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Forum Post: Tea Party vs Occupy Wall St.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 4:37 p.m. EST by nVenti (48)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The Tea Party is nothing more then Republicans to ashamed to call themselves Republicans (and I can see why). The whole "Third Party" line however has worked. I know many lower class "peasants" who endorse this pro-establishment movement. I generally agree with them... reminding them that Ron Paul's 20% sales tax for them is better then a capital gains tax for me. Sure Im full of shit, but that shuts them up =).

4 points at why the Tea Party is BS and the Occupy Wall Street is not.

1) Signs. The Tea Party has professionally fabricated signs. The OWS group used black sharpies on pizzia boxes. This is evidence of being pro establishment.

2) Media. The Tea party had instant media coverage. It was the media that told reminded us of their first rallys (9-12). The OWS group.... it took a month. This is evidence of being pro establishment.

3) Police. The Tea party had no arrests. OWS had mass arrests. This is evidence of being pro establishment.

4) Unions. The Tea party has support from police unions (Wisconsin exemptions for instance). The OWS has support from the lower-paid unions and opposition from police. This is evidence of being pro establishment.

Which movement is pro establishment ?

Ok enough for me. Back to listening for instructions from the puppets in the media.



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[-] 1 points by indyg (1) 12 years ago

Don't pay attention to the media trying to goat the movement by creating a dividing line between OWS and the Tea Party movement. That's silly. I'm sure a lot of Tea Party people are also in the OWS movement because everyone must realise that the country has been hi-jacked by corruption due to deregulation of the financial industries and corporate personhood via courts & lawyers allowing politicians to be bought rather than elected.

[-] 1 points by TheMismatch (50) from Lafayette, IN 12 years ago

I think the "Occupy vs. Tea Party" idea isn't necessary. I believe both movements could learn to work together, and pitting them against each other as if this is some kind of boxing match is an oversimplified way of looking at things.

[-] 1 points by jjpatrick (195) 12 years ago

Though people disagree with others, find the common denominators... even if they don't think or dress like you. E.g. tea party member who's 50 years will obviously will think and believe in different things.. but I'm sure the crux of it will be the same

[-] 1 points by jjpatrick (195) 12 years ago

Some say that the original tea party protestors were hijacked by republicans. Funny if that again occurs but with Democrats.

I say find common ground with the tea party people and really shake some ground.

[-] 1 points by VerbotenerGott (5) from Syracuse, NY 12 years ago

Has anyone else heard analysts casually chatting about which party, which politician, is going to sink their teeth into OWS to drag it around the political stage?

It. Makes. Me. Sick. How dare they choose to ignore the real nature of the movement?

[-] 1 points by BigDikdJew (61) from Stratford, CA 13 years ago

A higher %% of the Tea Party are employed.

[-] 1 points by cmazeika (2) 13 years ago
  1. This is just smoke and mirrors because they get donations of food and other supplies from Soros. Plus I'm TP and I made my own sign.
  2. The TP has had rallys Pre-Obama. When there was a mass amount of people on 4/15/09, the media could not avoid any coverage in order to cover their butts.
  3. The NYPD is carrying their own cameras on their units. Show both angles and not the cut and paste of the clips from the Left.
  4. Unions are the physical attack dogs of Obama.

Where was OWS when the Democrats took TARP in '09? It took you 2 years to protests TARP?

[-] 1 points by oceanweed (521) 12 years ago

tax cuts for middle class modernize roads and bridges invest in middle class not banking class by raising minimum wage thats the oocupy wall sreet message

[-] 1 points by Hawks24 (2) from Fontana, CA 13 years ago

TARP happened in '08 and was the brainchild of Henry Paulsen, a Bush appointee.

[-] 1 points by gabrielaurr (8) from Miramar, FL 13 years ago

The tea party does not want to tax the rich. We need to increase taxes by percentage on the upper class. Decrease tax breaks for the wealthy. Stop making the richer richer. Bring back the capitalism that our founding fathers established when the federal income tax was a progressive tax , meaning that people with higher incomes pay a larger percentage of their incomes as taxes than do people with lower incomes.

[-] 1 points by ms3000 (253) 13 years ago

I find it so infuriating that this movement is being compared to the tea party people who are paid stooges of corporations. The entire tea party class of congressmen are owned by the healthcare, drug, banking and securities corporations. If you don't believe me, call them and ask for a list of their corporate, PAC and SUPERPAC contributors in 2010.

