Forum Post: Tell the Government to stop just throwing money at problems.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 5:09 p.m. EST by DKAtoday
from Coon Rapids, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Throwing money does not solve problems. Making change can.
Example: The home mortgage bailout. This area is still a major problem, there are unresolved issues because nothing has been done to prevent continuance of abuse or to bring the market back to reality. Not nearly anything was done to prosecute ( all of the ) offenders. Instead the offenders were rewarded with our money. Property is valued way beyond reality. Realistically if charging what the market can bear for housing is what is supposedly going on then current housing prices have no bearing on reality. Not nearly anyone of say 75% of working families can afford a house for what is being asked and that is not even considering the abusive rate practices.
So forget about jump starting new house construction. With out real restructuring A to Z including ( starting with ) reappraising existing properties to reflect what the average working couple can afford, all properties not just those that have been foreclosed, then you won't be able to sell or resell the properties that are currently glutting the market. This does not even begin to touch on the fact of unemployment's effect on our economy either.
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anything else you want me to tell Obama, i have a 6 o'clock dinner with him. We're going to Applebees tonight, getting the 2 for 20
Yah sure ... you might want to tell him to start naming names of all of those that are standing in the way of progress and who they really are supporting and why and then maybe have him consider endorsing recall proceedings on worthy obstructionists.
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