Forum Post: The "Balls" To Protest
Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 27, 2012, 4:31 p.m. EST by shoozTroll
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They also seem to know who NEEDS to be protested.
Surprisingly, the arrested were women.
Solidarity with the courageous protesters putting it all on the line ;)
Well, at least they have the presence of mind to know exactly who is defunding what they need to survive.
There are many in that party who need to be prosecuted for manslaughter at the least, premeditated murder, at worst.
Were the women good looking? I was there to support International Go-Topless Day and I'm always looking for another way to help out my sister's in feminism.
I bet that was a sight for sore eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Three stinky naked ows hippies, yuk!!!!!!!!
The smell is rubbing off on you,"right" through the innertubes.
You should probably choose to go, before your Mom can smell you.