Forum Post: The 99% needs Family Farms. Please Support them. No Farms, No Food!
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 23, 2013, 2:28 p.m. EST by inclusionman
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 23, 2013, 2:28 p.m. EST by inclusionman
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
With Monsatan doing their level best to destroy the world's food supply, this is an important issue.
Here's the intro to the book 'Rebuilding the Foodshed.' Looks to me like a very informative book:
Without a doubt it IS an informative book.
He is a visionary & a great soldier forthe needs ofthe 99%.
Thanks. I'll try to check out that YT interview. Not sure it'll run tho. Having computer problems.
Good luck.
Here's something on "food deserts".
I'm sure you know, but when people have only packaged, process foods available, no fresh fruits & vegetables, ads pushing fast food/processed crap & very little info pushing fresh food you get unhealthy, obese, people.
Ending that obscenity must become a high priority.
I've been learning some about the unhealthy aspects of modern foods recently. It's pretty shocking. It's not just Monsanto, but the whole industry is at fault. I agree it needs to be a high priority.
Honored to have another soldier in the fight for healthy food/people.
Thank you. This is indeed a high-priority issue, imo. Aside from our very important fight in returning our government to the people, the state of affairs in our present food industry is highly troubling. They're literally poisoning us. On a positive note, it's something every one of us can do something about immediately, by becoming informed buyers, checking the labels, and eating healthy. And definitely supporting small independent farmers
Death to Big Ag!
Support family farms. go local.!
Better days, huh?
A very important article and subject. I've witnessed firsthand the destruction of countless farms due to the explosive growth of suburbia in outlying regions of STL prior to the bubble bursting. This is without a doubt one of the most important issues at hand, the reclaiming of our food supply.
Definitely worth a comment and a bump due to the magnitude of this very serious problem. Peace.
I guess you couldn't comment without a hateful insult.
i suppose in STL that's progress.
Look around, I bump/comment numerous important issues whenever I am here. In fact that is ALL I do!
Ah, lighten up, it wasn't that bad, was it? At least I didn't stinkle any of your comments here. It could've been worse. But if it would make you feel better, I take back to shameless comment. Hey, I'll even edit it out.
How's that?
Heroic! But I actually am light about it. I just want to contribute important info, and encourage action regarding the issues that Occupy has taken a stand on without the insults.
And I will now iwinkle your welcomed comment.
And I did likewise. In fact I just twinkled three of your zeros.
Dayum! Did I just do that?
I need to go check my temperature. I might be running a fever.
LOL. This IS better.
See, man. I'm not really that bad a guy. I just have my off days, but then, don't we all?
I have bad days as well. Ain't no thing.
Monsanto rider about to pass. Another great job by the voting populace.
WE must get into the streets in massive numbers to show we are outraged.
The peoples govt has been bought by corp 1% oligarchs.
WE must take it back!
Anyone, & everyone can & should contribute to this existential issue.
Soooooo Cool! Great video. Thank you!
Urbanfarming = Act of Love
The sad honest truth
dontcha think? It's up to us, consumers.
love is a good description of it. And we need all the love we can muster.
"The only thing that stops a bad guy with hate, is a good guy with love"
(or something like that.)
Family farm upd.
FYI (& bumped to remind us)
Thanks kindly, Iman! Family farms are critical to protect...especially now that Monsanto is building a $400 Million expansion for more of their Frankenstein laboratory experiments!
Well maybe centralized we could have a concentrated protest direct action.
Imagine a million souls demanding an end to GMO, subsidized big Agri, against the foodopoly.
Anyway, I think that could make a difference.
Bookmarked for future reference.
Yer right about that. ART5 will be needed to restructure banking so new sustainable culture with many family farms can establish. There are millions of young people that can't find jobs that are ready to assure they have food and a place to be by joining collective family farms. The corporate picture is dimming for many.
Those trapped in corporate service, know that the mothership battlestar corporation is or may be sheparding some environmental disaster and the more they learn of the corporation the more they want to leave it. But gee, no financing for things like that.
Well, ART5 could be handy for that, but there's other ways to restructure banks so they can better serve the local communities. Here's LeoYo's post that covers something pertinent:
Sounds good to me.
Good advice of course. As well as protests, petitions, and any other non violent tactic we can think of.
Excellent example; "In 1919, the Non-Partisan League, a vibrant populist organization, won a majority in the legislature and voted the bank into existence. The goal was to free North Dakota farmers from impoverishing debt dependence on the big banks in the Twin Cities, Chicago and New York"
ND was fortunate in 1919. With the success there proving the idea as justification, a way might be found to use ART5 to see proposed amendments make such economic structures mandatory in each state.
disband the corporate farms put 45 million americans to work using the principals of permaculture across this nation. unemployment problem solved.
