Forum Post: Take the next step-boycott voting
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 12:46 a.m. EST by Salsh
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In a real democracy, the most important thing you can do is to vote. We have been led to believe that our votes really count and that we elect our president. However we have been forced to chose between two parties, neither of which is for the people but instead for Wall Street and for the 1%ers. Let's take back our democracy, let's voice our frustration with the current voting system by boycotting our "right" to vote and send a message that we want a president that is for the 99ers.
This is idiotic. Why not vote? If everyone voted, in the primaries as well as the general, we would have a better country. It's not voting that's the problem, it's apathy and stupidity.
The additional benefit is that people will begin to voice their opinions rather than suppress them as we are seeing now.
Not unless the momentum shifts. if less and less people vote, there is less and less credibility to those who run. It will show that it doesn't matter who is in office, if your not taking action on the demands of the people, your quickly going to see the result of your actions. Not this bull where its "well MAYBE the next guy will do something about it".
that is not true either since the two parties have been gamed with only corporatist candidate choices. both obama and hillary were prowallstreet and obama and mccain were both prowallstreet. write in, or vote third party if you unhappy with the choices.
The people have a lot of power during the primaries. The President is not the seat of power in America, Congress is. Fight to have your sitting representative "primaried" or fight for their opposition, but never support the incumbent as they are part of the problem and will never learn if they keep getting elected ala Pelosi, Boehner, Reid, McConnel and all of the other lifer politicians.
sorry there were no alternative to corporatists in 2008 after kucinich and edwards were gone.
The President doesn't have the power, the power is in Congress. Put your focus there, not on the figurehead. A President cannot do much without Congresses approval, by design.
he had the power for the first two years of his administration and threw it away. nobody forced him.
Again, a President cannot do much without Congress. Obama couldn't do squat without Reid and Pelosi's approval first.
he had the entire congress from 2008 - 2010. what good did it do. many dems including obama himself are sellouts, and dont do anything.
my vision of voting in global term
While i will be the first to admit that voting for any of our current candidates is almost meaningless, We have to vote. The simple fact is that it could be worse and not voting is what one specific group of people want... A group we are fighting against.
if we vote, then we have a majority. the 1% is only as strong as that if we all exercise our right to vote. so please people! don't give them what they want and continue to VOTE! i know the electorate has issues, but I guarantee the 1% would love to hear this anti-voting banter. we can be rebels and voters too!
post your voting ballot with your name on the internet
Your non-vote doesn't matter as each party has 30% of the registered voters in their pockets. If only one person votes, the recipient of that vote still wins and you lose for not exercising your right. How many people had to fight and die for you to have the right to vote yet you don't seem to care as you do not want to exercise that right? One vote is a whisper, but a million is a shout. Let your voice be heard.
i wont vote for two parties at all. i will write in or vote third party. down with corporatists. the congress is at fault along with the president, but he is not blameless. he chose not to raise taxes on the rich in his first two years.
we need to vote for a new party of the 99 percent- not not vote.
Everyone should consider boycotting money too, because too much wealth is bad.
Please send any money you have lying around to the SteelWolf Retirement Fund / Excess Wealth Disposal Site, located in my offshore accounts in the Caymans.
Let your voices be heard. Send a message. Send a deposit slip, too, if you have extras. I'm running a bit low.
not voting says nothing. instead of not voting, write in someone or vote 3 party but non voters can just be mistaken for people who dont give a shit or people who are satisfied with our present political choices.