Forum Post: Thank You!, to all the American Patriots that are giving your blood, sweat and tears, in this remarkable quest… you're destined to make this country a better place!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 1:02 p.m. EST by unarmed
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Bump if you agree! Not American? Then bump with a "Thank You!" to your countries Patriots.
You're welcome.
The Revolution starts here! No one can silence the Revolution!
I am armed and have to say that I really really like my Kimber Ultra Carry.
A fine handgun made by an excellent company.
What is a patriot here?
In the ten years since 9/11, America has been turned into a third world police state with a large underclass, a rapidly declining middle class, and a plutocracy that has broken its economic, political and emotional ties with America.
One thing for sure, WE the ordinary people are definitely pulled together closer to each other because of this #OWS movement. When I visited OWS in Wall Street (from another state), I could tell how inspired, focused and how motivated people are over there taking part of duties in the camp to help each other. Well behaved, well educated, well organized, and most of all well disciplined to the nonviolent principles. A lot of younger peopole who I could tell OWS is their first community involvement in life. I was one of them many years ago. Once I got involved, my life changed and I have no regret since.
Our founding fathers would most likely support a reduction in the broken system that allows for massive corruption. However, the solution of the OWS movement seems to be to increase the size and scope of the broken system that has caused so many problems.
Okay then, a competent government should be able to handle the problems (if we are any of these) which caused by the problems and the hardship THEY created. I wouldn't mind having more problems. But I would mind sitting still letting them keep shoveling shit into our throats! Enough is enough! Yes, why not more problems? If they don't want to change, they should suffer whatever the consequences would be be one day.
One thing for sure, WE the ordinary people are definitely pulled together closer to each other because of this #OWS movement. When I visited OWS in Wall Street (from another state), I could tell how inspired, focused and how motivated people are over there taking part of duties in the camp to help each other. Well behaved, well educated, well organized, and most of all well disciplined to the nonviolent principles. A lot of younger peopole who I could tell OWS is their first community involvement in life. I was one of them many years ago. Once I got involved, my life changed and I have no regret since.
I agree.
Thank you! Carry on and eventually we will have freedom!
Stop Dropping Bombs
i will try my best.
Occupations are happening all over the world. Why single out America?
"Dionysuslives", would you mind pointing out WHERE exactly in his post "unarmed" excludes the rest of the world????
He/she doesn't make much effort to emphasize them, that's for sure.
Does EVERY POST on this forum have to be about the whole world???
I suppose not. It's just irritating when yanks can't seem to wrap their heads around the fact that they are not the centre of the universe. Besides, I would argue that "patriotism" is one of the reasons that the world is as screwed up as it is. I was born and raised in Canada but I have no particular emotional attachment to the Canadian national identity.
i agree, patriotism is a control mechanism to get the populace into line to do what leaders want them to do. its like sheep.
"I would argue that "patriotism" is one of the reasons that the world is as screwed up as it is"
I think a lack of "Patriotism" (or healthy concern for the well being of your country) is the reason there is a CitiBank right next to a McDonalds, right next to a BP station, In Every Major City On The Planet. If world citizens took "ownership" of the countries they reside, then Corporations would have a much tougher time breeding like locust and destroying cities as they go.
There is a symbiotic relationship between the nation-state and global capital. Neither poses a threat to the other. They are mutually supportive even if the reduction of tariffs and the implementation of austerity measures is transforming how many national governments do business.
"Global Capital" seems to have a way of gobbling up local business.
I don't dispute that. But it doesn't follow from this that the interests of nation-states are somehow at odds with those of global capital.
When the interest of global capital, are given precedence over the interest of the Citizens of the nation-states, then it's the Citizens (the 99%) that will suffer.
If, by 'Citizen,' you mean a legally-recognized 'subject' of a particular nation-state who exchanges a certain amount of liberty in exchange for a certain amount of material and economic benefits, I would argue that the notion of 'citizenship' itself ought to be fundamentally challenged. To be 'represented' within 'political' discourse is to alienate one's capacity to think and act for oneself into the hands of an external authority.
"If, by 'Citizen,' you mean a legally-recognized 'subject' of a particular nation-state who exchanges a certain amount of liberty in exchange for a certain amount of material and economic benefits, I would argue that the notion of 'citizenship' itself ought to be fundamentally challenged."
This is the whole idea behind "Civilization", it's why people gather to form societies. The point of contention is when entities abuse this relationship for unlawful personal gain.