I'm not against that.
only a fool would be. that and put people to work building autonomous buildings and retrofitting existing structures with green technology. build a 21st century interstate high speed rail system. it's like we are stuck in the mud the only thing we do is war.
And upgrade electric grid w/ smart tech.
We ARE stuck in mud because obstruction of much of this effort continues.
Somethings got to give.
How to help fam farms
Lacking interest does indicate how well people understand that they are what they eat. My grandparents on both sides were full time farmers so family farming is nothing new to me though not until later adult years have I come to appreciate the importance of eating fresh fruits and vegetables. There is much good news on this front here in the northwest as it is really going on in the schools and community gardens well all over hang in there help comes...
Change in schools would be a profound change. If the NW has achieved that it is momentous. Kudos to you guys. We'll have to follow your lead.
Yes volunteers are helping them learn where food comes from. Starting with the dirt to table and expanding it into all life circumstances as harmonic associations for larger lessons and the hands on approach is having great effect with the kids. All the technology has left them bored and anything else excites them. That last bit is my personal perspective. There has also started school using mother nature and outdoors and it grows because the kids are so responsive and the parents also so impressed with results.
Sounds perfect. I'll look for news on that.
The 99% Conglomerate will be turning its focus on farmers markets in the near future, in an attempt to attract family farms and hobbyist-entrepreneurs.
There is no corporation I personally HATE more than Monsanto. I love farms. I love good fresh food. I grew up in a garden and ate everything right out of the ground, even with the dirt on it, from asparagus to you name it. I remember pulling onions, carrots and other goodies, wiping them in the grass to get them clean, and storing them in my various forts to snack on while playing. Those are some of my favorite memories. I can't stand by and watch corporations like Monsanto fuck it all up. Can you?
Do me a favor. Help me build community and get this thing off the ground. I'll keep trying to get people here to join, one at a time.
Anyway, good post. We need to support family farms like never before and work to cripple the corporations that harm them.
Act globally, eat locally.
Copy that, a little tricky where the ground is frozen over half the year though.
Hothouse/greenhouse indoor urban farming in highrise buildings?
Also, try to grow food - even inside on a window ledge. You could place a glass shelf inside a window and grow alot of delicious salad greens and herbs. Sprouts can be grown inside, too.
Support Local food !
Try to create public garden spaces!
Raise chickens - delicious eggs . . .
Agree 100%
Freshly harvested vegetables and fruits are rich in enzymes and the flavor is incomparable. Also, by growing your own - you know what goes onto them. You can choose rich compost over synthetic fertilizer.
It is the only way to combat the food corps poisoning the people.
WE must actively provide our own fresh food. It is a form of boycotting.
And it can grow quickly and be a powerful weapon against big agri.
Good Post
You think supporting family/local farming is too obvious to post and discuss?
What if I added Art5 option. Would that interest you more?
Through ART5 the facts you present can be made to have the meaning they deserve because proper preparation will end the abridging of free speech.
There is such of thing as so much compulsive echoing of problems that solutions cannot be heard. Do not fall into that trap the the cognitive infiltration models and demos for us by spending all the time on problems.
I know you are also into direct democracy, but without ART5 authority, we cannot effect that,
Clearly we can do nothing without your Art5 proposal.
No direct democracy, and no 'compulsive echoing of problems'- Does that mean no discussion of problems?
Sounds like we need your Art5 proposal implemented!!
When are you gonna be done implementing you Art5 proposal, we gotta work on serious problems.
It is our ART5 proposal. To say "your" encourages a cognitive error.
Did you do that on purpose?
When many problems are solved by the same solution, problems to implementing the solution are the logically correct discussion.
The problems are not left out, they are carried in discussion by generalizations to LATER get specific when opportunity to propose amendment of ART5 is present.
A person with a specific cause in mind, for example direct democracy on a national level, can properly say, "we need ART5 now and preparatory amendment that ends the abridging of free speech is VITAL to proper opinion forming."
It is logical and proper for each person with whatever specific problem they seek to solve, to work for ART5 and create an environment where verified (by us) accurate info empowers democracy.
Yeah sure, whatever you say. but it ain't my proposal, i don't know what your babbling about half the time.
But it's clearly YOUR proposal. And you have made it clear that all other efforts are useless, you go so for as to indicate that to discuss problems outside the context of your Art5 proposal isa waste.
So fine. Nothing is useful; but your Art5. I get it. So get it fuckin done.
So we can resolve the problems we face.
How is it going? Are you gettin close? Is there a schedule?
Hmm, maybe you are not American. Sorry my mistake. ART5 is part of the US constitution, it is not my idea.
