Forum Post: Thank you anonymous, for restoring the hope that Obama so decietfully stole from us all.
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 9, 2011, 9:16 p.m. EST by FawkesNews
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
You have lifted the raped and battered body of justice from the floor of congress and have rearmed her with the swift brutality of the internet. You have unleashed a new type of fear upon those who oppose her. You are true heroes, unafraid to wear the poorly built costume of 'terrorist', provided to you by those who have the most to lose in your success. No amount of desperate, or panic driven laws will ever be able to stem this tide.
I've said it before on this forum, but I think it bears repeating:
OWS are the Great Patriots of the hour... and one day Liberty Square will become a historical site.
Grandparents will take their grandkids out on the tour and tell them proudly :
"This is where it all began...
This is where we decided to take back our country...
This is where America was reborn.
We kicked out our oppressors just as our forefathers had kicked out the British in 1776."
Agreed. I have the same hopes as you. The darkest hours are still ahead.
... but never does the night appear so dark as just before the dawn.
Dress warmly, be patient and enjoy the dawn when it comes.
Yes, PATIENCE is key to the success of OWS and the liberation of the American People.
I believe that like a good barleywine, this movement will have fermented into a powerful and potent force, with a beautiful bouquet by spring.
I'll drink to that! :)
I anticipate intoxicating changes. Cheers.
You are delusional. We didn't kick the British out, we displaced the Indians.
"Never cry wolf" would have been significant if it mattered.
You must admit it was a great story!
A great story if living with wolves was actually enlightening. Some of us were raised by them.
Can I have some of that acid you're dropping? The saying goes, "only the rich get the good acid". You must have lots of dough.
YOU,"Farleymowat", are labeling people "delusional"???
A little melodramatic don't you think? And just a bit dishonest?
And I suppose, my dear "MVSN", that Time Magazine's choice for "Person of the Year" is in your view melodramatic and dishonest???
Bye, bye, little muppet.... happy trolling!
To understand WHAT MAKES A TROLL TICK - AND have a chuckle while you're at it - go to:
patriot act, and now the new legislation signed that can allow the us govt to capture american citizens and hold them forever without trial....fuck this govt it needs to go!!!!!!
Absolutely. The buildings, paintings and furniture should remain. Only the filth that has infested this country, disguised as elected leaders, needs replacing.
Not according to many on this website. They are gonna vote for Obama again.
Obama 2012!
The very fact, that the National Mall, is not littered with the broken executed and desecrated remains of the traitors and criminals that have devastated America, is the very proof that your choice for president is tantamount to a vote for Avarice, as well as, a vote for the continuation of the very same ineptitude and corruption we are here to eradicate. I apologize for any personal affront upon your voting choice.
100% of us can relate to the words you crafted here. We thank you, all.
The road to Philadelphia is open
Thank you much. Philadelphia has a bell that needs to ring proudly once again. I can almost hear it banging away, fissure and all.
It will ring true at the National General Assembly July 4th 2012
we'll #OLB we'll #OIH , we'll occupy the White House in 2016 if we must
The people may actually be forced to govern ourselves again. Imagine the Hoi polloi governing themselves. It has been done before. Any attempt to prevent it from happening is foolish, as always.
you didnt get my point: there are somethings that must be kept confidential, right? my example was: we couldnt tell the nazis when and where we were going to attack, right? the group Anonymous and many people in the ows sound more like the bill ayers weather underground or even bin laden than they sound like people who actually care about issues like healthcare and job creation.
so you support Anonymous trying to shut down the economy with computer virusses? who do you think that winds up hurting? the rich will be fine. it's the consumer who will bear the brunt of that. and you support leaking classified documents? i guess you would have told hitler the time and place for the normandy invasion hmmm
I support Anonymous everytime they expose what is personal and precious, to those who feel they can defile what is personal and precious to others, be they police, or any other government official. The consumer can only gain when those who protect the predator of the consumer are treated with utmost disregard. Classified documents? Simple, don't act in a way unbecoming of the ideals you claim to support. Hitler? Your Ad Hominem attacks are much too directed to be authentic. Are you a predator upon Americans with an agenda to subvert?
when I heard the campaign use broad terms like hope and change 2008
I figured Obama was a puppet
nothing stolen but that wasn't already missing
I didn't choose the democrat candidate
Hope is used in such a predatory phrasing. I only meant to inform.