These paid ringers were specifically put in, using massive corporate funds, to repeal the Obama healthcare plan and paralyze government so these industries could not be regulated because it might cut into less than 1% of their profit margin.

WAKE UP! Doesn't anyone remember the Watts, Newark, DC, and Chicago riots and the burning down of entire sections of cities? What about LA in 1992 or Seattle in 1999? Can you imagine riots occurring simultaneous in every American city thanks to cell phones and social networking? All it will take for this nightmare to happen is one cop or national guardsman shooting one kid and it's all over. I keep saying it but these people on Wall Street are a canary in a coal mine. You have FORTY SIX MILLION people living below the poverty line and guess what? The five year lifetime cap is about to expire if these people lost their jobs in 2007 and went on public assistance.

We need to get on the phone and call our useless bought-off politicians of both parties and tell them to DO SOMETHING before it is too late. I will never condone violence but it is clear after seeing what happened on Wednesday night (over a stupid scooter) that we are on a precipice waiting for one incident to tip us over the edge.

[-] 1 points by jjpatrick (195) 12 years ago

MS3000, your statement, "The entire tea party class of congressmen are owned by the healthcare, drug, banking and securities corporations."

It's true (well except a few probably), but I'd modify it by saying it's most of Congress including Democrats and Republicans. As you may know for e.g Obama got more funding from Wall Street than John McCain.

The problem isn't the tea-party. The problem is corruption-wall street's ability to pay for politican's campaigns with an implicit demand for more policies that favor wall street.

[-] 1 points by Frank (19) from Washington, DC 13 years ago
  1. No comment.
  2. They didn't, it took a while.
  3. The Tea Party isn't violent, hence, no arrests.
  4. The Tea Party has support from the police because we believe the police protect individual rights.
[-] 1 points by FuManchu (619) 13 years ago

The original tea party got hijacked by the republicans. Their anger was cleverly diverted towards the democratic party.

If we are not vigilant, the same thing can happen to OWS. Why do you think unions are moving in? They are trying to utilize the OWS to win support for Obama.

[-] 1 points by writermom (1) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by Permanushka (24) from Elk Creek, CA 13 years ago

Don't confuse the initial populist TP with the Beck, Bachmann, Palin circus, which infiltrated and co-opted it for the Neo-Cons.

Quote from former TP:

I wish your movement better luck than we had with the tea party movement before it got hijacked by the theocrats and corporatists. We used to be non-partisan too. We were the older version of you.

Read how Movements are hijacked by the Establishment:

[-] 1 points by BadAss0830 (68) 13 years ago

OWS = TP 2.0?

[-] 1 points by nVenti (48) 13 years ago

I hear that.

Yeah, Im pessimistic.

[-] 1 points by smate1 (72) 13 years ago

Washington corruption is the true cancer behind wall street. Let's unite left and right against any public money in politics while we have the chance. Together we stand.

[-] 1 points by LaoTzu (169) 13 years ago

The Tea Party are One with THE PEOPLE 99%

[-] 1 points by GrimRebuke (1) from Chantilly, VA 13 years ago

The Tea Party, Occupy Wall Street, the Obama election... all of you are fueled by the same reasons. Your methods are different, your direction is different, but that isn't because of the majority of your members, it is because the two giant corporations who hold every single seat in the House, the DNC and RNC, would rather you beat each other up then realize it is time to beat them up. It is time for "none of the above". Obama got elected because people feel like all of the rules are gone. Work hard and you will have a roof over your head and food in your stomach. Follow the rules and keep your nose to the grind stone and you will have success.

But the contract is broken. There is a class war and it isn't rich versus poor. It is the political class and the organizations they run, but have no stake in. The corporations whose investors they rob of wealth, the government whose People they rob of power.

The Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street are the same. We're the same people getting walked on by the same system stacked fully against us. Don't let the pundits try to turn it into us and them. The Tea Party are us. The Hope and Change movement is us. The pundits, their media conglomerates funded by Saudi and other foreign money and interests, and the politicians they put in office... that is them. Keep focused.

[-] 1 points by cornel (3) 13 years ago

The original Tea Party has been hijacked by the Anarcho-Capitalist and Libertarians.

