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Forum Post: The Case Against GMO's

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 1, 2012, 2:06 p.m. EST by Liandre (0) from Wildomar, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Hi. My daughter sent me this page. She works at an organic food market, and has an autistic son. Please read.

It came to my attention the other day that though I am passionate about the GMO issue and talk about it often, I may have been lacking in educating the people who mean the most to me. GMO is genetically modified organism, which as far as food goes is predominantly produced my Monsanto. For those too young to know Monsanto started at the beginning of the 1900s as a chemistry company that brought us such wonderful things as now banned and toxic additives to plastics and agent orange. When money started to dwindle with bans on many of their products in the 80s the company switched to agriculture. It is important to note that one of their still leading products is roundup.

Now as far as GMO food is concerned there are two main types. The first is roundup ready crops which can resist the effects of being sprayed with roundup. Roundup works by binding to the minerals in the soil and thereby starving the plant. This still happens with roundup ready crops they are just modified to survive on less. This means even if there were no inherent danger in roundup covered food, we can be malnourished because the food we eat is. The human body tries to maintain certain levels of minerals in the body....if we don't get it our bodies will tell us to eat more (obesity epidemic anyone).

The second type of crop is pesticide producing crops. These plants make their own pesticide so they don't have to be sprayed. This means no amount of washing will get it off. The pesticide kills the bugs by creating holes in their digestive system and they die from toxic exposure. In the last 20 years the amount of gastrointestinal disorders has been rising. So have allergies. If you have bigger gaps in your digestive system there is a greater chance that particulates that have not broken down all the way as they should can get into the bloodstream.

Many of these foods cause cancer, as does the roundup they are sprayed with. Worse, recently a new organism has been discovered that is new to science and is connected to these roundup ready and treated crops. This organism creates fertility issues, it might not come as a surprise that most of my non-natural friends take it as a matter of course that they have to go through 2-3 miscarriages before a successful pregnancy, which is not normal! In Africa there were farmer workers who ate GMO crops everyday straight from the plant. Until they removed them it became a matter of course that if you saw someone whose eyes would not track (one eye went one way and another eye went the other) they would be dead in 24-48 hours. Now most African countries with starving people refuse GMO products because they view them as a greater risk then starving! Those that will still take GMO foods require they be milled so there is no risk of contaminating their crops.

So how did this happen. Before GMO became an issue the FDA concluded there was no real difference. When there is a new GMO food they leave it up to the company who makes it to do the studies (so they can lie) and then remind them it is their companies obligation to make sure this stuff is safe. Many people wonder why studies do not show they are no safe but the fact is studies have....those that can be done...usually people lose their jobs at best for going up against Monsanto.

As for this ridiculous statement I heard recently about labeling GMO foods hurting farmers.... Monsanto has patents on the GMO food and requires farmers to buy new seeds every year, under contract that they will not save any. Farmers who do not use Monsanto seeds are attacked. Monsanto sends people out to check fields to find "their plants" which they usually can find at least one due to cross pollination from bees. Then Monsanto takes these farmers to court, not to win the case because I doubt they could but to keep them in court so long that the court fees and other things run the good farmers under. GMO food is not cheaper, they are given subsidies to provide the nation with more cost effective food, if they were given to organic producers, they would be the cheaper option. It adds to the illusion.

America is one of the sickest developed countries in the world right now and we are also one of the only ones who do not label or do not outright ban genetically modified foods. I took Jared off GMO foods and in the few months over summer he caught up verbally and now has some verbal skills that are ahead of his age. The therapists are stunned, we get to stop doing speech therapy and the only significant change was the GMO food.

I am sending you this email at a god awful hour of the night because you are my family and I love you. If you are eating this stuff you are poisoning yourself. Lack of niacin in your diet can cause mental issues like bipolar to present or be worse....and we eat mineral deprived food. Allergic reactions to food can be caused or made worse if the digestion all system is not working right but we are eating pesticides that create these problems. Third party GMO studies have shown a huge connection with GMO and premature aging and when there are people living to 100 years in other nations comfortably we are getting sick in our 60s. Please, don't eat this stuff.

Www.Nongmoproject.org is a great third party nonprofit that verifies organic foods and labels them if they are GMO free. Please check them out and look into this. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired, now I am doing better but I am sick and tired of my family being that way. You have been tricked and lied to and fed dangerous things without your permission....protect yourself please.



