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Forum Post: Taking Down Fox News

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 25, 2011, 10:05 p.m. EST by AmericanBill (0)
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We all have friends that watch Fox News and don't have a clue about whats really happening in our Country or the World. Their not bad people, but they speak out against and vote against their own self interest and the well being of us all. Your friends, my friends are all fed this crap and Lies from Fox News daily, by and for their crime partners. ( aka - Wall Street Bankers & Republican Congress ). With most other news sources just repeating the same lies and never challenging the facts ever! One of the best things this Movement can do is take down Fox News! Put the focus on the Lies being told to the American People and how it is screwing us all. When we take down Fox News that will put some much needed fear in the rest of these Fox Wantabes. When the American people are shown the truth, then and only then will we have real power to first change our Country then the World! To the GA meetings in all the Occupys across American Please bring this up as a major focus point! From everything I seen so far it has not! If we stand together, we can not and will not fail!




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[-] 2 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago

You might want to go after these guys first.


[-] 1 points by JoeTheFarmer (2654) 13 years ago

If you are going to "Put the focus on the Lies being told to the American People " you need to list the lies and counter them.

You cannot just say that they lie you have to be specific, list the lie, and prove it is a lie by listing the truth with references to where the truth came from.

That is the only way to bring them down, one lie at a time. Anything else is just talk...

[-] 1 points by sguynn6 (3) 13 years ago

you cant stifle someones opinions. the problem is not fox news, its individuals who take opinions from either side as fact. i watch all networks to see both sides, and on certain shows, "facts" are skewed on both sides to further the host's point. you will never stop stupidity on either side. if anything, you should be trying to get all networks to remove hosts who offer opinion over facts because its made the majority of people lazy and unwilling to form their own opinions. for every sean hannity there is a rachel maddow, and, though you dont want to admit it, both regard facts as something they can spin to prove their points.

[-] 1 points by Mooks (1985) 13 years ago

I agree.

[-] 0 points by slizzo (-96) 13 years ago

We all have friends that watch MSNBC and don't have a clue about what is really happening in our country or the world. They're not bad people, but they speak out against and vote against their own self interest and the well being of us all. Your friends, my friends, we are all fed this crap and lies from MSNBC daily, by and for their crime partners ( aka - Wall Street bankers & Democratic President and Senate). With most other news sources just repeating the same lies and never challenging the facts ever! One of the best things this Movement can do is take down MSNBC! Put the focus on the lies being told to the American people and how it is screwing us all. When we take down MSNBC that will put some much needed fear in the rest of these MSNBC wannabes. When the American people are shown the truth, then and only then will we have real power to first change our country then the world! To the GA meetings in all the Occupys across America. Please bring this up as a major focus point! From everything I seen so far it has not! If we stand together, we can not and will not fail!

(all mistakes from the original author corrected)