnight by simply supporting and valuing "social wealth building" and "monetary wealth building" as of equal importance ... and then "social wealth building" will become a new industry ... just as finance has become one ....

[-] -1 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

I think you are BLIND factsy ....

it's right there ... right in front of your eye's on your own post ... but your Hatred won't let you see it !!!

more Republican " Nay's" than Democrat "Yea's" ....

or similar put in case you don't understand statistics ... 50 Republican " Nay's" !!

IT IS NOT A DEM vs REP ... problem ... as much as it is a GOOD vs BAD one....!!!

what pray tell did you do to influence the good vs bad vote in 2014 ? .... post nasty shit on this forum ????

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

Here I thought the people on here cared about TPP, yet they have no interest in discussing the actual vote, therein lies the issue with many looking at the facts and taking effective action does not feed the ego like bitching about how better your policies would be.

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

we DO care about TPP ... we just don't use it as opportunity to promote further division and partisan related distraction !! (<<< what MSM does!! )

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

There are plenty on here that take any opportunity to attack the Dems, but you don't seem to read any of those posts, very partisan of you.

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago


[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

Here is a link to a post that is very insulting to Dems, let's see if you go there and tell shlue he should not be pushing Dems away, of course you won't because you are a partisan hack!


me I stand by what I have said from the beginning.

Kill the GOP, save the World!

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

you will never get it frf... until you lose your hatred....

quote>>> "...post that is very insulting to Dems..."

who cares ? ... shlue's post was NOT attacking ALL of the Dems AS A WHOLE !!!

it was specifically addressing Hillary ... he has that right ... as you have the right to address the actions of anyone specifically ...

but when you attack a group, a race, a gender, etc as a whole ... you are being sloppy

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

Which elected Republican do you find acceptable? I can't find a single one that doesn't believe the rich should be richer, can you? Since I can't find any that don't vote that way i say run them from office, if you think it is just fine for people like W Bush or his brother jeb! to win I'd be very interested in hearing your thinking on the subject, please explain. I am open to any who want to stop electing the GOP even people who might have been Greens at one time, as long as they are dedicated to doing what needs to be done to address wealth inequality and of course that involves defeating the damn GOP!

I do not attack all Republicans, just those that hold office and anybody who assist them in winning office, since I care about wealth inequality and think it is important that we address it in a serious manner.

You on the other hand are a partisan political hack hoping to build your own bullshit party.


[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 10 minutes ago

that's GREAT for getting to the details !!!

Or is that just another form of Moderation ???

looks like something from the Koch Handbook ... or the FoxNews Handbook ...

just repeat it over and over again ... eventually they will believe it !!!

↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink

Says the defender of all rethuglican supporters.

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

YOU just removed my post DK. You're an ASSHOLE!

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

You are a dipshit!

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Why does your comment stand when you refer to me as a "dipshit," and mine gets removed when I call you an ASSHOLE? Is it because I capitalized it?... lol

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

What in the hell are u talking about? Your stupid comment is still there!

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Yes, I get the picture, anyone who does not buy into your CORRUPT Democratic bullshit is a "dipshit." The life of being a hack can't be easy for you. How many more comments will you be removing today?

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

(updated) 16th track "(When we conflate the dems with the rethuglicans)"

We are doing our best to prevent legitimate debate.

As - we can't have people considering matters like:

Who supports access to Health care for all

Who attacks and denies Health care for all


Who supports raising taxes on the wealthy

Who attacks raising taxes on the wealthy


Who supports expanding Social Security

Who attacks Social Security


Who promotes environmental standards and protective restrictions

Who attacks environmental standards and protective restrictions


Who speaks out against climate change and supports the findings of 97% of the climate scientists

Who flat out denies the findings of 97% of the climate scientists and stands in the way clean energy requirements


Who supports voting rights of the population

Who does their best to remove voting rights from the population

I mean if we do not shut this stuff down it becomes pretty easy to see that we really can't conflate the dems as being exactly the same as the rethuglicans.

We need to support our meaningless "public self defeating" circular logic arguments - that to gain participatory democracy and control of government - that the people need to opt out. In this effort we will consistently cry duopoly (it is one of our favorite fictions) and refuse to provide any facts to support our position (we like to avoid such things as they work against us).

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Who says, "..the [democraps] ..[are].. exactly the same as the rethuglicans?" YOU, not me. They both have a role to play in the charade that unfortunately many of us bave bought into. The main thing that they have in comon is that they both answer to BIG moneyed interests, not ours. Their main goal is to keep us snowed. Don't make me remind you again of YOUR CORRUPT DEMOCRATIC President who you consider the lesser of two evils, and who pushed hard to have the TPP passed. Were you shilling for him when he ran too? I bet that you were.

