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Forum Post: super committee - End Foreign Military Spending

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 10:10 a.m. EST by gestopomillyy (1695)
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the super committee is in session.. they have a perfect opportunity to get the OWS agenda passed right now. they only have two things on the table. taxes or soc. sec. they never mention the trillion being spent to occupy the middle east. The government is trying to fear monger people into thinking there is a threat from some other middle east leader that will end up hiding in a hole if it came to a conflict as the others have. Is there a disconnect from the politicians as to where the money is going? Then beohner says that the money saved if we withdraw troops should not be spent on the economy but put in a Bank.. They are seemingly unaware that they are spending that 1.2 trillion they want to save in the middle east. How to get to these politicians ? Are they really that stupid? Who elected them?



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