Forum Post: Tell me ONE More Time.. " I am a Christian" while Running for Office.. and i will PUKE!
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 16, 2011, 5:13 p.m. EST by Marlow
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.. Who the F'k Cares what your Belief System is?
Who are YOU , or Your Kind to make Religion a Platform?
...... I am a Licensed Metaphysical Spirituality Minister. For over 25 years.. and I Challenge ANY of YOU Christian Fundamentalists, or Jesus Peeps to a Debate~! ... YOUR System over mine,
Here and now.. and if you cant make it tonight... Please try again !
Little by little over the past 60 or so years, the fanatical or charismatic or evangelical religious have been pushing an agenda in the USA.
(Note I do not include all Christians in the listing.)
Let's call this group the Christian Far Right for the sake of brevity, CFR.
Over the last 60 years we've seen a enlargement of this segment of our society, they manipulated our media (ratings), they now manipulate our government, not effectively yet, but the influence is growing.
I am old enough to remember that there was 'concern' about JFK being an Irish Catholic and how the beginnings of the CFR muttered and murmured about how the Catholic Church was going to 'take over America'. The very thing that was most feared is now growing in another form.
Why is it that all the current crop of candidates for the Republican ticket feel they must establish their religious bonafides at every turn? Shouldn't their religion be the last thing they worry about the public identifying with?
While there is no specific language establishing the separation of Church (religion) and state, there is the impression of it being implied, strongly implied, even some of the founding fathers made reference to 'this wall between government and religion'. It was seen, and for many of us still is seen, as something well and good.
I listen and watch the debates and I loose interest within moments, why? Because there is a lack of addressing the real issues facing this country, a lack of how any candidate would work with members of an opposing party to move forward.
I don't care who you pray to or who you praise. I only care what and how there can be an America we can once again be proud to be from, proud to live in...and I mean all of us.
I care that any candidate acknowledges that we are Americans too, that this is our country, our land and our nation.
The most Impressive Reply to date.
This needs to be re-read a few times for those who cant figure out why this post is so powerful. .. Marlow
Thank you.
..of course 'Pan'.. I could bump it all Day and night
I think you make something a big deal that isn;'t a big deal... These people say that are christian because people in their party lines ask. If you don't like them, don't vote for them. But I do not choose my politicians based on religious beliefs. So either you shouldn't like them because you disagree with their religion, or you just shouldn't care. either way, get over it.
Obviously you haven't witnessed much of what I and millions of others have. That's ok though.
Again, I dont see what you are talking about at all.
Cheap attempts at getting votes some other way than having real ideas.
Though I could care less that you are a Meta....whatever, I agree with your statement. Whatever your religion, it does not convince me that you are somehow more qualified at.....well anything. I feel most brag about their religion as some sort of medal of honor that I must hold in a higher regard. Give me your ideas toward our country, other countries and humanity. If I like them, then you got my attention. Quit trying to buy my loyalty with a label!
Well Put.. Well done!
"..Give me your ideas toward our country, other countries and humanity. If I like them, then you got my attention. Quit trying to buy my loyalty with a label!.."__ Wellhungjury
Ok then!! ..Our Country.. Working on Unity once more.. Quite Promising! ..Other Countries.. Working on being Human.. Very Important cultural wise.
But.. I dont need your attention, as the World needs Us as a United Front. No God is here for us to Pray for that.. as WE are the impetus to 'All That Is'.. ..means:
You and I, and anyone who agrees becomes the Power for 'Right'.
It's a Bigger thing than most realize.. 'United for Right'.. IS what any 'God' Inside You .. is for.
Country, or Nation.. Includes your ability to KNOW the Difference.
I am a Rabid Zen Master of Dog
And I will accept your vote for me as Prez
. . . . or is that rabid zendog with no master . . .
. . . I think I'm confused . . .
How we doin now ? Still think Christianity is going to save you from Political corruption?
Good for you Blue! ..Not just because you agree with me. .. But because you are of Character in Consideration
( that means a Lot!)
Hi Marlow, Good post. Best Regards, Nevada
thank you Marlow for posting this..... and you are right on.... it doesnt matter what religion we are..... IT SHOULDNT MATTER.... YET, in this country if you dont CLAIM to be a Chistian you will NEVER get elected...... I find that very very sad..... there is nothing wrong with being a Christian.... but NOR is there anything wrong with being a Buddhist.... Agnostic or whatever you want to be.... THAT is what America is about...... I find it sad that Politicians USE religion.... the mix of religion and politics has historically been the cause of almost ALL bloodshed and MANY WARS...... leave religion out of it... show some integity..... and if you are hurting no one.... JUST BE YOURSELF..... thats someone i would want to vote for....
Distrust of People is Normal. Distrust of your ability to know is not. Why? ..Self Love.
