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Forum Post: The battle is for the Internet.

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 11, 2011, 8:14 a.m. EST by 5thelement (27)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

If we loose the battle for a free and open internet then we've lost the battle for our minds. Peace!



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by Windsofchange (1044) 13 years ago

Great more Fascist bills--SOPA and Protect IP.

Everybody better fight this. I am bumping this up, so people can read and become more aware. I made a suggestion in the past to boycott two of the biggest supporters of this bill--Hollywood and the Music Industry. However, I don't think that many Americans would commit to an all out boycott. If this could be done with the demand that these bill be removed from Congress or the Boycott goes on indefinitely (No one goest to movies, rent or buy videos or cds, or buy music online)--if this could be done--we will have them on there knees.

[-] 1 points by jomojo (562) 13 years ago

My mind was set against monopolies before the internet.

[-] 0 points by ChristopherABrownART5 (46) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

Article 5 convention NOW!

We need the usenet back for activism such as we do RIGHT NOW. On the usenet this type message board is FULLY justified in the interests of functional democracy.


Imagine a message board where you had to respond to a poll in order to post. The poll response had these options and from them you assemble a 3 digit number.

1 = ON TOPIC ( only 1 YES or, 2 NO)

4= ISSUE RELEVANCE TO TOPIC(1, more important or essential, less up to 9)

3 = RELEVANCE IN CURRENT DEVELOPMENT OF ISSUE. (1 more, or less up to 9)

Within a thread every posts importance/relevance to the issue as well as the post content regarding currency with the development of the issues as it relates to the thread would be a product of the poll; looking something like this three digit number;


That number would control the position of a post in the thread. The Original Post of the thread would be the second post and the most relevant post #1, with all other posts falling back in the thread to the end. Then threads in the forum could have a 4th digit which would have the most important issue at the top:) -

Then a wiki with direct democracy options after the wiki items were settled via rapid and recorded opinion of public debate. All that so constitutional amendment actually gets done with the fullest democratic action possible.

Revision of the 1st amendment gets the usenet back.


[-] 0 points by BofL (434) 13 years ago

I've read your first link-really like the thought you're applying to this part of the problem. I'm running in parallel on other issues -good to see you doing this. It will bear fruit ultimately.

[-] 0 points by ChristopherABrownART5 (46) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

Keep that "poll to post" software in mind and if direct democracy comes up, this issue of forming opinion and amendment giving unfettered access to media for defense of the constitution.

[-] -1 points by BofL (434) 13 years ago

SOROS/Rothchild Hasbarabots run the show here, but a few interlopers catch the odd truth that slips in.

Hasbara is a concept "normal" people here aren't familiar with. It takes so many forms. Zionism is the political manifestation of Talmud, most holy book of Jews (most Jews) it’s fair to say. Until we are willing to address the fact that this is a “religious” supremacist movement used from one end to the other by Rothschild et al at the top end of the $ pyramid to dominate and manipulate the rest of the world including those at the bottom end of the "Jewish" pyramid and the entire pyramid scheme is designed to rest directly on the backs of “Goyim” non Jews the world over, we are subdividing the problem only looking at pieces of it, apologizing for the SOURCE. Talmud, it’s adherents, Jewish and non Jewish (I know people who operate by Talmudic principle who have never heard of it) are antithetical to common law principles. If you can agree that the 7 laws of Noah or the Ten Commandments are basically sound in principle, you can also say that Talmud is an 18 volume collection of Rabbinical sophistry designed to circumvent the law for Jews and only Jews. No such thing as "Jew" Things have specific names that represent predictable qualities and quantities.  Things like "frisbees(tm)" get special recognition for being representative of a product that is a small plastic flying disc.   Frisbees fly in any direction you throw them, with predictable results based on how you throw the disc, and let's say, weather conditions. Frisbees are made from plastic (other things are plastic that aren't frisbees)  I could probably list dozens of types of plastic.  There are cloth frisbees (flying discs) there are disc golf discs (or "frisbees"-to most observers who don't play frisbee or frisbee golf / disc golf, there is no difference between frisbee golf and any other game of frisbee.  There is ultimate frisbee-some type of team frisbee with scoring. How many colors are there of frisbees? How many sizes?  How many shapes? They ALL sail through the air gracefully when you throw them properly. Where does the Jew label come in?  There is NO predictable set of things a Jew is known to do.  All the things they ARE capable of: Infinite list of every kind of positive thing they can do and every kind of negative thing, every kind of imaginary thing.  The fiction is self perpetuating...a lie that got started, and rolled out of control.  The harder they try to make it all true, the more lies must be told. We have "Jew" as a racial distinction and disagreements as to qualifications within each of those subdivisions.  (Sephardic, Ashkenazi, Spinoza, yada yada...)  We have "Jew" meaning adherent to a religious doctrine.  Within this subset we have orthodox, reform, and others. Why "Jew" is SO diverse and unbounded by qualitative and quantitative meaning that this label can be of no use to us in reasoned discussion.   By allowing any discussion to be framed around anything "Jew"ish, it's as though we accept and ratify, sight unseen, tomes of Talmudic Sophistry, every person place thing or act that has ever been attributed to "Jews" since the beginning of written records (including all the fakes).   Why start from a lost position? Time to move on to addressing the problems that are being associated with Jews and Israel and make clear distinctions so we can divide and separate the real crimes of commission from the false ideas of pseudo religion/false origin and most especially, the ingrained squeamishness that prevents most people from seeing the problem.  The term "Jew" serves to obscure these criminals.  It has only the life we give to it.  Jew is a fiction-a STRAW MAN.   If frisbees started coming off the line that didn't fly-we wouldn't call them frisbees.  Why do we afford Jews the same kind of leeway.  That label doesn't fit anything.  It's pure equivocation.  It falls flat-it does NOT fly. I suppose It would be impossible for me to come to this conclusion without the entirety of my experience and education, and without the Jewish label attached to ao many people i have dealt with directly and indirectly. I'm sure we could not have caught the tail of the problem without an overwhelming mountain of evidence. The continuous identity theft and self abusing sophistry is a paper trail like none other.   These diverse tribal gangs march to a familiar drumbeat that is inaudible to the rest of us "normal" people.  However, by the time we "normal folk" waking as truth seekers, seem able to grasp at the name of this problem, history shows that we may again find the strawman * has a new name, and that we really only have hold of the tail. Forget the name. It's the thing they fear most-irrelevance. Truth. We must identify their codes, their systematic criminal methods. Read the manuals full of hate speech they use to train generations of extremeist supremacist criminals.   Talmud is one of these hatefull manuals (Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion is like Talmud for Dummies or Cliffs Notes).  Kaballah caballah -another. We lose the game before we even start when we write or speak "Jew" in a thought that is supposed to address concrete crimes they have commited or may be suffering (as a result).   The word itsself is subtle poison - toxic in any amount, and lethal in many cases, where people mistook strawmen for humans.