[-] 1 points by Teach4Liberty (4) 13 years ago

The Tea Party's original protocal was the overspending of the government and the bail out package. Now there is many Republicans who have joined their ranks and even through their lot in with the Christian Right, who hijacked the Republican Party to get Reagan elected. As a history teacher and specifically participation in government teacher this movement is exactly what is protected under the 1st Amendment and encouraged by our forefathers in a well functioning democracy. I only hope the movement continues to grow and be peaceful. If it turns violent, it will lose the support of the unions and the average outraged American. Please discourage radicalism Its funny how in this country, a so called leading democracy, we only have one more political party than a dictatorship. We need to throw off the yoke of the two corrupt entrenched parties. Obama inspired me, but turned out to be a business as usual politician. I am happy we have elected a Black President, but the novelty has worn off...how about a novelty America hasn't seen in a long time...a Good President!

[-] 1 points by mleon (53) from New York, NY 13 years ago
  1. we are not here to fight against the tea party, even if we are vocal in disagreeing with some of what they have to say.

  2. the tea party did NOT start with INSTANT support. It took them a long time, with threats and denoucements from just about everyone, to include being put on terrorist watch lists. Not by us, but by the groups fed by the mainstream media.

  3. Mainstream support is welcome but just remeber, they support us, not vice versa. Its good to see the unions, but we are not here to take thleir orders.

  4. Big union and mainstream "left" support is not a sure fire sign of grass rootsness. Just remember the AFL-CIO supported nixon. The teamsters also supported nixon in exchange for the release of jimmy hoffa from jail. Just also remember George Soros IS real and he makes his money on wall street. That said, the past does not need be the future. Unions are not inherently bad organizations, they where founded on good, and I think they can be good if they want to. A good union listens to its members and takes its democratic charter seriously. officers democraticly elected, and all political stances voted by membership.

We are not here to be against any other group except the assholes who are running our country into the ground. We are here for us to promote our own ideas. We have the AFL-CIO with us, and we welcome their support. We do not automaticly endorse all their ideas, or support everyone they do.

There are libertarians on the ground. We should welcome them to be part of the conversation. The most anyone should say to them bad is "I think your wrong, I disagree with what you have to say, and here is why....". You don't have to hate someone you disagree with. We call this democracy and FREE SPEECH. for all, to include our enemies. No one has the right to shut anyone up.

There are marxists and wobblies on the ground too, along with AFL-CIO. I'm strongly disagree with marxism, and I am not a wobbly, but at the same time they are just as entitled to be here as I am. Its free speech.

I know how the Tea Party got astro turfed. I feel for them as I disagree with them. Its the human element. We are not here to fight the tea party. Let the mainstream media fight its own battles.

Two, lets stop with the long hairs vs short hairs conflict. I'm a shorthair who's completely OK with working with hippies. Fear over social issues only divides us. there are a lot of straight laced normal Americans who agree with this movement.

Three, this goddamn fake "left" vs "right" mainstream media fake ass fight has got us all worked up at eachother. I refuse to fight it. I will sit down like a hippy and yell "I WILL NOT PARTICIPATE".

[-] 1 points by nVenti (48) 13 years ago

Agreed, that the false dichotomy of political ideals is horrible.

However, when a movement is "astroturfed" it is wrong to pretend otherwise.

[-] 1 points by coffeedrinker11 (5) from Denver, CO 13 years ago

Yes I am amazed at how many people seeking to undermine the movement are posting on here lately. Too bad there is not a moderator who can distinguish messages that run contrary to the message of OWS and seek to dilute its strength. Since this is not a political movement, Americans of all political viewpoints can find common ground with the OWS grievances. We need to put our differences aside, because we will only invoke change if we stand united as American citizens. These divisionary tactics will weaken us.

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 13 years ago

Tea Party started like OWS, not quite as radical but they were pushing back against the current state of things. I wouldn't label what the original Tea Partiers did with "establishment", but yeah, now, it's establishment.

For me it was when Sarah Palin spoke at their supposed national rally.

[-] 1 points by Illinoisian (7) 13 years ago
  1. Wrong
  2. Wrong again
  3. The tea party is peaceful and they don't leave their garbage for others to clean up.
  4. I don't know about the police unions, but you guys have the unions en masse. Go look at the thugs that have come on board.
[-] 1 points by Idaltu (662) 13 years ago

OK we will get your meds to you as soon as possible.