ART5 will require something that looks a lot like direct democracy, and really is, but exclusive to the convention. Uh, how would I get that done?
I AM American, I know the constitution, & I know you spend every waking hour here pushing an Art5 proposal.
If you aren't working to get it done, then it ain't gonna happen. If you don't know how to get it done then it ain't gonna happen.
What happened? I thought you had it all figured out? Didn't you say no efforts were worthwhile unless Art5 was done 1st, Even discussion of problems is a waste unless it is in the context of Art5.
Now you ask "how would I get that done"? and claim it ain't your proposal?
Who's proposal is it? Is it gettin close? Is there a schedule for completion?
Without the sprit of "alter or abolish", you are an American in name only.
Can we avoid making this personal about me? I AM an American because I was born here.
Can you answer my questions.
Who's Art5 proposal is it? Is it gettin close? Is there a schedule for completion?
All states have Americans that understand the law and how we can use it to "alter or abolish", so they are working against the misleading the elite have created to prevent alteration of the tyrannical secret structure they created.
Pretending a schedule is important is not good strategy to oppose the intent to "alter or abolish".
Who is asking you to pretend. Just trying to judge how long you expect we must avoid fighting for change, or even discussing problems.
You did it was a waste of time to do these things until the Art5 proposal was completed didn't you.?
Misrepresenting what I've said shows an intent to confuse. ART5 is the ultimate lawful tool for solving problems because the congress and courts have no authority over the states of citizens taking action.
We need to fight with an effective tool, which strangely you fail to support.
I support you. Go you!!!
But if you don't mind I'm also gonna support many other efforts to improve the lives of the 99% as well.
I hope you do well.
[-] 2 points by redandbluestripedpill (278) 4 minutes ago
Resenting my use of historical law, social contract to defend rights and freedom is something the elite would approve of.
In fact they would pay people (yes,they got the$) to pretend resentment in an effort to mislead others into rejecting the only legal tool that can stop them. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
That's a cognitive distortion if ever seen. Then attempt to move the conversation that does not contain your prior remarks.
Is this you desperately trying to cover your ass?
[-] 0 points by redandbluestripedpill (275) 59 minutes ago
If the right to "alter or abolish" is not used, then violent revolt is the only possible way to remain free.
I know the elite want people to think otherwise. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink
Resenting my use of historical law, social contract to defend rights and freedom is something the elite would approve of.
In fact they would pay people (yes,they got the$) to pretend resentment in an effort to mislead others into rejecting the only legal tool that can stop them.
Cognitively inconsistent post. The constitution covers EXACTLY what I say with authority empowering lawful, peaceful revolution.
The constitution covers all asses except those treasonous to it. They are treated as criminals.
Farmers fighting frackers.
Inheritance works that way
guess so.
Here's a link.
No farms no food
Small farms good
People have gathered in the cities. I think people must like people. The farmland needs to be tapped for food if the people are to eat. The question becomes
can the people create an efficient system on a large scale to benefit themselves ?
Shameless bumping.
no fams no food.
Just a bump up.
Thank you. The farm issue doesn't seem to engender much interest.
Forward it onto social media for wider circulation.
Of course. Thanks.
Big agri taking more grasslands
Super rice.!!
Small farms fight back
Support local farm measures
Food sovereignty, Eat locally.
I remember meeting a couple of farmers at Zuccotti/Libert Park back in Oct of 2011. They were decked out in their over-alls, and flannel shirts, and i was amazed to hear they had come there all the way from the mid-west
I can't remember exactly why they were there, but it was something to do with the government passing laws that were very detrimental to them, and they were pissed
As well they should be! Our govt is owned by big Ag, & big chemical. We subsidies unhealthy food and ignore family farms and healthy fruits & vegetables.
We have much work to do.
You're right on all counts there, and i think one of the best ways to support these businesses is by going to farm markets
We talked about this before when we.... errrr... I was Odin & you were* My we do do back aways eh??
Once when the Occupiers were in Union Square, I ran over to the farmers market there and got a gallon of apple cider for their food table
We've been doin farmers markets for years. (union sq & Park slope) best thing for local farmers and our health. Food coop is effective that way also.
Getting farmers markets into food deserts is a big priority as well.
There were some real food desserts in the Bronx back in the '90s, and they could have definitely used a farmers market
It looks like the next Occupy Town Square might be in Brooklyn
Not that anyone listens to me ;-), but I'm going to a meeting on Sunday
How is the area around the F & G Fort Hamilton subway station?
better every year. Gentrifying as we speak, but of course it is brooklyn so all should always watch your surroundings.
Personally I think it is a great little working class neighborhood (windsor terrace) between prospect park and greenwood cemetary.
Noy for from Park slope.