You're such a dip-wod plez get over it!
sounds nice, but the problem is, anonymous and occupy are both infantile con scams. Neither has the first clue how to run a real revolution. Neither has the first clue how to solve high order problems- all they can do is whine and complain and bitch about them. Neither has any moral or ethical center and thus manages to often do things which are both immoral and unethical. Neither has any sense of proportion or strategy and so they are all of tilting at windmills rather than dealing with the meaningful problems of a revolution.
Both are involved in assorted new forms of oligarchy and message control, both are involved in pack bully psychology, both are repeating the same fatal errors of the system they protest.
Occupy had a slim margin of a chance to do some good in the world but that has been almost entirely squandered on useless protests and no actual WORK in the form of science centered research or poltical platform issue development.
This site is full of trolls, censorship, and the kind of control freak management of trolls which only empowers the trolls and pisses them off.
In short, Anonymous and Occupy are both abject patent failures, a bunch of rebel without a clue tards contributing to social and civil entropy and NOT having a revolution.
Perhaps a "Black Hand" ought send an ear? That would certainly give impetus towards the uncontrollable.
if anonymous had ANY brains, it would have responded months ago to my posts on the FB anon site, and we would have had a REAL revolution by now instead of this giant noisy mess.
4 months away from a REAL revolution for 30 or 40 years... all it would take is the REAL work for the REVOLUTION instead of pointless protesting. Instead, all thats happened is noise, protesting, occupying- temporal BS which will be forgotten a year or two from now...happy little warm fuzzy memories to cling to as those who participated are red banded and executed by guillotine before the trains even arrive at the camps.
All that anyone has managed to do so far is out themselves as an anti oligarchy sympathizer.. in the pov of the oligarchs thats more than enough to warrant death. In short, nothing has been done to actually have an actual revolution, and those of us who have tried to do such work have gotten pretty much no real support.
You want support? Ransom a 1% er.
oh, that would work. lol. No. Support chould have come when i made the point eloquently of why we needed to do it. Why we needed a wiki, why this site is garbage, why we need real organization, why we need to work the problems and come up with science centered solutions... support shoulod be there because i am right, and obviously so,. Its not there because there are 101 con scam trolls who are trying to get everyone to come back to some other place, 101 people trying to get everyone to come back to some other place, and this stupid insane frigging civilization thinks its somebody elses responsibility- nobody wants to take the time and energy- they all want to just troll and chit chat and argue, but nobody wants to actually WORK.
Ransoming some one percenter... funny... but not how to get support. Support should have been there. Its not there because people are stupid, evil, lazy, distracted, trying to do it their way, and imagining that they have a clue as to how.. when they don't. This forum is a fine example.
Garbage. And Jart is either simply on the wrong side or shes being played be evil scumbags like Thrasymawhatever.
This forum? Is a limited. It is a piece of garbage meant to organize a group of people that have long since mobilized. It is dead carcass of those who wanted to act but never did. How do you know that a proof of life video would not explain to the rest of the world what is happening. Who, I ask is capable of the actual beheading when the ransom is not paid. I digress.
dead carcass of those who failed to act. Your right. they will buzz themselves into a shit storm but they will never do a damn thing for a real revolution. a year from now occupy will be just as dead and forgotten as the 2003 protests against the war. I tried then to tell them, to help, to make a real revolution happen and they ignored me then. History keeps repeating itself.
Your dark humor is too sick for me.
I came to this planet to provide services, evn yes services to the one percent. Not get involved in some internicine warfare. I have a get out of this karma wheel for free card, and increasingly a death wish. I think i'd rather die than pollute my karma in the manner you suggest. Defending myself is one thing. Getting myself involved in some ransom bs is just stupid. I'm excited to leave this stupid, evil, backwater planet.
No ransom is necessary but the fervency of action is. When those willing to act upon what they know to be right is commonplace, so will be justice, however ugly her face may be.
the fervency of action needs to be centerd on having a paradigm shift centered revolution, not violence. OR... just getting out of the USA and hoping to find some cave somewhere to wait out the nuclear war thats likely to happen.
There are models of revolution, violent and otherwise, what is wrong with them?
a violent revolution is impossible. The revolutionaries are outgunned. Hand pistols are not going to fare well against military guns and armor. And then theres the problem of collecting up militias large enough.