[-] 2 points by mobius1ski (18) 13 years ago

There are so many factual errors here and so much outright Jew-hatred it's ridiculous. OWS is an explicitly anti-oppression movement that has outright condemned antisemitism and efforts to scapegoat Jews for our economic woes. You have no place in this movement and the fact that you've been allowed to pollute this entire website with your filth reflects poorly on the moderators of this forum.

[-] -1 points by BofL (434) 13 years ago

Point out an error. Scapegoatism -invented by "Jews" - see Leviticus. Antisemitism invented by Theodore Herzl-a "Jew". I suggest you check your facts. I'll debate you anytime. Your ad-hominems just don't fly. I don't hate anyone-certainly not strawmen (Jews, Christians, bhuddists, neocons, democrats-you name it-all strawmen).

[-] 2 points by mobius1ski (18) 13 years ago

Why would I waste my time arguing with a Jew-hating bigot who clearly has never allowed facts to get in the way of promoting his ill-conceived and ill-informed convictions? You are a hopeless fool.

[-] 0 points by BofL (434) 13 years ago

You're clearly a strawman without a brain. When you figure out how to be a human, let us know. Meanwhile, take some time and educate yourself about the source of this economic opression http://occupywallst.org/forum/interesting-read-about-the-constitution-and-corpor/

[-] 1 points by mobius1ski (18) 13 years ago

Oh yes, I'm an invented fictitious person. Never mind notions of individual or collective identity! Never mind my genetics, which are conclusively Ashkenazic and Levantine (http://d.1ski.me/062s3u1M2j1n1Y2L400m).

When you learn Aramaic and spend a decade studying Talmud in yeshiva, maybe then you can comment on what the Talmud actually says. In the mean time, all you can do is cherry-pick quotes out of context from antisemitic websites while proclaiming that the Tsarist forgery, the Protocols of Zion, is real.

To anyone who did not self-educate on Internet conspiracy theory websites, you are an utter and contemptuous fool. To those of us who have actually studied Aramaic and Talmud and who support Occupy Wall Street because of the Talmud's injunctions to pursue economic justice, you and those like you are a blight on the Occupy movement who make it all that much harder to mobilize Jews to support its actions.


[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

awesome post, again, its useless to blibber and chit chat on this forum with trolls and under the threat of banning for anybody who speaks a truth that the gate keepers and sheepleherders decide is too controversial. Get over to the wiki, get this done. Otherwise, i'm quitting, because all of my should be allies can't get their heads out of their ass. I agree with you. why can't you see that this forum is not the place to try to have the discussion?




[-] 0 points by BofL (434) 13 years ago

Shitfire-here I come -I know it's not the place-I've been tryin to lure folk from the dang brimstone pit;)

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

you and me both. wake up and smell the rot here. They want you to get sucked in, and they are looking forward to the look on your face when a bunch of Jews rolls your starved carcass out to the guillotine. All you can do here is in essence confess to having forbidden knowledge, throw down in a shit storm of trolls, and make actually a sub par argument because the forum only allows tiny lengths for posts. Get to the wiki. Get 50 pages up. come back and link to it and Then see what the rebelwithoutaclue tards have to say.

i don't understand why my should be allies are still HERE, when its triply obvious that this space exists to waste their time and energy and suck it all into yesterdays thread scrawl.

you want to hit hard and make the point? do it by linking them to 50 wiki articles. They won't be able to do anything but turn green and shit their pants.




[-] 1 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Does anyone read long winded paragraphs such as these? Why not divide it into something readable.

[-] -1 points by BofL (434) 13 years ago

I'm here for the adults, Thrastrawman.

[-] 1 points by Frizzle (520) 13 years ago

He has a point though. It's a bit hard to read through a wall of text.

[-] 0 points by BofL (434) 13 years ago

Have you seen Thrasymaques work? When he can't win a debate he spams page after page of gayporn and nonsense photos.

[-] 1 points by Frizzle (520) 13 years ago

Yes i know. I'm not defending that. Just saying that you will have more people reading your posts if you use multiple paragraphs when writing long text.