[-] 1 points by steinrebe (4) from New York City, NY 13 years ago

Tea Party was a preemptive decoy movement against Occupy Wallstreet in 2008, it directed popular outrage at the government.

[-] 1 points by concernedcitizen (121) 13 years ago

"1) Signs. The Tea Party has professionally fabricated signs."

This is the biggest crock - absolutely not. I've been to dozens of TP rallies and there are so many hand made signs it's not even funny. BOGUS.

"2) Media. The Tea party had instant media coverage."

What country do you live in - Fox is the only channel that ever covered the tea parties (I don't even watch Fox). What 'instant coverage' are you talking about? TPs and OWS are alike in this manner.

"3) Police. The Tea party had no arrests. OWS had mass arrests. This is evidence of being pro establishment."

This is nothing more than evidence of a different approach. You may not believe that there are ways to work through the system - if you don't really believe that, why are you 'peacefully protesting' in Liberty square??

"The OWS has support from the lower-paid unions and opposition from police."

The biggest union in the world came out and threw its support to OWS - and yet is corrupt at the top - and you're OK with that? Apparently those cronies at the top of AFL CIO are the OTHER 1% - got it...

[-] 1 points by TLydon007 (1278) 13 years ago

"This is the biggest crock - absolutely not. I've been to dozens of TP rallies and there are so many hand made signs it's not even funny." In addition, there's so many professionally made banners, it is funny "What country do you live in - Fox is the only channel that ever covered the tea parties" Fox is media. A corporate sponsor and advertiser of the Tea Party protest-themed events. "You may not believe that there are ways to work through the system" You mean the approach where Freedomworks, Fox News, and Heritage do all the paperwork necessary and the permits to make sure your little protest-themed events aren't disrupted? "The biggest union in the world came out and threw its support to OWS" Not sure which union, but you're probably right that unions supported a movement that emphasizes democracy more than capitalism.

[-] 1 points by concernedcitizen (121) 13 years ago

'In addition, there's so many professionally made banners, it is funny'

Prove it - just isn't true at the state level especially, and even in the national rallies.

"You may not believe that there are ways to work through the system" You mean the approach where...

I mean the approach where you go and protest in a park for three week - ah shucks, you're working 'through the system' - now what?

"Not sure which union" - have you been reading the news about OWS? (apparently they don't get coverage?!) http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/10/07/1023936/-Union-Activism-Growing-AFL-CIO:-We-Support-The-Protesters-At-OWS,-Trumka-Joins-Protest



[-] 1 points by TLydon007 (1278) 13 years ago

"Prove it - just isn't true at the state level especially, and even in the national rallies." http://bit.ly/njOzUY http://bit.ly/nxqDVP http://bit.ly/oIiLz1 I don't even care to hear a response from you. Just like all the others, you'll just continue denying it, even though I don't really care . Why don't you people just go on message boards that are more Tea Party-oriented?? Maybe even work on some ideas for your next protest-themed corporate sponsored event?? You're certainly not furthering your cause spending all day trolling message boards where people have different views.

[-] 1 points by concernedcitizen (121) 13 years ago

TL - what are you talking about? Your link show tons of handmade signs - just like I said. I never said there were no professionally made signs - just not all professionally fabricated signs, like the original post said. Besides people can easily pay for a sign at any one of the vinyl sign shops...What's your point with this link? There's no 'denying' anything dude, if you want to talk about the facts of what was posted.

Your other points are as ridiculous as your first. You do NOT know what you're talking about and furthermore you are not able to even conceive of reaching out to the center-right - which means your idea of 'we are the 99' is a total fallacy and pipe dream.

I'd love for you to prove that wrong...I really would - 'cause I wanna see the FED ended - BIG TIME. That would help average Americans tremendously - or can't you see that?

Ron Paul 2012.

[-] 1 points by TLydon007 (1278) 13 years ago

"What's your point with this link? There's no 'denying' anything dude, if you want to talk about the facts of what was posted." You challenged the notion that there are professionally made signs saying "absolutely not". I responded that there were. You demanded that I prove it. Did you expect me to drive to your house with signs?? No. I provided links. Again, it is ridiculous that you think we will all convert to the whole Ron Paul cult. We are not protesting on any notion of ideological purity. Whether it be Communism or Libertarianism. We just don't care to adopt a narrative of abolishing the fed and adopting the gold standard. If you think federal reserve notes are so worthless, stop using them. As long as the fed is in place, you are free to use gold as currency without the added burden of being taxed for it. Abolishing the fed should be the last thing you people want.