You care. Obviously very much so.
Yup, I care.. Nothing is more important to me than those who are 'Taken' by those in Authority. It boils my blood!
I think all past presidents may claimed to be christian
The Pledge has been modified four times since its composition, with the most recent change adding the words "under God" in 1954.
McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence. The term has its origins in the period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting roughly from the late 1940s to the late 1950s and characterized by heightened fears of communist influence
All belief systems are founded in ignorance.
'Xaiver'... Not so,
First, you have a Myriad of Levels in the Human 'Belief System'..
From multi-Familial.. to Multi - educational..
Then, you have the 'Facts' that those have Experienced out of the Norm, or out of the Box of religious teachings.
Now, for your Expoundings, you have boxed IN too much. And too irresponsibly.
'Belief' ... is Relative to experience. What do you know of Others' experiences? Marlow
belief system n. faith based on a series of beliefs
faith n. confidence or trust in a person or thing, or a belief that is not based on proof
“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.” -- Gautama Siddharta
Ok! follows very well with my agreement of a Joseph Campbell Quote: ... .." Of all the Truths that Exist, ...for you to pick ONE, and follow it Blindly, shall become a Falsehood, and You... . a Fanatic!"..
Are we in agreement here?
Ha! You phony! I am Supreme Master of All Space & Time Dimensions. I am the last Douwd:
I like how this post starts "Who the F'k Cares what your Belief System is?"
...and then you go a head and tell us what your belief system is...
I didnt.. Too bad you are able to post
What a bald faced liar.
Then what does "...... I am a Licensed Metaphysical Spirituality Minister. For over 25 years.. and I Challenge ANY of YOU Christian Fundamentalists, or Jesus Peeps to a Debate~! " exactly mean then?
It means.. exactly what i said..i just didnt mean what YOU interrupted me to say!
Well how do you want it interpreted?
I mean I don't care what a politician's religious beliefs are either, and complaining that they always state it seems legit....but then to state your own religious beliefs, like anybody gives a "F'k" seems pretty asinine
Like you're trolling for people of a religious system to make comments for you to then attack and feel better about yourself because you told off some christian...rather than have an actual debate or discussion of religions role or persuasion in politics......weird...
I am Not Christian. My 'Statement of Belief' .. was not a statement for anyone else to follow. It was just that, . . Statement of my Knowledge. ..I am not 'trolling'.. (thank you for bringing that up).. i am hoping that anyone who has a 'Value' .. a Belief that guides them, posts here.
Fair enough, either way when you said "YOUR System over mine" I interpreted one belief system over another but I'm gathering you consider yours as a System of Knowledge?
Anyhoo, frankly if a politician doesn't come out and say what religion they practice somebody is gonna ask, and if they don't answer it will be looked upon unfavorably as they are denying, hiding or ashamed of their religion (even though it's nobody's business anyways) then "journalists" will dig to try and find out anyways and will find out and expose it....about the only person who could get away with it is an atheist who don't go to church so there's no "evidence" or "anonymous source" from the church unless they were an outspoken atheist.
IN the end it's just strategically wise to just come out and say it. And yes a lot also run on a religious platform too which shouldn't matter but it helps gets votes and even some people who admire that they are expressing their right.
Doesn't mean I'm saying it's great that they can get votes that way or people vote based on that, or that somebody running for public office should just say what they believe.....but it is what it is.....
Appeals that run along the lines of "I'm a Christian and this makes me qualified to run the country (and if you're not as fervently Christian as I am then you're a threat to the values of our forefathers)" are morally bankrupt, destructive to our national dialogue, and (unfortunately) very good at pulling in votes from a particular subset of the populace.
I'm personally not religious at all, and I don't particularly care whether or not my candidates are so long as they don't put their beliefs or the beliefs of any one sector of the country ahead of the welfare of the rest of us. I would like to see the rest of the country make that distinction, and stop falling for the rhetoric that gives con men like Rick Perry a divine endorsement they don't have to earn.
100% agree...
I would be happy to respectfully debate you on any topic. What is wrong with someone running for office that they are a Christian? If you ran for office and said you were a MS minister, I would probably be a little weirded out, but I wouldn't make the final judgement based on that.
You are making a benign statement here , dear. You are simply stating that anyone of Faith can Run for office.. i concur.. .. Howerver,
I am implicating those that those who use Faith for votes are inane, and simply abusive.
Well it is their right as Americans to do so if they choose. And it isn't that stupid, since at least half of America still considers themselves Christians.
HALF!!!??!! ... 'REAL'.. that is one Way off statistic!... .. and Btw, Who cares who is Christian or Jewish?.... Right?