"To be 'represented' within 'political' discourse is to alienate one's capacity to think and act for oneself into the hands of an external authority."
These issues are addressed in the constitution. It's up to us to be smart enough to realize when external authority exceeds it's mandate. It's also up to us to utilize our constitutionally given tools to thwart such excesses.
"Dionysuslives" writes : "It's just irritating when yanks can't seem to wrap their heads around the fact that they are not the centre of the universe."
You're making a valid point, mate, but again there is NOTHING in the above post to suggest the "jingoistic Yank"... As I pointed out, not EVERY post can be about the WHOLE WORLD.
Maybe I'm just but being overly touchy in a certain regard. No, every post does not have to be about the whole world. However, it IS worth being aware of the fact that even more banal expressions of patriotism play into the post-9/11 jingoistic fervour to a large extent. When this language is expropriated by self-avowed 'progressive' social movements they become complicit in this dominant discourse.
TRUE patriotism is very important : it is a natural expression of collective self-love. Please don't confuse it with jingoism or rabid nationalism.
Collectivities have no material existence beyond the individuals who constitute them. The moment you regard a collectivity as an entity unto itself rather than a temporary association of living individuals, you elevate the association to the status of an abstract entity and object of veneration. It is akin to cultic behaviour.
I beg to differ : there is a world of difference between collective SELF-LOVE and collective NARCISSISM.
Collectivities do not have selfhood. They are concepts, not identities. If a corporation is not a person, then the same holds true for a nation-state or any other purported collective identity.
" Dionysuslives" writes : "Collectivities do not have selfhood."
Well obviously they don't have an INDIVIDUAl self ! But they do have a COLLECTIVE self. In fact, ALL OF HUMANITY IS ONE and has One Self.
I agree!
Here's my 2 cents:
Bringing back Glass-Steagall is a great idea. It needs to be part of a simple, concise message to the American people. We need to get the money out of our politics. Your last paragraph is very true. For decades now the corporations and special interests have had our "representatives" bought and paid for. We need to get the money out of our politics. Until we end the current system of legalized bribery (campaign donations) and paid lobbying our politicians will continue to be the lap dogs of the corporations and special interests. What we need first and foremost is real, loop-hole free CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM!!!! If the corruption is not dealt with first, the chance of any other meaningful reforms becoming a reality is almost zero - the special interests will just use their money to buy votes and put forward bills that create loop-holes or otherwise twist the law in their favor. If we want our children to live in a country where there vote matters, we need to get the money out of our politics, otherwise they will increasingly become the 21st century version of the "landless peasant." Spread the word - CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM needs to be THE main goal of the protests.
The 'Occupiers' are far from being "Patriots." I find it fascinating that you people do not realize how damaging most of what you ask for would be. If anything, you are traitors to our founding fathers and to this nation. What you want is more closely related to what our found fathers fled.
If our founding fathers can see how broken our systems are and how much our government protect the corporates and banks than protecting WE THE PEOPLE, they would rise up from their graves!! Since you mentioned founding fathers, I would suggest here is everybody now go back to review what our founding fathers really said regarding their ideas. You would see how they thought more about protecting the majority of people and not a few.
The protesters have far more in common with the patriots that also gave blood, sweat and tears fighting for the founding of this country, than they have in common with the traitors on wall street, with their Madoff mentality and the damage to this nation that they do.
The majority of those involved with this movement promote socialist or communist styles of governing. That is something that our military and the founders of this nation fought against.
The founders of this nation supported a limited federal government, a strong national defense, and a capitalistic economic structure. Those are not the ideals supported by your movement.
Socialism and communism hadn't even been conceived of yet in their time. Were they sending armies through a time portal or something?
Can the right get back to when a conservative was somebody like Eisenhower and not this up-is-down night-is-day Alice in Wonderland cuckoo crap?
The founders of this nation fought against a monarchy. There was nothing about England that was "socialist or communist".
The problem with OWS is that it is identifying the ills of this economy as "capitalism" as defined by the current American economic structure. That is wrong. We have devolved into corporatism, not free market capitalism.
I agree, but the solution is not an increase in federal government. If we increase the size and scope of the federal government, that simply adds more power centralized in one group of people. You would see an increase in lobbying, an increase in failed start-ups, an increase in the cost of living because production costs would rise, and an increase in corruption.