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Forum Post: Teacher's Revolution

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 7:30 a.m. EST by drball (8) from Xenia, OH
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

It looks like the 1%, [and 1% wanna-be's] enabled by their bought-and-paid-for-politicians, are targeting the take over of American Education. Not just public education, but parochial also. Teachers, it's time to step up, become aware of and educated about the key players. It is our responsibility to save the concept of free and "equal" education. I have started a blog and [soon] a website whose sole mission is to educate and provide a forum for "deconstructing" the push to "re-form" schools. The site is for educating, not venting. The voices of in-the-trenches-teachers in any reform movement is essential. Rather than fight the movements, let's redirect the power and wealth of the various foundations in the direction of sound improvement. We can't afford another NCLB!Visit: teachersrevolution.blogspot.com



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