Forum Post: The Daily Show covers Occupy Wall Street with hilarious Tony Baloney send-up
Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 30, 2011, 2:01 a.m. EST by EddieAtari
from Brooklyn, NY
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Jon Stewart pitches Law & Order's Chris Maloney to play the infamous Sgt. Pepper-Spray...
Watch the video here:
oh, that was good ... lol.
hilarious! the word is OUT!
I disagree that is not good. Its funny yeah but its not good for the movement. We have to get past the pepper spray thing as if it was the highlight of the protest and get the media to pay attention to why this occupation is taking place. At the moment the movement is being dismissed, its something to poke fun at, nothing to take seriously and to boot no one is able to identify exactly why everyone is camped out on wall street, none of that is good if its a movement that is going to grow and be taken seriously. We need to have a clear concise, achievable goal that everyone can focus on or it will finally be ignored, yesterdays news when everyone forgets the pepper spray business.
Achievable goals are in the works. Hang in there!
Please keep them as simple as possible. No more than 3 for now.
Working list of goals:
It's good in the fact that TDS brought national attention to the movement through humor, which it does best. The fact is many people still have no idea that the incident occurred, and this could potentially influence the City's investigation and/or force the Chief Inspector's early retirement. As an aside, I attended the 1st Precinct Community Council meeting tonight and they are concerned about this publicity. The NYPD is thinking twice now before forcing the protests to shut down and abusing their authority. They've been exposed as fools and mocked, giving power to the cry, "The whole world is watching!" As one commanding officer told me, they just want to keep the peace, and have pushed back against Brookfield Properties' demands to clear out the park. That is why we're still here.
Stewart further exposed Bologna for the loose canon that he is. This could also ensure the protesters' safety for future marches. We cannot just "get past" this incident until Bologna and other guilty officers are brought to justice.
Police brutality is a side issue, its not why everyone is camping out on wall st. If you focus on this pepper spray issue then you will lose the focus on the larger issue, whats more important will get lost. Just think how many loose cannon cops out of control stories have there been in NY? During or outside of a protest? LOTS! Either Wall st. and oligarchy corruption of the political process etc is the focus or how cops handle large crowds. Take your pick
No one is focusing on just the one issue, we are utilizing it for the greater cause and for safety issues, justice etc.. There has been national coverage citing what the protest is about, in part because of this incident and in part because of the media team working hard to do outreach... It is only one aspect and it is being treated as such. I am a lawyer assisting the protesters on a myriad of issues, including unified messaging and organization...
it won't be funny next week when the labor unions get involved. The numbers are going to go through the roof... 10000 maybe? and many other cities are just getting started. This thing has legs... we are just the in beginning
Well that I am looking forward to. I'm down with that! Let's just hope it gets coverage.
Amen, brother! Met with Russell Simmons tonight he offered resources.. publicist, political adviser, and videographers... we are on it
*in the