[-] 1 points by concernedcitizen (121) 13 years ago

Original post above "The Tea Party has professionally fabricated signs."

OK, this is some kind of definitive statement trying to make TPs out to be astroturf (old, fake, tired out attack), as if all the signs at the rallies are 'professionally fabricated.' That is what I responded to. I'm not saying there were 'no' signs ever that were professionally made - you can clearly see the string of the discussion.

"Did you expect me to drive to your house with signs?? No. I provided links"

Don't chide me dude - you can see the direction of the original comment - do you expect me to drive to your school and help you with reading comprehension? No, I responded to the original link with my personal experience that 'there were so many hand made signs, it's not even funny.' OK...Whew! Just because you show me a few pro signs, or whatever does not make that original charge true in any way - and that's what I responded to. It's the pigeonholing disrespect for tea partiers that I'm responding to. R U going to expect different when you disrespect us?

"We just don't care to adopt a narrative of abolishing the fed"

That's a shame, as it would get at the very heart of the issues you say you care about...shame. You really need to educate yourself on the FED - it should be the first thing you oppose as you oppose wall street. Do you not know what the FED is and does?

[-] 1 points by TLydon007 (1278) 13 years ago

I'm well aware of what the FED is. My mother is a mortgage agent so I've been updated on interest rate moves since I was about 12. And while I've heard all the Libertarian arguments for abolishing the FED, I simply don't advocate it and don't think Ron Paul should either. So long as the FED exists, Libertarians are free to transact amongst themselves with gold(or gold-backed privately managed certificates) free from the burden of taxes, something I believe they are not big fans of. If Libertarians believe that gold holds real value, whether the FED exists or not, they wouldn't insist on using government policy to force the rest of us to use it. That's my take on "abolishing the FED".

[-] 1 points by concernedcitizen (121) 13 years ago

If you're well aware of what the FED is, then you know that it was established in 1913 and started creating private debt backed money out of thin air that has resulted in making the entire nation and now the whole world dependent on debt that the bankstas have benefited from for almost 100 years. We get to pay the bankstas billions of dollars/year for the 'privilege' of using their private Federal Reserve Notes. You support this? Imagine what a non-debt buried country could accomplish? How can you be OK with the FED if you truly understand what it is and does?

I'm not for gold becoming the monetary system - I'm for non-debt backed money that is created by an accountable government and which amount is finely regulated.

http://economicedge.blogspot.com/2009/12/freedoms-vision-introduction.html “It’s not WHAT backs our money, it’s WHO CONTROLS its QUANTITY!”

There are four key words in that sentence that are simple to understand:

WHAT – The problem is that our money is now backed by debt. In the past, our dollar has been backed simply by the rule of law, debt free – supported by the “good faith and credit of the United States.” Such was the case with Colonial Script or Lincoln’s Greenbacks. The dollar has also been backed by both gold and by silver. While those who support commodity backed money have the right idea in that they seek to control the quantity of money, this has proven to be much harder in practice than in reality and is why today no modern country uses commodities to back their money. Yes, it is possible to create the national money debt free AND to control the quantity of money. What most reasonable people can agree is that of all the things NOT to have behind our money, debt is it!

WHO – There are two choices here, the government who represents the collective People, or the bankers who represent themselves as individuals. Currently it is the BANKERS who issue and control the quantity of money, not the government as most are led to believe. By design, the system is backed by debt and PRIVATE central bankers collect interest payments on the debt backed money from YOU. In other words, big banks get to collect hundreds of billions of dollars annually just so we can have the “privilege” of trading for goods with their private debt-based money. We know this sounds harsh, but it is true! This system concentrates the money power into the hands of a few allowing them control over politics and works to MINIMIZE FREEDOM for the vast majority of Americans.

CONTROL – Here’s the simple truth – NO SYSTEM OF MONEY has ultimately withstood the test of time. WHY? Could it be that regardless of WHAT backs the money or WHO controls the quantity, any time that the quantity of money gets out of control CONFIDENCE will eventually be lost? Of course. But throughout history, some systems have fared better than others. Is it possible to have the advantages of flexibility and to still keep prices under control? We think so, and we’re going to spell out how.

