Forum Post: talk to a republican
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 18, 2011, 5:13 p.m. EST by zati321
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do it. find a repubican(online is actually better in person. they'll be more honest.) find out what they've all been saying about YOU. those r's love it that you are sitting in here griping about obama not being liberal enough. they pray that we will become as divided as they are in 2012. dont let it happen.
How could anyone with a brain and a conscious back either one of these parties?
Is that what you were doing when you sent me all those pm's about random stuff? You were talking about everything from how evil Republicans are to insulting my mother. Then you got mad and cut off the conversation when I told you Bob Dylan had a stoned audience in the 60s.
I wasn't insulting you at all. I tried to carry on a conversation with you, but I thought you were trying to fuck with me.
that's not what ur mama said last night :(
Hey, at least I didn't bring up the fact that you were a bed wetter until the age of 19. Opps sorry.
nope, that's not what she said either. great seeing you again stop by any time. goodnight
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I am seeing one for the holidays and we are not allowed to talk politics because he doesn't want to hear the facts !
Oh , and many items he refuses to even "look into" !
It would be nice, but there aren't many left, and none visit this forum.
Why should they - castration from behind is not a great way to go. And you all have prefected that little operation very well.
My fear is that if the republicans have all left, you will be looking for some other group to have fun with. So far, your operations have taken out the republicans, the christians and most other faiths, the elderly, any type of wisdom that peeks out of this darkness, and do you want me to go on.
If you don't believe this statment - just look around at what is left herein. Pretty soon you will be talking to yourselves and playing in the hay.
I must ask you, who was the last true Republican President?
George Washington
Mitt does have nice hair
ya, "frugal" is right. do you know how romney made his fortune? firing people. that's right: bain capital takes over companies, fires everyone they can, then declares bankruptcy, sells off the companies' assets, and the investors and people at the top make big $$$--while literally 1000's of people are laid off. that's a far cry from a man like obama who chose to spend his life working tirelessly, by all accounts, to help poor people in inner city chicago get their basic needs met.
Romney was hired at Bain Capital to invest retirees pension plans and that means achieving the highest returns. So these are people like policemen, firemen, teachers, etc... who believe that they will retire and receive a pension. They might even be the vaunted "middle class" that you are so concerned about.
So he is helping the people you want to help. Maybe we should just get rid of pensions and rely on the government to provide for us. Heck, maybe we shouldn't work at all and rely on the government.
I'm not sure that Obama worked "tirelessly" That might be a bit of a stretch. In fact, back in high school, he liked the smoke so you figure that one out.
you must be joking: he made his living firing people and sending their jobs to mexico. i urge you to look online at testimonials from some of the 1000's of workers romney is personally responsible for laying off. and wowee: he smoked pot in high school 35 years ago!!! you really nailed him.
But he was helping ensure pensions for the middle class so what do you want, help for the middle class or employment.
no, he was helping ensure huge profits for his super wealthy investors in bain capital and himself. he was a corporate takeover pirate, a cutthroat. check it out.
You are wrong, the investors were large pension funds who have middle class workers retirement money.
tell that to the 1000's of workers who got laid off while romney made $250 million. and look at his economic and "jobs" plan: it's simply to reduce the corporate tax, in hopes corporations will let all those billions more in profits "trickle down" instead of doing what they've been doing: downsizing and/or shipping jobs to mexico or asia
I don't understand what you want. His job was to ensure retirement for the middle class and he did that. Is that not what OWS is about.
Corporations are made up of people so I don't understand your criticism. Products get made, people get employed, and owners get a return
yaaay corporatons are our best friends. lets just give them all the money andhope they share it with the 99 percent.
Do you realize your fighting yourself? So you don't use anything that a big company produces?
of course i do, but the govt are the only ones who can protect the public from being trampled by dishonest businesses and corporations. do you think they toyotaa recalls of those incredibly dangerous cars woul dhave happened without the govt? should the fda stop testing food and drugs for safety? just let any diseased fruit into america or madcow disease or wait 20 years for an epidemic of cancer to find out a prescription drug is dangerous? we need more regulations on these corporations who make $100's billions in profits while they cut corners on safety and quality whenever they can, as profit is their only motive. i mean, should we let corporations police themselves when it comes to overseeing the dumping of toxic waste? would you eat at a restaurant that hadnt been inspected by the healtlh department? govt isnt perfect, but at least there are elections and some oversight by the media and the opppostion party. im pretty sure the OWS supports the idea that the wall st firms and corporations they represent need to be taxed MORE, not LESS like romney wants. send me an email saying "tax the rich more" as a "signature" on a petition, and ill send you 1 image and 1 mp3, no strings attached:
Raising taxes will reduce our GDP growth which will increase our unemployment. Regulation does very little to ensure the original goal and increases the cost to the end user. For example, did the SEC stop the Madoff fraud?
Sending more power to DC reduces liberty and increases corruption.
And I bet you were there to wipe the sweat off his brow, right zati321?
How thoughtful of you. Working tirelessly is just another of your jokes unless you were actually there.
Yeah, I thought that was pretty funny too. If people only knew the stories from his days at Punahou and in Chicago.
No, we are not worried about that at all. Obama is in way over his head, but he will get the benefit of being the office holder which is huge. The economy is getting better and he is probably looking at 8% unemployment come Nov.
I think he wins since people won't vote for Romney since he is Mormon. And frankly I am not sure he is much better than Obama, He is another big government guy who thinks he is smarter than the market.
He is frugal however,so maybe he will cut spending and we can keep the economy growing.
You are an idiot and what you are doing is trying to divide people even more. If we do not all stand together as one, there will never be a change.
no, im trying to get people to vote for obama. you actually think there can be "unity" between the 2 parties(the only 2 with a chance of ever winning, that is)? you cant be both pro choice AND pro life right? one party is on one side, one the other.
What I am trying to say is regardless of our political affiliation we as American people need to stand together to make a change, or else it is not ever going to happen. There will always be two sides as you say
yes, you have to vote for someone in the end. cant vote twice. who are you voting for, if i may ask? hoover69theteapartythenboycottthepentagon