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Forum Post: Suggestions for greater impact...

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 3, 2011, 4:19 p.m. EST by fmiller (7)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I would like to propose what I think would be a very effective addition to the "99%" or "Occupy..." campaigns. I am proposing to use a badge-like graphic - like facebook, twitter, and others use to promote their cause.

People could download such a graphic (in various sizes) and put them on their websites. These "badge graphics" could then be linked to the local Occupy group or the national group. I think this would show the depth and breath of the movement since these days almost everybody has a personal web site or blog and it could spread the message very effectively since peple would be reminded daily of the cause and sheer number of supporters just by visiting websites and also would have the ability to click-through to the actual site.

Another campaign I would like to suggest is a week-long consumption boycott in which people would only buy the very necessary items like groceries but would refrain from any other purchase. This would counter the concept Corporate America and Wall Street has of our society which sees people only as faceless (and powerless) consumers without any stake in creating a just and fair society. Polls show that 50-60% of the population is sympathetic to the "99%"/"Occupy..." movement but would propably not necessarily join a protest march or general strike. The cosumption boycott is also one that does only require an adjustment in spending habits which is an easy thing to do and I assume a lot of people would be more than willing to join. This consumption boycott would also not require any elaborate infrastructure or organization since it can be implemented at the indivual level with rapidly multiplying effects. The only organizational structure would be to effectively announce the consumption boycott, rally suport and publish reminders during the week-long boycott. If effective such a consumption boycott would be very difficult to ignore by the mainstream media and also show real consumer power to Wall Street and the banks.



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[-] 1 points by fmiller (7) 12 years ago

Any consumer boycott would have to be well orchestrated and communicated - an organization like moveon.org would be an excellent partner for this since they have established communication channels with hundreds of thousand of users and activists - anybody has connections to moveon.org to suggest this idea?

[-] 1 points by kerbauer (74) 12 years ago

Also, when we pay with credit cards or debit, the credit card companies/banks charge the businesses per transaction for this service. If everybody paid in cash, or at least tried too, the credit card companies/banks would lose this profit! Only use your debit at the ATM to withdraw cash and try to not use your credit cards to purchase things. This would be a great way to minimize their profits!

[-] 1 points by fmiller (7) 12 years ago

Thanks for the reply - this is another way effective way to get people's voices heard.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 12 years ago

I think both ideas are excellent. The first one is novel, that's an idea I haven't heard on this site. Do you know how to go about that? And the boycott idea I definitely agree with. Of course, I'm already a practicing "boycotter" and have been pushing boycotts ever since I got here, so, for me, that's a no-brainer.