Forum Post: Supreme Court Obamacare Healthcare Decision: Plain English Truth vs. Obama & Romney Lies
Posted 12 years ago on June 29, 2012, 1:29 p.m. EST by BushbamneyLies
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Supreme Court Obamacare Healthcare Decision: Plain English Truth vs. Obama & Romney Lies
Individual Mandate Puts Constitution on Life Support
Plain English Truth About the Supreme Court Obamacare Healthcare Decision:
Lies & Spin About the Supreme Court Obamacare Healthcare Ruling from Obama and Romney:
Bottom Line:
This SCOTUS decision is a Big Win for Health Care & Insurance Corporations (the 1%) being praised by clueless clowns who believe it brings us closer to Universal Healthcare Coverage. All it brings us closer to is a fascist police state wherein the government dictates how the people (the 99%) must spend their hard-earned money!
Please don't bother us with facts. We prefer the illusion that somehow everyone is going to now get unlimited wonderful health care and nobody is actually going to pay for it.
Democrats that are praising this need to realize they just gave Republicans the right to force us to buy from lobbies as well.
This was a horrendous move.
The actual name of the case:
National Federation of Independent Busines Et Al. v. Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, et al.
Link to the actual decision PDF:
Worth re-reading in light of the ruling:
Well, and you don't think Arizona is also part of this? If a police officer (had they won in its entirety) does not have the authority to ask for identification, then neither does an insurance company, a bank, or a credit card company. It's all about the banks and insurance companies. In the future the cost of my healthcare, if my employer does not discard it entirely, will increase; my benefit will further diminish, and my Federal, State, and local taxes will increase.
Marx was a dogmatist, not a pragmatist:
What we need now are pragmatists, not dogmatists. If you think India's independence from the British Empire was won solely by "Ghandi" and his followers singing Kumbaya in Hindi, dig deeper. A lot deeper...