... .... ... ...once i saw you, I cried. Nothing more beautiful .. in words came. And now, I cannot find your 'Light', in Darkness i reach ... For your Hand
..Your Grasp is no longer.
At least I can speak in sentences and don't spam ellipses.
"The majority of Americans (60% to 76%) identify themselves as Christians, mostly within Protestant and Catholic denominations, accounting for 51% and 25% of the population respectively"
So What?
'Spam 'Elipses'..!?.. Laffn.. Get a grip, what you posted is over your head, and does not apply nor reiterate due inclination.
Nice try. You are Still showing bigotry.
So what exactly are you arguing with me about?
What if someone running for President was actually a Buddhist... they would have to hide it.... in this country we are prejudice against anything that isnt Christian(brainwashed)...... Christians say that if you dont believe what they believe... you go to HELL!!! Does a good Buddhist person deserve to go to hell???? Its arrogant....... Politicians USE it to get elected.....
It appears metaphysical spirtuality doesn't have much of a calming influence. Have you considered Jesus?
Considered Jesus?.. Yeah, and THAT's suppose to be a Big deal?
Jesus Ben Joseph?... Son of Joseph, wanting to be the next 'Prophet?
C'mon.. why are you no longer happy with Blood Letting and other Sacrifices?... Must be that Civilization has Evolved.. What could have done that??
I just wanted to see if you would actually puke. Did you?
Are you running for office and Shouting that Jesus is going to be your 'winning' savior?
.. ?.. so, no... i didnt.
But ,.. if you want Farce, i can give you FARCE!
I'm thinking this metaphysical thing involves losing a sense of humour. I can't do it.
ok, give me farce.
Believing in something that you only 'agree to'.. and not having experience in.
Farce: Thinking just because your Parents believe it.... you should too!
Farce: Not knowing what you have been taught.. might be wrong!
I expected it in CAPS. ;)
Ima christian and im running for office,what does your puke look like?
Well I could ask the same thing about your religion.
Devine.. Right !
'Section'..I have no Religion. Cant you figure things out for yourself?
If i loved you.. would you love you? Or , would you need more? If you loved you... would you know the difference between YOU loving you.. n Love?
You need few more miles in life to Reply to me
Neither do I. Frankly I don't give a damn if you love me or not. I respect myself and my abilities and know my limitations.
King... "Frankly I don't give a damn if you love me or not. I respect myself ..."
I am asking for you to See beyond your Own Self 'respect'.. and if you knew of others as you know yourself.. where WOULD you find Love?
// See? I think you are young.
I've actually been through this before on this forum. I love my friends. I do. And a few people outside that including family. You're taking self respect way too seriously. I do know of others like I know myself. My friends. People I don't know or dislike don't deserve my love. And you are right. I am young. 16 almost 17 to be exact. Let me make a little prediction about what you are about to say next.
That explains a lot. Was I in the ballpark or are you going to deny it because I hit it right in the head.
Loving yourself is the greatest Power to the All that Is.
It brings you to love of others as you have never known. It touches on awareness that you have wished in dreams possible.
Love for All things is the Truest of Energies. ..The Lasting in Humanity.
It comes First from and for the 'Self'.
..It then transforms. With out the 'first', there is no 'other'.
There is no Second Coming.
I'm more aware of my surroundings than you will ever be. However, park of that stems from a slight distrust of most people.
Trust yourself First.
.. No need to Fear Another.
First do the miracles Jesus did and then we can talk.
they say I'm a water walker
but I'm not so sure . . . .
every time I've tried I've gotten really wet . . .
I think you need to practice on the frozen stuff 1st. I'm pretty sure anyway. That or in shallow puddles. Though I believe the frozen stuff is probably the way to go. But I can't really advise as I've never done it myself. Walk on water that is, though I have walked on the frozen stuff. But I don't think that really counts. Never mind.
First.. Grow up, and realize the 'Book' not only is a FALSE HOOD, But that 2000 years ago... No One got the Facts straight!
... Go on, as i am thankful you are at least trying to understand.
So what would you have said 1995 years ago?
What would I have said? You mean i didnt? Maybe i did, but you just werent listening.. and now you dont remember..
I 'Would have Said'... ' Let there be no other more important than the Love you find in yourselves. For once you love yourself wholly , .. You cannot help but love others... When you are there, ..I will be .'
Ask the OWS whether WallSt doesn't love itself too much. I think WallSt proves you wrong.
First...Wall Street in it's composition is so far out of 'Self Love' and into deep self 'Need' ..that Love has nothing to do with it .. nor ever did.
The Ows, is a UNIT, compromising itself over all self needs, and into compassion.
What has happened in the last 6 years is an 'Awakening'.. Caused by the Lack of Love on a Grand Scale.
Do you see it? .. Marlow
Good for you and your belief system. Nobody cares what you believe either, Mar.