Forum Post: Tax the 1% and give it to the families of fallen and maimed soldiers...
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 3:41 p.m. EST by opensociety4us
from Norwalk, CT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
...the very soldiers who defended the freedom of the 1% to drone on endlessly about how they earned their 1% all by themselves.
Hi open,
Total agreement here.
Fake Iraq war over fake weapons of mass destruction. Actually for oil. Cost of war $3,000,000,000,000.
Haliberton an oil drilling service company (Cheney's pet), got a fortune in contracts to provide services to the troops.
Not much for the troops that got maimed.
This Occupy Wall Street movement is needed. There are so many people who are so willing to give up their rights to corporations, when so many who came before them suffered and died for their rights.
Best Regards, Nevada
Give them the bailouts. And whatever is left over give it to Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya for the utter devastation inflicted on these countries.
I am amased at how Occupy works. Would like to have your input on the movement to understaqnd it better. I am asking you to answer 10 questions and I am happy to share results if you are interested. Please, take some time for it: Thank you!
yeah exactly, remember when all those soldiers got together and invented the ipod? we should take apple's earnings and give it to veterans.
They wouldn't be using their heads now if some terrorist blew it clean off, would they?
i know right, good thing we are fighting those wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
keep the terrorists busy over there so they don't just walk right over and kill bill gates or that google guy
I am against pointless wars, nice way to paint me as some crazy "pro war" person. Those wars are just more death panels for our soldiers.
What I -was- going against was your incredibly anti-troop statement. So to you the soldiers are just "some dumb hicks and sp**s" who weren't smart enough for college, right? So the people that defend your freedoms along with fighting YOUR pointless, greedy, dick-measuring contests called "wars" are "a bunch of worthless disposables" right?
I knew the 1% were trash but I never thought they were -this- low.
no just interesting that they are off fighting and die to protect liberty and here you want to spit in the face of the dead by getting rid of property rights
beardy says - "yeah exactly, remember when all those soldiers got together and invented the ipod? we should take apple's earnings and give it to veterans."
Yeah - remember when you basically called them a "bunch of know nothings that deserve to be poor"?
Also - If you want me to be for your freedom then give me back mine.
A 99%er
no i never said that. just said that they have no right to the 1%'s money, just like i have no right to it either.
however, you sound like you don't believe property rights exist. i hope you aren't in the military cause you may be fighting on the wrong side.
What about the property rights of all the homes you took? What about the basic human rights you took through outsourcing our jobs so that people can get fired for being gay or voting for a political candidate? What about the money you took by flooding us with cheap imported crap? (That bit -is- the consumer's fault but they fall for many scams perpetuated by you.) What about OUR government you bought out? (Cause corporations are people right?)
Also - Please don't backpedal by changing the subject. I specifically quoted YOU calling the troops "idiots". YOU said that those soldiers aren't earning money because they are "stupid". Let me requote it for you.
beardy says - "remember when all those soldiers got together and invented the ipod?"
Quit backpedaling. If you make an inflammatory comment towards a certain group then YOU take responsibility for it. I don't care if you "really meant that Santa flew out my ass" or that you "really meant that you like the color blue".
I called you out on the comment and then you tried to derail this conversation. There is no way out of this one.
i didnt call the troops idiots
if they all got together and invented the ipod, they would have rights to sales and whatnot. they didn't. just pointing out a fact.
and about all the homes i took.... yes actually i enjoyed foreclosing on every one. it really is the look on their face when you do it that is so priceless. white, middle aged people, not so much... but if you can foreclose on an elderly black woman... oh lord it is hilarious.
Oh. My. The "LOL I'm a troll!" Argument. Typical internet argument technique.
beardy says - "remember when all those soldiers got together and invented the ipod?"
lol if anything I am bumping up the OP which will bring attention to our maimed troops. (I think she wanted to start a fund?)
naw bro she just wants to take stuff from one person and give it to another
You wouldn't be typing that right now if you were in some prisoner camp in God knows where.
Plus - these guys actually put their lives on the line for you so that you can tell them that they fail safely from behind your computer. Or smartphone. Or whatever.
YOU fail.
i am amazed that the internet reaches all the way out to where you live, some where in backwoods alabama