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Forum Post: Thank you Wisconsin for your passion

Posted 11 years ago on June 7, 2012, 1:18 p.m. EST by alterorabolish1 (569)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Many point to the reaction of Wisconsinites last year as the beginning of Americans rising up against our unjust and ridiculous political process. The recall election of their Governor was justified imo.

We are stuck with a two party system that divides us, yet we must unite to become the 99%. We should be able to vote for priorities, not candidates. The Lt Governor of Wisconsin happily exclaimed on tv that, "this is what democracy looks like", and I have chanted those very words myself while protesting.

Obviously, I feel that the Lt Governor doesn't understand things as I do or she would not feel the same as me. She continues to believe that the system is ok but just needs more republicans in office to make everything better. What will it take for her, (and many others), to recognize that our process is broken, and by design, will not bring what's best for America? We must reach out humbly to those that still believe the American government is good, and inform them of the truth. This means Tea Partiers, Police, everyone that makes up the potential 99%.



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