Forum Post: Supporting the "Buffett Tax" makes you look like Democratic Party boot lickers
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 2:50 p.m. EST by Kooch
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While the idea of taxing the wealthy more at this time may or may not be good, this is supposed to be a frickin revolution! Revolutionaries don't stand behind their President.
Change the system. Figure out how to pay for it later.
Reform capitalism now.
Oh.. you mean Obama 2008, instead of Obama 2012?
I agree. The Buffett tax is not enough. The rich should be taxed MORE than the middle class is. Let's say Buffet Rule + 20%.
I agree... If you are for taxing the wealthy more cool. just don't call it the "Buffett Tax" that is just another item for the system to try and co-opt this revolution...
Only an insane person would agree with Warren Buffett's assessment.
Mr. Buffett exploited the 99% to get where he is. Look at his actions, not his words. That should tell you all you need to know about what a "Buffett" tax would do.
They have lied to us before, they will again.
But revolutionaries DO support good ideas even if they're not original...
"Change the system. Figure out how to pay for it later"
Ya because saying that we will figure out how to pay for it later has worked soooooo well so far
Point taken, but if we really change things properly, all our known conceptions of budgeting government will change as well. I'm for monetary reform. That's a game changer unlike any other. Look up Kucinich's NEED act. That is revolutionary. The NEED act does seem a game changer - I can't honestly evaluate what result it would have.
It has to be better than what we have now. Plus it would end national debt. Imagine getting that BS out of our discourse.
Kooch presumes to tell us what we have to believe in to be a "revolutionary" ...Kooch, I think this post makes YOU look like the "boot licker"
Alrighty then. Keep backing the Prez and calling yourself a "revolutionary".
Toppling our government isn't going to lead to utopia, Kooch. It's about restoring our government -- and WE are the government. We let it slip away, but we can reclaim it. It's not about backing or not backing the President. It's about focusing on how we can use democracy so that the President, and all elected officials, will once again reflect the voice of the people.
Understood, but you're not going to get there by dividing the group with backing a proposal Obama just made at a joint session of Congress. I'm not advocating toppling our government at all. I want to see real changes that are not advocated in the highest levels of power. But seriously, backing the "Buffett Tax" makes this whole thing just seem like Democrats on parade.
For a long time now people have been told: all taxes are bad, all government is bad, all deregulation is good, trust the magic hand of the market. All those things are #$!@. Changing America's viewpoint on these very subjects is important. Maybe, specifically supporting the "Buffet Tax" is silly, but generically: taxing wall street transactions, taxing capital gains,and taxing those at the top - all so that we can properly fund government and the social programs we need, all seems good to me.