Forum Post: The 1% might not be so opposed to picking up the tab ....
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 11, 2011, 9:25 a.m. EST by NotYour99
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The 1% might not be so opposed to picking up the tab for some of what is discussed here daily IF their tax burden wasn't already so great. Slim down the government, reducing spending. Then use that money for the betterment of the people.
But suggestions like some have made with 90% income tax and another 5% of some other tax on top of that are absurd and unrealistic.
The Tax Rate for the rich, through the fifties and sixties, during America's greatest period of Technological and Infrastructural growth, was 90%.
That's sure not us right now. If you haven't noticed we are in quite the slump, and oppressive taxes won't fix that, it will only make it worse.
I am waiting for the OWSers to come here and talk aobut the 90% income tax. The difference is that the government was smaller and that tax money went to things that DIRECTLY benefited the the 1%, like infrastructure. Now the MAJORITY (and I think on October 31st ALL) of our income tax goes to pay the debt. There is NO benefit. Now it is just theft.
Everyone has to do their part, help the needy, help your neighbors, taxes and money will not solve the problem if there is no one who is willing to help for free.
What you are describing is called charity. Many people do this already. It requires free will of the giver to be considered thus. TAKING from someone to pay fir something so someone else can have it for free is NOT charity. That is unjust and oppression. I'd venture to say that the 1% are already the biggest charitable givers. Tax em some more and watch that dry up.
No that still falls with in the spectrum of money changing hands. This would not be giving money, this would be "boots" on the ground. It applies to everyone.
Yep. That's about right. No comments. OWS is apparently not interested in any kind of compromise to better the people. It seems that only oppression of a minority is what they are after.
I am not a 1%, but I'm trying to get there. What's keeping me from it right now is my tax burden. I've actually given thought to becoming an ex-pat and leaving the country. I doubt I'm the only one. I know in other societies, even those touted here as models to what the US should be, I would be that 1% based on what I can provide them.
Sir, you too are not the 1%, their effective tax burden is insignificant while you, and working people kick up to pay the corrput mafia leaders
Like many, you aren't big enough to be "too big to fail" or wealthy enough to have pet laws passed for you, and apparently receive no pet earmarks.
You may never get over that hump, and if the 1% doesn't want you in, you won't.
But, I'm close enough to the 1% that any "sanctions" that would be passed to include them would likely include me. Even if it didn't why would I want to continue to push toward that 1%. There would be no benefit to me to do so, and in America that is WRONG. I have earned and deserve everything I have. To be subjected to progressive taxes instead of something fair and balanced is also wrong. Any victories I have had are my own. Any failures or shortcomings are also my own. None of it is the fault or responsibility of anyone else, 99er or 1er. Own your life.
Well I don't see these 1%ers crying about their tax burdens....
Seems to me like, if you were close enough, you'd be getting returns like the big boys!
And that's one of the fundamental misconceptions of this movement. It's not all black and white, 1% or 99%. Lots of people fall in the grey, and they will not side with you.
With me? Funny.
Well said!
And if the looney-tunes suggestions here ever came to pass and the wealthy were taxed at 90%, that is exactly what would happen. They would take their ball and go home. Their new home which would be elsewhere on the planet.
NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY cares if the uber-wealthy take their ball and goes home. The overly entitled bloodsuckers are easily replaced with people willing to work and actually produce durable tangible things, unlike paper magic which currently only serves to extract wealth from such production.
And plenty have always been willing to pay the GD taxes on the money. It's only become very fashionable, within the last 20 years, to buy laws that make paper magic so very lucrative.
Investing money is not production or work.
That last statement is so full of ignorance I don't even know where to being. Have you ever borrowed money to pay for something? That was someone making an investment in you. Their reward was interest. Investing is productive. It let's people do things beyond their means, sometimes improving their position my leaps and bounds because of it. Yeesh.
If those wealthy leave there won't be any wealth to distribute except your own. The 99% claim to be so down trodden but if the rich are gone you'll have nothing to spread around. You people would be much better off suggesting compromise than issuing ultimatums.
production is from whence wealth originate, printed money means less with each passing day
nobody is suggesting the criminals will not be held accountable and reparations made
What you apparently don't understand is when they leave they take their business with them. OWS is nothing more than Obama's class warfare army.
Who cares? Let them take their business and sell their paper to the Chinese.
we all know the rates mean nothing if your money buys enough loopholes to make those rates meaningless
I call BS and prostituiton
The tax code definitely needs an overhaul to prevent such abuses, but taking these instances and applying them 100% to the 1% is fallacy. The 1% pay 37% or more of our taxes, so most of them are doing their part. You also need to ask yourself, if these businesses didn't get out of paying so much in taxes, then where would that money have cone from? The answer is.... Your pockets.
hey, in the words of George Carlin
fuck em
the wealth these crooked bastards extract comes from everyone's pockets but theirs
Your numbers are incorrect
Quoting a comedian makes you seem foolish and ignorant. His numbers are correct if you had enough sense to look them up.
This is not my concern.
You people seem to not comprehend the game is over. The people have no further use for paper magicians. I suggest you guys learn to do actual work.
Lol. How do you explain to a deluded individual that they are, in fact, deluded. Nothing is over. Nothing significant has even happened yet. And it won't.
No. They aren't. I could even quote them if need be but I would expect intelligent conversation in return and can see I won't be getting that here.
?? I said your numbers were right.
Was a misclick sorry. Was supposed to be on the comedian.