Forum Post: The 99% are to blame, not Wallstreet
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 10:43 p.m. EST by commonsense11
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We deserve every bit of the corruption and mess we have. You see we the 99% keep electing the same idiotic corporate owned politicians term after term. Now we have exactly what we deserve. A corrupt government and financial sector.
You really want to change things? Enough with the blocking traffic and public transportation. Enough living in the parks. Organize and elect independent men and women who possess common sense.
Unfortunately, common sense doesn't triumph over charisma or else we wouldn't have brutal leaders in this world.
Eh, brutal leaders are not normally elected in fair and peaceful elections. They normally come to power in bloody coups and civil wars. Those coups and civil wars usually start in the streets with a bunch of radicals fueling the fire. OWS???? My dear God I hope not!
Yahoo! Soooo right, commonsense!
Yes the 99 percent (tounge and cheek) continue to sell exotic unregulated derivatives...which is still legal btw. Please we need to stop this the sale of credit default swaps; it still goes on and it wil continue to ravage our economy unless your on the in, and 99 percent isn't, and unless your lucky enough, odds are you won't be
AMEN!!!!! The solution is so simple. Unfortunately, motivating voters is not. The politicians do not believe it's that bad because we keep re-electing them.