How many more comments non-parDisan comments will you be removing today?

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

17th track "(We will endlessly argue meaningless "public self defeating" circular logic)"

We will endlessly argue meaningless "public self defeating" circular logic

We get that from the rethuglicans.

We will tell you that we have something good.

But when asked what that is - we can't formulate a straight answer.

So we will go back to arguing a meaningless self defeating circular logic.


Don't vote because that won't help - just protest instead because that will make everything better all by itself.

And if you don't accept that and refute it - we will gang-up on you and stinkle team you relentlessly - because that proves that we are right and you are wrong. It goes hand in hand with our meaningless "public self defeating" circular logic.

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Whose discouraging people from voting? Not me. You can do what the hell you like. I am ony saying that if you vote for a CORRUPT DEMOCRAT or Republican,  and expect that you are on the road to systemic change, then you are an idiot.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

19th track "(We are not about Democracy)"

As some can plainly see

We feign to support it

While doing our best to get the public not to participate to own it or control it

We spout propaganda while trying to expound that the public is unable to make a difference and so should just protest instead of voting out those working against them - as that would be futile

Thus we get a lot of mileage to argue our meaningless "public self defeating" circular logic arguments - that to make a difference one must opt out

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

oh.... and mis-leading too !!! copy n paste into different place ... so comment is taken out of context !! good work DK ... you should be proud

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Says the defender of all rethuglican supporters.

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

| >> Says the defender of all rethuglican supporters.

no... that's you ... I defend ... FREEDOM OF SPEECH !!!

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Bullshit - you defend the opt-out rethuglican supporters and you bash those you consider to be democrat.

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

DAMN..DK ... you really need to take a break ... maybe I do too ...

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Yes please take a break from defending rethuglicans - won't you?

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

ok... then I won't defend you anymore .....

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

LOL - then you won't be doing anything different.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

we DO care about TPP ... we just don't use it as opportunity..........

You don't use it at all - as you should - as others should - to show the public in no uncertain terms individuals in office that need to be removed from office.

It is not a matter of opinion on who is for the people and who is against the people - it is a matter of fact = voting breakdown/record.

[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

You mean I didn't see a post on here called "It's all about the Hag." I'm pretty sure I did. If people cared about TPP they would look at the vote and ACT occupy is about action, here you can see that we would have won this if the GOP had not won in 2014, action and inaction has consequences, if we do use issues to motivate people to take action the we do nothing.

I'll take a look at it and see how critical you were of the poster for being divisive.

Here's the link:


I didn't see any comment from you so here's your chance prove you're not just here to defend the GOP.

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

frf... I am an "Independent" who very much wishes to see the "put to pasture" of the two-party system/machine ... We will never get 99% or even 60% of the people to align with either one of the existing two Party's ... so why waste time trying ???

Much easier to build a strong "Independent Alignment" ... which CAN ... pull people from either "two Party" to support us on specific Issues ...

that way We CAN break the 60% barrier ... and maybe someday reach 99 ...

anything else will fail ... and continue to "FEED" the "two Party machine" ...

[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

Brad the question was did you bring this point up with Shule? There's still time to if you would like to, it seems to me you have no interest in toning down attacks on Dems, that seems very partisan of you, and would of course bring your integrity into question.

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

FUK OFF TROLL !! trying to talk w/ you is a total waste of time !!

[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

ah Brad I thought you wanted to bring everyone together? oh that's right the only attacks you like are those against Dems because you are a partisan hack!

I think outting you for the divisive hack that you are was a fine use of time.

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

These two guys main purpose on here is to co-opt this forum into the CORRUPT Democartic Party. Second best is to drive you off here. They want everyone to believe that the Democrats can bring about systemic change. I guess Obama is their hero. From my POV, they are the 1% supporters, and are worried about any REAL change

[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

Killing the GOP is how we bring about systemic change, you just want to elect more GOP so you can get things like TPP passed.

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

cool ... fire the first shot... start the new Civil War !! dumbass !!

[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

and here I thought you had given up on me, so I will ask you again have you ever ask shule about his "it's all about the Hag" post? I looked but I couldn't find a place where you called out those that attack the Dems but then you wouldn't do that because you are a partisan hack that loves the GOP

[-] 0 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 9 years ago

DOD uses terms of prejudice to when killing targets

[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

so did that kid in Charleston

[-] 0 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 9 years ago

"if looks could kill the probably will

in games without frontier

war without tears"

[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

4 Justices are over 70 years old, you ready to gamble on Jeb!'s picks?

[-] 0 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 9 years ago

how does one drive a point home ?