QUANTITY – Too little quantity and the economy will suffer. Too much quantity and the economy will also suffer, just in a different way. Finding the right balance, then, is where a sustainable and productive system will be found.

[-] 1 points by TLydon007 (1278) 13 years ago

Like I said, don't use federal reserve notes. Transact in gold with other libertarians. Or with other people that might accept gold. I just don't care enough to make a case defending the fed or insisting you advocate it. If you believe that the fed is so dysfunctional, I suggest you take this opportunity to manage and market your own alternative currency, backed by whatever you want, and free from taxation. In fact, you have a responsibility as a libertarian to prove that you can manage your own currency better than the fed. That's the thing that disillusions me most about TP and Libertarians is that they're always preaching individual responsibility, but never taking responsibility themselves.Now's your chance. You need to stop proselytizing about how fragile and mismanaged the FED is, and start proving it is by making something better.

[-] 1 points by concernedcitizen (121) 13 years ago

"I just don't care enough to make a case defending the fed or insisting you advocate it...stop proselytizing about how fragile and mismanaged the FED is..."

Clearly, and therein you miss the ENTIRE point of taking on the 1%. What are you doing? Ron Paul and many others are working to 'make something better' but you 'don't care enough.' Shame that.

"That's the thing that disillusions me most about TP and Libertarians is that they're always preaching individual responsibility, but never taking responsibility themselves"

This makes no sense whatsoever. You have no clue who I am, nor the kind of personal responsibility I've taken. Step off, seriously dude.

[-] 1 points by TLydon007 (1278) 13 years ago

"Clearly...Ron Paul and many others...have no clue." It's stupid things like using ellipses to misrepresent what I say that only confirms everything I assumed about you. If your goal is to reach out to people, behaving obnoxious doesn't help your cause.

[-] 1 points by concernedcitizen (121) 13 years ago

R U serious? Where/How did I misquote you? ;) I'm pulling an idea, or two from your comment - and making a comment about it. You and I should be so fortunate to have anyone read your posts so closely!

[-] 1 points by nVenti (48) 13 years ago

CNN Tea Party Debates ?

Really ?

[-] 1 points by concernedcitizen (121) 13 years ago

OK, now that the TPs had some electoral success, they are definitely getting some more coverage, I'll grant you, but when this movement started that was hardly the case. That puts OWS and the TPs have some similarities in that.

In any case, it doesn't appear that you wish to reach out to the TPs, and have no real interest nVenti of validating this 99 v. 1 idea? I suppose you'll be content with the 10 or the 15 vs. the 1...best wishes.

[-] 1 points by TLydon007 (1278) 13 years ago

I think it's obvious that most of us don't care to reach out to the TP because they are a corporate-sponsored astroturf movement. While it may not bother you to have businesses sponsor, organize, and advertise your events, it is the exact opposite of what we want. Asking us if we're interested in reaching out to the Tea Party is like asking Johnny Rotten if he wants to try out for American Idol. We're not interested in teaming up with MSNBC to do a televised day-long planned event. We're not interested in dressing up in colonial garb in order to portray some fake nationalist sentiment. It's just not going to happen.

[-] 1 points by concernedcitizen (121) 13 years ago

"they (TP) are a corporate-sponsored astroturf movement" - wow, for people that want to be perceived correctly and without stereotyping by the useful idiots in the media - you sure are trafficking in stereotypes about the tea parties...have you ever had a conversation with someone in that movement or do you take your talking points from the DNC, or the DU - what is it TL? ;)

'may not bother you' - you have no clue what's going on, on the ground in my state. None. We are not sponsored by any business or corporate, in any way.

"Asking us if we're interested in reaching out to the Tea Party..."

OK - you've proven my point then - you're not interested in, nor are you really 'the 99.' YOU'RE FAKE.

[-] 1 points by nVenti (48) 13 years ago

Electoral success ? They aren't even a real party ! Its the Republican party ! Republican candidates. Republican policies.

If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and dose not file the paperwork to be a goose... its a duck.

[-] 1 points by concernedcitizen (121) 13 years ago

Do you understand the history of majority politics in this country? Winner takes all. So that means that throughout the history of the nation, there have been basically two parties at any one point. That also means that no third party has ever won the POTUS race, etc. and have won very few races ever. If you want to get anything done politically, you have to work through one of the parties - or REPLACE it. That's historic fact.