These are only the start of problems for logistics.
Other issues abound. Moral and ethical issues. If we can have a non violent revolution, we are ethically obliged to do that.
All an attempted violent revolution would get us is martial law and fema camps. I can deliver a REAL revolution non violently and within four months. All i need is for ten thousand participants to get their heads out of their asses and do the work.
Whats wrong with them? Ask some country thats had a violent revolution in the last 40 years. You end up with a fascist dictatorship run by the militias, or a CIA ku and then being run by the illuminati and or Israel.
Has any violent revolution EVER worked?
I mean, this century?
Somebody just brought up Germany. Great example. so. Now the Illuminati and Zionists have yet another trophy country which is pseudo fascist. The natives have really felt the big difference. Its not egalitarian, and its not a geniune revolution. Like in egypt, its a revolution stalled. Its a revolution co-opted.
Violent revolutions end with violent people in charge.
Paradigm shift revolutions end with evolutionary truth in charge. I think the choice should be obvious.
Thank you for your extensive and lengthy responses. Primarily, I must apologize for my excessive cynicism and or sarcasm. I admit it is unnerving and am fully aware of its offputting nature. I must also apologize for leaving my terminal logged in whilst I was not in front of it, the results are obvious.. Those aside, I will attempt to excise myself from the negative connotations, that many seem to believe I am adherent to. I seek no guidance, nor leadership, from Anonymous or Occupy. I am merely thankful to both, for their actions towards a change, that a great many people are aware of the need for. It is always the first few steps that are the most difficult, with wobbling and meandering. Until the skill to determine direction has devoloped, all benevolent actions towards positive change may seem disorderly, even disingenuous. What becomes, will in no way resemble any previous protests in this country, or any another for that matter. Anonymous has defiled the impunity and privacy that once protected the abusers within police forces and Occupy has unveiled the political evils of those who have silently usurped goverments with the use of money. Both are new concepts and have not yet fully realized their own individual potentials. Whether non-violent or violent, a change for the better must be implemented before a change for the worst is imposed upon us all, by those who with so much to lose.
It is heartbreaking to hear your frustration. I believe you are authentically concerned, benevolent and interested in a resolve to many world problems. Unfortunatly, your frustrated and jaded outlook has increased and you are now attacking the very movement that allowed you such jaded emotions. What would you be doing otherwise? Has any of this benefieted you? Will you be content within a worsening social clime? Are you prepeared for further economic and social decline? Is it even possible to inform the many, of what they are resistant or unwilling to learn? Has any of this made you happier? These questions I do not ask of you, I merely ask you to ask them of yourself.
Wow! So dramatic!
Nice to see you trolling this thread. Come to join in an Obama bashing party?
It seems those festivities haven't started yet.
I thought they banned you for Troll Flame throwing, you have nine lives?
FU2 is what U adhere to.
Go away kid. You are making yourself sound stupid with every post.
How are interpretative are yours?
Fear of DOS attacks? Oh my!
If all of your personal information (banking, address, emails, children's names and soccer scores) is not that relevant to you, then you have little to fear. Otherwise ask Mr Pike how well he is doing. Let alone the Arizona police.
Come and get me, Bat Man.
rm -rf /
Hmmm. You feel impervious?
not everyone is stupid with their info and communication online. most are. but no one is impervious.
Are your children safe?
oh, that was suppsed to scare me. boo. now go watch some more you tube videos. dont sleep with that silly mask on. they are made in china and who knows what kind of chemicals they use in that plastic.
Your children are safe? You must care for them.
Children get on my nerves. If i did have them id give em a windows box and leave the gates wide open.
Hmmmm? You must be impervious.
Correct, no one is impervious to the fact that their loved ones may be splayed across the internet, ruined for life, to the extent that they will only experience freedom form ridicule, if their family member renounces the affiliation they adhere to.
No idea what that means. Family members renounce the affiliation they adhere to?
They want to know who you are, your wishes to remain anonymous.
You are a seriois dork. But in a sort funny way. Have fun.
You hope your family is safe. I blame you little.
What a turd...
Your intelligence may be limited to yourself. Enjoy.
Yes please enjoy being a turd!
The fringe is trying to take over this OWS site.
Are you insinuating something? or are you observing something?