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Forum Post: Take OWS to all 50 States

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 6:38 p.m. EST by bluemason99 (0) from El Cerrito, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

OWS has the opportunity to shape the future of our country like the anti-war protestors of the 60’s. The strength is in the numbers and the righteousness of the message. But do not underestimate the height of the mountain that must be climbed to fight against the 1%. The unlimited amount of money that will be spent by the 1%ers to maintain their hold over our government will be an ominous opponent. They have already purchased the whole Republican Party and co-opted the tea party – our so-called representatives have truly become the real life Decepticons.

The people have limited levers of power that must be used strategically: 1) Freedom of Speech – its already working and must continue with consistency and purpose to build awareness to the far reaches of the country. Always speak the truth and resist the draw of limited, special interest voices. Keep the message simple, we want a government that represents and is responsive to the people not the corporations and wealthiest 1%. 2) Our limited financial power – organize targeted boycotts directed at the most egregious companies funding the Decepticons and corrupting our government and judicial systems. All corporations focus on maximizing profits, we can make sure that it’s not business as usual. 3) The greatest lever of power - the vote. OWS needs to incite the largest voter registration drive ever seen in the history of the world. Massive voter registration will scare the crap out of the Decepticons who have taken over our government for the benefit of the 1%. It will also be a beacon to the rest of the world.

It has taken awhile to so totally screw up our representative government; it will take time (and persistence and patience) to get it back. First approach should be to remove the GOP Decepticons from office and relegate them to minority party status. Then begin running candidates that champion the ideals of the OWS protest to challenge Dems that remain beholden to corporate greed, lobbyists, special interest money, wealthy donors, etc. The people’s vote can overcome the money that will be spent on deceptive, coercive media (and not just FIX News) to protect their status quo, but it will not be easy to awaken the full strength and passion of the people. Keep up the good fight!



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