The TPs have worked to reform, clean up the R party - it's true, their focus has been there - as they have basically been a center-right coalition.

Great parts of the TPs are agitating to audit the FED (which has recently started to happen) and end the FED. I would hope you could find common ground there - or are you FOR THE FED??!

Ron Paul 2012

[-] 1 points by nVenti (48) 13 years ago

I understand surrender. Do you ?

[-] 1 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago

Divide and conquer, right, OP?

You should kiss Ron Paul's feet for the years he's put into getting the Fed audited and ended. There is no movement against Wall Street corruption without ending the Fed.

Your attempt to divide We the People will not work.

[-] 1 points by nVenti (48) 13 years ago

Of course its the federal reserves fault.

Was it the last 100 years that have been corrupt? or only the last 20 of deregulation ?

the 1940's-1970s were great and we had the Fed. Hell based on how this last century has turned out im tempted to say that the Fed as a public banking option has enabled the greatest and highest quality of life in all of human history.

[-] 1 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago

No, they were NOT great and we went through booms and busts in the past. In the 70s, unemployment was record numbers. The 40s saw us dragged into a world war for Europe.

With the inception of the Federal Reserve, in 1913, the real wealth of the American people has been drained away to elite banking families and their minions. What you are witnessing now is END GAME.

[-] 1 points by nVenti (48) 13 years ago

Right, because the period of time before the Fed (1880s ect) were all cotton candy. I don't know, If id have to choose I don't think I would want to live in the era of Pullman Car Co.

The unemployment during the period of the Fed is due to lack of a check to power. We need to return to the tax rate of the 1950s and 1960s and tax the top at 90%. Put a check to arbitrary dominion, and let the business imperative trickle down to non monopolies.

[-] 1 points by amanoftheland (452) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

tax, you mean the totally apportioned unlawful income tax?

[-] 1 points by nVenti (48) 13 years ago

How horrible that we tax the top ?

[-] 1 points by amanoftheland (452) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

All men ( and women) are created equal and should be treated as such in law

[-] 1 points by nVenti (48) 13 years ago

Man (and women) in his natural state has no wealth or poverty.

Wealth is a creation of civilization, and the property of that civilization. To tax the top is to maintain the Hamiltonian balance of that civilization. To do otherwise is to submit to arbitrary dominion.

[-] 1 points by amanoftheland (452) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

a direct tax unapportioned levied upon any one person is unlawful in the united States of America, it is a direct violation of the constitution for the united States of America. Therefore i must respectively disagree with you as it is my duty to protect the rights of my fellow Americans thereby protecting my own rights.

[-] 1 points by nVenti (48) 13 years ago

I was quoting 2 founding fathers there bright stuff.

P.S. Corporations are not people.

To grant corporate person-hood is an inversion of authority, and unfaithful to the constitution.

[-] 1 points by amanoftheland (452) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

I said people not persons, I know the difference. Tax the shit outta corporations I dont care, but leave the people alone...

[-] 1 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago

Maybe you should join the Support The Fed movement, rather than OWS.

You have no clue about that which you spout. Income tax wasn't even in existence until the Fed was created. Taxes were not low in the Carter years, either. Fiat money created out of thin air has been the method by which America has been looted. There is no reining Wall Street until the Fed is ended.

[-] 1 points by TLydon007 (1278) 13 years ago

"You have no clue about that which you spout. Income tax wasn't even in existence until the Fed was created." You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. The didn't call it the "Revenue Act of 1861" because it was founded after 1913 you moron. I think the only reason I support the Fed is because you people that oppose it are just a bunch of assclowns that don't fact check anything they read, even when it comes in the form of chain e-mails.

[-] 1 points by nVenti (48) 13 years ago

Or maybe I'm tired of phantom menaces.

The private banking establishment is enough of a dragon for all of us.

Slay that beast. Perhaps return to the Aldrich plan. Everything will be fine.

[-] 1 points by amanoftheland (452) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

because of the fed We the People lost their lawful inflation proof money. what we got in return was ass wipes. case in point: in 1910 if you had 1 ounce of gold ( 20 dollars)you could buy a nice mans business suit maybe even a pair of shoes too. but today try buying a suit for 20 bucks, ha ha ha, but if you still had the gold you'd still be able to buy the suit and shoes... the FED and fiat money took all the wealth. But hey, we were warned, Jefferson said if you let the banks and corporations grow up, the children woulf find themselves penniless via inflation ans deflation.