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

19th track "(We are not about Democracy)"

As some can plainly see

We feign to support it

While doing our best to get the public not to participate to own it or control it

We spout propaganda while trying to expound that the public is unable to make a difference and so should just protest instead of voting out those working against them - as that would be futile

Thus we get a lot of mileage to argue our meaningless "public self defeating" circular logic arguments - that to make a difference one must opt out

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

I'm well aware the CORRUPT Democrats are not about "Democracy." Your proposal that we continue to vote for the criminal elite is insane!

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

20th track "(We really really really are not about Direct Democracy)"

As people could tell if only people paid attention to our activities

Lucky for us the people do not and so we can continue with our politi-speak = talking endlessly while saying "really" nothing at all - nothing of any value - see also: endlessly arguing circular "public self defeating" logic, tossing shit, spouting specious aspersions, trying to hide in the light, etc etc etc

Lucky thing that more people don't ask us why:

"Why don't you take over government for the people from within?"

"Seeing as you don't have a national party in place to successfully run your candidates in all 50 states - WHY don't you run your candidates as dems and reps?"

Well we would just have to say (and we do) that the people can't be successful that way. Better we say - if we all stay away - and just protest for government to get better.

We really do not want people to consider a possible winner by doing things like Bernie Sanders and run as a dem for a real chance to win - and have "more" people running on the issues where they can legitimately destroy their opponents in office or also running for office - by pointing out past voting records showing non support for the people - even showing active attacks on the people - or even calling on them to declare a public stance.

Gosh that would ruin our whole "public self defeating" circular do nothing opt out and just protest logic.

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Shilling for the CORRUPT Democrats and mentioning the words, "1Direct Democracy" is oxymoronic.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

1st track: (Dancing) "When we want to change the subject to put it back on someone else - because we can't defend a position that we have been pressured on - ooo look something shiny - and we will be relentless repeating it to infinity in every place we can find to place it"

dancing............ Dancing............. DANCING................ we're a dancing machine

Ah baby (don't ask for facts)

Move it baby (we ain't got no facts)

(so in your face) dancing . . . Dancing . . . DANCING . . .

. . . . we're a dancing machine . . . Ah baby

Move it baby (you will get nothing of substance from us)

We dance to avoid to evade as we got nothing to provide . . . . Who needs substance - dancing is easier to do then actually most anything else (all we've got is all you will get - empty rhetoric). . . . . .

cause we're dancing............ Dancing............. DANCING................ we're a dancing machine . . . . . . ooo LOOK something shiny . . . . .

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

However much you don't like it - frf does make a valid point - you don't seem to care about alienating those who consider themselves to be democrats but you are very concerned about alienating those who consider themselves to be republican.

You offer none of your mediation insights/advice to the dem bashers on this site.

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

quote: >>> " you don't seem to care about alienating those who consider themselves to be democrats but you are very concerned about alienating those who consider themselves to be republican...."

you're FULL OF IT here !!! DK ... I care about outing BAD people ... regardless of GROUPIE affiliation ... and YOU KNOW IT !!!! .... STOP TRYING to DESTROY this site !!!

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Hit a sore spot hey? I stand by what I said.

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

yeah ? ... well... I stand behind what I say .... you and frf ... are the only RACISTS here ...

ok... maybe not race related ... but SAME thing !!! .... WHEN you stereotype people ... such as ... all Whites are Bad !! or all Blacks are Bad !! .... YOU ARE FUKED UP....

and that IS EXACTLY what YOU & FRF are doing !!!

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

I know DKA ... I remember a LOT of good stuff you posted ... that's why I'm frustrated about what I (believe) you are doing now... letting this all get to you ... removing posts ... while sitting back and letting ASS HOLE/S call other members "whores" and siding with them ... it makes no sense ... maybe break time,,,, we all need it sometimes ... especially those of us who are passionate about what we believe in

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 0 minutes ago

hmmm... maybe so... but I usually don't chastise those who I don't care about...

but also... remember ... you are the moderator here ... the leader ... you are the only one who can remove posts ... (aside from Jart... and I doubt she has even been here in long time ) ... so with authority you become the target :)

↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink

I refute bullshit - from day 1 I have refuted bullshit - I have been a target practically from day 1 for doing so - I have not changed and will not.