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[-] 3 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Good thing the adminstration just appointed another Monsanto guy to the FDA....that outta straighten it all out!!!

But lets focus on mitts dog on the car, or how Obama labeled the assasination in Libya...to hell with the food we eat. Lets focus on that.

This country is fucked.

[-] 2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago


November 1, 2012. hchc and GirlFriday agreed on something else. We may have agreed on something before but, it's been awhile.

[-] 2 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago


[-] 2 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

GMO's are just another example of the establishment screwing us, keeping us occupied with idiotic topics while they destroy everything else in sight.

[-] 1 points by Weaver (60) 12 years ago

Vote for anybody but a Democrat or a Republican.

[-] 1 points by Ozz (1) 12 years ago

There are a lot of other explanations for the problems listed in this article besides GM foods.

Obesity can be easily explained by the rapid change in western diets from low calorie to high calorie, from feast and famine conditions that have predisposed the population to store fat when it can to an ever available supply of food, from an active to a sedentary lifestyle. Allergy issues and general increase in sickness can be very easily explained by our access to medicines: Almost all westerners with less than robust genes survive to the age where they have children and can thus pass on their genes. This has totally stalled natural selection in western countries. People (who don't die of curable illnesses as children) in other countries are likely to survive to an older age with less sickness on the way BECAUSE they have robust genes that aren't susceptible to allergies and sickness. For better or worse western societies don't have this filtering process anymore. The developmental stages of children are not gradual and consistent, it is entirely predictable that someone would make leaps and bounds in their mental development without us needing ANY outside forces to explain this. I'd also like to know on what basis you are saying westerners are deprived of vitamins?!?!?

Yes high crop production and the corporate strategies of Monsanto have had ill effects on our foods. Yes we need the best possible regulation process for our food (GM or otherwise).

The organic model for food is great in it's way. I look forward to any of the scientific cases against pesticides and GM being proven. I have a completely open mind either way on these fronts. But blaming almost everything under the sun on GM foods has a strong whiff in bias, even fanaticism. Many of the arguments above have a sophistication of attribution barely any better than the founders of the Flying Spaghetti Monster religion who suggested increased global warming was caused by the decrease in pirates. IE finding one statistical correlation and attributing to it cause is a ridiculous way of hypothesizing. You need scientific accord not one study here or there. If we can get 98% scientific accord on the reality of man-made emissions causing global warming (bas news for big business) you can't really say it is a conspiracy by big business to drown the science on GM food.

The classic American predilection to conspiracy - everything would be ok if not for big business or the federal govt. or the damned scientists etc - is dangerously blinkered and only begets more paternalism by govt. The population is growing because of modern medicine and sanitation and its ability to see us through the stages of life in which we previously had very high mortality rates. So long as population grows the stress on arable land will increase. So long as this happens govt. and business will look to increase the yield of farms. If it isn't scumbags Monsanto it will be someone else. The questions you have to ask yourself is does your lifestyle and financial well-being depend on an ever increasing economy (which generally depends on an ever increasing population)? Lobby against THAT and you have a chance of stopping GM foods AND big business/govt' fuckery and collusion.

Good luck people.

[-] 1 points by Weaver (60) 12 years ago

I would be so proud of her if she were my daughter. This is well written. She knows what she is talking about. I recommend Seeds of Deception, the book, the DVD, or the website, to anyone wanting to learn more about this.

This election, California will be voting whether food must be identified as GMO. If the proposal passes, most food will be thus identified because manufacturers won't bother to make separate California packaging I urge all who read this to urge all you know in Cali to vote YES on Proposition 37. This piece from Liandre's daughter is worth forwarding to them.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

We must protest in large numbers against all pols who support GMO's.

[-] 1 points by Weaver (60) 12 years ago

Vote Green Party, or anybody but a Democrat or Republican.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Except Greens can't win. Protest all pols, to change election/campaign law for fair 3rd party access, & change. Support movetoamend.com, nationalpopularvote.com. debate access, open primaries w. runoffs.

Support a new system, ground up, horizontal, direct democracy!!

Until then:

Replace pro 1% conservatives w/ pro 99% progressives!

[-] 1 points by LeoYo (5909) 12 years ago

GMOs, Seed Wars and Knowledge Wars

Wednesday, 31 October 2012 15:26 By Dr Vandana Shiva, Z Communications | News Analysis


[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

what if there were no patents on GMO products ?

if a plant produces, it's own pesticide, it should say so