[-] 1 points by nVenti (48) 13 years ago

there wasn't inflation before the fed ? LOL.

Check your history, Washington set up our first central bank.

[-] 1 points by TLydon007 (1278) 13 years ago

While I agree with most of what you say, I think I may have to make a couple small corrections. First Bank of US was created by act of congress and designed by Alexander Hamilton. Not disagreeing with your points, but the more ya know, eh?

[-] 1 points by amanoftheland (452) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

ha ha ha, i don't think it was that early, I know Hamilton was a big advocate for a central bank. Also wasn't Jackson fighting against The Bank of the United States back in 1820? Also, back then people still had lawful gold and silver money to store their wealth. All we have now are Federal reserve notes, a purely fiat monetary instrument. that's not at all good for storing wealth.

[-] 1 points by TLydon007 (1278) 13 years ago

It was chartered in 1791. I live in Philadelphia. The building is still there. Oddly, it's not a very big building. But it has a plaque that says 1791. I asked a bunch of questions to this guy in Philadelphia that walks around dressed like Benjamin Franklin and he answered them, without breaking character. He was remarkably informed for such an occupation.

[-] 1 points by nVenti (48) 13 years ago

You know your right. Why should the government be able to inflate the currancy? Im sure that is really hurting you and the rest of the 1% WHO HAVE ALL THE PAPER WEALTH.

lol. Real people store their value in tangible goods like homes.. or try to.

[-] 1 points by reaganite (100) 13 years ago

Good to know you guys have union support. Support from an organization that pays its leaders multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars, all taken from the paychecks of the workers they claim to lead, and all they really manage to do is name call and show up in the front yards of property owners...that's a real anti-establishment position.

[-] 1 points by concernedcitizen (121) 13 years ago

"The Tea Party is nothing more then Republicans to ashamed to call themselves Republicans (and I can see why)."

Bogus - it has and continues to be a coalition of disaffected center-right. They have succeeded in starting to clean out the republican party, and oppose the establishment and elites of that party - for instance Dick Lugar and others who are entrenched.

It's interesting that you slam on both the tea partiers and the republicans - as you'll need both of these groups to make any progress in the center-right and actually be the 99. Otherwise that claim is completely bogus.

Also, there is great support for Ron and Rand Paul.

Ron Paul 2012!

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

BS, the tea party is far far right and further right than the republicans in general. Ron paul and rand paul are wingnuts.

[-] 1 points by concernedcitizen (121) 13 years ago

"Ron paul and rand paul are wingnuts."

Prove it...nice way to reach out to the center - he y'all, it's gawd vs. the 1!!

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

nope. its truth versus crazy people. we could list 101 things about either of them, but global warming denialism is prolly just fine to make the point.

[-] 1 points by concernedcitizen (121) 13 years ago

"its truth versus crazy people."

Oh, I see - and you've got a corner on truth...you sound like a cult leader dude...

[-] 1 points by fantastic (74) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

hey the tea party follows the system we're here to change the system

[-] 1 points by concernedcitizen (121) 13 years ago

"hey the tea party follows the system we're here to change the system"

The TP though far from perfect has been transforming politics as usual and getting more and more people involved in its simple message of reining in the mountains of unsustainable debt. There's a large portion of the TPs that are also dedicated to ending the FED, and who will take aim at the military industrial complex for its part in the debt debacle we all face.

These are areas of common ground that OWS and the TPs share.

Ron Paul 2012.

[-] 1 points by fantastic (74) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

hell yeah ron paul ok what i'm saying is the tea party should be a part of ows not ows a part of the tea party

[-] 1 points by concernedcitizen (121) 13 years ago

'part of' - wha wha?? No one has to be part of, or have authority over, or be above anyone else. As I mentioned - common ground - common enemy. How do you expect to fight such a cunning enemy as the 1% (The FED, the crony capitalists, the union big wig richies, the corrupt politicos) that have controlled this country since at least 1913. We're going to need everyone to work together to overcome them.

Defund, and decharter the FED - as a start.

Ron Paul 2012.

[-] 1 points by schnitzlefritz (225) 13 years ago

The tea party works through the system to effect change whereas the OWS is attempting to work around or without the system to effect change. One has a chance to succeed.