Tell me:

Who supports access to Health care for all

Who attacks and denies Health care for all


Who supports raising taxes on the wealthy

Who attacks raising taxes on the wealthy


Who supports expanding Social Security

Who attacks Social Security


Who promotes environmental standards and protective restrictions

Who attacks environmental standards and protective restrictions


Who supports voting rights of the population

Who does their best to remove voting rights from the population

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

list them ... by name !! you will get support from everyone ... not just from one party !! can;t you get it ???

[-] 0 points by turbocharger (1756) 9 years ago

DKA is just the classic example of how power fucks with people's heads (how did it become a moderator anyways?) and why ows was so adamant about leaderless movements.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

You chastise unfairly - you always fail to chastise the other guy as well.

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

hmmm... maybe so... but I usually don't chastise those who I don't care about...

but also... remember ... you are the moderator here ... the leader ... you are the only one who can remove posts ... (aside from Jart... and I doubt she has even been here in long time ) ... so with authority you become the target :)

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Not true - I present facts not fiction = Voting records are fact they are not opinions. It is not my fault that the overwhelming majority of thugs in office have an R behind their name.

So it's not me calling them bad - it is their own actions that show them to be so.

You wanna deny reality - that is your problem not mine.

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

quote >>> " it's not me calling them bad - it is their own actions that show them to be so.... '

very true !! ... but when you get sloppy and address the entire group... and not the specific individual/s ... you are stereotyping ... honestly you DK... don't do it that much ... but frf ... does it in almost every post ... and then you... jump on his bandwagon and support him ... this is not a partisan site ... it never will be .... unless of course you remove .... all the anti-partisan posts ... and everyone leaves to join another true Occupy site ...

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 1 minute ago

soo ? attack them ALL individually ... you will get somewhere ... be a groupie ... and you will get stopped in your tracks ... as you should be

↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink

I have done just "that" and impartially - see the voting records I provided to you. They contain dethuglicans as well as rethuglicans.

Now why don't you catch up on your overlooked chastising of the other-guys.

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

dammit DK... I'm not trying to chastise you ... we are arguing presentation (politics!!) ... I'm just trying to help you get more efficient !! ... I'm twice your age ... I live in the political world ... listen to me !!

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 0 minutes ago

I never said they are the same ... I'm only saying that ... they are all NOT the same !! ... big difference !!! there are good people on both sides of the isle.... as well as bad ones on both sides... it is good vs bad ... not dem vs rep !!!

↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink

Lets try and be a little more honest shall we?

There are hundreds of rethuglicans in office and a couple dozen dethuglicans.

I would say that that is a huge difference.

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

soo ? attack them ALL individually ... you will get somewhere ... be a groupie ... and you will get stopped in your tracks ... as you should be

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

but his post ... wasn't stereotyping either .... granted ,,, he said.. " CORRUPT DEMOCRATIC PARTY..." ... well it is not ? .... just as the Republican Party is Corrupt ....

Look at the voting record and then tell me they are the same!

50 state senatorial listing of who to remove from office. Please share.

50 state congressional listing of who to remove from office. Please share.

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

I never said they are the same ... I'm only saying that ... they are all NOT the same !! ... big difference !!! there are good people on both sides of the isle.... as well as bad ones on both sides... it is good vs bad ... not dem vs rep !!!

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

quote >>>> "... I'm not the one hacking for the CORRUPT DEMOCRATIC PARTY....YOU ARE!! Sanders should have denounced Hillary VEHEMENTLY for her lack of coming out against Fast Track very early on!! He has no conviction! And he could have given a Fillibuster that could have influenced the outcome. But he did NOT! Instead he just gave stupid people like you the faux belief the broken political system, which is a charade, works. He sold out for political expediency, just like YOUR CORRUPT President did....."

exactly my point ....

first it was a response to your post ... which (your post) was a respectful and non stereotyping post ....

but his post ... wasn't stereotyping either .... granted ,,, he said.. " CORRUPT DEMOCRATIC PARTY..." ... well it is not ? .... just as the Republican Party is Corrupt ....

other than that ... there is no idea or innuendo that ALL Democrats are bad !!!

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

oh... yeah ??? I don't recall anyone else here criticizing a group as a whole ... unless it is of course a sarcastic response to partisan comment

Do you really suffer from severe tunnel vision? That you can protest being unaware of dem bashers on this site?

If you choose to stay on this site or go is your choice.

But if it is because you are unhappy that this is not a complete conservative forum - well - too bad.

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

DK... this is one of my signatures from a programming site I frequent ... maybe it will give you some insight ....

for the Cafe' conservatives, put on some dirty clothes, and go walk the streets among the homeless for a day, your life will change for the better.

for the Cafe' liberals, put on some dirty clothes, and go walk around the failing projects of the 70's, and see how it's keeps people in poverty, your life will change for the better.

for the Adventurous ... http://occupywallst.org/

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

show me an example

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

but when you get sloppy and address the entire group... and not the specific individual/s ... you are stereotyping

I call you unfairly prejudiced (bigoted is probably the more correct descriptive) as you never scold mdonnely or Lugey or turbocharger or any other complete broadstroke dem bashing individual.

You are not impartial - but you try to hold others up to disparagement if you deem them as not being impartial as long as they seem to be partial to dems - you have nothing bad to say about those who seem to be partial to reps.

[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

oh... yeah ??? I don't recall anyone else here criticizing a group as a whole ... unless it is of course a sarcastic response to partisan comment ...

don't believe me ? ... keep it up ... you and frf will be the only ones posting here ...


[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

To make a difference and lasting change - the people need to remove active evil from office - and replace it with people who fight for the people the environment and the whole world.

To have a successful Majority "For The People"

Please consider the following:

Will Bernie Sanders start a revolution?

With proper support from the people - He could be very successful.

I sent off to his attention a couple of tools that he should put to good use in his campaign:

50 state senatorial listing of who to remove from office. Please share.

50 state congressional listing of who to remove from office. Please share.

Protest is not enough - it must be linked to positive action.

Knowing who to remove from office is half of the battle and is fairly easy to do if one knows where and how to look.

Finding and presenting good people to the public to replace them is the harder task but it must be undertaken ASAP.

[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

I suspect Brad is not really different than the rest but you never know he might surprise me.

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

So you're kinda hoping that he is a hack for the Democrats too?! Both parties are corrupt and they stink.

[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

When are you going to realize OWS is not about political parties whether they suck or not or anything else, it is about doing something about wealth inequality, yes as it turns out the biggest thing that can be done is killing a political party, the GOP but you care only about the political parties you don't care about what happens, that's where you suck.

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Hmm...you're teling someone else that they only care about political parties?? WOW! Don't you think that you are being a bit hypocritical, considering how much you and DK constantly shill for the CORRUPT Democrats?

[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

I care about wealth inequality, the only thing you care about is attacking the Dems you don't give a damn about wealth inequality.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

(updated) 1st track: (Dancing) "When we want to change the subject to put it back on someone else - because we can't defend a position that we have been pressured on - ooo look something shiny - and we will be relentless repeating it to infinity in every place we can find to place it"

dancing............ Dancing............. DANCING................ we're a dancing machine

Ah baby (don't ask for facts)

Move it baby (we ain't got no facts)

(so in your face) dancing . . . Dancing . . . DANCING . . .

. . . . we're a dancing machine . . . Ah baby

Move it baby (you will get nothing of substance from us)

We dance to avoid to evade as we got nothing to provide . . . . Who needs substance - dancing is easier to do then actually most anything else (all we've got is all you will get - empty rhetoric). . . . . .

cause we're dancing............ Dancing............. DANCING................ we're a dancing machine . . . . . . ooo LOOK something shiny . . . . .

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 9 years ago

quote by frf >>>> "....yes as it turns out the biggest thing that can be done is killing a political party, the GOP...."

ok... for the sake of argument ... let's say that is a worthy goal.... HOW THE FUK R U GOING TO DO THAT ???

you can't !!!

but if that is your mission.... take it to another site ... you might gain a little tiny bit of progress by embarrassing the few who are already on the fence ...

this site is about teaching, sharing & learning real FACTS ... not opinionated & impossible missions ...

give it up. !!!

ADDED: now you CAN ... if u care ... pull many (IF NOT MOST) of the GOP as well as the DEMs .. away from their Party's to JOIN us .... BUT U CAN ONLY DO THAT BY TREATING THEM WITH RESPECT !!!

[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

Perhaps Shule could use some of your advice, and there are a number of others on here that are rather rude to Dems, you never seem to have a problem with those people it is almost as if you were partisan scum.

As far as how to kill the GOP I think a movement will be needed a movement of truth, the truth is the rich are too damn rich and the GOP works to make the rich richer.

Spread the truth, save the world.

I don't need to "pull people from a party" I don't have a political party to pull them to.

Are you just a political hack trying to build your own bullshit party?

[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

It is clear the only issue you care about is hating the Dems!

Congratulations on getting the TPP fast track through the House, thanks to your efforts in 2014 getting rid of a bunch of Dems.

If you seek perfection you won't find it anywhere, but this is yet another issue that would be made better if only there were more Dems in office, not fewer as you wish.

So the R's were 4 to 1 in favor and the D's were 5 to 1 against, it is "Brad the Blind" isn't it?"